Mestrado Profissional em Educação Física em Rede (FEFD)

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    Práticas corporais de aventura na natureza: possibilidades de vivências e conscientização ambiental na escola e na cidade de Pirenópolis-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-05) Teixeira, Bruna Brandão; Inácio, Humberto Luis de Deus;; Inácio, Humberto Luis de Deus; Nascimento, Oromar Augusto dos Santos; Rigoni, Ana Carolina Capellini
    This research addressed the possibilities of experiencing Body Practices of Adventure in Nature (PCAN) from the perspective of Environmental Education in school Physical Education classes and in the city of Pirenópolis-GO. During this research, we sought to promote a dialogue between Physical Education, Body Practices of Adventure in Nature and Environmental Education, in order to build a proposal for a didactic unit on PCAN that can be experienced at school and in the municipality. of Pirenópolis-GO, and also prepare a booklet on environmental awareness inside and outside adventure practices. The research problems came from questions such as: What is the learning through experience within the scope of Nature Adventure Body Practices inside and outside of school? Do Nature Adventure Body Practices contribute to students’ environmental awareness? The general objective of this study reflected on the limits and possibilities of a didactic unit on Body Practices of Adventure in Nature developed in Physical Education classes of the Final Years of Elementary School class at a State College in agreement with the Military Police of the city of Pirenópolis- GO, analyzing the bodily experiences induced through this theme and their possible contributions to students' environmental awareness. This is qualitative, descriptive research, classified based on the technical procedures used as critical action research. The research was composed of four classes from the 9th year of Elementary School, and only one of these classes was able to participate in the extracurricular class. The literature review sought, through different sources (books, articles published in specialized journals in the areas, laws, guidelines, parameters and curricular bases) to understand issues relating to Body Practices of Adventure in Nature, these and school Physical Education and Environmental Education. To produce the data, fifteen classes (theoretical and practical) were developed on the content of Body Practices for Adventure in Nature, focusing on Slackline, Orientation and Trekking. The Sequential Learning methodology, organized by Joseph Cornell (2008), was used in the development of the teaching unit, which has four phases that flow from one to the other (awakening enthusiasm, focusing attention, direct experience and sharing inspiration). Class analyzes were carried out using a semi-open questionnaire, notes from the field diary, photographic records and through a activities and research guided in the classroom that aimed to evaluate students' learning, perceptions and possible changes in conceptions regarding the topics covered, in addition to serving as support for the preparation of the Environmental Education booklet. The results of this study point to the importance of Physical Education as a discipline with great potential in the area of languages, capable of contributing effectively to students' environmental awareness through Body Practices of Adventure in Nature, enabling learning situations that provide changes in attitudes that help to modify their relationship with nature from the perspective of Environmental Education, enhancing the development of a certain degree of environmental awareness.
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    O ensino do slackline nas aulas de educação física na educação básica: mediações a partir da pedagogia histórico-crítica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-27) Brandão, Henrique Cândido; Sousa, Wilson Luiz Lino de;; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus;; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus; Sousa, Wilson Luiz Lino de; Silva, Efrain Maciel e; Tenorio, Kadja Michele Ramos
    The object of study of this research was the teaching of slacklining in physical education classes at school. The research problem consisted of identifying the theoretical-practical foundations that support the organization, planning and development of a teaching unit for instructing slacklining, based on historical-critical pedagogy. Thus, the objective was to organize, plan and develop a teaching unit, using slackline as content and referenced in historical-critical pedagogy. The research was theoretically based on studies developed by Saviani (2008; 2013) and Galvão, Lavoura and Martins (2019). It was a participatory research, with characteristics of research-action. The organization of the pedagogical work and the planning of the teaching unit resulted in the development of twelve activities, distributed across seventeen physical education classes for the first year of high school in a public school in the city of Anápolis-GO. The analysis was based on the dialectic-historical materialism, which underlies historical-critical pedagogy. The data analyzed was identified from the pedagogical planning, the development of the activities and the research collection instruments, such as field diaries, images and videos of classes, audio recordings made by the teacher/researcher and student summaries carried out in the activities. The articulated moments of the historical-critical method (social practice, problematization, instrumentalization and catharsis) and the dialectics of the transmission of content stood out as categories of analysis. The potential of the historical-critical method for the integral development of students was highlighted. Teaching based on the articulation of moments of the historical-critical method led to the development of content to expand students' understanding of slacklining. The dialectic nature of the historical-critical method demonstrated its potential to transform educational practice by encouraging students to reflect on the reality being researched, pointing out problems and identifying concrete possibilities for overcoming/transforming reality. The summaries prepared by the students, mediated by the analyzes in the last activities of the teaching unit, resulted in the implementation of the educational product of this research, which is a playlist containing five videos with information about the safe practice of slacklining, as well as the proposal to install signs with QR Codes next to trees in parks, schools and other places where slacklining is practiced, directing users to videos.
