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    A integração entre arquitetura, permacultura e bioconstrução na construção de um futuro sustentável
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-03) Marques, Patrícia Sousa; Tiago, Filemon Alves; Lima, Fabíolla Xavier Rocha Ferreira
    This research explores the possibility of meeting human needs in harmony with the environment, using ancient construction techniques as contemporary approaches. Permaculture and bioconstruction are presented as distinctive and necessary ways to deal with spaces, promoting a healthier development in the relationship between humans and the environment. Faced with urban challenges, it is crucial for society to focus on education and seek solutions to problems such as housing deficit, unemployment, and environmental and social degradation. Permaculture emerges as a proposal that aims to reconcile the social, economic, and environmental spheres, transforming the city into a laboratory for sustainable initiatives. The objective is to conceptualize permaculture, Ecovillage communities, and their relationship with architecture. The methodology presents techniques and methods of bioconstruction, followed by the results of the ArqViva Project, an initiative based on the principles of permaculture, bioconstruction, and sustainability. Practices were carried out with the participation of collaborators, volunteers, and residents for the execution of the architectural project and the start of the construction of a daycare center in the urban occupation Alto da Boa Vista, in Aparecida de Goiânia - GO. The results highlight the importance of returning to vernacular practices as a sustainable alternative for construction and the benefits conferred to the community.
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    É possível ensinar a fazer filmes sem saber?... aprendizagens compartilhadas na produção de narrativas audiovisuais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-19) Martins, Alice Fátima
    The main challenges of including audiovisual production in school education are the lack of equipment and the lack of familiarity by the teachers with the various stages of movies production. But what seems to be an obstacle may become a project of shared learning. In this article, based on research in the field of cinema and education, such possibilities will be thought within the scope of basic education.
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    Tecnologias de código aberto para registro fotogramétrico do patrimônio arquitetônico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-20) Garcia, Vitor Cavalcanti; Guillen Salas, Juan Carlos; Caixeta, Eline Maria Mora Pereira
    In the last few decades, technological development has instituted new tools for the register of architectural heritage, photogrammetry being one of them. At the same time, initiatives to produce open-source technologies were expanded, that is, software whose source code is available for remote access, accessible for study and modification and available for redistribution to others. This article, therefore, addresses the theme of preservation of architectural heritage, from the perspective of open-source technologies for its photogrammetric register. The research hypothesized that there is open-source software to carry out the photogrammetric register of buildings recognized as architectural heritage. Therefore, the objective of the research was to identify software for open-source photogrammetric register. The methodological procedure involved bibliographic research on the photogrammetry technique applied to the preservation of architectural heritage and on open-source photogrammetric technologies. As the main result of this study, eight open-source software for photogrammetric recording were identified, with emphasis on the VisualSMF, Meshlab, Regard 3D and COLMAP systems, as we verified cases in which these programs were used to perform photogrammetric register of historic buildings.
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    Implantação habitacional de interesse social: o caso de Trindade, Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Pinheiro, Isabela Gonçalves; Silva, Sara de Sousa Ribeiro e; Kneib, Erika Cristine; Kallas, Luana Miranda Esper; Cunha, Débora Ferreira da
    This article aims to investigate Social Interest Housing (HIS) in the municipality of Trindade, emphasizing the developments made possible with resources from the popular housing program Minha Casa Minha Vida, considering the possibility of verification of urban feasibility studies for implementation of HIS. Three projects will be analyzed specifically. For this, the methodology is based on a bibliographic review of the subject and on the comparison between the implementation criteria established in the legislation and the implementation criteria used in practice. Thus, it is observed that none of the three developments was built in locations with complete pre-existing urban infrastructure adequate to the new demand, allowing to conclude that even when it was verified that this infrastructure was not viable, the developments were implemented through alternative solutions, impacting costs and demanding budget resources that could be allocated to the production of more housing units, expanding the objective of HIS.
