Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais (PRPG)

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    Morfodinâmica e hidro-geomorfologia do médio rio Araguaia: investigação dos padrões e dos controles físicos e sua relevância para a análise ambiental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-25) Suizu, Taina Medeiros; Bayer, Maximiliano;; Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel;; Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; Filizola Junior, Naziano Pantoja; Zancopé, Márcio Henrique de Campos; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The Araguaia River represents the last and most important free-flowing river located in the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone. The increasing human influence on this river system poses an imminent threat to the valuable ecosystem services it provides. Therefore, it is essential to produce knowledge about the physical structure and functioning of this river, which serves as a basis for a significant portion of the biome's biodiversity. This thesis contributes to the fields of Geomorphology and Hydrology of large tropical rivers, bringing new discoveries that enrich the existing body of research on the Araguaia system. In the first paper, we conducted an assessment of the planform morphology changes in the upper-middle course between 2001 and 2018, expanding the temporal data series on the evolution of macroforms to a 53-year period. We found that the current transition phase of the river, characterized by the contraction of the channel's active zone and the partial loss of braiding due to a higher representativeness of the islands, is likely related to changes in the hydro-sedimentary regime over the last two decades. Based on a set of channel and floodplain geomorphological variables, in the second paper we developed a methodology to subdivide the middle Araguaia into 19 distinct reaches (R1-R19), which were further clustered into five major segments (SI-SV). We found that changes in valley gradient have a significant influence on the morphology of SI, SIII, and SIV, while the inflow of important tributaries and the nature of the valley floor are the main controlling factors for the fluvial style in SII and SV, respectively. This large-scale planimetric characterization of the river's middle course complements previous geomorphic studies, providing insights into the morphological diversity and sensitivity of each segment to environmental changes. In the third paper, we present a new approach to the existing classifications in the literature of flood events in the middle Araguaia. Small-scale floods (types B and D2) exhibit distinct attenuation patterns associated with the occurrence of drier years (D2). The attenuation of intermediate-scale floods (types C and D1) and large-scale floods (type A) is influenced by the magnitude of maximum flows at the upstream river gauge station, with no statistical significance for the influence of tributaries on peak changes. Flood hydrograph properties were found to respond to the regional geomorphological organization of the system. When considering the segments proposed in the second paper, we observed that the nature of the valley floor plays a central role in the efficient transport of floods in SI, SIV, and SV. The wide and complex floodplain in SII significantly influences the storage capacity, allowing for gradual dissipation of floodwater excess and peak attenuation. Water diversion to the old system (Rio Javaés) exhibited unique transfer patterns under different flow conditions, resulting in overall annual losses and gains in SIII. The methodologies and disciplinary knowledge produced in this thesis can support future interdisciplinary work and investigations in the context of environmental sciences.
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    Identificação de áreas prioritárias para recuperação e conservação ambiental em uma bacia hidrográfica do bioma Cerrado
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-29) Soares, Samara Silva; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Mathias, Lindon Fonseca; Vergara, Roberta Mara Oliveira
    The watershed of the Meia Ponte River is one of the most important hydrographic basins for the state of Goiás and has a high level of anthropization influenced by the process of expansion of the agricultural frontier, which can result in increased erosive processes of soils by water and increase of areas of high environmental vulnerability that lack recovery and conservation. Thus, the objective of this work was to define the priority areas for socio-environmental recovery and conservation and to evaluate the existing mechanisms for environmental preservation considering the process of occupation of UPGRH Meia Ponte in the last 30 years. For this, soil loss influenced by temporal changes in land use and cover (LULC) was estimated from data from the Mapbiomas Project, Collection 3.0, for the years 1987, 1997, 2007 and 2017 and using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). The priority areas for recovery and conservation were defined based on the potential for underground water recharge, the environmental vulnerability and the social vulnerability of the basin using the multicriteria analysis methodology (AHP) integrated with the tools of Geographic Information Systems – GIS. The expansion of agricultural areas occurred in 14% of the pasture areas. This conversion occurred in areas of lower slopes, from 0° to 5°, (flat and gently undulating reliefs) and soils considered more suitable for mechanized agriculture, such as Oxisols. The uses remained unchanged in 66% of the basin, there was 7% of reforestation and 9% of deforestation corroborating the expressive anthropization of the basin. The increase in the rate of soil loss from 1987 to 2017 was observed, due to the increase in arable areas promoted by the agricultural policiesmas implemented at the time. The tolerable rates of soil loss were exceeded for agriculture and pasture under all studied conditions. Agricultural areas also have the highest priority areas for recovery. The results are useful for land use planners and managers to make appropriate decisions in establishing environmental preservation policies. The economic development of the municipalities has a significant but weak correlation with the accounting of priority areas for conservation. However, the mechanisms of payment for environmental services (PES) and environmental compensation are viable for the restoration of these areas.
