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Item Caracterização e potencial de comércio da carne de capivara criada em sistema semi-intensivo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-10-30) Cunha, Waldeliza Fernandes da; Miranda, Luciana Batalha;; Sousa, Cleiton Mateus;; Sereno, José Robson Bezerra;; Sereno, José Robson Bezerra;; Monteiro, Elias de Pádua; Silveira, Miriam Fontes Araújo; Miyagi, Eliane Sayuri; Torres, Maria Célia LopesThe objective of this study was to evaluate efficiency, profitability and quality of housing, físicos- chemical parameters and acceptability of capybara meat grown in semi-intensive system, as well as knowing the profile and beliefs of consumers of exotic meat. The thesis is composed of five chapters, the chapter 1, initial considerations that addresses the motivations of research and so on and finally concludes as all, as this is the thesis summary. We conducted a literature review on the topic, from biology and habits of the capybara, the market of wild animals and meat quality. Subsequently characterized the carcass and cuts capybara as income, profitability and microbiology. For this, we used six coming adult capybaras (76kg) the commercial breeding of Jatai GO, slaughtered in the experimental abattoir IF Goiás Campus Ceres. The results showed hot carcass dressing (WHR) in relation to body weight (BW) of 52,9%. The yields of retail cuts (RCC) in descending order were: ham and (31,33%), shoulder (26,67%), rib (17,33%) and loin (10,67%), the profitability of housing is incremented when the cuts are marketed separately, there was no contamination by Salmonella. The physicochemical analyzes, we evaluated the proximate composition, water holding capacity (WHC), shear force (FC) and the color, the cuts from the loin, shank and the palette of six capybaras were used. The results showed that capybara meat has low levels in relation to Domestic meat lipids, highlighting the palette. There was no difference between the cuts for the CRA, HR ranged from 5,3 to 7,1, indicating softness. For color, the palette contents were lower in red (a *) for revealing lower lipid contents. Assessing the acceptability of capybara meat cuts and types of crackling, offering up different types of meat to consumers. The results showed that the capybara meat had similar acceptance pork and lamb, being lower than the beef. To know the profile and beliefs of consumers (end and distributors) of these products in the towns of Caldas Novas, Ceres and Goiânia, GO . The results showed that respondents consume meat of any wild form, capybara meat is the most consumed in the form of meatballs. It was evident that even family and friends influenced the consumption of these products. Finally, we observed the existence of belief that meat from animals raised in captivity is healthier, attributing the quality, price and availability of the product as determinants of increased consumption of meat of wild animals in these regions studied. We conclude that capybara meat has the potential consumer and marketing.Item Níveis de sombreamento artificial sobre as respostas fisiológicas, comportamentais, desempenho animal e características de carcaça e carne de nelore em confinamento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-07) Ferro, Diogo Alves da Costa; Miyagi, Eliane Sayuri; Bueno, Claudia Peixoto; Arnhold, Emmanuel;; Arnhold, Emmanuel; Santos, Aracele Pinheiro Pales dos; Coelho, Karyne Oliveira; França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Hellmeister Filho, PauloThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of different levels of artificial shading on the physiological, behavioral, animal performance and carcass characteristics of males and meat Nellore cattle in an intensive production system. The experiment was carried out from July to October 2014, in the experimental feedlot in the Animal Science Department at the State University of Goiás. Twenty-four double 24 m² stalls were used: six in the open air, six covered with black shading net with 30% light interception, six with shading net 50%, and six with shading net 80%, covering 6 m² in shade per stall, totaling 48 male Nellore cattle with an average initial weight of 310 kg. Temperature-humidity index and respiratory frequency were evaluated twice weekly, and behavior was evaluated fortnightly, starting at 06h00 and ending at 18h00, in a total of 12 h of evaluation. Feeding, rumination, rest, other activities, social, body care, playful, and abnormal behaviors were observed. The feed supplied to the animals and the orts left in the trough were weighed daily to determine their intake. Animals were weighed at the onset of the experiment and another three times until its end, followed by slaughter and assessments of characteristics and carcass and meat quality. The lowest values for temperature-humidity index and respiratory frequency were found in the stalls and animals under shading net with 80 and 50% light interception. There was no significant difference between the feeding and rumination times and frequencies of urination, defecation, self-cleaning act, and social and abnormal behaviors between the animals kept without and with access to artificial shading. Rest, other activities, and playful behaviors did not differ between the animals kept in the stalls with 30, 50, and 80% of light interception. No significant difference was observed between feed intake, initial weight, final weight, total weight gain, average daily weight gain, carcass dressing, marbling, texture, fat cover degree, subcutaneous fat thickness, loin-eye area, meat color, length and circumference thigh and leg, or carcass length of the animals in the different treatments. The use of artificial shading had no significant effect on most behavioral variables, performance, and meat quality of feedlot Nellore cattle, as the ambient temperature remained within the thermal comfort zone.Item Implante auricular de progesterona em características de carcaça, carne e comportamento de fêmeas nelore confinadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-08) Ferro, Rafael Alves da Costa; Arnhold, Emmanuel; Bueno, Cláudia Peixoto; França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza;; França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Miyagi, Eliane Sayuri; Gonçalves, Klayto José; Taveira, Rodrigo Zaiden; Basto, Débora de CarvalhoA large number of heifers and cows are used in Brazil for the production of meat, mainly due to the disposal of these animals on farms at the time of the herd replacement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a synthetic-progesterone ear implant in weight, meat quality, physiological responses, and behavior of Nellore heifers raised in an intensive system. Twenty-eight Nellore heifers with an average initial weight of 240.89 kg were used in the experiment. All animals received the same feeding management, in an intensive raising system, with mineral salt and water available ad libitum. Heifers were distributed in a randomized complete design with two treatments (with and without a progesterone ear implant) and seven replicates, in 14 stalls. The parameters relative to carcass and meat quantitative and qualitative characteristics, represented by carcass