Programa de Pós-graduação em História
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Item Metamorfoseando a vida: a escrita autobiográfica de Herculine/Abel Barbin (1838-1868)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-20) Araujo, Patrícia Simone de; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Pereira, Robson Mendonça; Silva, Leicy Francisca da; Abreu, Jean Luiz NevesThis research intention to analyze the autobiographical memories of Herculine/ Abel Barbin (1838-1868). The history of this personality draws attention for being born as a hemaphrodite inthe middle of France, in the middle of the 19 th century.In this sense, the central objective of this investigation is to examine how she or him interpreted her body and sexuality through intimate writing in face of the moral and medical concepts of her time.For this, the autobiographical method was used, mainly drinking inthe contributions of Loriga (2011), Dosse (2009), Vilas-Boas (2014) and Lejune (2008). In addition, to reflect on the issue of the body from the perspective of the normal dichotomy versus pathological, the contributions of Canguilhem (2009) and Foucault. To portray the hermaphrodite’s conceptions, the studies by Leite Júnior (2011) and Dreger (1998) were fundamental.Regarding the issue of sex, gender and sexualities, it is mostly supported by the studies of Laqueur (2001) , Foucault (1998) and Butler. Whit this theoretical contribution as a subsidy, it was observed that Barbin expressed an interpretative originality in relation to the pejorative vision that his era him, destabilizing the stage of certainties created by western societies about sex and sexuality. He decided to reconstruct himself by meand of a narrative identity unrelated to the deem of blame, but linked to an unjust person. It subvert the ignoble conception that the social had on this body, absent himself from any condemnation. For she or him, the big mistake was in the social standars formulated about sex and sexuality, and not in her or him. Thus, Barbin, through his text, made it possible to envision a being marked not only by pain, but above all, a courageous person who did not sumit to the standards of his time in the way of conceiving his body and place in the world, having thus, in his writing, a way to challenge the rules and morality in force at the time.Item Lactâncio e a polêmica sobre a origem dos deuses: uma análise do evemerismo nas divinas instituições (séc. IV d. C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-15) Braz, Azenathe Pereira; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques;; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Silva, Érica Cristhyane Moraes da; Omena, Luciane Munhoz deThe present research analyzes the presence of the euhemerism philosophy in the work Divine Institutes of Lactantius, in order to identify the rationalist apologetics regarding the origin of the gods of the ancient Roman religion. The author was a Christian apologist in the 4th century AD. And wrote several works, among them Divine Institutes. One of the argumentative axes of this work is based on the appropriation of euhemerism, which is the conventional designation for the thought of Euhemerus, an author who probably lived in the 4th century BC. And wrote the work Sacred History. Evemerism consists of the theory that the ancient gods were men deified by their great deeds, but that they were, however, just ordinary human beings. The rationalization of the gods of the ancient Roman religion is an aspect that permeates lactational thinking in the rejection of paganism and in the defense of Christianity. Our hypothesis is that, Lactantius appropriated Euhemerus´s philosophy to build an argument aimed at legitimizing Christian monotheism and his argument is associated with the transformations of the religious practices of the beginning of the 4th century AD in the Roman Empire. The hermeneutics of documentation observed processes of appropriation of discourse with which the relationship with euhemerist philosophy is constructed and the use of rhetorical discourses in the reformulation of paradigms based on ancient culture and philosophy, in the reorganization and accommodation of assumptions in order to legitimize others venerations, other myths, other rituals, an undertaking that reflected a specific demand of the period´s religiosity.Item Narrativas diversas, memórias em disputa: as instituições (Funleide, Suleide e Cara) criadas pelo governo do estado de Goiás após o acidente com o césio-137 (1988-2011)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-23) Cabral, Larissa Mendanha; Langaro, Jiani Fernando;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Gomide, Cristina Helou; Souza, Rildo Bento de; Magalhães, Sônia Maria deThis essay analyzes the relationship between history and memory in the unfolding of the accident with the radioactive element Cesium-137, occurred in the city of Goiania, in September of 1987. It brings to the topic a new vision, putting focus in the time after to the tragedy and in the study of the memories created around the institutions founded by the government of Goias to provide support to the victims of the accident (Funleide, Suleide and CARA). The objective is discussing the memories produced by different agents and social groups, in their relationships with these state institutions. The central problem inquires how different memories remember the operation of those state institutions and what power relationships and/or struggles for rights these reminiscences express and collaborate to build. To achieve the objectives, it uses different kinds of evidences, as such as