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    O que se quer dizer quando se diz meio ambiente? as concepções relativas ao meio ambiente, de discentes de uma escola pública periurbana de Goiânia (GO) e as possibilidades de ressignificação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-28) Neves, Marco Aurélio Fernandes; Miziara, Fausto;; Hora, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro;; Miziara, Fausto; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Teixeira, Denílson; Adomilli, Gianpaolo Knoller; Ferreira, Gislene Auxiliadora
    Nas últimas décadas, a agenda ambiental se expandiu em várias direções (política, científica, educacional etc.), concomitantemente, os relatórios das diversas instituições científicas mundiais também ganharam proporções acentuadamente alarmantes, pois traçam panoramas de colapso global cada vez mais eminentes. Ou seja, há um descompasso evidente entre aquilo que aprendemos com a ampliação da agenda ambiental e aquilo que colocamos em prática para uma possível redefinição dos rumos trágicos que se anunciam. Tal descompasso parece descortinar dimensões mais complexas entre discentes de escolas públicas de áreas periurbanas. Se, por um lado, eles estão submetidos ao conhecimento sobre meio ambiente advindo dos cânones científicos por meio da internet, dos livros didáticos e da TV, por outro, vivem em áreas em que parte de suas famílias ou vizinhos colocam em prática uma série de conhecimentos oriundos de seus engajamentos no mundo, em diferentes fases de sua vida, sobretudo ao reproduzir, em seus quintais, plantios de espécies que auxiliam na alimentação e no tratamento de doenças. De forma conceitual, esses conhecimentos, forjados por populações ruralizadas em todo o mundo, constituem um cabedal de aprendizagem denominado memória biocultural. Tal impressão de descompasso, em que os engajamentos humanos pouco dialogam com o cabedal didático-científico sobre meio ambiente, fez surgir um questionamento relacionado à compreensão sobre meio ambiente que levou ao desenvolvimento desta pesquisa: como se chegou a tal disrupção, onde parece haver um meio ambiente que se pode observar sem dele tomar parte e outro no qual se vive, porém é apartado do conhecimento mais disseminado sobre meio ambiente? Ao tentar responder a essa pergunta, buscou-se compreender como o meio ambiente logra se tornar conhecido e como nele se vive para um grupo de discentes de uma escola pública periurbana de Goiânia (GO). O meio ambiente se revelou a partir de dois tipos de ecologia: uma convencional e outra da vida. A ecologia convencional se baseia na externalidade de um sujeito cognoscente no mundo, que entende o meio ambiente como o par dicotômico do organismo, que passa ser conhecido a partir da crise ambiental e do cuidado com a natureza. Esse conhecimento é dominante nas imagens sobre meio ambiente na web e nas escolas de um modo geral. A seu turno, a ecologia da vida, colocada em ação nos quintais periurbanos por famílias migrantes, não consegue se separar do meio ambiente para entrar em ação, ou seja, ela é uma ecologia forjada na e pela vida. Ainda assim, esta pesquisa traça um panorama de esperança, pois percebe-se que os conteúdos trabalhados em sala de aula criam alguma ressonância entre os discentes no momento que tais temáticas estão presentes em seus modos de habitar o mundo.
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    O estado brasileiro e a expansão de fronteiras
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-01) Dias, Denise Oliveira; Silva, Sandro Dutra e;; Miziara, Fausto;; Miziara, Fausto; Lameirão, Camila Romero; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de; Teixeira, Denilson; Moretto, Samira Peruchi
    This is a doctoral thesis developed during 2019-2023, whose general objective was to identify the relationship between three different governments in Brazilian political history with the Environment, through the analysis of the laws and public policies of each of these governments. The governments analyzed in the research were the first government of Getúlio Vargas (1930-1945), the first phase of the military government (19764-1975), and, finally, the Bolsonaro government (2019-2022). The analysis of the environmental laws enacted by these governments were carried out through documentary and legislative consultation, and the discussion of these laws was carried out through bibliographical research. The results showed that there are points in common in the mode of operation of these governments concerning environmental policy, and the relationship between the three governments is noted in the similarity between their cosmovision regarding the Frontier, the Environment, and the way of operating the State with its alliances with traditional oligarchic groups and the edition of narratives that consider them as “myths”, “heroes”, who fight for “protection” against the ghosts of “communism” and “institutional bureaucracy”. While, in practice, it maintains traditional alliances with conservative and economically dominant groups, operationalizing the State through laws to finance the expansion of the border, in the first two governments in a controlled and planned manner, and the third in an omissive and uncontrolled method, exposing thus to environmental and social problems.
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    A posse da terra: reconfiguração fundiária no espaço da fronteira agrícola na bacia hidrográfica do rio Araguaia em Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-30) Franco, Solange Maria; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de;; Miziara, Fausto;; Miziara, Fausto; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Barreira, Celene Cunha Monteiro Antunes; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Silva, Sandro Dutra e
    The present research discusses the landholding reconfiguration in the agricultural frontier space. The objective was to investigate the changes that have occurred in rural property, with regard to the characteristics of the ownership pattern and agrarian structure, in the Araguaia River basin in Goiás, with a case study in one of the municipalities that make up the basin. Based on the assumption that there is a spatial rearrangement movement caused by the deepening of capitalist relations in the countryside, the research was based on two hypotheses: an invisible reconcentration, because it is not detected in the available economic research; and the reterritorialization of capital, which reflects social changes and production relations. The case study analyzed primary data, from the public deeds of rural properties, collected during field work carried out in a land registry office in the Goiás municipality of Aruanã, which is totally included in the hydrographic basin of the Araguaia River, in two time periods, current and retrospective, i.e., from 30 to 40 years ago. The research was developed in three axes of work and stages of realization. The state of the art performed the inventory of the academic research produced throughout the country in graduate courses and complete articles published in periodicals, on themes related to the use, occupation, conflicts, aptitude, and environmental impacts, as well as physical characterization, such as soil, relief, among others, aiming to verify the information that could be used as a data reference for the thesis. The occupation of space analyzed the long process of occupation of the basin, establishing the historical-economic contextualization and examining the demographic, social and economic variables, constituted by statistical indexes, systematized for the researched clipping. Methodologically, the study was supported theoretical model that correlates the changes in the land use to the frontier expansion phenomena: expansion front, pioneer front, and agricultural frontier, with the purpose of serving as a contextual and data support for the study on land tenure. Finally, the findings of the case study, compared with the evolutionary framework of frontier expansion, allowed the identification of a new conformation in rural economic and social relations, and corroborated to recognize land concentration by the average size of the properties and the change in the pattern of rural property owners, mainly related to place of residence, direction of establishments, demography, among others. The results on land tenure confirmed the hypothesis raised in the paper and highlighted the problems arising from the policies that instituted an agricultural development model in the country. Such consequences express reterritorialization, a concept that identifies the spatial and social movement of expanded reproduction of capital, which has been imposing changes in the appropriation of territory, increasing inequalities in the countryside, and imposing transformations in the traditional rural space, impacting social and production relations.