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    Arquiteturas de (im)possibilidades: espaços expositivos de Robert Smithson
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-03-14) Romeiro, Bráulio
    This work investigates the North American artist Robert Smithson’s considerations on traditional expositive spaces: the museum and art gallery, as well as unusual and unexplored spaces by art up to that time. Looking through his texts we notice some enhanced perspectives and reset others, increasing limitation set on White Cube’s abstract and neutral quality and the substantiation on ideologies behind of these spaces manifestation.
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    Narrativa e performance: por uma hermenêutica do edificado
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-28) Duarte, Valquíria Guimarães
    This project aims to construct concepts for the analysis, interpretation and comprehension of the building and is based on a proposal to think complexity through transdisciplinarity. It is about analyzing the aesthetic-architectural production from their own memory brands. We start from the Ricoeur’s hermeneutics, we dialogue with contemporary art and then we elaborate Performance Conceitual, Performance Process, Techno Performance, Performance (In) Doors, (Out) Doors and Arquitetura Performática. In short, this is a study that, based on the interart vision, demonstrates the process of constructing concepts that aim to understand the building as a historical, cultural and narrative object.
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    L’insegnamento dell’urbanistica in Brasile: spunti di riflessione per l’università italiana che cambia a partire da due casi di studio
    (2020) Chiodi, Sarah Isabella; Kneib, Erika Cristine
    This article aims to investigate the teaching of urbanism in the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) of Brazil in order to get some interesting food for thought about the Italian debate on the changing role of the planner of its education. Firstly, we will identify the general differences and similarities between the educational approach of Italy and Brazil, then we will focus on the cases of the UFG and of the Polytechnic of Milan (IT) and their courses of urbanism and planning. Among the main questions we will try to address there are: does it make sense to speak about urbanism and planning as a specialist profession with a proper education? To what extent the internationalization is crucial in the education of urbanism and planning? Which are the opportunities and the limits of remote teaching of urban studies in a global society that is characterized by a big socio-economicaldivide?
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    Urban and peri-urban agriculture in Goiânia: the search for solutions to adapt cities in the context of global climate change
    (2021) Marçal, Débora Raíssa; Mesquita, Gabriel Gade Martins; Kallas, Luana Miranda Esper; Hora, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro
    Goiânia is a city in the late 1930s, and one of the two cities constructed in the Brazilian savannah. In 2018, it had 1.4 million inhabitants and 2,05217 inhabitants per km2. With less than 100 years of age, the urbanization model associated with the effects of global climate change has led the city to live, in recent periods, with moments of water scarcity and flooding. In view of this, the urban municipal policy seeks to point out actions that aim to control land use and occupation from an environmental sustainability perspective. Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is one strategy and will be the main objective of this article. The urban municipal policy will indicate areas for the practice of UPA as a strategy for adapting cities in the context of climate change. As a secondary objective, the potential for carbon sequestration by this activity was analyzed. The methodology was based on the analysis of urban land use in a Geographic information system (GIS) environment. The database of the Municipality of Goiânia was used. The results indicated three levels of priorities, with a total of 10,650 hectares. In terms of carbon sequestration, this area would result in the capture of 5.536.764,60 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere in 20 years.
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    Representação e história da antiga Estação Ferroviária de Goiânia e da antiga Rodoferroviária de Brasília documentadas por sketches
    (2021-12-14) Silva, Eliel Américo Santana da; Guillen Salas, Juan Carlos; Kallas, Luana Miranda Esper
    With the advent of industry, progress came with railways, stations and locomotives, a symbol of modernity. In Brazil, this symbol of advancement and development began in 1850 and fell into disuse in 1970. In Goiania, its use lasted approximately 30 years and in Brasília, just over a decade, being rehabilitated as a terminal for passenger road transport, renamed “Rodoferroviária”. The first station, in Art Deco architectural style, has been a listed heritage site since the 2000s and is now open to exhibition and assistance from the Goiania City Hall; while the second, in a modernist style, was not listed, there is an intention to turn it into the Science and Technology Museum, but today, with a new rehabilitation, it will include some public agencies of the Federal District Government. In this sense, the objective of this article is to present the history and representation of the old Railway Station in Goiania and the old “Rodoferroviária” in Brasilia documented by sketches. The methodology includes analysis of documents from primary and secondary sources. As a result, based on the theoretical framework, it was identified through sketches explaining materiality, space, time and people, followed by cities and railway station buildings, followed by conclusions by way of comparisons on the representation and history of the objects of study documented by sketches.