the written press – newspapers and reviews were especially important to this research –, official documents produced by the state government (or by the institutions founded by it) and others unofficial documents, as such as the dossiers made by one of the accident's victims associations. The reflections are organized in three moments, each one answering specific questions. In the first moment, an historiographic analysis searches answers for a question: is there still space for new academic research about the accident with the element Cesium-137 in Goiania? At a second moment, the question refers to the reasons for Goias government to have founded Funleide and how different memories (official and unofficial) remember the creation, the changes, the successes, and the failures of the entity to reaching its initially goals. In a third moment, the central question revolves around how the memories produced by the associations of victims of the accident treat the care received by them. Also inquires how these remembrances reveal the struggles by recognition, in the justice, by whom initially was not considered “radio injured person”. Finally, it analyzes a memories book, revealing the critic narratives of professionals that worked in the state institutions too. It became clear, with this research, that the time after the accident is full of conflicts that, frequently, are not recognized by the State. On this way, the divergent memories built about the studied institutions are in a space of contest, in which pursue, among other things, to legitimize public policies or to struggle for rights.Item Arte e devoção: ex-votos pictóricos do Divino Pai Eterno (Trindade/GO, séculos XX e XXI)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-03) Corcinio Junior, Givaldo Ferreira; Borges, Maria Elizia;; Borges, Maria Elizia; Borges, Déborah Rodrigues; Vilela, Ana Lúcia; Barros, Leda Maria de; Jesus, Samuel deThe Trindade’s exvotos are a singular objects in the devotional and artistic brazilian christianity universe. This objects are capital to devotes identity build, because they materialize the relationship lived between the faithful and the Divine Eternal Father. We understand, through the signs existing in these works, the impact of the technical transformations present in the individuals life from the central region of Brazil, an area of direct influence of the pilgrimage of Trindade. We seek to point out in our work the dialogue and the symbolic appropriations present between the popular art practices that are made there and the classic references, as well as to trace the presence of the narrative and the appropriations of memory visible in them, understanding that they are perceptible in the ways how devotees, through art, register their deliverances, challenges overcome and achievements obtained under the auspices of the Divine Eternal Father. We selected for study some pictorial ex-vows produced in the twentieth century, left and displayed in the miracle room of the Sanctuary of the Divine Eternal Father, which were selected using concepts reworked from studies developed by Bernard Cousin and reflecting on them from a Warburguian bias that deals with the survival of old elements and traits blending with new perceptions of the world.Item Aspectos da arquitetura romana no governo de Otávio Augusto: construção e perpetuação da memória nos templos de Apolo Palatino e de Marte Vingador (Séc. I A.C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-22) Cunha, Macsuelber de Cássio Barros da; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques;; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Martins, Paulo; Mota, Thiago Eustáquio Araújo; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Omena, Luciane Munhoz deWe investigated in this Thesis the process of construction and perpetuation of memory and of an entire imperial imaginary during the government of Augustus; process that was established, among other ways, through the use of architecture, images and other products of material culture. The main theme of this process were the military victories and triumphs of Augustus, who used their symbolic value to legitimize his political power, which was achieved, among other things, through a religious and architectural restoration in Rome, as the capital of the Empire and a base for the development of a monumental architecture. We seek to analyze the different relations existing between Augustus' buildings with the memory and the imaginary that he wanted to perpetuate at every moment of his government, reflecting on the different ways of relating to a memory in the formation, change, maintenance and/or perpetuation of a political-religious imaginary in and of the Augustan period. Therefore, in our methodological endeavor in the topographic and architectural study of Augustus’ Rome, we used the analysis of textual and archaeological documents, as well as the numismatic evidence, in order to establish how architecture was used by him as a strategy of power. Among the various constructions that we analyze in this Thesis, we emphasize the first great architectural complex built by Augustus, dedicated to Apollo Palatinus and consecrated in 28 BC, and the last great architectural complex built by him, dedicated to Mars Ultor and consecrated in 2 BC. From a work of Templar comparison that went beyond the field of Architecture and encompassed the power system that inspired the formation of the Principate, we highlight the similarities and differences between the way of using memory in both architectural complexes and their relations with certain contexts and with the images to be propagated, in