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    Normas voluntárias de sustentabilidade: avaliação dos impactos das certificações sustentáveis em empreendimentos amazônicos da cadeia de valor do açaí
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-28) Martins, Kairo Fernandes; Teixeira, Denilson;; Teixeira, Denilson; Ramos, Claudia de Barros e Azevedo; Corrêa, Rogério de Oliveira; Miziara, Fausto; Godoi, Emiliano Lôbo de
    In the global market, the demands for certified products made the Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS), a relevant theme and of attention for commerce, production, and consumption in a world full of Global Value Chains (GVCs). However, the diversity of sustainable standards raises questions about the credibility, intentions, and impacts of adopting VSS in the value chains and on consuming certified products and services. In addition to the variety standards, there are other unsolved problems involving VSS: (i) different perceptions of specialists in the subject about the real sustainable gains with these certifications; (ii) relationship and contributions of VSS to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of companies; (iii) few studies in sectors such as non-timber forest product - NTFP and (iv) difficulty in assessing sustainability in the different sustainable dimensions. This doctoral thesis aims to investigate in the value chain of the most important NTFP in the Amazon, the açaí, whether the VSS contribute to sustainable results in the Governance, Environmental, Economic and Social dimensions. The choice to study the VSS to the chain of a typical fruit from the Amazon contributes to the great challenge of this region in reconciling economic development with the keep the forest standing. The growing interest in consuming products from Amazon presents environmental, social, economic, and governance challenges that need to be considered in business and public policies. Through case studies in undertakings in the açaí chain and Certification Bodies and the use of tools and indicators, it was possible to develop analyzes and generate information for the Amazon NTFP from the perspective of VSS. With this holistic approach, the investigation brought up and responded to unprecedented issues related to the usability and the implications of VSS on the açaí chain. The results showed the perceptions of the companies about the VSS, which range from the need to adhere to various certifications to be included in the CGV to the synonym of several sustainable actions. However, such VSS are far from being able to keep the forest standing on their own. They answer for only a portion of this purpose. However, there are controversial results regarding the VSS, requiring convergence. There is a long way to go for the weakest links in the CGV (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - MSMEs) to adopt VSS. Mainly for these links, the requirements are based on bureaucratic managerial activities, which are very complex and involve many themes and indicators. The conclusion is that there is a lack of complements to the VSS that evaluate and validate the results disclosed as sustainable by the companies, ensuring a quality infrastructure and providing a fully sustainable chain.
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    Normas voluntárias de sustentabilidade: avaliação dos impactos das certificações sustentáveis em empreendimentos amazônicos da cadeia de valor do açaí
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-28) Martins, Kairo Fernandes; Teixeira, Denilson;; Teixeira, Denilson; Ramos, Claudia de Barros e Azevedo; Corrêa, Rogério de Oliveira; Miziara, Fausto; Godoi, Emiliano Lôbo de
    In the global market, the demands for certified products made the Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS), a relevant theme and of attention for commerce, production, and consumption in a world full of Global Value Chains (GVCs). However, the diversity of sustainable standards raises questions about the credibility, intentions, and impacts of adopting VSS in the value chains and on consuming certified products and services. In addition to the variety standards, there are other unsolved problems involving VSS: (i) different perceptions of specialists in the subject about the real sustainable gains with these certifications; (ii) relationship and contributions of VSS to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of companies; (iii) few studies in sectors such as non-timber forest product - NTFP and (iv) difficulty in assessing sustainability in the different sustainable dimensions. This doctoral thesis aims to investigate in the value chain of the most important NTFP in the Amazon, the açaí, whether the VSS contribute to sustainable results in the Governance, Environmental, Economic and Social dimensions. The choice to study the VSS to the chain of a typical fruit from the Amazon contributes to the great challenge of this region in reconciling economic development with the keep the forest standing. The growing interest in consuming products from Amazon presents environmental, social, economic, and governance challenges that need to be considered in business and public policies. Through case studies in undertakings in the açaí chain and Certification Bodies and the use of tools and indicators, it was possible to develop analyzes and generate information for the Amazon NTFP from the perspective of VSS. With this holistic approach, the investigation brought up and responded to unprecedented issues related to the usability and the implications of VSS on the açaí chain. The results showed the perceptions of the companies about the VSS, which range from the need to adhere to various certifications to be included in the CGV to the synonym of several sustainable actions. However, such VSS are far from being able to keep the forest standing on their own. They answer for only a portion of this purpose. However, there are controversial results regarding the VSS, requiring convergence. There is a long way to go for the weakest links in the CGV (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - MSMEs) to adopt VSS. Mainly for these links, the requirements are based on bureaucratic managerial activities, which are very complex and involve many themes and indicators. The conclusion is that there is a lack of complements to the VSS that evaluate and validate the results disclosed as sustainable by the companies, ensuring a quality infrastructure and providing a fully sustainable chain.