weight and carcass dressing, conformation, marbling, color, meat texture, carcass measurements, longissimus dorsi area, and fat thickness were not affected by the progesterone hormone, provided by the ear implant. In the evaluation of the feeding, rumination, rest, sleeping, social, and body-care behaviors, no significant differences were observed. For the abnormal behavior, however, in which sodomy predominated, a significant difference was observed between the groups with and without the implant (p<0,05), whose frequencies were 1.3 and 2.3, respectively. For the physiological indicators rectal temperature, surface temperature, and respiratory frequency, only the frequency showed a significant difference between the treatments, with mean values of 35 and 32 movements per minute, respectively, for the heifers with and without the implant. Based on the responses obtained in this experiment, the progesterone ear implant does not influence the performance, meat quality, physiological responses, or the normal behavior of animals.Item Alternativas para melhorar o desenvolvimento e a criotolerância de embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-23) Marques, Thaisa Campos; Oliveira Filho, Benedito Dias de;; Martins, Carlos Frederico;; Gambarini, Maria Lúcia;; Gambarini, Maria Lúcia; Leão, Karen Martins; Biancardi, Manoel Francisco; Costa, Marcos Fernando Oliveira e; Porto, Regiani Nascimento GagnoMelatonin treatment and blastocoel collapse had been suggested to be potent options to enhance embryo development and viability after cryopreservation of bovine embryos. The present study tested these alternatives with the aim to improve cryotolerance of bovine embryos produced in vitro. First, the effects of melatonin (MEL) were evaluated at three concentrations in Maturation Media (IVM) and/or Culture Media (IVC) (0, 10-7, 10-9, 10-11 M). The results showed that MEL10-9 in IVM could improve slightly the cleavage rate. However, when applied during IVC, MEL10-9 resulted in improved blastocysts rates and reduced numbers of apoptotic cells (NAC), a higher expression of antioxidative genes without changing the expression metabolism-related, placentation and anti-apoptotic genes. After, the MEL treatment giving the best result in first experiment (MEL 10-9 M in IVC) was combined with blastocoel collapse (BC) immediatly before vitrification. The survival and embryo quality were investigated. This experiment confirmed that independent of BC, MEL supplementation in IVC enhanced re-expansion and hatching rates of vitrified embryos. However, embryos cultured without MEL required more time during re-culture for all expansion. Embryos produced with MEL had similar NAC irrespective of vitrification and BC. BC did not affect embryo quality, in terms of the expression of genes involved in metabolism, oxidative stress, cell repair, placentation and implantation. Therefore, this research concluded that: (i) at 10-9 M concentration, MEL used during IVC improved embryo quality and development, and it minimized the oxidative stress and apoptosis in cells; (ii) embryos cultured with melatonin, vitrified and re-cultured can be transfered in less time; (iii) the blastocoel collapse benefited hatching when embryos were cultured with MEL in IVC; (iv) embryos cultured in IVC with MEL showed better quality and viability, and independently of BC. This information has a potential value for researchs on embryo cryotolerance.Item Aditivos antimicrobianos e inclusão de fibra em dietas de milho grão inteiro para bovinos de corte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-09) Lemos, Barbara Juliana Martins; Castro, Flávio Geraldo Ferreira;; Couto, Victor Rezende Moreira;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende; Ferreira, Reginaldo Nassar; Oliveira Júnior, Reinaldo Cunha de; Lima, Milton Luiz Moreira; Melo, Heloisa Helena de CarvalhoThe objective of this study was evaluate the effects of antimicrobial feed additives and inclusion of pelleted sugarcane crop residue (SCR) as a fiber source in whole shelled corn (WSC)-based finishing diets (85% WSC + 15% pelleted concentrate, DM basis) on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, rumen fermentation and eating behavior of zebu cattle. Growth performance trials were conducted in randomized block design, and metabolical trials were conducted in Latin Square design using ruminally fistulated steers. In the antimicrobial feed additives studies, 100 bulls were fed for 101 d in Exp. 1 to evaluate the treatments M30 (30 mg of monensin [M]/kg DM), V25 (25 mg of virginiamycin [V]/kg DM), M20V25 (M 20 mg/kg DM + V 25 mg/kg DM), F4 (4.4 mg of flavomycin [F]/kg DM), and M20F2 (M 20 mg/kg DM + F 2.2 mg/kg DM); and in the Exp. 2 (Latin Square 7 × 7) were evaluate the same 5 treatments of Exp. 1 plus 2 additional treatments: M30V25 (M 30 mg/kg DM + V25 mg/kg DM) and M20F4 (M 20 mg/kg DM + F 4.4 mg/kg DM). In the SCR studies, 80 bulls were fed diets with 0, 3, 6, and 9% SCR (DM basis; SCR-0, SCR-3, SCR-6, and SCR-9, respectively) for 103 d in Exp. 1; and in the Exp. 2 (5 × 5 Latin Square) were evaluated the inclusion of 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% of SCR (DM basis; SCR-0, SCR-3, SCR-6, SCR-9, and SCR-12, respectively). In the antimicrobial feed additives studies growth performance (final BW, ADG in live weight basis, DMI, and G:F), carcass characteristics (HCW, ADG in carcass basis, carcass transfer, dressing percent, and 12th-rib-fat), apparent total tract DM, OM, CP, and NDF digestibility were similar among treatments. There were no treatment effects and no interaction of treatment × time in rumen fermentation responses (ruminal pH, rumen ammonia nitrogen, number of protozoa, and VFA). In the WSC study, inclusion of SCR linearly increased daily DMI up to 25% (P = 0.01). Dry matter intake, as percentage of BW, increased (P = 0.01) 0.06 percentage units with each 1% inclusion of SCR. Over the entire finishing period (d 0 to 103), there were trends for linearly increase final BW up to 3.3% (P = 0.10), and ADG up to 10.7% (P = 0.07) in response to dietary SCR levels, consequentially G:F tended (P = 0.07) to linearly decrease up to 10.2% with inclusion of SCR compared with CTL diet. Apparent total tract digestibility linearly decreased (P < 0.01) 30% for DM, 28% for OM, 45% for CP, and 61% for NDF, from CTL for SCR-12. No treatment effect and no interaction of treatment × time were observed on ruminal pH, concentrations of rumen ammonia nitrogen and VFA. Time spent eating, eating rate, and meal frequency were not affected by inclusion of SCR up to 12%. There was a quadratic response on meal size (P = 0.04). In summary, feeding isolated or combined antimicrobial feed additives to zebu cattle resulted in similar responses. Pelleted SCR seemed to be low fermentable and non-effective to stimulate rumination by cattle fed WSC-based finishing diet.Item Valores e índices bioeconômicos para um sistema de produção de bovinos nelore no bioma cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-05) Souza, Flávia Martins; Lopes, F. B.;; Rosa, G. J. M.;; Magnabosco, C. U.;; Magnabosco, C. U.;; Coelho, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes; Mamede, Mariana Márcia Santos; Masciole, Arthur dos