which the figure of Augustus was central.Item Ensino, ofício e prática cirúrgica na obra de Henri de Mondeville: cirurgiões na corte francesa e nos campos de batalha (séculos XIII-XIV)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-03) Damaceno, Mauricio Ribeiro; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; França, Susani Silveira Lemos; Fagundes, Maria Dailza da ConceiçãoThis dissertation is guided by the French physicist-surgeon Henri de Mondeville, his academic trajectory, training and teaching and his performance at the court of Filipe IV, Belo. The main source is and his unfinished work The Surgery, in which he discusses, based on the ancient authorities, Galen and Arabs, Avicenna, on the surgical and therapeutic precepts in the case of war injuries. His training in the field of medicine and surgery and his teaching activities as a master took place in the General Studies of Paris, Montpellier and Bologna. In the latter he did an internship with the famous surgeon Teodorico Borgognoni. Regarding the profession, it can be noted that a number of skills were necessary to be a good surgeon, among them were intellectual skills (knowing the canons and prescriptions for medicines), physical (having strong limbs and thin fingers) and functional (not fear the bad smell, be goodwill, have quick ingenuity). Anatomy was one of the important skills, but it came up against the symbolism that involved the body in the Middle Ages. Finally, in practice, the physical-surgeon could act in the different segments of society, but the place that could give him greater prestige was certainly the court. King Philip IV, O Belo, following a common pattern in the Capetíngia dynasty, recruited at least 20 physicists and surgeons during his reign, especially in times of war with the Flemish. In the battle, the health professional put everything he learned into execution, especially regarding injuries caused by weapons such as arrows and swords. The presence of surgeons and physicists renewed the hopes of those who were wounded in combat.Item Mulheres criminosas e crimes contra mulheres: existências e resistências no sertão goiano (1909-1935)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-09) França, Cleidiane Gonçalves; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Maia, Cláudia de Jesus; Silva, Murilo BorgesDuring the first decades of the twentieth century, there was an intense circulation of speeches interested in standardizing, monitoring, and hierarchizing the bodies and behaviors of several subjects. The intention to establish these codes of conduct was linked to the objective of producing mechanisms for controlling and regulating life. Read by the press and punished by the police / judiciary these codes are elements of discursive orders, involved in relations of powers and knowledge, active in the construction of women and men in their practical lives. Considering this game of discursive constructions, this dissertation aims to intertwine / interconnect these contributing discursive orders in the construction of control mechanisms and disciplines of the bodies and behaviors of women and men in the backwoods of Goyaz, singularly in the city of Jatahy, in between 1909 to 1935. To this end, we stopped the analysis in the guidelines of the backcountry judiciary in the face of violence by / and against women, identifying their experiences, existences and resistances in the speeches present in the Jataiense press and in criminal cases. From the theoretical-methodological point of view, we used the studies of: Foucault (2010); Lauretis (1994); Scott (1991) and Albuquerque Jr. (2007) The hypothesis consists in considering that there are possible dialogues between the press and the judiciary insofar as, in the newspapers, we find discourse productions that manufactured women and men and at the time of the judgments, these same discursive orders of difference were the basis for the arguments used to the condemnations of those accused of violence, above all, marked by the disqualification and benevolence of justice. Still, we consider that women criminals have exceeded the practices and displacements of gender orders through the non-normative forms of the female in the backlands of Goiás.Item Mineração no município de Faina numa perspectiva da história ambiental - (1987-2015 )(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Morais, Jaqueline Pereira de; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Araújo, Alexandre Martins deMining process has been an important field to academic studies of environmental issues. To that end studies of interactions between the environment and society have claimed attention to Environmental History field, as is the case of our research. This study, entitled “Mining in the municipality of Faina in a perspective of Environmental History” covering the years 1987 to 2015. In that period artisanal mining and mining industry co-existed simultaneously in the municipality of Faina, Goias, Brazil. In the scope of Environmental History, this study aims to understand the array dimensions of the mining process since the colonial period in the municipality of Faina. Those dimensions are the perceptions and feelings of local residents about environment changes and also their positive or negative viewpoints from their experiences in life. Furthermore, this study seeks to link the mineral extraction process historic event to the population development of Faina along with understanding political implementations made by Sertão and Orinoco companies in the perspective of the environmental changes. The considerations presented supports the analysis of the