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    Caracterização ecossistêmica e funcional das pastagens brasileiras
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-08) Santos, Claudinei Oliveira dos; Pinto, Alexandre de Siqueira;; Ferreira, Laerte Guimarães;; Ferreira, Laerte Guimarães; Costa Junior, Ciniro; Assad, Eduardo Delgado; Ramos Neto, Mario Barroso; Bustamante, Mercedes Maria da Cunha
    Livestock activity occupies ~67% of the global area used for agricultural activity, being directly related to important issues for humanity such as food security and the need to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions - GHG. In Brazil, the sixth largest emitter of GHG, land use and land cover activity is the main source of emissions. Considering that most of the pastures in Brazil present some level of degradation, in these areas there is a great opportunity to mitigate GHG emissions. In this study, three important aspects of this land use class are analyzed: The influence of climatic seasonality on biomass and on the spectral response of pasture areas at different spatial scales; The potential of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), obtained by remote sensing for the mapping of pasture quality, and analysis of spatial patterns in national scale; And estimates of carbon stock in soil and aboveground biomass of pastures in the Cerrado biome, using models based on ecosystem processes. We observed that annual mean and variation of biomass stocks varied with spatial scale, and there were no significant differences in these stocks during the dry and rainy seasons due to grazing management strategies. The NDVI had low potential to predict the biomass stock of pastures in the evaluated areas, on the other hand, the potential as an pasture vigor indicator was high, showing a significant linear relation with the living/dead biomass ratio, especially in non-degraded pastures. The temporal pattern of the NDVI varied depending on the quality of the pasture and the spatial scale analyzed, indicating that it is not possible to establish single thresholds to map the condition of pastures in large areas like the Brazilian territory. From the mapping of pasture quality, it was possible to analyze their spatiotemporal dynamics. In this analysis, we identified an improvement in the brazilian pasture quality, with the area of gain quality being 2.7 times larger than the area of lost quality. The results correspond to the patterns observed in the literature and to the incentives for the recovery of pastures through programs such as the ABC Plan. The modeling of the dynamics and estimates of carbon stocks in the pasture areas of the Cerrado biome using the Century model, with the parameters adjusted to simulate the conventional pasture management in the biome, confirmed the versatility and robustness of the model, being effective in estimate carbon stocks in this areas, adequately reproducing the characteristic spatial patterns of seasonal influence in the Cerrado biome. In this sense, we believe that the results achieved through this study can contribute to a better characterization and understanding of pastures in Brazil.
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    Indicadores socioambientais para avaliação de sistemas de drenagem urbana
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-26) Santos, Layara de Paula Sousa; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Soares, Alexandre Kepler; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins
    The lack of urban planning in most cities causes negative impacts related to the environment. In this sense, the intensification of urbanization and the consequent changes in the hydrological cycle compromise traditional drainage systems, since they are implemented with the objective of providing rapid drainage. The hydrological effects, related to the acceleration of surface runoff, cause an increase in the frequency of urban floods, social, economic and environmental impacts. Choosing the most suitable drainage system can be made by comparing design alternatives. The use of indicators is a relevant instrument to properly manage public issues, mainly to obtain diagnoses and carry out environmental monitoring. In this context, one of the research objectives was to demonstrate a theoretical framework composed of socio-environmental indicators of drainage systems that can be applied at a basin or urban sub-basin scale, allowing evaluations in the decision-making process. The method applied was the systematic review of literature together with bibliometric analysis. Based on the analysis, it was possible to find 107 socio-environmental indicators that can be used as a planning instrument. The results showed that local environmental characteristics such as soil type, soil profile, topography, watershed slope, distance from water bodies, climatic conditions, riparian vegetation and waste management are related to flood susceptibility. The research allowed the consolidation of a set of indicators that can be applied to the analysis of risk and vulnerability to floods, since it encompasses social, health and environmental issues, aiming at the well-being of the city. Subsequently, the operationalization of the concept of vulnerability was carried out through socio-environmental indicators, in order to correlate it with the urban drainage system of the state of Goiás. The data sets made available for the analyzes carried out refer to the results of the 2010 Demographic Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. For the development of metrics, the Exploratory Factor Analysis technique was used. From the 3 developed indices: environmental fragility, infrastructural quality and social quality, an end was developed that encompasses all variables. The results showed that sectors with better drainage systems (higher proportions of households with culverts/railways and curbs/leaves) tend to have higher indicators of social and infrastructural quality and lower values ​​of environmental fragility. The proposed indicator construction method can be applied through current and past censuses, in addition to making use of different scales of analysis. Finally, socio-environmental vulnerability indicators were created and validated for the state of Goiás, using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method and geoprocessing techniques, using data from census sectors. Thus, it was proposed to generate this information and correlate it with the urban drainage system. The higher the value of the infrastructural fragility indicator, the lower the value of the final indicator tends to be, since infrastructural fragility has a negative weight. Of the 3 indicators, environmental quality is the one that most impacted the final indicator, with a relative importance of 41.184%. The creation of indicators using the ACP method allowed a large amount of information about the state of Goiás to be analyzed efficiently and synthetically through the general indicator.
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    Padrão tecnológico e serviços ecossistêmicos de pastagens no cerrado brasileiro: estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Vermelho
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-29) Santos, Anna Claudia dos; Miziara, Fausto;; Miziara, Fausto; Veloso, Gabriel Alves; Vieira, Pedro Alves; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The concern with sustainability has made the beef cattle sector face its main challenge: the mitigation of greenhouse gases in pasture areas, associated with greater meat production, occupying a smaller area. Associated with the challenges for sustainability, it is worth highlighting the possible positive impacts that livestock can play through ecosystem services, since pasture production systems are perceived as possibly large carbon sinks due to high organic productivity above and below the ground. Thus, our objective is to test whether there is a relationship between predictors that indicate ecosystem services (represented by the GPP) with the levels of technification in rural properties located in the Rio Vermelho River Basin (GO). For this purpose, 60 selected properties were researched in order to guarantee the representativeness of the basin's properties and to indicate with high accuracy the diversity in the adoption of technology by the productive units in the region. These properties were researched through questionnaires, field observation and the use of satellite images. With this research, it was possible to identify, at a local (property) scale, the impacts of technification under different topographic and soil conditions. The integration of GPP analyzes in line with good management practices proved to be effective for analyzing the carbon sequestration service in pastures. Evidencing the importance of investment in technological support in carbon mitigation, turning environmental assets into a new commodity to be incorporated into fresh beef. This can raise the level of Brazilian production, increasing competitiveness in the international market, in addition to contributing to climate regulation, soil maintenance and saving new areas from being opened up for this sector.
