Demandas de saúde das(os) trabalhadoras(es): análise das práticas de Psicólogas Organizacionais

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research aimed to explore how organizational psychologists respond to the health needs of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using Marxist and Marxist theoretical approaches, the study examined the historical context of work in capitalism, the development of organizational and occupational psychology, and the emergence of workers' health as a field. The goal was to identify the health needs of workers, including the psychologists themselves, during the pandemic. The study also reviewed the theoretical and practical frameworks used by these professionals to support their interventions in workers' health. Additionally, the researchers analyzed the relationship between the practices of organizational psychologists and the health needs of workers. To gather data, a field study was conducted with organizational psychologists working in hospitals and clinics in the state of Goiás. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using the Google Meet platform, with the number of interviews determined by data saturation. Participants were informed about the study's objectives, the voluntary nature of their participation, and the confidentiality of the information provided. The interviews were recorded and the data collected were transcribed using automatic Word transcriptions. The results of the study revealed that the main focus of organizational psychologists during the pandemic was not addressing the health needs of workers, including their own. Instead, the emphasis was on making necessary adjustments to work in order to increase productivity and reduce costs, ensuring job security. This finding suggests that psychologists, as members of the working class, should engage in discussions about workers' health in their education and professional training. They should also organize collectively in spaces such as unions and psychology councils to advocate for practices that prioritize workers' health both within and outside of companies. It is important to note that the main cause of the physical and mental health challenges faced by the working class, including psychologists themselves, during the pandemic is attributed to capitalism rather than the pandemic itself



SILVEIRA, C. P. Demandas de saúde das(os) trabalhadoras(es): análise das práticas de Psicólogas Organizacionais. 2023. 163 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.