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    Reflexões sobre a saúde nas aulas de educação física escolar: aproximações com a saúde coletiva e a pedagogia histórico-crítica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-28) Barbosa, Thaynah Paulino da Silva; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Endereço; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Martinez, Jéssica Félix Nicácio
    The present study aimed to pedagogically address the contents of school Physical Education, considering the connections with Public Health and Historical-Critical Pedagogy. We analyzed the historical context and concerns related to health in Physical Education classes, based on the contributions of Yara Maria de Carvalho. In order to understand health as a social process, we navigated through the theoretical frameworks of Public Health, particularly in the studies of Jaime Breilh, thus comprehending the social determination of the health-disease process. We considered the works of Demerval Saviani as the foundation for educational work, understanding Historical-Critical Pedagogy and interpreting the public school as a political space. Through our studies, we developed a support material for Physical Education teachers, seeking references in the literature that enable the development of pedagogical practices coherent with the needs of the working class. We understood the inseparability of content, form, and recipient, and therefore emphasized the importance of seeking theoretical grounding for the development of educational work.
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    Futebol callejero e produção do saber escolar na perspectiva crítico-superadora
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Borges Neto, Fábio; Vilarinho Neto, Sissilia;; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett;; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Vilarinho Neto, Sissilia; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Alarcon, Valléria Araújo de Oliveira
    The present study came from the interest in understanding how the proposal of callejero soccer (street soccer) can inspire the production of soccer as a school knowledge, produced with the principles of critical-overcoming pedagogy. Due to the importance of the sports phenomenon in schools’ Physical Education classes, this study is relevant, as it presents a tool, the Didactic Unit, possible for a different pedagogical treatment with the teaching of sports at school. This work has its predominant moment as a qualitative research, and at first, we seek the instituting approaches between critical-overcoming pedagogy and callejero soccer. The second moment can be expressed by a field research carried out at the Raimunda de Oliveira Passos Municipal School, which is part of the municipal education network of Anápolis, using as a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview to characterize the participants and a focus group with twelve students from the final years of elementary school. The third moment was the construction of the educational product that, in short, starts from the problematics found in the school reality and seeks a teaching methodology that qualitatively overcomes these problems. We came to the conclusion that callejero soccer, as a little explored proposal, approaches the principles of critical-overcoming pedagogy, in the sense of understanding that the teaching of technique in the hegemonic way keeps students away from classes, whether due to frustrations resulting from difficulties or by early specialization that limits their motor skills, provoked by lack of interest on the part of male and female students. At school, callejero soccer acquires a dimension of social work by providing principles that allow an assessment of both soccer as a fundamental element of social practice, and the subject itself that reproduces or does not guarantee ethical and moral values. For this, during classes, children must acquire the techniques and tactical aspects that make up callejero soccer, and through this challenge their own existence as social, historical and critical subjects, in addition to promoting the full development of all their human capacities. Finally, there is no single approach to teaching football at school and callejero soccer is yet another methodology that has approaches to critical-overcoming pedagogy, and in this way, we provide reflection for the pedagogical practice in teaching situations, aiming at humanization of the subjects.
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    Saúde na educação física escolar: reflexões a partir da pedagogia histórico-crítica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-26) Dias, Larissa Alves; Furtado, Roberto Pereira;; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Antunes, Priscilla de Cesaro
    The objective of this research was to understand the foundations of the theory of social determination of the health-disease process and of Historical-Critical Pedagogy, contributing with reflections on the possibilities for Physical Education at school based on the assumptions of these approaches. For this, the chosen methodological path has as reference the author Dermeval Saviani, who points out three crucial steps in the construction of his pedagogical theory, which were adapted in this study. The first refers to an approach and deepening with the objects of study, in the case of this study, Collective Health from the perspective of the social determination of health, and Historical-Critical Pedagogy, having as main authors:Breilh (2010; 2013), Laurell; Nogueira (2010); Duarte (2013, 2016, 2019); Galvão,Lavoura e Martins (2019) and Saviani's main works. The second, a reflection and critique of the prevailing hegemonic theories, in the case of the paradigm of Physical Fitness Related to Health, analyzing the main productions of the pioneering authors of such paradigm, Markus Vinicius Nahas and Dartagnan Pinto Guedes. Finally, the elaboration of an educational product, a reflective guide, as a synthesis built from the appropriations developed in this study. Among the main conclusions of this research is the need to advance in the construction of consistent methodological propositions for teaching Physical Education at school based on Historical-Critical Pedagogy, overcoming the limits of understanding the causal relationship between Physical Education at school and health, as proposed by the Health-Related Physical Fitness paradigm.