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    Efeitos genotóxicos, mutagênicos e comportamentais de nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio em girinos de Dendropsophus minutus (Hylidae, Anura)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08-20) Amaral, Diogo Ferreira do; Rocha, Thiago Lopes;; Silva, Daniela de Melo e;; Rocha, Thiago Lopes; Jacob, Raquel Fernanda Salla; Silva, Cláudio Carlos da; Nomura, Fausto; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins
    Nanomaterials (NMs) have been used in an increasing number of commercial products, and its rapid expansion could lead to their release into aquatic environments. The accelerated production of the various types of conventional products at nanoscale has been fundamental for the economic progress of several countries. Many types of nanoparticles and nanomaterials are already being used, and other varieties are expected to appear in the future. However, there is little knowledge about the impact of NMs on biota, especially on amphibians. Therefore, there is a need to better classify and understand NMs. The first part of our study has reviewed the historical use of amphibian species as model systems in nanoecotoxicological studies, which summarized data available in the scientific literature on the genotoxic, mutagenic, histopathological, embryotoxic, and reproductive effects of NMs in different groups of amphibians. The interaction, bioaccumulation, mode of action (MoA), and ecotoxicity of NMs in amphibians were also reviewed. The nanoecotoxicological studies were carried out with 12 species of amphibians, eight from the Anura order and three from the Caudata order. Xenopus laevis was the most studied species. Studies were conducted primarily with inorganic NMs (72%) compared to organic ones. Nanoecotoxicity depends on the behavior of the NM, the transformation in the environment, and the developmental stages of the amphibians. The MoA of NMs in amphibians was mainly associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative stress, genotoxic and mutagenic effects. The results emphasized the need for more studies that test the ecotoxicity of different NMs, concentrations, and exposure periods in environmentally relevant approaches. In addition, there is a need for standard protocols for nanoecotoxicological testing with amphibians. The reviewed data showed that amphibians are suitable organisms to assess the environmental impact of NMs and indicated essential gaps in research on the ecotoxicity of NMs in freshwater ecosystems, as well as recommendations for future research. In this sense, we observed from the first chapter that the most produced and consumed nanoparticles worldwide are titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs); whose release into the environment are known to induce toxic effects in aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates. However, knowledge of its impact on neotropical amphibians remains limited. Thus, the second chapter of this thesis aimed to evaluate the toxicity of TiO2 NPs and its dissolved counterpart, titanium dioxide (TiO2), in a species of anuran neotropical amphibian (Dendropsophus minutus). DNA damage, biometric parameters, and behavioral changes were analyzed in tadpoles after exposure to three environmentally relevant concentrations (0.1, 1.0, and 10 mg L-1) of TiO2 and TiO2 NPs for 7 days. As a result, we verified DNA damage in D. minutus tadpoles exposed to both forms of Ti compared to the control group. We also identified a similar reduction in overall size, body length, width, and height of the tail musculature in tadpoles exposed to TiO2 and TiO2 NPs compared to unexposed tadpoles. Regarding the behavioral test, the tadpoles showed less mobility and were more distant from the conspecifics (less aggregated) when exposed to NPs. Therefore, the simultaneous use of multiple biomarkers was essential to assess the adverse effects of the nanomaterial and establish a reliable approach for biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Our study increases the knowledge about the genotoxic, morphological, and behavioral effects of TiO2 and TiO2 NPs in anuran amphibians, contributing to future studies in the environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials.
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    Solubilização de fósforo do rejeito de minério de ferro pelo fungo Aspergillus terreus
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-10) Ferreira, Glalber Luiz da Rocha; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves;; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Leal, Geraldo Sadoyama; Vasconcelos, Lara Stefania neto de Oliveira Leão; Carneiro, Lilian Carla
    Extractive processes, as an example of phosphorus, are responsible for significant environmental impacts, and this is due to the generation of solid waste, such as iron ore tailings, rich in phosphorus, which represent great economic value and which with the implementation of extractive processes better efficiency, results in a better use of important and specific elements of the extractive amount. Biosolubilization emerges as a promising and transformative technology in the field of mining extractive process, making use of microorganisms in the solubilization of phosphorus or even in soil recovery, which is possible to fully affirm the applicability of recovery through solubilization. phosphorus element by different species of microorganisms. This study makes use of the phosphorus element biosolubilization from iron ore tailings by Aspergillus terreus. In principle, microorganism was isolated from iron ore tailings with a specific characteristic of solubilizing phosphorus; then, the isolated microorganism was identified, resulting in the presence of Aspergillus terreus. The biosolubilization steps were carried out from the verification of phosphorus solubilization by Aspergillus terreus in a known source of phosphorus, in a medium containing calcium phosphate, Ca5(OH)(PO4)3, and subsequently, in a medium containing the waste ore tailings. iron. Aiming at biotechnological studies, it was verified the fatty acid profile by Aspergillus terreus produced in NBRIP culture media, of general use and 9K-glucose, as a possible source in the production of biodiesel. Finally, the cell viability study of the microalgae Acustodesmus obliquus was carried out, aiming at knowing the best storage condition, such as by simple freezing, cooling or freezing with the application of cryoprotective substances. The results of this study proved to be very promising, with solubility of 90.93% phosphorus in the Ca5(OH)(PO4)3 sample as a phosphorus source, and 87.77% phosphorus in the iron ore tailings sample, also representing a solubility of 0.19 mg and 0.22 mg of phosphorus per gram of fungal mass, respectively. The results presented are due to conditions in both acid samples in the reaction medium, demonstrating a decrease in pH and in the release of acid phosphatase as an enzymatic function in phosphorus solubility. The average rate of phosphorus solubility in the reaction medium was 1.76 mg.h-1 and 1.70 mg.h-1 in both biosolubilization conditions, respectively. The fungal biomass showed an excellent composition of FAME, such as having 35.89% at 29 ºC and 34.89% at 36 ºC of saturated fatty acids in the NBRIP medium, as the best biomass growth medium. Aspergillus terreus was shown to be highly qualified in the production of biodiesel, with 1.31% of tri-unsaturated fatty acids (TUFA) and absence of polyunsaturated (PUFA) being detected, according to maximum limits established by the European standard EN 1424, being 12 % for TUFA and 1% for PUFA. Finally, it was found that Acutodesmos obliquus can be stored both by refrigeration and by freezing, this being through the use of cryoprotective substances, such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), glycerol (Gly) and polyethylene glycol (Poly). The information brought in this work reveals excellent efficiency in the solubilization of the phosphorus component present in the iron ore tailings by Aspergillus terreus, resulting in a possible application in mining, as an alternative to reduce production costs and sustainable conditions of the mining system, and so on., contributing to the improvement of the quality of iron ore in the country, and a probable purpose of solubilized phosphorus, as in the generation of phosphate products.