Santos; Baldi, Fernando SebastianThe use of selection indices as tools for animal genetic evaluation may be more efficient than other selection methods to represent the animal merit. The aim of this study was to propose indices applied to different breeding objectives for production systems of Nellore cattle raised in the Cerrado biome. This study consisted in two phases. First, traits of economic relevance in beef cattle were evaluated. Subsequently, the development of indices and different breeding objectives were considered. The production system evaluated was an operation of purebred Nellore cattle, located in the Northwest of Goiás state, Brazil, where the inputs about management, indices of productivity, income and expenses were obtained. A bio-economic model was used to calculate the economic values of the following traits: age at first calving (IPP), calving interval (IDP), stayability (STAY), earlier calving probability (3P), accumulated productivity (PAC), daily weight gain prior (GMDPre) and post weaning (GMDPos), weight at standard ages of 120 (P120), 210 (P210), 365 (P365) and 450 (P450) days, feed efficiency (EA), carcass dressing (RC), and longissimus muscle area (AOL). Economic values were obtained for a change in one unit of each trait, maintaining the remaining unchanged. Then the economic values were standardized by its standard deviation of each trait. To generate selection indices the genetic (co)variances components of the traits were estimated by Bayesian implementation via Gibbs sampling using bi-trait animal models. The covariance and variance means obtained were used to generate a new matrix (12 x 12) containing all traits. The "matrix bending" methodology was applied to obtain a positive-defined matrix. The selection index equation used was I = b1DEP1 + ... + bnDEPn, where DEP is the expected progeny differences and "b" is the index coefficient that maximize the correlation among the index and the breeding objective. The "b" coefficients were calculated as b = G11-1G12a, where G11 is the genetic (co)variance matrix of the criteria in the index, G12 is the genetic covariance matrix between the selection criteria in the index and the traits in the breeding objective, and "a" is the vector of corrected economic values. Three indices were constructed with different proposes: indices I represent an overall index, which objective is to select harmonics animals. The indices II and III were defined with the purpose to maximize the weaned calves and finished beef cattle production, respectively. Economic values of the traits varied between R$ 0.38 and R$ 68.29 per animal/year. The traits that more strongly affected the economic system were GMDPre (20.55%), IPP (15.70%), AOL (12.13%), GMDPos (11.13%) and P450 (8.98%). The greater economic gains were obtained with index I (R$ 129.12). Indices II and III represented the lowest gains for the system. Generally, the indices are very sensitive to market conditions. However, they may provide more total gains (genetic and economic) as they comprise a set of economically relevant traits to the production system. In addition, the indices may be applied to different purposes in order to attend specific market requirements.Item Desempenho agronômico e nutricional do capim "Mulato II" sob doses e fontes de nitrogênio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-12-21) Jacovetti, Reginaldo; Bastos, Débora de Carvalho;; Oliveira, Leonardo Guimarães de;; França, Aldi Fernandes Souza;; França , Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Eichler, Verner; Miyagi , Eliane Sayuri; Reis, Angela Adamski da Silva; Arnhold, EmmanuelAiming a commercial competitiveness to the brazilian final product, in the current situation, the beef cattle industry shows itself as the largest herd in the world, but with low production by area. To Brazil improve zootechinical indexes, is necessary to product with knoledge, enviromental sustainability and first of all respecting the limits of all involved in the process like wather, soil, environment, plant, plant and man. Amomng this limits we need to respect all productive process of each regional structure and comerce for example large curlures, horticulture and livestock. If not respected this limits and regional structure is compromised the economical part of the system. To produce beef we need a lot o sources like wather "scarce resource" , agricultural area, and so cattle as feeded by grass, what kind of feed could be inserted in each region, and finaly we bring the knowledge that we need informations like local annual precipitation, maximun and minimum temperature, informations about phisical and chemical characteristics os the soil to be secure about your investiment. To animal production is required specific knowledge to produce without degradate the environment, making the zootechical indexes persist, respectiong the plant limit production, aminal limit production and environmental sustainability. There are many forrage cultivars to pasture, among them a recently released hybrid Brachiaria genotype "Convert HD 364" cv Mulato II, that requires research to identify the type of growth, production per area of dry matter and bromatological parameters to define the forrage production potencial. So was analysed the total area production, laboratory analyses to characterize the bromatological production, apparent nitrogen recover and total crude protein production of Mulato II. To qualitative analyse was made a in situ and in vitro gas production of Mulato II grass.Item Aditivos antimicrobianos e processamento de grão na terminação bovinos de corte confinados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-17) Camilo, Fernando Rossi; Siqueira, Gustavo Rezende;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende; Silva, Rodrigo Medeiros da; Oliveira Júnior, Reinaldo Cunha de; Pádua, João Teodoro; Ribeiro, Marinaldo DivinoThe experiment 1 objectives were to evaluate the isolated and combined effects of the virginiamycin (VM) and monensin sodium (MON) on performance, feed intake, feed efficiency, ruminal fermentation, and carcass characteristics of beef cattle fed with high concentrate diet, the experiment 2 had the objective evaluate ruminal parameter the bulls Nelore with use the isolated and combined effects of the virginiamycin (VM) and monensin sodium (MON) and the experiment 3 had the objective to determine the optimal moisture content for reconstituted ensiled corn grain, evaluating final moisture concentrations of 27%, 30%, 33%, and 36%. In Exp. 1, 339 crossbred bulls Nellore x Guzera; were used in a randomized complete block design with five treatments and seven replicates. The blocks were defined by initial body weight. The animals were allocated in group pens for 103d, including 28d adaptation period. Treatments were defined by levels of VM and MON (mg/kg of DM) as follows: 30MON; 15VM+30MON; 25VM+30MON; 34VM+ 30MON e 34VM. In the phase of adaptation was no statistical (P>0.05) in body weight initial, body weight final, and average daily gain. Already to dry matter intake have the statistical difference (P<0.05) to compare 30MON vs 34MON e 34VM vs 34VM+30MON, in the phase adaptation the dose association 34VM+30MON have the smaller dry matter intake. In Exp. 2, 15 