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    Jogos eletrônicos na educação física: possibilidades para escolas com poucos recursos digitais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-27) Lourenço, Elker de Oliveira; Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Costa, Alan Queiroz da; Santos, Silvan Menezes dos
    Electronic Games have increasingly become part of the lives of many children and adolescents who are of school age. In addition, national and state curriculum documents already bring these games as content to be studied in Physical Education classes at school. Therefore, the school can contribute to the mediation between students and this type of game. However, many school units do not have digital resources to offer experiences with these games. Based on this reality, the general objective of the research was to identify, develop and analyze possibilities for teaching Electronic Games in Physical Education at school, articulated with the principles of Media-education, considering the school realities that have few digital resources. The research adopted, in the methodological aspect, the qualitative approach. It was oriented from action research principles and was developed in a municipal public school in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia - GO. Participating in the research were Physical Education teachers who belong to the same teaching network and students from a 5th grade class of Elementary School. For data collection, the following were used: a questionnaire answered by the teachers; two questionnaires (initial and final) answered by the students and a Field Diary to record data from the seventeen classes that made up the intervention applied at the school. This intervention was carried out from a pedagogical sequence produced for this research. The results obtained in the study indicate that the insertion of Electronic Games in the school can contribute to the enjoyment of students with these games, help in the creation and learning of students, promote discussions about the evolution of technologies and provide the problematization of social issues that are related directly or indirectly with these games. Finally, it is considered that the research was able to point out possibilities of how to work with Electronic Games, even in school realities that have few technological resources available. Despite this, it is argued that it is up to the State to provide more digital resources to work with these games in schools, in addition to offering continuing education for teachers, so that the possibilities of working with Electronic Games in Physical Education at school can be improved, even more expanded. This research also gave rise to two Educational Products, one being an ebook entitled "ELECTRONIC GAMES AND MEDIA-EDUCATION: Pedagogical Possibilities for Physical Education at School ", and a video presentation that aimed to give visibility to the experiences lived in the pedagogical intervention. Both products will be made available online and free of charge.
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    Mídia-educação e a dança na educação física escolar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-21) Martins, Eurenes Alves; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Moura, Sérgio de Almeida; Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello
    We start from the principle that contemporary media is present throughout society, permeating our daily activities, and thinking about quality education today without thinking about media and technology seems to be disconnected from reality. Given this context, the use of Media-education principles and perspectives can be combined with school Physical Education, and together they can imprint a deeper understanding of media and technologies in order to develop in students the expansion of cultural repertoires, the criticality, creativity, productivity, citizenship and ethics. Considering these aspects, would it be feasible to articulate the dance content to the principles of Media-education in order to enhance the processes of appropriation and production of knowledge by children in Physical Education classes at school? What are the difficulties in carrying out an intervention project in this perspective? To answer these questions, we carried out qualitative research following the principles of educational action research, with a group of the 2nd year of Elementary School at a local school in Palmas/TO, with the objective of elaborating, developing and analyzing a didactic sequence about dance (focusing on a regional dance), articulated with the principles of Media Education. From the analysis of the data, we found that most families know the regional dances of Tocantins, but this knowledge does not seem to be shared with the children, since the vast majority of them have a preference for some type of dance, but are unaware of the regional dances. of the state, we also found that students have considerable knowledge about media and technologies, but not all are able to make pedagogical or expanded use of these equipment or media, hence the importance of approximation and mediation of this knowledge by the school and teachers. The articulation between the principles of Media-education with the content of Catira's dance enhanced the enjoyment and learning of students during classes, simultaneously increasing their cultural repertoire on Catira and on media and TDICs. In addition, it favored and encouraged students' interest in learning and creative, authorial and collaborative production by developing their own audiovisual material about Catira and digital experiences in Physical Education classes. From this research experience, two educational products emerged, the first of which is the didactic sequence entitled “Articulating principles of Media-education with the experience of Catira in Physical Education classes at school” and the second is the collaborative audiovisual production of students with the title “Media-education and Catira”.