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    A importância da documentação por sketches em viagens exploratórias citadinas: de Brasília a Goiás, do moderno ao colonial
    (2021-11) Guillen Salas, Juan Carlos; Kallas, Luana Miranda Esper
    Drawing is a practice from cave times, as seen in the documentary records of various locations around the world. Nowadays it is an increasingly common practice among movements of street sketchers around the world, and it has been rescued as a form of documentary record of architecture and the city. In the old exploratory voyages, this practice was also used as a way to register the New World, in the vision of the Naturalists. In architecture, it was widely used as a way to rescue historical monuments, as used by Viollet-le-Duc, Boito and the antiquarians, for the first two, also as a way to know the city and architecture, a practice also used by Lúcio Costa to know Portuguese Architecture. Thus, this essay presents the documental register by sketches in exploratory city travels from Brasília to Goiás, from Modern to Colonial, as a way to know, walking through the cities and registering in drawings or sketches the first impressions of the place, which was achieved starting from Brasília, passing through Goiânia, with representatives of Modern and Art Dèco Architecture; in the City of Goiás, with representatives of Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic and Colonial Architecture; and in Pirenópolis and Corumbá de Goiás, with representatives of Colonial Architecture.
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    A poética arquitetônica no espaço virtual
    (2012-12) Lima, Fábio Ferreira de
    From the hybridism between language and computational representation of architectural forms are created in virtual space. In this space, the inventions are completely free of his physicality and can take this freedom in any form. It creates a metaphoric vehicle that overlaps the concrete level, establishing a form of artistic thought able to print force and sustain the habitat of the imagination. These require a poetic look continued, able to take the viewer on impressions markedly floatings.
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    A reinvenção dos processos de projeto numa sociedade complexa
    (2017-12) Silva, Rangel Henrique Brandão; Lima, Fábio Ferreira de; Jaime, Iasmin de Sousa; Araújo, Jakelyne Martins
    Due to the fast and constant social changes, the designers have developed new perceptions and sensitivities, bringing changes to the designing process that, somehow, shows the actual contemporary architect. This way of making things in a day-to-day that recreates itself, as said in Certeau, resulted in the present article, which is an attempt to reflect about the influences that this current complex period has over the way of designing.
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    Realidades criativas do campo estético: hibridismo entre arte e arquitetura digital
    (2016-12) Lima, Fábio Ferreira de
    La arquitectura se ha ampliado en su complejidad por los recursos de la computación, la promoción de cambios significativos en la forma, la renuncia de la gama común de las apariencias y la búsqueda de experiencias con versiones inusuales, creando metáforas visuales para un nuevo mundo. Las formas espaciales se crean a partir de varios principios con muchas motas científicas para explorar, en una utilización intensa y sistemática de los medios digitales, lo que resulta en procesos de tenencias de plástico comunes a las artes digitales. La arquitectura digital puede materializarse signos de una muy amplia gama de referencias y, subyacente a la forma en que el deseo de expresión traducido en un carácter de la belleza.
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    Novas fronteiras espaciais: hibridização entre arte e arquitetura digital
    (2011-12) Lima, Fábio Ferreira de
    Expressive practices in contemporary productions are entwined in many placements circumstantial, promoting new strategies and making formal symbioses spatial, through to the computing resources and processes typical of art in its multiple cadences. In this context, strong tendencies to enable implementation of procedures bordering the enunciation, through to the generative processes and structures algorithmic applications of logical-mathematical, containing abstract principles in its interiors that promote new geometries and fluid whose surfaces raises natural aspects. In this poetic territory, the buildings are modeled sculptures with attributes plastics.