Nellore bulls with ruminal cannula were used in a randomized complete block design with 5 treatments and 3 replicates. Animals were blocked by initial body weight. The animals were kept in individual pens for 35 days has received the same diet to Exp.1. The sample liquid ruminal was collected in days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 for evaluation pH, VFA, N-NH3, and protozoan. After this period was realized the digestibility. The values of pH, NH3-N, and VFA were no differences (P>0.05) for contrast and linear and quadratic regression, except for acetic acid concentration that was difference (P<0.05). The protozoa concentration total had effect in contrast 34VM vs 34VM+30MON (P<0.05), being that the dose 34VM provide more concentration. In the Exp.3 sixty cattle (Bos taurus) were randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 10 replicates was used. The treatments were corn grain reconstituted with water until they reach to final moisture concentrations of 27 (HMC27%), 30 (HMC30%), 33 (HMC33%), and 36% (HMC36%) and grains were allowed to ensile for 101 days. The steam-flaker corn and dry-rolled corn also were usually with treatment. Were no statistical difference (P<0.05) in performance the cattle confined for 89 days. Already in experiment in vitro the gas production the high moisture corn. To usually the high moisture corn in diet the cattle no increased the performance. Already the processing corn were availed in vitro, high moisture result in high fermentation and gas production.Item Uso de aditivos e adaptação para dietas com alta inclusão de grão de milho inteiro de bovinos confinados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-17) Mobiglia, Andrea de Mello; Couto, Victor Rezende Moreira;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende;; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende; Silva, Rodrigo Medeiros da; Ribeiro, Marinaldo Divino; Oliveira Júnior, Reinaldo Cunha de; Pádua, João TeodoroThe objective was to evaluate the effects of antimicrobial additives and the inclusion of roughage during adaptation period in diet containing whole shelled corn (WSC, 85% WSC + 15% pelleted concentrate) on performance of Zebu bulls (Exp. 1). The Exp. 1 was realized in randomized complete block design with 2x2 factorial and five replicates. A hundred bulls were fed for 105 d with diet containing monensin (MON, 30 mg/kg DM) ou virginiamycin (VM, 25 mg/kg DM) and with or without inclusion of sugarcane bagasse as roughage (ROU or NO-ROU) in adaptation period. The Exp. 2 was parallel conducted in randomized design with two treatments (MON, 30 mg/kg DM or VM, 25 mg/kg DM) and five replicates. Ten fistulated steers were used and fed with the same diet than Exp. 1 without inclusion of roughage. A laboratorial experiment (Exp. 3) was realized at Kansas State University and its objective was to evaluate the capacity of Megasphaera elsdenii (ME) strain 41125 metabolizes a range of alternative substrates as carbon source. The experiment was designed in randomized complete blocks with six replicates. Viable cell counting, pH, and optical density were measured in media containing glucose, fructose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, lactate, trehalose, raffinose, Fructooligosaccharide, potato starch, soy protein, succinate. In Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, antimicrobial additives, MON and VM, added to diet containing 85% WSC and 15% pellet concentrate had equal results for performance, ruminal fermentation, and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients (P≥0.05). However, lower intake was observed in animals fed with monensin includes on diet (P≤ 0.027). Although the additive used had no effect on performance on Exp. 1, the inclusion of roughage in adaptation period showed tendentiously greater final body weight, average daily gain, and efficiency (P≤ 0.088; P≤ 0.075 e P≤ 0.094, respectively) for adaptation period (1 to 20 d) and entire feedlot period (1 to 105 d). There were no treatment effects and interactions for carcass characteristics as hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, carcass daily gain (P≥0.05). In Exp. 3, Megasphaera elsdenii was able to metabolize alternative substrates as glucose, maltose, lactate, Fructo-oligosaccharide, and fructose. However, ME had greater growth in media containing fructose, but the viable cell counting did not show consistent results with optical density. Investigations must be done to clarify the ME metabolism when fructose is used as carbon source. Accord to results obtained in this study, a roughage sorce might be included on adaptation period in diet contenting 85% whole flint corn plus 15% concentrate pellete to obtain greater animal performance. Thus, Megasphaera elsdenii is able to use alternative substrates as lactate, glucose, fructose, and maltose, maintaining their population in rumen.Item Níveis e fontes de metionina na nutrição de frangos de corte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-20) Carvalho, Genilson Bezerra de; Stringhini, José Henrique;; Carvalho, Fabyola Barros de;; Café, Marcos Barcellos;; Café, Marcos Barcellos;; Leandro, Nádja Susana Mogyca; Arnhold, Emmanuel; Laboissiere, Michele; Barbosa, Nei André ArrudaMethionine is an essential amino acid and the first limiting factor in broiler feed. Knowing the bioefficacy of methionine sources and the nutritional requirements of methionine + cystine, as well as their effects on broilers in the different stages and conditions of breeding, is necessary. The objective of this study was to determine the relative bioefficacy of the dietary source of methionine hydroxy analogue calcium salt (MHA-Ca), compared to DL-methionine (DL-met) and methionine + cystine requirement (M + C). Its effect on blood parameters and bed quality in the initial and growth stages of broiler chickens. For this, two experiments (I and II), in the 1 to 21 days and 22 to 42 days of age phases, were performed using a total of 3528 male, oneday-old broilers of the lineage (Cobb-500). In the experiment I, 1728 birds distributed in 9 treatments - (basal diet - without methionine, and four levels of methionine (6 replicates / 32 birds) were used in order to determine the bioefficacy of MHA-Ca compared to DL-Met In the experiment II, in order to determine the Met + Cis requirement, as well as its effect on blood parameters and bed quality, 1800 birds were used in 5 treatments (6 replicates / 30 birds), of which 900 (MHA-Ca, DL-Met) and (DL-Met), respectively, were used in experiments I and II, respectively, in the initial phase and the rest in the growth phase. The mean bioavailability for MHA-Ca for weight gain and feed conversion was 65% and 22% in the 1 to 21 days phase, and 41% and 58% in the 22 to 42 days phase. Of digestible M + C requirement, estimated for the 1 to 21 and 22 to 42 days of age, was 0.764 and 0.716% corresponding to a Met + Cys / lysine ratio of 64% and 68%, respectively. The levels of Met + Cys influenced in some blood parameters (hemoglobin, heterophilic ratio: lymphocytes and monocytes, total leukocytes, hemocytes and hematocrits, uric acid, albumin, PST, total LDL cholesterol and TG) and bed quality And excreted nitrogen) of broiler chickens.Item