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    Práticas corporais circenses e mídia-educação na educação física escolar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-27) Soares, Felipe da Silva; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Lisbôa, Mariana Mendonça; Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello
    This research report is about the analysis of a pedagogical intervention of Circus Body Practices articulated with the principles of Media-Education carried out from a didactic sequence elaborated and developed for this purpose. The theoretical-methodological contribution of qualitative research of the type research-practical action was used, developed in a two-month intervention program, in a public school, with students of the 8th year of elementary school. For data collection, interviews were carried out with the pedagogical team, a questionnaire was applied to students, records of interventions in a field diary. Materials produced by students during the intervention process were also included as a data record. The analysis of the data revealed as promising the association between the Circus Body Practices and the Media-Education principles for learning and re-signification of the circus culture and for the appropriation of the Media and Digital Technologies of Information and Communication as a form of expression and cultural production. It is also noteworthy the difficulty of access to Digital Information and Communication Technologies by some investigated students, which reinforces the importance of the school as a place for democratizing access and training for the use of media and Digital Information Technologies and Communication in a critical, ethical and creative perspective, with a view to a more participatory, more citizen-oriented social insertion.
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    Gênero, jogos e brincadeiras e Educação Física: uma análise da produção acadêmica no âmbito educacional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-20) Santos, Patrícia Viviane Carvalho dos; Silva, Ana Márcia;; Silva, Ana Márcia; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Oliveira, Valéria Araújo de
    Este trabajo surge de una necesidad de comprender y intervenir en los problemas sociales presentes en el ámbito educativo y, en particular, en las cuestiones de género experimentado en la escuela, buscando resaltar la importancia desta discusión y debate, en cinco revistas brasileñas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con la estrategia de análisis de contenido, establecida en la lectura de Laurence Bardin (1977), mediante una revisión sistemática de la producción académica en el campo de la educación y la Educación Física, en torno al tema juegos y juegos de género y contenido, con enfoque en Educación Básica. El estudio describió y analizó la producción académica sobre género y juegos y niñerías, de las revistas seleccionadas, produciendo una síntesis con las principales indicaciones de los artículos analizados, con el fin de comprender cómo se cruzan estas cuestiones de género. Para ello, se abordó el concepto de género en su construcción histórica de la diferencia, tratando de seguir posibles caminos para vislumbrar una escuela más equitativa, igualitaria, llena de conocimientos y relaciones que permitan superar prejuicios y desigualdades de género en todas las etapas de la Educación Básica, con el objetivo de contribuir y subsidiar la formación docente brasileña, especialmente en Educación Física.
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    Educação Física na educação infantil: perspectivas docentes e diretrizes oficiais em Uberlândia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-30) Andrade, Alessandra Oliveira de; Pinto, Rubia-Mar Nunes;; Pinto, Rubia- Mar Nunes; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Amaral, Gislene Alves do
    This research addresses the topic of physical education in Early Childhood Education by interrogating the participating teachers of the development of Pedagogical Guidelines and Orientations for the Practice of Physical Education Teachers in Early Childhood Education (hereinafter, only Guidelines) of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Uberlândia (hereinafter, only SME/Uberlândia), Minas Gerais. Its main objective is to identify and study the elements and factors in the process of preparing the Guidelines that impacted the teaching work of the participating teachers. The qualitative research proved to be pertinent to the intended and the data and information collection strategy was the questionnaire with open questions, which was answered by 08 (eight) physical education teachers who were part of the collective that prepared this document in the period 2014-2016. Content Analysis was the analysis technique that made it possible to organize and study the information and data collected. At the end of the research, it can be concluded that the interest in expanding and consolidating good pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education, prior knowledge of the planning process and construction of official documents at SME/Uberlândia, the recognition of realities and difficulties experienced by other teachers from that collective as well as the democratic and egalitarian dynamics of the process emerged as the elements and factors that produced significant impacts on the teaching work of the research subjects.