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    Espacialização, intensificação e sustentabilidade da pecuária bovina no estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-26) Ferreira, Gabriel Caymmi Vilela; Vázquez González, Ibán; Miziara, Fausto;; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo; Soares, João Paulo Guimarães; Sineiro Garcia, Francisco; Araújo, Fernando Moreira
    It is estimated that by 2050, 9.8 billion people will inhabit the land. Therefore, modern agriculture faces a complex and contradictory challenge, increasing food production between 54-98%, while decreasing its impact on natural ecosystems and increasing its sustainability. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to deepen knowledge and research on this subject in Brazil since it is an important player in the world scenario. This work aimed to analyze livestock activity in the state of Goiás (Brazil) from different perspectives, analyzing its spatial, productive, technical, and sustainable dimension. Through multicriteria analysis techniques such as: factor analysis, cluster analysis (LISA, Ward and K-media) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), a current picture of cattle ranching in the state was obtained. The results indicate a spatially sectorized livestock activity, with the formation of specific productive zones, two areas for beef cattle (northwest and southwest) and two for dairy farming (southeast and southwest). In addition, the significant productive increase that livestock has had over the last decade (2006-2017) with strong intensification of activity. In fact, there was a productive increase of 45% in the animal stocking rate, 49% in milk productivity per cow and 66% in animal supplementation with grains. The livestock sustainability index is in a low-middle spectrum in the state, with only 15% of municipalities classified as sustainable. It was observed that dairy activity is more sustainable and intensified than beef activity, and that infrastructure and market factors are determinant for this.
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    Influência da expansão agrícola sobre a perda de solo no estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Pena, Diogo Silva; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Miziara, Fausto; Correchel, Vladia; Griebeler, Nori Paulo; Almeida, Rherison Tyrone Silva
    The growing establishment of agricultural activities based on the current intensive production models has accentuated several environmental problems, and an understanding of the dynamics of the occupation of the cerrado in relation to vegetation cover and its relationship with environmental impacts is fundamental to understand these problems. This study seeks to contribute to the knowledge regarding the dynamics of soil losses in the state of Goiás by verifying from mapping how this occupation occurred, in addition to analyzing the consequences of this occupation in relation to erosion processes, seeking to understand whether the rate of Soil loss has increased, and what type of occupation has generated more soil loss according to the soil loss prediction model known as the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Thus, the objective of this thesis is to evaluate the consequences of the occupation of the state of Goiás on soil losses between the years 1985 and 2017. It was observed that there was a great expansion of agricultural activities in the State of Goiás, causing significant changes in land use and occupation throughout the territory of Goiás, which according to EUPS caused an increase in soil erosion rates between the years analyzed. The average soil loss across the state of Goiás was 17.95 Mg/ha, with the highest value being observed in 2008 (22.59 Mg / ha), and the lowest value observed in 1990 (12.07 Mg/ha).
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    A ocupação de áreas savânicas no Brasil e Moçambique
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-15) Oliveira, Wellington Nunes de; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Miziara, Fausto; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Ribeiro, Noely Vicente; Kopp, Katia Alcione
    The agricultural areas formation due to the growing demand for food and its pressure on ecosystems is a worldwide issue. Among these ecosystems, the savannah regions deserve special attention due to the accelerated degradation process that occurred in the last decades. In this context, through the use of geoprocessing tools, this thesis sought to perform a multitemporal analysis of the occupation of savanna environments in Brazil and Africa, considering the technological limits of orbital sensors, and also to estimate scenarios for the occupation of savanna areas in Mozambique. In Brazil, the Cerrado biome has a very consolidated occupation by agriculture, occupying about half of its geographical extension. On the African continent, there is another savanna area, also known as Miombo, which, although quite fragmented, is still less anthropized compared to the Cerrado, but with increases in the occurrences of deforestation and / or pyrogenic events. Through the mapping of land use and occupation it was possible to verify that the African Miombo has 77.86% of its native vegetation preserved, while the Cerrado has 53.48%. Specifically in Mozambique, one of the objects of study of this research, the coverage of remnants of native vegetation presented an average value of 62.25% of its preserved area. As for pyrogenic events, although the Cerrado and Miombo are ecosystems that have some phytophysiognomies adapted to fire, their use for the conversion of virgin areas for planting, and to stimulate the regrowth of pastures is quite harmful, causing several damages to biodiversity. In the analyzed period, the scars of fires represented approximately 92,500 km2 and 721,900 km2, respectively, for Cerrado and Miombo. For the estimation of land use and occupation scenarios in Mozambique, the potential distribution model was used, through Maxent (Maximum Entropy), which presented a predictive scenario for the year 2022 of 51.26% of preserved native vegetation. Whether through multitemporal analysis or the projection of scenarios, it is possible to note the acceleration of the conversion of native vegetation cover into agricultural crops and pastures in the savannas. In this way, this study collaborates with the generation of a database to better represent the conservation panorama, as well as the degree of anthropization suffered by these savannas.