respondents' responses to this historical process that they experienced. The data from this study suggest an economic problem in the municipal area, in addition, a high rate of unemployment. On the other hand, the data also shows the population from the municipality of Faina perceived the infrastructure improvements as a result of the mining process. Whereas, in fact, the improvements are made from the municipal government. This suggests naturalisation of mining in the Faina history as a consequence of the presence from this activity since the beginning formation of the municipality. In view of environmental issues, it has been observed a lack of knowledge about it. Few people could answer the questions. But when the questions were answered the responsibility for environmental matters were assigned to landowners only. This finding presents a significant influence of the advertising campaigns sponsored by companies and politicians in the opinions of local residents about environmental changes.Item Representações eremíticas e santidade no norte da Inglaterra: Godric de Finchale e os beneditinos de Durham nos séculos XI e XII(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-21) Moura Filho, Raimundo Carvalho; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Nascimento, Renata Cristina; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Silva, André Costa Aciole da; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa MarquesThe hermitism was a form of solitary holiness that was opposed to cenobitic life. In the Anglo-Norman period, the north of current England, the royal domain in the Nortumbria region faced opposition and difficulties in implantation. Benedictine monasteries had an influence in the region. The interactions between the Benedictine priory of Durham and Saint Godric of Finchale (1067-1170), a local saint hermit who lived in Finchale, showed the ecclesiastical interest, particularly the monastic one, in the hermitic manifestations that occurred in the area. Our research proposal is to understand the strategies developed by the Benedictines of that institution for the construction of a model of eremitic sanctity through the Life of Saint Godric (VSG). This Vita was made in the Benedictine priory of Durham in the second half of the 12th century and is attributed to the monk Reginaldo de Durham (? -1190). It was necessary to discuss the particularities of the hermitage movement and its close connection with the reintroduction of regular life in the wide Northumbria region. The relations between the ideals of ascetic and cenobitic life were also marked by tensions and by points of contact and reciprocity. These two models of religious life (the cenobitic and the hermitic) can be related from the connections of the priory of Durham, the monastic community, with the hermits that were in their orbit, between the second half of the 11th century and the 12th century. The identification and understanding of the holiness model conveyed in the VSG indicate the demands that the stereotype of holy man and the concept of holiness sought to meet.Item O império de papel: no labirinto das discórdias, denúncias, cartas e representações contra os governadores da capitania de Goiás c. 1749 – c. 1804(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-17) Pereira, Alan Ricardo Duarte; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira;; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Santos, Fabiano Vilaça dos; Vidal, Laurent Olivier; Dias, Thiago Cancelier; Paula, Jason Hugo deRuling overseas was not, by far, merely a task confined to the unrestricted obedience of the vassals residing in the spaces of conquest. Nor was it enough to display the titles of nobility and privileges for display, then, as a representation of the king. To occupy the position of governor and captain-general in the different parts of the Portuguese Empire demands more than that. The work that the developers try to analyze just as it shows the aspect: as government and management practices in the Capitânia de Goiás between 1749 and 1804. Thus, since the study of letters, complaints and criticisms addressed to the governors. In such a way that governors, ministries, potential sites and charters are, in short, the focus of our work. Conceptually, we divided our study into two moments. The first moment, from 1749 to 1778, is analyzed based on the concept of illicit acts. In general, they are criticism talking about theft, corruption, embezzlement, the golden misfits, or other involving the Vila Boa Foundry and the Royal Treasury of Goiás. The second, in turn, starts in 1778 and goes until 1804. During this period, governors were studied from the concept of jurisdictional issues. The content of the criticism refers to the actions of governors that do not go beyond their jurisdiction, a usurpation of functions, arrests and persecutions. In view of this, the Paper Empire was a way to study the performance of the governors of the Goias Captaincy and thus show a centrality of representations and denunciations in the reproduction of governance overseas.Item Saberes e fazeres Javaé: estudo das práticas tradicionais alimentares indígenas, da década de 1990 a 2020(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-24) Pereira, Tamiris Maia Gonçalves; Nazareno, Elias;; García, José Ramón Flecha; Nadler, Wanessa Asfora; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Viana, Sibeli Aparecida; Nazareno, EliasThe presente thesis objective is to discuss eating practices and habits as cultural tradition for the Javaé indigenous people, inhabitant of Bananal Island, in brazilian state of Tocantins. The main objective