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    Proposta de ensino da capoeira nas aulas de Educação Física escolar com ênfase em jogos pedagógicos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-30) Tomé, Tatiana Cândida São Pedro; Falcão, José Luiz Cirqueira;; Falcão, José Luiz Cirqueira; Inácio, Humberto Luiz de Deus; Silva, Gilberto Reis Agostinho
    The research presented studies the teaching of Capoeira, as an element of the corporal culture, using pedagogic games in elementary school physical education classes. The problem consists in identifying how capoeira pedagogic games can contribute to the expansion and operationalization of this knowledge in physical education classes at the elementary school level through critical-overcoming methodology. The general objective of this research is to develop didactic units through action research with first grade children in a public school in Goiania. Field diary and iconography records were used as instruments for data collection. The research presented as the operational teachings of capoeira, pedagogical games in school, were presented through sequences. One relevant factor of the research was the variety of games utilized by the songs and the use of a musical instrument during the class, becoming elements that facilitate the expansion and acquisition of knowledge. The difficulties experienced through the research were related to the low attendance of the students, the lack of pedagogical time and adult assistance to finish the activities. Thus, when using the critical-overcoming methodology and proposing capoeira games as an element of body culture in the research, there was an expansion and significance in the child's knowledge as body, artistic experiences and pedagogical reflections were developed.
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    EDUFISICAST: dando voz à Educação Física escolar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-29) Mendes, Wendell Vieira; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari;; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari; Bungenstab, Gabriel Carvalho; Inácio, Humberto Luiz de Deus
    The objectives of this study was to support the production of instructional material in the form of a Podcast, aiming to clarify and reaffirm the status of curricular component of Physical Education as a mediator of a visible and relevant knowledge in the education of students, EDUFISICAST. Derived from this purpose, the objectives showed in this paper are: to present the origin and constitution of knowledge related to the discipline Physical Education as a curricular component; to identify what the academic field of education has produced about the reasons for the invisibility of disciplinary knowledge of school Physical Education; to understand the influence of school culture on the invisibility of disciplinary knowledge of Physical Education; and present some possibilities for innovation in the pedagogical practice of school Physical Education. In this research, we opted for a literature review with a qualitative approach. From the basic text School Physical Education: between the “roll the ball” and the pedagogical renewal (González, 2018), which discusses the teaching performances of Physical Education teachers, we draw the central theme of this research, that is, School Culture and Physical Education. Within this central theme, we found categories of analysis that we adopted as subthemes: Invisibility of the Disciplinary Knowledge of School Physical Education; Functional Character of Teaching Work Abandonment; Hierarchy of School Knowledge; and Innovation of pedagogical practices. These scripted themes supported the production of eleven episodes of the podcast entitled EDUFISICAST. After going through the five stages that are common to all podcasts (production, recording, editing, publication and distribution) the educational product was evaluated by Physical Education teachers and teachers from other areas through an online questionnaire. The results of the evaluation were very positive regarding to the product acceptance as well as the ease of access, the format and quality of the content and some possible retention of listeners. They indicate that working on information and training on the value of school Physical Education through podcast media can be a fertile and quite feasible path.
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    A organização curricular dos conteúdos de Educação Física sob a ótica dos professores do ensino fundamental II de Senador Canedo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-29) Sales, Tatyane Alves de Almeida; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade;; Vilarinho Neto, Sissilia; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade
    The general objective of this research was to analyze the curricular proposals formulated by the Senador Canedo Municipal Education Secretariat (SEMEC) for the Physical Education curriculum component in Elementary School. In turn, the specific objectives were: to analyze the objectives and organization of Physical Education (PE) content for Elementary Education II in two curricular proposals from the municipality of Senador Canedo; and to investigate the perceptions of PE teachers modulated in Elementary School II on the organization of the contents presented by the curricular proposals formulated by SEMEC. With regard to methodological procedures, this research is of a qualitative nature, using the case study method. For data collection, we opted for the technique of document analysis and semi-structured interview. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was chosen. The results showed that the content proposals set out in the SEMEC curriculum proposal were organized to fulfill bureaucratic demands placed by the higher authorities without any concern or analysis of the current situation in the reality of the schools in the municipality of Senador Canedo. As a result of this process, it was possible to verify a document with an excess of content, mainly related to the sports component and health-related topics, a criticism also identified in the teachers' perception of the proposal. Despite pointing to praise for the diversification of content present in the proposals, the teachers make strong criticisms regarding their disposition during the school year. Faced with a proposal with these characteristics, we identified that teachers create strategies, each in their own way, to circumvent the propositions indicated in the proposal that did not correspond to their conceptions of PE and the reality that they are inserted. We also realized that despite the dissatisfaction in the content provision, teachers do not make in-depth criticisms about the conceptual structure of the document and the fact that the curriculum functions as an imposition of following the established sequence does not seem to disturb the process of knowledge transmission in PE classes. In this sense, it could be seen that Senador Canedo's curriculum proposal does not satisfactorily meet the professors' intentions that put it into practice, requiring a reformulation that in fact considers the responsibility knowledge of the curricular component, as well as the students' reality, school and municipality.
