Atravessando territórios: Fazendo-se docente-artista no processo de formação


This work discusses the possibilities of developing an artistic teaching by intercrossing art, subjectivity, poetry and teaching during the student's initial formation in Visual Arts. The research opened spaces to think through this formation that crosses and it's crossed by the student’s stories and experiences in Visual Arts Class, and outside of it as well. For its development, participated eight collaborators of Visual Arts Class from Federal University of Goiás, two being professors from supervised internship and six graduates during their internship period, in 2011. Discussions and points relative to the course, the instructor’s initial formation, supervised internship, studio at university and points about school itself were all present during this process. The investigation and reflection used interviews, research notebooks and maps referring to the interviews content. From the placing and reverberation that collaborators words provided, it became clear that this formation space it’s done not only by the menus and curriculum structure that the course provides, but by the different interests of each student in searching for determined situations both present and absent in their formation process.



FORTE, Marcelo. Atravessando territórios: Fazendo-se docente-artista no processo de formação. 2013. 155 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.