is to analyze and understand their eating practices, from the 1990s to 2020. The chosen time frame follows the moment when the theoretical and methodological approaches of the social sciences came to perceive the relations of power and subordination through the proposals of critical interculturality and decoloniality. The time frame also follows the moment of greatest increase of productions related to Studies of Food and History of Food. To carry out the research, bibliographic data, imagery and oral information obtained through conversations with indigenous Javaé were used. We investigated under which circumstances the denomination “traditional food” arises for this people and what were their epistemological conceptions around it. In addition, we seek to discuss the social struggles for the recognition and respect for their lifestyle and eating practices, which went through various processes of subordination during colonization. In this sense, food research allows Javaé indigenous knowledge and practices to be legitimized and valued by Brazilian national culture.Item “O sonho que o tempo desvaneceu”: a imigração estrangeira no Maranhão em meados do século XIX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-16) Ribeiro, Amanda Porto; Rocha, Leandro Mendes;; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Lemke, Maria; Silva, Mary Anne VieiraThe mass immigration of foreign workers to Brazil had its first registration with D. João VI. Years after the Portuguese regent's attempt, the policies of attracting and introducing foreigners in the 19th century, will mainly focus on the constitution of a free labor market for large farming. The agricultural colonization adopted in Maranhão, through the implantation of colonial nuclei, in the middle of the 19th century, allowed the entry of a large number of immigrants who, according to the reports of the time, attempted “a revival” of the agricultural production in Maranhão. The objective of this essay, therefore, is to understand the role and the different ways of using the immigrant arm in the face of the transition from slave to wage labor, as well as the events that contributed to the implantation of agricultural colonial nuclei, with the direct participation of labor immigrant, installed in Maranhão from the middle of the 19th century.Item De Emir do Egito a líder do mundo árabe-islâmico: as representações de Saladino na obra de BahᾹ Al-Dīn Ibn ShaddᾹd (Século XIII)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-28) Silva, Samuel Tolentino da; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Silveira, Aline Dias da; Fagundes, Maria Dailza da ConceiçãoThis research aims to reflect on the representations of the Muslim leader el-Melik en-Nasir Salah-ed-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, known in the West as Saladin (1137-1193), based on a composite Arab chronicle in the context of the Crusades. He is presented by medieval historiography as a character of the medieval world and a sultan who played an important role in the unification of the Arab-Muslim Empire and in the Islamic-Muslim reconquest of the city of Jerusalem, considered as the stage of its ascension. Saladin, from a Kurdish Seljuk tribe, was born in Tikrit, in the north of Iraq, and worked mainly in the regions that make up the territory of Egypt, Syria and Palestine. The main objective is to analyze Saladin's representations as a Muslim leader, as well as the process of building his image and his political and military actions. The source that supports this work is the chronicle The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin, made between 1198 and 1228 by the Arab chronicler Bahā al-Dῑn Ibn Shaddād (1145-1234) who was in the service of the sultan as his personal confidant. In this sense, this research proposes the development of a more conceptual discussion, working with the conceptions of "sacred space" and "profane space", in order to understand the symbolism of the city of Jerusalem as a spiritual center for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and especially for Saladin. It also points out the disparities and similarities between the concepts of "chronicle" and "history", aimed at the study of their respective historiographic practices and the use of "memory" as a presupposition for recording facts subject to oblivion. The intention is to establish a thorough analysis of the chronicle and to emphasize the figure of Bahā al-Dῑn as a historical agent of the medieval. Methodologically we use the analytical method to scrutinize our source of research, with the realization of external and internal criticism of the document. In addition, we propose a textual analysis of historiography on Saladin, dialoguing with historians about the military and political actions of this Muslim leader and the issues addressed in the construction of the source, such as the Crusades, Holy War and Jihad. This analytical historiographic action is aimed at thinking about ways of accessing the past, establishing a historical experience with the object of research, that is, Sultan Saladin's analysis gains an investigative sense of its continuities and discontinuities in historical time. It also proposes to discuss topics such as political thought under Islam and also to analyze the figure of Saladin from the perspective of Bahā al-Dῑn. Thus, the proposal is to understand, in the source analyzed, the process of building the image of Sultan Saladin as a model warrior, leader, strategist, liberator and unifying of the Arab-Muslim world in the scenario of the Crusades, especially after the siege and the resumption of the city of Jerusalem.