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    Educação Física em uma escola do campo: uma experiência com o ensino dos esportes
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-27) Silva, Fabiana Francisca de Lima; Furtado, Roberto Pereira;; Furtado, Roberto Pereira; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett
    School physical education is a discipline that has peculiar characteristics and sport is a teaching content, inseparable from the opportunity to learn to compete. The present study had the objective of developing a Didactic Sequence for the teaching of sports, organizing the modalities by the internal logic and providing for a pedagogical competition in a rural school. During the research, we sought to analyze the students' conceptions and representations about sport and pedagogical competitions, evaluating whether the development of the Didactic Sequence and the proposed competition provided significant learning to students. Sport pedagogy has investigated and expanded the possibilities of understanding the sports phenomenon and has collaborated with current methodologies, which aim to increase the knowledge directed to pedagogical interventions in the teaching and learning processes of sports practices. In order to understand and deepen the central theme of the research, we sought the contribution of several authors who understand competition in the school context as a perspective of integral development, that is, a pedagogical competition and believe in the resignification of school competition as a content to be taught to students. For data collection, participant observations were made, with field diary records, of the pedagogical sequence, as well as of the event; and Focus groups, carried out before and after the sequence of classes and competition. As a main result, major changes were observed in comparison to the organization of events and the teaching of sports in previous years. It was evidenced that the pedagogical process based on a pedagogical competition had an evident impact on individual and collective behavior.
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    O ensino de esportes de invasão na Educação Física escolar: construção e análise de uma proposta de ensino pautada nos jogos desportivos coletivos e nos estilos de ensino
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-27) Macêdo, João Arlindo dos Santos; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade;; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade; Krahenbuhl, Tathyane; Bungenstab, Gabriel Carvalho
    The present study results from an articulation between the Collective Sports Games model (CSG) and the Reciprocal (R), Divergent Production (DP) and Guided Discovery (GD) teaching styles in the teaching-learning process of handball and futsal in a 5th grade of elementary school, in a municipal public school in Senador Canedo. Thus, the general objective was to develop, apply and evaluate a didactic unit for teaching invasion sports with a focus on handball and futsal, with CSG and the R, DP and GD teaching styles as the guiding principles. In turn, the specific objectives were envisioning didactic alternatives with the potential to assist student engagement and learning based on the teaching model and styles used. Regarding the methodological procedures, it was a qualitative research, guided by the action research method. In the collection of data, we used the techniques of participant observation for the set of sixteen classes and three focus groups with the students, which occurred at the beginning, middle and closing of classes. After the implementation of the research, we analyzed the data collected using the content analysis technique from the categories participation and learning and didactic-pedagogical adjustments. Regarding teaching styles, the results of this revealed that the teaching style R proved to be beneficial for learning in the researched teaching stage, mobilizing students to start a more active and collaborative learning behavior. The teaching styles DP and GD were advantageous for students with greater knowledge about the sport, but were restricted to other students, as they demand greater cognitive demand and experience on the part of the teacher. In view of this, the results lead to the centrality of three aspects linked to teaching and learning. Which were: 1) the time necessary for the development of teaching styles and the knowledge of play related to them; 2) the teacher's level of experience in handling the CSG model and teaching styles and 3) the characteristics of a school culture with limiting aspects for teaching and learning based on an active teaching format.