Estratégias de adubação orgânica em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu com M Stylosanthe spp no bioma cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-29) Silva, Luiz Henrique Xavier da; Soares, João Paulo Guimarães;; Okada, Eliane Sayuri Miyagi;; Okada, Eliane Sayuri Miyagi; Silva, Maurícia Brandão da; Silva, Thiago Carvalho da; Oliveira, Euclides Reuter de; Padua, João TeodoroThe aim of this work was to evaluate dry matter yield (DMY), chemical composition and contribution of legumes in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture intercropped with a mixture of Stylosanthes spp. cultivars (Mineirão, Campo Grande and Bela) exposed to organic and conventional management during three years in two adjacent areas (Oxisol) with or without green manure (Crotalaria juncea). The experimental design was randomized blocks in split split plot with 3 repetitions and 3 factors: fertilizing, use of legumes and use of fungus. In the plot were made three types of soil fertilization management (no fertilization (Control), conventional management (CM) and organic management (OM) fertilization); in the split plot two planting management (with and without pigeon peas); in the spli split plot (with and without fungus). Three months before planting it was applied 2 t ha-1 of dolomitic limestone and 1 t ha-1 of gypsum and then green manure area was cropped using Crotalaria juncea to guarantee the organic Matter and N source. At planting OM was performed with N, K and P sources such as chicken manure (1.5%N), thermopotassium (6%K2O) and thermophosphate (12%P2O5) in amounts of 6.7 ha-1, 2 t ha-1 and 1 t ha-1, respectively. For CM treatment it was used potassium chloride (60%K2O), triple superphosphate (46%P2O5) and urea (46%N) totaling 200, 260 and 217 kg.ha-1, respectively. PMS did not present significant differences between the treatments studied. The organic management favored in both Brachiaria and Stylosanthes better chemical composition and nutritional quality. The multivariate analysis technique using the principal components analysis method was more efficient in the expressive determination of Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu variables, with non - random behavior of the groups.Item Estruturação genealógica para propostas de acasalamentos em rebanhos das raças Curraleiro Pé-Duro e Pantaneiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-29) Silva, Bruna Paula Alves da; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares;; Juliano, Raquel Soares;; Sereno, José Robson Bezerra;; Sereno, José Robson Bezerra; Costa, Marcos Fernando Oliveira e; Ferro, Diogo Alves da Costa; Moura, Maria Ivete de; Hellmeister Filho, PauloThe brazilian bovine breeds Curraleiro Pé-Duro and Pantaneiro, inhabitants of Cerrado, Semi-árido and Pantanal are in the process of extinction, at risk of disappearing before their characteristics are adequately studied. The objective was perform the genealogical structure of breeds Curraleiro Pé-Duro and Pantaneiro, with a view to the conservation of animal genetic resources, in order to maintain the genetic variability within breeds, avoiding inbreeding, through proposals from matings based on genealogy. Samples of hair bulb from 1073 Curraleiro Pé-Duro cattle from nineteen herds and 290 Pantaneiros from four herds were analyzed. Amplification of 27 DNA microsatellites was performed by PCR. The average number of alleles per locus, allele frequency, heterozygosity expected and observed and polymorphic information content were calculated. For each animal an opinion of the affiliation control was issued. Large allelic variability was observed for the breeds, where the Curraleiro Pé-Duro presented an average of 8,70 alleles per loco and the Pantaneiro 6,70. The values of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0,713 and 0,653, respectively, for the Curraleiro Pé-Duro and 0,701 and 0,672 for Pantaneiro. The average value of polymorphic information content for the Curraleiro Pé-Duro was 0,671 and for the Pantaneiro 0,655. The probability of combined exclusion for the breeds was 0,99992. The mating lots were set at the minimum male:female ratio of 1:13 to the maximum of 1:26 for the Curraleiro Pé-Duro and 1:13 to 1:21 for the Pantaneiro, depending on the size of the herd. The paternity tests enabled the elaboration of reproductive programs for the herds, aiming to improve the genetic management of these populations, avoiding inbreeding. Both breeds showed great genetic variability inside of breeds, demonstrating that although they are in extinction have herds with a lot of genetic diversity.Item Exposição de ovos de matrizes pesadas à luz monocromática durante a incubação artificial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-01) Mesquita, Mariana Alves; Oviedo-Rondón, Edgar Orlando; Café, Marcos Barcellos;; Café, Marcos Barcellos; Tanure, Candice Bergmann Garcia e Silva; Minafra, Cibele Silva; Moraes, Dunya Mara Cardoso; Mello, Heloísa Helena de CarvalhoTwo experiments were conducted at North Carolina State University to elucidate the hypothesis that exposing broiler embryos to monochromatic lights during incubation period may influence embryonic growth and development, improving incubation traits and posthatching period. In the first experiment, intermittent green light, continuous green light, intermittent red light and dark were evaluated. In addition, the influence of egg position in the tray was also tested. In the second experiment, monochromatic green light exposure was evaluated during different phases of incubation period. Treatments were: 1) 21d of incubation in the dark; 2) 21d of incubation with green light; 3) dark until E5 and continuous green light until hatch; 4) continuous green light until E5 and dark until hatch; 5) dark until E18 and continuous green light until hatch; 6) continuous green light until E18 and dark until hatch. Machine temperatures were adjusted daily in order to obtain optimal eggshell temperature (99,5 a 100,4°F) during the whole incubation period. In the first trial, embryo mortality in intermediate phase was higher in the group exposed to intermittent green light. Relative proventriculus weight was influenced by light stimuli, and the group that was not exposed to light showed the greatest organ development. Feed intake was also influenced by light treatments at 21 d of age. In the second trial, exposing embryos to continuous green light at different moments during incubation period affected the percentage of hatch and hatch of fertile. In addition, dead pipped was higher in the group exposed to light until E18. Liver weight was higher in chicks incubated in the dark during 21 d. Feed conversion ratio at 35 and 42 days was also influenced by light treatments, and the group that was not exposed to light during the whole incubation period had the lower feed conversion ratio. Significant interaction was observed between light stimuli and sex for breast yield. Male chicks that were light stimulated until E18 had the lowest breast yield. Comparing sexes, the highest breast yield was observed for females that were light stimulated until E18 during incubation. In conclusion, with incubation conditions that were established during the experiments, exposing