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    Emprego de sensoriamento remoto nas estimativas de concentração de sedimentos em água
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-24) Holdefer, Antônio Eliseu; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Santos, Felipe Correa Veloso dos; Medeiros, Antonio Marcos de Melo
    Suspended sediments in rivers and on the coastline affects the hydrological, geomorphological and ecological aspects of flood plains and deltas. Traditional SSC insitu measurement is most often challenging in terms of time, cost, qualified personnel, and space coverage. Remote satellite sensing offers a convenient way to cover large areas at reasonable intervals of time. The objective of this study is to develop an approach to the use of public accessible satellite images to quantify the concentration of suspended sediments (SSC) in Brazilian rivers, watersheds and coastline. In addition to obtaining historical trends, for a better understanding of the CSS variations that have occurred over the past three decades. The approach used in the articles present in this thesis makes use of indexes derived from the reflectance values of the spectral bands of the satellite images in order to estimate the value of SSC present in rivers, coast and watersheds, making use of values measured in situ for the calibration of such values. The present thesis consists of the introduction to the topic, methods and four articles, the first article makes a general approach to the current state of the art for the derivation of SSC values through indexes derived from the reflectance values of the spectral bands of satellite images. The second article makes use of SSC estimation techniques to study the sediment concentration variations in water along the Araguaia River. The third article makes a temporal analysis of SSC variations in the Brazilian basins in the last 32 years. The fourth article presents a new methodology for the temporal analysis of the SSC variations along the entire Brazilian coastline for the last 32 years. Among the main innovations present in this thesis we can highlight: 1) Estimation of SSC throughout the entire Brazilian territory, together with historical trends. 2) Use of LandSat family of terrestrial satellites to estimate the concentration of SSC for the entire Brazilian coast, at a distance of up to 50 km from the Brazilian coast, also with historical trends.
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    Ganho ambiental dos pagamentos por serviços ambientais em recursos hídricos no Brasil: uma análise de multicritério por meio da Fuzzy logic
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-07-09) Silva, Alexandre Rodrigo Choupina Andrade; Ribeiro, Francis Lee;; Ribeiro, Francis Lee; Teixeira, Denilson; De Marco Júnior, Paulo; Ribeiro, Admilson Írio; Rocha, Maria Elisabeth Teixeira Pereira e
    Payments for Environmental Services (PES) have emerged in the last decade as an instrument of environmental conservation that provide positive incentives for the management of natural resources. These incentives can compensate those who currently provide an environmental service or encourage those who would otherwise not provide a service. The approach is based on the transfer of positive incentives to environmental service providers who are conditioned on the provision of a service based on the consideration of environmental additionality. However, the use of PSA permeated by other approaches such as social and economic. In this sense, the term PSA ended up being used as umbrella for any and all environmental preservation. In this research, we tried to evaluate the development of the object of study in the last decades and to develop an applied model to measure the environmental gains with implementation of the PSA. First we start with a discussion of different definitions of PES, both narrowly and broadly, permeating the terms of voluntary, conditionality and environmental additionality. We continue with a systematic PSA review of water resources with the largest number of PSA projects in the world. Next, we discuss a tool to measure environmental additionality through Fuzzy logic. In the last part, we applied the Fuzzy logic model to test the environmental additionality in two projects of conservation in water resources in Brazil. The research data suggest: i) conditionality of supply of environmental services occurs due to changes in agricultural practices; ii) environmental gains (additionality) are rarely measured and when the focus is on changing conservation practices with bias in environmental resources; iii) the model to measure environmental additionality in PSA-Water by means of Fuzzy logic proved to be satisfactory; and iv) the implementation of PES in the maintenance of environmental services remained stable in the offer of natural resources. In places where the implementation of PSA occurred as the objective of environmental restoration there was environmental additionality.
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    Manejo e monitoramento de impactos sobre o ecossistema em áreas protegidas de cerrado: estrutura da vegetação, gramíneas exóticas e incêndios
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-07-05) Batista, Flávia Regina de Queiroz; Ramos Neto, Mario Barroso;; Ferreira Júnior, Laerte Guimarães;; Ferreira, Laerte Guimarães; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Cianciaruso, Marcus Vinícius; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Taitson, Guilherme
    The Cerrado is the richest, perhaps the most threatened savannah in the world, and only 3% of its area is protected by law. These are extremely valuable and strategic areas for the conservation of the Cerrado, but suffer numerous external and internal pressures. Among the main management concerns for the Conservation Units (UC) of the Cerrado are fires and biological invasion. This work investigates how the interference of the management and the dynamics of the fire and the invasion of exotic grasses alter the phytophysiognomies of cerrado, and is divided in chapters that investigate respectively: 1) the difficulties in producing a map of sufficient accuracy to support studies of dynamics of vegetation structure; 2) the effectiveness of the current fire management system and the challenges of integrated fire management in the last two decades; 3) the invasion by exotic grasses and their relation with the topography of the terrain, tracks and roads in and around the study area. Landsat 8 images from a period of 5 years from 2013 were used and calculated for 5 different time intervals - monthly, inter-monthly, annual, yearly, quinquennial - sets of metrics based on 18 indices derived from reflectance values of the bands of these images besides the values of reflectance of the bands, data sampled in the field and semiautomatic classification for the mapping of the vegetation classes of the National Park of Emas (PNE). From a replicable model it was possible to elaborate a map with 89% accuracy and nine classes of phytophysiognomies, reducing the costs and the subjectivity of the manual work of data collection and posterior corrections. Using metrics elaborated from a digital elevation model and data of presence and absence of Urochloa sp on internal tracks and along the edges of the UC. Four models were tested using morphometric parameters, distances to tracks and roads in contrast to the presence or absence of the species. The results point to the importance of anthropic disturbances, terrain topography, and indicate that the force of water in its runoff is very relevant in establishing the species in new areas. In order to understand the spatial and temporal behavior of fire in the Emas National Park (PNE), the frequency of burnings for the different phytophysiognomies was analyzed, the correlation between the number of heat spots and the extent of the scars and the influence of the environmental variables surface, precipitation and accumulation of biomass). The scars of burned areas, heat sources, climatic variables - rainfall and temperature of the earth's surface (°C) - dry biomass surface and accumulated biomass for burned and unburned areas were analyzed. The annual peak of heat sources pointed with great accuracy to the occurrence of burnings in the PNE area, the number of outbreaks showed to be a good indicator of scar occurrence and size, the extent of area with dry biomass at categories 'very high' and 'critical' is a risk indicator of large fires and a reasonable predictor of areas that serve as a blockade to the spread of fires. The current fire management plan through firing and natural burning during the dry season has brought advances in fire prevention, but it is necessary to consider the use of prescribed controlled burns.