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    Jogos escolares do estado do Tocantins: uma proposta de adaptação da modalidade futsal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-27) Souza, Marcos Junio Graciano de; Krahenbühl, Tathyane;; Krahenbühl, Tathyane; Scaglia, Alcides José; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade
    When understanding sport for educational purposes, it is necessary to give space to the importance of competition in this process, as it is present in the daily activities of contemporary man and is a component of human life and which certainly attributes the expected pedagogical character to it positive results can be achieved in the training of students. In this sense, school sports events must be aligned with the school's pedagogical actions and, for this, be organized in order to meet educational demands. The general objective of this study was to analyze the Games Escolares do Tocantins, in the category of 12 to 14 years old in the futsal modality, to check if the proposed rules are in accordance with the pedagogical assumptions of the school's sport teaching. Among the specific objectives we seek to indicate a competitive proposal with the adaptations identified by the teachers and in the literature on the theme, which meet the pedagogical needs of the student's education in the 12 to 14 age group. This is a documentary and field research, of a qualitative nature, descriptive, exploratory and purposeful. This proposal was built on the basis of interviews with teachers from the state of Tocantins, who participated in the state stage of JET’s, in the year 2019, in the futsal modality and which provided elements for proposing a pilot competition. We identified that the Tocantins School Games lack some adjustments in the referred modality and category, as they touch the bureaucratic aspects, as well as the rules and regulations to meet the pedagogical assumptions of the sport. As a product, a guide was generated in which sports managers in the education area and Physical Education teachers who work with school teams can use it to base school sports championships, in order to meet the pedagogical possibilities of this event.
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    O ensino do handebol a partir de uma proposta híbrida: contribuições do teaching games for understanding e do sport education
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-24) Mota Júnyor, Jorge Luiz Rodrigues; Krahenbühl, Tathyane;; Krahenbühl, Tathyane; Machado, João Cláudio Braga Pereira; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade
    It is understood that Physical Education is an area of knowledge responsible for giving pedagogical treatment to various themes of body culture, among them, sport. However, despite the advances in discussions about the teaching of sport, we are still frequently faced with realities in which its teaching still takes place in a traditional way, centered on the teacher and with an emphasis on technical learning. Against this perspective, we believe that sport should be approached differently through a process that goes beyond the teaching of technical gesture, seeking to meet broader educational purposes that imply the acquisition of an ability to play smart as well as understand the sport in a broader way, collaborating for an omnilateral formation. In turn, this work had the purpose of identifying and discussing the limits and possibilities of using a hybrid teaching proposal, which included principles of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Sport Education Model (SEM) teaching models in teaching of Handball. Both models, each in their own way, share the idea that the sport teaching process should be student-centered. TGfU is dedicated to the perspective of learning technical-tactical content using the manipulation of the game as a tool based on the principles of proper choice of the game, modification by representation, modification by exaggeration and adjustment of tactical complexity. SEM, in turn, presents itself as a teaching model governed by principles that are structured and articulated in the perspective of creating a learning atmosphere rich in elements inherent to the sports scene. This time, this scenario will consist of experiences and learning proper to institutionalized sport, however under an adequate formative perspective that contemplates the demands of human formation and significant appropriation of the sport. In view of this previous exposure on the models, we believe that they complement each other while a hybrid proposal (TGfU + SEM) tends to enhance the teaching of sport. Thus, based on action research, this study (conducted by the planning and application of a didactic unit based on the hybridity of the models presented) was carried out over 17 meetings, in a 9th grade class of elementary school in a public school in the city. State Educational Network of Tocantins, in the city of Gurupi - TO. Interviews were conducted, in and out, with the conducting teacher and questionnaires with students, also in two moments (entrance and exit). Audio records were made by the researcher at the end of some meetings, which were transcribed to compose the field diary. Filming of the classes was also made, which, together with the interviews, the questionnaires and the field notebook, composed the objects of observation and analysis of this study. Thus, the analysis of the data regarding the implementation of the proposal allowed us to show significant advances in the learning of technical-tactical as well as behavioral aspects and an appropriation of a broader knowledge of the Handball modality. The observed progress reinforces the relevance of the hybrid model, however we observed that some obstacles in the implementation of the model pose as tangible challenges to the teacher and, also, the need for more research that will collaborate to consolidate a consistent and viable field of knowledge when adopted in the school reality, mainly in the context of Brazilian public schools.
