Mídia-educação e a dança na educação física escolar
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
We start from the principle that contemporary media is present throughout society, permeating our
daily activities, and thinking about quality education today without thinking about media and
technology seems to be disconnected from reality. Given this context, the use of Media-education
principles and perspectives can be combined with school Physical Education, and together they can
imprint a deeper understanding of media and technologies in order to develop in students the
expansion of cultural repertoires, the criticality, creativity, productivity, citizenship and ethics.
Considering these aspects, would it be feasible to articulate the dance content to the principles of
Media-education in order to enhance the processes of appropriation and production of knowledge by
children in Physical Education classes at school? What are the difficulties in carrying out an
intervention project in this perspective? To answer these questions, we carried out qualitative
research following the principles of educational action research, with a group of the 2nd year of
Elementary School at a local school in Palmas/TO, with the objective of elaborating, developing and
analyzing a didactic sequence about dance (focusing on a regional dance), articulated with the
principles of Media Education. From the analysis of the data, we found that most families know the
regional dances of Tocantins, but this knowledge does not seem to be shared with the children, since
the vast majority of them have a preference for some type of dance, but are unaware of the regional
dances. of the state, we also found that students have considerable knowledge about media and
technologies, but not all are able to make pedagogical or expanded use of these equipment or media,
hence the importance of approximation and mediation of this knowledge by the school and teachers.
The articulation between the principles of Media-education with the content of Catira's dance
enhanced the enjoyment and learning of students during classes, simultaneously increasing their
cultural repertoire on Catira and on media and TDICs. In addition, it favored and encouraged
students' interest in learning and creative, authorial and collaborative production by developing their
own audiovisual material about Catira and digital experiences in Physical Education classes. From
this research experience, two educational products emerged, the first of which is the didactic
sequence entitled “Articulating principles of Media-education with the experience of Catira in
Physical Education classes at school” and the second is the collaborative audiovisual production of
students with the title “Media-education and Catira”.
MARTINS, E. A. Mídia-educação e a dança na educação física escolar. 2023. 171 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física em Rede) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.