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    Monitoramento ambiental da superfície da terra utilizando dados de satélite de órbita geoestacionária: estudo de caso com o meteosat second generation
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-20) Silveira Junior, Carlos Roberto da; Silva, Bernardo Barbosa da;; Ferreira Junior, Laerte Guimarães;; Ferreira Junior, Laerte Guimarães; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Luiz, Gislaine Cristina; Oliveira, Ivanilton José de; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo
    Satellites of geostationary orbit, commonly used for meteorological monitoring, provide, in new series, the possibility of environmental monitoring of the vegetation, having the advantage of greater temporal resolution, when compared to polar orbiting satellite data. However, it is necessary to know the characteristics and limitations of the data in order to obtain the biophysical indicators. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to investigate and to know the potential of environmental indicators to monitor the surface of the earth from geostationary orbit satellite data, specifically Meteosat-10 of the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) series, with a view to assess their temporal and spatial characteristics. In order to do so, we sought to identify the inherent challenges for obtaining biophysical indicators for Brazil, which has as main limitation the high viewing angle. As well as, analyzing the results of correction techniques (geometric and atmospheric) and band fusion to increase the correlation of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) with MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). In order to identify the potential of the data, the NDVI and NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) indicators were used to monitor the environmental seasonality in the basin scale. The study database period was from 2013 to 2015. As a result the NDVI MSG, obtained in the interval from 10:00 to 12:00 am, presents a high correlation (p> 0.8) with the MOD09, being able to to obtain an image about the state of Goiás with 95% coverage of pixels in the interval of 12 days, while the MOD09 obtains in the interval of 16 days. However, the MSG cloud mask presents a high percentage of error (21%), showing cloud when the MOD09 pixels mark the entire area as cloud-free. The use of the panchromatic band in the band fusion operation did not add to the results. Likewise, the geometric correction is a fine adjustment that, in these analyzes, did not present an increase in the correlation of the data. On the other hand, the atmospheric correction maintains the correlation of the data and increases the value of the NDVI, approaching more to the value NDVI MODIS. In an analysis of major components and unsupervised classification the NDVI MSG was superior to NDVI MOD13, with substantial agreement for annual agriculture (K = 0.73) and considerable for pasture (K = 0.35) and natural vegetation (K = 0, 34). By analyzing the seasonality of river basins, one can identify and understand seasonal patterns in different regions and classes of use. The NDVI and NDWI presented a higher correlation with the precipitation of two months ago (r > 0.84) and high correlation with each other (r > 0.94), with NDWI being more sensitive to the abstraction of seasonal behavior, allowing identification tendencies in some basin of Goias state. The results demonstrate the potential of biophysical vegetation indicators from geostationary satellite Meteosat-10 to monitor the land cover.
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    Diversidade e prospecção de rizobactérias associadas à cana-de-açúcar sob manejo orgânico: metodologias clássicas e moleculares a serviço da agroecologia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-29) Rodrigues, Ariana Alves; Vieira , José Daniel Gonçalves;; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves; Carneiro, Lilian Carla; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Carrim, Aysha Jussara Ivonilde
    The current way of sugarcane cultivation leads to the reduction of biodiversity and generates a series of environmental impacts. Thinking about the environmental issue, several strategies have been developed to make this crop less harmfull to the environment and one of these strategies refers to organic farming. The microorganisms associated with organic management are essential in the transformation and release of nutrients to plants. Among the microorganisms associated with organic cultivation, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can promote plant growth in processes such as biofertilization, biostimulation and biocontrol. The present study aimed to evaluate the diversity and metabolic potential of rhizospheric communities associated with sugarcane under organic management, prospect PGPR associated with sugarcane and evaluate in vitro their potential to promote plant growth. Samples of sugarcane rhizosphere, variety CTC4, cultivated under organic and traditional management, had their DNA extracted and sequenced. The sequences obtained were analyzed with the mothur software and the alpha diversity was accessed with the Shannon and Chao1 metrics. The beta diversity was verified with the Bray-Curtis index and with principal coordinates analysis (PCoA). The functional potential of communities was predicted with the PICRUSt software. For microbial prospecting, rhizospheric microorganisms of the varieties IAC 911099 and CTC4, cultivated under organic management, were isolated. The diazotrophic rhizobacteria were isolated in NFB and Burk medium, and the actinobacteria in ISP and SCA medium. The isolated microorganisms were screened in vitro for plant growth promotion traids such as indole-acetic acid (IAA), phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, ammonia production, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production, cellulases production, chitinase production and for Fusarium moniliforme antagonism. The alpha diversity did not change due to management (p> 0.05), however, differences in the beta diversity were observed between organic and conventional samples. In relation to functional analysis, in the two places analyzed, the genes related to nitrogen fixation were more expressed in farms under organic cultivation. Of the microorganisms prospected, 81 were fast-growing diazotrophic and 21 actinobacteria. These microorganisms were distributed in 14 genera. Of these, 45.6% of the fast-growing diazotrophic and 29% of the actinobacteria were able to fix nitrogen. In addition, were found bacteria capable of producing IAA, solubilizing phosphate, producing ammonia, cellulases and chitinases. Members of Burkholderia and Streptomyces were able to inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic fungus F. moniliforme. The prospected microorganisms present potential as inoculants in the biofertilization, biostimulation and biocontrol processes and it is suggested the use of bacteria of the genus Burkholderia and the genus Streptomyces for their abilities to promote biocontrol, together with bacteria of the genus Sphingobium and Rhizobium that have abilities to promote plant growth through nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization and IAA production.