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    Processos criativos e metodologias de projeto para design e arquitetura: o exemplo da biônica
    (2011-12) Lima, Fábio Ferreira de
    This article discusses the role of projective methodologies inserted amplifying activities as processes of creative potentials. We emphasize the importance of this theme within the exercise of professional designer and architect, and creativity as a prerequisite. Furthermore, education should provide an ability to conceive ideas grounded in real foundations and on arguments that satisfy a logic: the form must be justified as a result of a lawsuit. For example, the article elaborates on the bionics, extracting features of a biological model chosen goal advantage in the design intent.
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    Animação interativa e discurso narrativo
    (2020-12) Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Mello, Fernando Antonio Oliveira
    the present work aims to present the concept of interactive animation and the elements of narrative construction proposed by Gérard Genette. Subsequently, an analysis is presented on how these narrative elements are adapted to the narrative language of interactive animation, whose predominant organization is multilinearity.
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    Cataguases e suas modernidades: congruências entre cinema, literatura e arquitetura
    (2019-07) Mello, Fernando Antonio Oliveira
    The data for this research comes from a collection of fragments inscribed in the history of Cataguases, a Brazilian town located in Zona da Mata, a mesoregion in the southeastern part of the State of Minas Gerais. Irrespective of its characteristics such as any small town in Brazil, Cataguases was chosen by Humberto Mauro for filming the very first movies of his career as a filmmaker (1925-1930). In addition, it was where a group of young students published, in the beginning of 20th century (1927-1929), a remarkable avant-garde literary magazine to which contributed important modernist artists. Furthermore, it was also a place where forward looking architects from Rio de Janeiro could develop some of their projects in the early 40s. Considering these three preliminary manifestations as a starting point, we aim to explore how those cutting-edge days of Cataguases could take place and progress in the interior of Minas Gerais. We investigate, therefore, what kind of people and events may possibly have entailed the influx between those new ideas coming from Brazil’s largest cities and the quietness of a bucolic town like Cataguases, built on the slopes of Minas Gerais mountains.
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    Conteúdo de marca e experiência emocional: animação como entretenimento na internet
    (2018) Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Mello, Fernando Antonio Oliveira
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    Cataguases: nexos entre cinema, literatura e arquitetura na construção de um ideário moderno
    (2016-06) Mello, Fernando Antonio Oliveira
    The data for this research comes from a collection of fragments inscribed in the history of Cataguases, a Brazilian town located in the Zona da Mata, a mesoregion in the southeastern part of the State of Minas Gerais. Despite its ordinariness as any small town in Brazil, Cataguases was chosen by Humberto Mauro as setting of the very first movies of his career as a film-maker (1925-1930). In addition, it was the place where a group of young students published, in the beginning of 20th century (1927-1929), a remarkable avant-garde literary magazine to which contributed important modernist artists. Furthermore, it was also a place where forward-looking architects from Rio de Janeiro could develop some of their projects in the early 40s. Considering these three preliminary manifestations as a starting point, we aim to explore how those cutting-edge days of Cataguases came into being in the interior of Minas Gerais. We investigate, therefore, what kind of people and events may possibly have entailed the influx between those new ideas coming from Brazil’s largest cities and the quietness of a bucolic town like Cataguases, built on the slopes of Minas Gerais mountains.
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    Registro documental com tecnologias digitais não convencionais na arquitetura: o estudo de caso do Museu da Cidade de Brasília/DF
    (2021) Guillen Salas, Juan Carlos; Kallas, Luana Miranda Esper; Silva, Neander Furtado
    O registro documental patrimonial arquitetônica com fotogrametria ainda é incomum no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar que as tecnologias de fotogrametria de baixo custo podem ser utilizadas na documentação. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi organizada em quarto partes: revisão teórica, estudo de caso, resultados e discussão, e conclusão. Neste trabalho observou-se que as tecnologias de fotogrametria de nuvem de pontos de baixo custo permitem a documentação patrimonial arquitetônica, por meio de modelos digitais 3D e protótipos 3D em diferentes escalas. E confirmou-se que as tecnologias de baixo custo de fotogrametria podem ser utilizadas na documentação patrimonial arquitetônica.