broiler embryos to monochromatic lights did not promote benefits in incubation traits and also did not influenced chick growth and development in posthatching period.Item Suplementação de ácido linoleico conjugado na dieta de matrizes de frango de corte e da sua progênie(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-26) Martins, Poliana Carneiro; Andrade, Maria Auxiliadora;; Carvalho, Fabyola Barros de;; Stringhini, José Henrique;; Sstringhini, José Henrique; Oliveira, Maria Cristina de; Minafra, Cibele Silva; Leandro, Nadja Susana Mogyca; Santos, Januária SilvaTwo experiments were carried on to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the diets of breeders and broilers, and the alterations caused by post-hatch fasting. In the first experiment, two commercial flocks of breeders aged 58 weeks old were used, and one of them was supplemented for 26 days with 0.025% CLA. At the end of the supplementation, a completely randomized design was applied, composed by two treatments (0 and 0.025% CLA), to evaluate the physical quality and composition of the eggs. Subsequently, 270 eggs per treatment were distributed in two hatcheries, in a randomized block design, determined according to the hatchery used. The incubation parameters were evaluated and the fatty acid profile of the feed, yolk and yolk sac were determined. After hatching, post-hatching diets (0 or 0.025% CLA) were provided for 12 hours, and 320 chicks were housed in a completely randomized design, in a 2x2 scheme (maternal CLA x post-hatching CLA), totalizing four treatments and eight replicates of 10 birds each. The organs relative weight, intestinal development and humoral and cellular immunity were evaluated in embryos, newly hatched chicks, 12 hours after hatching, and at seven days old, as the pre-starter performance. The inclusion of CLA in the diet was able to alter the physical and bromatological characteristics of the eggs and yolk sacs of the progeny from supplemented breeders, also changing the fatty acid profile, but without causing embryonic mortality. The intestine was also influenced by CLA, both macroscopically and histologically. The CLA offered to the breeders influenced the intestinal development of the chicks from the embryonic phase and continued to exert effect after hatching, associated with the progeny supplementation. Breeder supplementation led to a better pre-starter performance of the progeny. In the second experiment, 320 male and female chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a 2x2 factorial scheme, considering post-hatch fasting (access to water for 12 hours; access to water and food for 12 hours) and post-hatch diet (0; 0.025% CLA). The birds were vaccinated at 15 days old against Newcastle disease virus. The metabolizability of diets from four to seven days old, intestinal and organs development, and cellular and humoral immunity were evaluated weekly up to 35 days old. Post-hatch fasting affected performance, and CLA was not able to minimize the negative effects of fasting. However, birds were able to recover up to 35 days old. Post-hatch fasting decreased the immune response of birds. In both assays, CLA generally positively influenced humoral and cellular immunity. Among the evaluated organs, the liver was the main one to have its relative weight altered due to the use of CLA. Supplementing only progeny did not provide as much benefit as compared to supplementation of the breeder or both. The obtained results demonstrate the inclusion level of 0.025% of CLA is safe for use in breeders and may bring benefits to their progeny.Item Suplementação in ovo de vitamina E e cantaxantina para embriões de frango de corte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-09) Araújo, Itallo Conrado Sousa de; Café, Marcos Barcellos; Mello, Heloisa Helena Carvalho;; Leandro, Nadja Susana Mogyca;; Leandro, Nadja Susana Mogyca; Stringhini, José Henrique; Lopes, Karina Ludovico Almeida Martinez; Carvalho, Fabyola Barros; Lara, Leonardo José CamargosTwo experiments were conducted to avaluate the effect of in ovo supplementation of antioxidants to broiler chickens on neonatal oxidative status, incubation results, chick quality and broiler performance. In the first experiment, five levels of vitamin E (0.0, 25.0, 35.0, 45.0 and 55.0 mg) were diluted in 0.5 mL of sunflower oil and in the second experiment five levels were used of cantaxanthin (0.000, 0.035, 0.045, 0.055 and 0.065 mg) obtained from a commercial product (canthaxanthin 10%), diluted with 0.5 mL of distilled water. In both experiments were used 780 eggs, distributed in three incubators (block), 260 eggs in each. Vitamin E supplementation improved egg hatchability, lower birth rate of chicks and better physical quality of chicks. There was also a positive response in the small intestine weight and villus height of the duodenum of the chicks, which provided improvement in feed conversion for all the periods studied during the performance. The results of protein concentration in the liver and striated muscle were higher for the chicks that received vitamin E. It was concluded that vitamin E supplementation in ovo improves the oxidative state of the chick and this improves the incubation results, quality of the chick and performance in the initial phase. On the other hand, supplementation with the commercial product of canthaxanthin showed worsening for the hatching and birth window variables, with a consequent increase in the number of neonatal chicks with physical quality below 71 points. Supplementation of canthaxanthin did not influence the weight or length of neonatal chicks. Furthermore, it was possible to verify a higher amount of total proteins in the liver of the chicks supplemented with the commercial product of canthaxanthin, it was also possible to verify improvement in the catalase activity present in the chicks liver. It can be concluded that the commercial product is not indicated for inoculation in ovo because it contains compounds that hinder chicks hatching. However, the improvement in oxidative status was evident, and further studies could be indicated with the use of pure canthaxanthin in ovo for broiler chickens.Item Desempenho e viabilidade econômica de tourinhos de diferentes grupos genéticos, suplementados no pasto com fonte mineral ou energético-mineral, com posterior terminação em confinamento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-01) Guimarães, Tiago Pereira; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende;; Pádua, João Teodoro de;; Restle, João;; Rstle, João; Leão, Karen Martins; Bilego , Ubirajara Oliveira; Okada, Eliane Sayuri Miyagi; Ribeiro, Marinaldo DivinoThe aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and economic viability of young bulls backgrounded in rotated pasture of Cynodon spp. cv. Tifton 85, in the rainy season. Eightyone bull calves with average age of 12 months and average weight of 252±33 kg were used. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a 2x3 factorial arrangement, using mineral supplement (MS) and energy-mineral supplement (EMS), and three genetic groups Nellore (NEL), ½Canchim½Nellore (CAN) and ½Brangus½Nellore (BRN). The average forage availability was 13.6 kg DM/day per animal. The consumption of MS was statistically similar between genetic groups with overall mean of 0.073 kg/day per animal. The consumption of EMS was higher for the BRN with 2.10 kg/day, followed by CAN with 1.57 kg/day and lower for NEL with 1.28 kg/day. Average daily weight gain (ADG) and total weight gain were higher for animals receiving EMS than those receiving MS (P<0.05). In the MS treated animals, the BRN had ADG of 0.64 kg, and the NEL and CAN were similar with average of 0.46 kg/day. For animals that consumed EMS, the CAN had higher ADG with 0.97 kg, and the NEL and BRN were similar with average of 0.86 kg/day. Levels of glucose, cholesterol, total protein, albumin and creatinine were not changed by the type of supplement or genetic groups. Higher levels of urea were found in NEL and CAN animals with MS. The BRN were more compact, with greater development of chest and hindquarters, the CAN had intermediate development of thorax and hindquarters, and presented greater growth in length, while the NEL had higher growth in height and lower in thorax and hindquarters. The highest spending on MS per animal/day was for the NEL (R$0.14), the lowest for the BRN (R$0.06), and intermediate for the CAN (R$0.07). For animals treated with EMS the highest spending per animal/day was for the BRN (R$1.95), the lowest for the NEL (R$1.14), and intermediate for the CAN (R$1.40). The cost of EMS was higher in all genetic groups in relation to MS. The net income per animal with MS was better for the BRN with R$282.04, followed by the CAN with R$197.18, and lower for the NEL with R$117.21. For bulls that received EMS, the CAN had the best net revenue of R$317.40 per animal, followed by BRN with R$175.55 and lower for NEL with R$165.30. The NEL and CAN bulls that received EMS had a higher economic return than those treated with MS, whereas BRN had a better return for animals treated with MS. The energy-mineral supplement provided better performance of animals. The use of energy-mineral supplement during the rainy season in Tifton 85 grass is recommended only for Nellore and ½Canchim½Nelore bulls, for ½Brangus½Nelore the mineral supplement is recommended.Item Uso de antioxidantes em diluentes de criopreservação de sêmen bovino(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-08) Silva, Natalia do Carmo; Leão, Karen Martins;; Pádua, João Teodoro;; Pádua, João Teodoro;; Silva, Marco Antonio Pereira da; Bilego, Ubirajara Oliveira; Araújo, Luciana Batalha de Miranda; Marques, Thaisa CamposThe objective of this study was to evaluate the addition of antioxidants in different cryopreservation diluents on bovine semen quality after thawing and the in vitro production of embryos. First, the effects of adding different concentrations of glutathione (1.5 and 2.5 mM) and melatonin (0.5 and 1.0 mM) in egg yolk semen cryopreservation diluents (Bovimix®) and soy lecithin (Andromed®) were evaluated. The results showed that the addition of the antioxidant glutathione did not improve the maintenance of sperm characteristics of bovine semen. Melatonin had a negative effect on the spermatic parameters evaluated. The diluent Andromed® obtained better parameters of spermatic kinetics when compared with the diluent Bovimix®. However, in relation to the membrane integrity analyzes of the Bovimix® diluent showed better performance in the maintenance of these parameters. The effect of the cryopreservation diluents and the addition of glutathione in the vitro production of bovine embryos (PIVE) was then evaluated. The rate of cleavage, blastocyst rate and hatching were evaluated eight and nine days after IVF, as well as the correlation between sperm characteristics and PIVE. The diluent Andromed® provided a better cleavage rate, with no effect of the addition of glutathione in it. However, the addition of 2.5 mM glutathione in the Bovimix® diluent improved the cleavage rate. There was a significant correlation of high and low magnitude between some sperm characteristics with the rate of cleavage. It was concluded that glutathione did not improve sperm viability. Melatonin worsened the maintenance of sperm characteristics. Andromed® diluent was more efficient in the in vitro production of bovine embryos with no glutathione effect observed in this diluent. The addition of 2.5 mM glutathione in the egg yolk Bovimix® diluent gave a higher cleavage rate. In vitro evaluation of semen quality is not the best method to predict the fertilizer potential of the same in PIVE, because only significant low to moderate magnitude correlations were observed between some parameters of semen quality and fertilization rate.Item Extrato padronizado em compostos fenólicos de resíduos agroindustriais de goiaba em rações para frango(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-01-19) Noleto, Raiana Almeida; Stringhini , José Henrique;; Conceição, Edemilson Cardoso da;; Leandro, Nadja Susana Mogyca;; Leandro, Nadja Susana Mogyca;; Racanicci, Aline Mondini Calil; Rocha, Fernanda Rodrigues Taveira; Carvalho, Fabyola Barros de; Café, Marcos BarcellosThree experiments were carried out to evaluate guava extract standardized on phenolic compounds (GESPC) in broiler ration. In experiment one, were evaluated, total ash and insoluble in acids content, granulometric distribution and the intumescence rate of the plant, in liquid extract were evaluated total phenol content, flavonoids and tannins, antioxidant activity, centesimal composition and fatty acid profile was also evaluated. In experiment two, was evaluated performance, diet nutrients metabolizability, intestine histomorphometry and length, relative weight of digestible and lymphoid organs. A total of 300 male chickens were used, in a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and six replicates with ten birds. Treatments: basal ration (control), basal ration + 120 mg/kg vitamin E or three levels of GESPC (600, 800 and 1000 mg/kg of feed). In experiment tree, performance, carcass yield and cuts, blood biochemistry, feed fatty acid profile, pH and meat color, were evaluated 24 hours after slaughter, lipid oxidation and fatty acid profile of breast and drumstick/thigh meat at 42 days old, after 30 and 60 days of storage. A total of 600 male chickens were used in a completely randomized design with five treatments, and five replicates with 24 birds. Treatment: Basal ration (control), basal ration with 200 mg/kg vitamin E or three levels of GESPC (1,000, 1,300 and 1,600 mg/kg of feed). In experiment one, plant sample presented 5.76% total ashes, 3.22% acid insoluble ashes, moderately thick powder and 2.6 mL of intumescence rate. The extract had 0.166 mg/mL total phenols, 5.97% flavonoids and 0.315 mg/mL of tannins, 96% of moisture, 2.6% proteins, 3.0% lipids and 12 fatty acids. The antioxidant activity: IC50 = 21.7 μg/mL by DPPH method and a percentage of 1.6 x 107 μM Fe 2 SO 4/g by FRAP method. In experiment two, chickens supplemented with extract had higher weight, final weight and better feed conversion at 7 days old. There was a quadratic effect for weight gain, final weight and a decrecent linear for feed conversion at seven days old. Diet nutrients metabolizability was not influenced. In broilers supplemented with 1000 mg/kg or 600 mg/kg of GESPC, intestine length and spleen weight was longer