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    Esporte na Educação Física escolar: uma proposta pedagógica no ensino do handebol
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-30) Silva, Rodrigo Márcio de Oliveira e; Greco, Pablo Juan;; Costa, Gustavo De Conti Teixeira;; Costa, Gustavo De Conti Teixeira; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade; Guimarães, Juracy da Silva
    Traditionally, sport was taught in Physical Education classes in a technocratic way, based on the development of technical skills in isolation. Contrary to this approach, Teaching Games For Understanding (TGFU), intended that attention be devoted to tactical understanding of the game. In addition, the literature on sports pedagogy indicates an important potential of this teaching model in students' sports learning, as well as in their motivation for sports practice and in Physical Education classes. When analyzing the scientific production that deals with the teaching of sport in Brazilian Physical Education, there is a low production in this field, in addition to the need for propositional studies that can assist teachers in the development of their daily work. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the students' tactical and technical learning, the motivation to practice sports and cognitive skills, after application in a teaching unit. teaching handball. The sample consisted of 68 7th grade elementary school students, aged between 11 and 13 years old, divided into three groups: TGFU Group - handball Teaching through TGFU (24 students), Traditional Group - handball Teaching by through the traditional technical model (23 students) and the Non Invasion Group - Control group that had the teaching of another non-invasion sport (21 students). The results showed that the TGFU group showed greater technical and tactical learning, higher score related to intrinsic motivation, when compared to the other groups. With regard to cognitive skills, it was observed that there was a change in them both in the group of students subject to the TGFU model, as well as the technical-traditional model. It is concluded that the teaching of sport through the TGFU model, in school Physical Education, enables the best tactical-technical learning, as well as an increase in students' motivation and cognitive skills.
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    E-book interativo para o ensino do tênis de campo na Educação Física escolar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-28) Madureira, Edymar Patryk; Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello;; Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Lisbôa, Mariana Mendonça
    Tennis is a body practice widespread worldwide and has a high educational power. Therefore, its presence in school environments is practically nonexistent. Schools that have tennis practice are rare. Lack of material, adequate infrastructure and specific knowledge on tennis are amongst the main arguments put forward by teachers for not including that sport in their classes. Alternatively, digital technologies of information and communication (TDICs) are increasingly present in schools, bringing new challenges and new possibilities for the educational field. Thus, and by seeking to merge the teaching of tennis in schools, TDICS and guiding principles of media-education, our general objective is to elaborate and evaluate, based on suggestions given by physical education teachers, the use of an interactive e-book for the development of tennis in school. We have used a qualitative methodology involving elements from the research-action. By means of questionnaires applied to 178 students of the Professional Masters’ course in Physical education in the National Network of UNESP (PROEF), National Network from UNESP (PROEF), it has identified the reason by which professional of physical education do not work tennis sports in their schools. Afterwards, we tried to identify elements to support the e-book creation. This way, the teachers suggested contents and didactics, pedagogical elements that should be in the e-book and that, could help them in the process of developing tennis in schools. With these elements, we built the first e-book version. It was evaluated throughout an interview given by three teachers selected among the participants who responded the questionnaire. After this evaluation, we had an intervention in a State public school in Palmas - Tocantins, followed by an interview with the teacher responsible for the intervention and evaluated the e-book. The results show that the lack of specific materials, inadequate space for tennis, lack of specific knowledge about the sport, lack of books and research aimed at teaching tennis in schools are the main obstacles for tennis developing in schools. However, they are no reasons to not to work tennis sports in schools. The e-book has presented new possibilities for teaching and learning related to the development of tennis in schools, TDICs and media-education to the teachers who evaluated it. It has brought real and concrete possibilities to work tennis spots in school. It has stimulated the interest of other students in school, the principal’s and the teachers involved in the e-book evaluation process to work tennis by using the e-book as a starting point.
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    Práticas corporais de aventura na Educação Física escolar: uma proposta de ensino com base na metodologia crítico-superadora
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-03) Morais, Gleison Gomes de; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus;; Silv, Paula Cristina da Costa; Pereira, Dimitri Wuo; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus
    The research presented here has as its object of study the teaching of the Corporal Adventure Practices in Physical Education classes in Elementary School. The research problem consisted in identifying how the teaching of Corporal Adventure Practices can occur in Physical Education classes under the light of the critical-overcoming methodology and also in diagnosing the didactic-pedagogical resources necessary for this to occur. The general objective of this research was to develop a didactic-pedagogical sequence of the Corporal Adventure Practices based on the types of displacements proposed by Inácio et al (2016) that organizes them in sliding, walking / running, rolling and falling, in order to expand the knowledge of 6th grade students in a public school in Goiânia. It is an Action Research that used the formal PE classes as experimentation tools and for data collection: questionnaires, field diaries and iconographic records. The research revealed significant possibilities for teaching PCAs at school, including the use of the class sequencer as a strategy for class planning and the diversification of body adventure practices offered within a period of time. As limits, the scarcity of materials used can be presented.