than control group at seven days old, respectively. Chickens fed with rations whit 800 and 1,000 mg/kg of GESPC had higher villi stature in relation to villus cryo in the duodenum in relation to control at 21 days old. In experiment tree carcass performance and yield were not influenced by treatments. Broilers supplemented with 1600 mg/kg of GESPC had higher total protein levels in blood compared to control group or 1,000 mg/kg group. There was a higher volume of globulins in broilers fed with 1600 mg/kg of GESPC, in relation to other treatments. Concentration of HDL was higher in broilers blood fed with ration containing 1,600 mg/kg of GESPC in relation to control groups and 1000 mg/kg of GESPC. A higher pH on broilers breast muscle was observed, when fed with 1300 or 1600 mg/kg of GESPC compared to vitamin E group. In the drumstick/thigh, pH was higher in broilers fed with on 1600 mg/kg of GESPC or vitamin E in relation to control group. The lipid oxidation at 30 days of storage was higher in drumstick/thigh of broilers supplemented with 1,300 and 1,600 mg/kg of GESPC in relation to other treatments. The lipid oxidation at 60 days of storage was higher in drumstick/thigh of broilers supplemented with 1,600 mg/kg of GESPC in relation to other treatments. The liquid extract of guava residue contains bioactive substances, with potential antioxidant activity by the DPPH and FRAP method. The GESPC 800 or 1,000 mg/kg supplementation level may be used in broiler diets considering intestinal performance and development. The EGPCF at doses of 1,300 and 1,600 mg/kg increases the lipid oxidation of broiler meat stored for 30 and 60 days.Item Fontes e niveis de fibra na dieta de frangas de postura comercial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-01) Royer, Ana Flávia Basso; Café, Marcos Barcellos;; Stringhini, José Henrique;; Stringhini, José Henrique; Santos, Fabiana Ramos dos; Santos, Bruno Moreira dos; Laboissiére, Michele; Santos, Januária da SilvaDietary fibers constitute a significant part of all vegetable diets and vary in amount and structure in different ingredients. Has featured in the formulation of feed for poultry, seen the benefits in the development of the digestive and reproductive systems and on the behaviour of birds. However, knowledge of the relationship of the fiber and nutrient utilization needs to be better understood in poultry nutrition, especially in the quality of eggs, and optimal levels of inclusion in commercial diets. Thus, the objective of evaluating the inclusion of crude fiber in the diet of laying hens in light creates, recreates, about weight and body development characteristics, development of digestive organs, and reproductive behavior. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Goias, Goiania – GO, using vipul Bovans White line 300, in completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 2 x 2 +1, being two levels of crude fiber in the diet (3.0% and 3.5% from FB) two sources of fiber (wheat bran and bagasse) and a treatment witness (feed corn and soybean meal), totaling five treatments, with six repetitions of 10 birds in each stage of builds. We evaluated patterns of behavior and well-being. The use of crude fiber in the feeding of birds did not change the behavior of the birds, but improved the conditions of well-being. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia – GO, using vipul Bovans White line 300, in completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 2 x 2 +1, being two levels of crude fiber in the diet (3.0% and 3.5% from FB) two sources of fiber (wheat bran and bagasse) and a treatment witness (feed corn and soybean meal), totaling five treatments, with six repetitions of 10 birds in each stage of builds. We assessed the performance, carcass and organs relative weight, digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and FDA. The inclusion of 3.0% crude fiber and wheat bran improves the development of intestines of birds. The use of bagasse improves the digestibility of dietary neutral detergent fiber. The experiment II was held at Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, gilded-MS, using 360 White Bovans line vipul created from the first week of age until the 18th week, in completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 2x2+1, being two levels of crude fiber in the diet (3.0% and 3.5% FB) two sources of fiber (wheat bran and bagasse) and a treatment witness (feed corn and soybean meal), totaling five treatments, with six repetitions of each birds in 12 creates and 10 birds in rearing phase. We assessed the performance, carcass and organs relative weight, digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and FDA. The use of bagasse damages metabolizabilidade of diets, especially with the use of 3.0% FB. However, on the birds that use rebuilds food increases the size of the large intestine, gizzard and oviduct. And the use of wheat bran, with the inclusion of 3.0 and 3.5% FB, reduces the age at first egg.Item Aditivos fitogênicos na terminação de tourinhos nelore confinados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-13) Moreira, Kíria Karolline Gomes; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende;; Padua, João Teodoro;; Bilego, Ubirajara Oliveira; Neves Neto, José Tiago das; Silva, Maurícia Brandão da; Miyagi, Eliane Sayuri; Padua, João TeodoroPhytogenic additives with action similar to ionophores can be used as alternatives to synthetic additives. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of phytogenic antimicrobial additives on performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient digestibility and ruminal metabolic profile of Nellore bulls feedlot. In the first experiment, 114 Nellore steers (335.48 ± 25.70 kg) were assigned to a randomized complete block design with 4 treatments: monensin; S. Adstrigens extract; essential oils blend; functional oils cashew, castor and copaiba on the growth performance and carcass. The diet consisted of 19.49% sugarcane bagasse and 80.51% concentrate (DM basis). DMI of animals receiving monensin (104 days feedlot) was 16.2% lower than the animals that consumed dry extract and 8.6% lower than the animals that received functional oils (P <0.001). Animals that consumed dry extract of S. adstrigens showed higher consumption of NDF (P <0.001). FBW (μ = 485.60 kg) and ADG (μ = 1.42 kg/d) were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). FE was better (P <0.05) for MON (0.184 kg/kg) than BBT and MOE. There was no difference (P>0.05) for carcass characteristics. The use of phytogenic additives in feed of confined cattle did not influence the carcass characteristics, but the use of monensin still provides better performance results. In the second experiment, was to evaluate the characteristics of ruminal fermentation and digestibility of nutrients of a finishing diet with phytogenic additives. Five fistulated steers (initial BW = 275.40 ± 15.53 kg) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin Square design. Treatments were: no additive; monensin 30 mg/kg DM; extract of S. adstrigens 1.500 mg/kg DM; mixture of essential oils 118 mg/kg DM; mixture of functional oils from cashew, castor, and copaiba 250 mg/kg DM. The diet consisted on DM basis of 19.49% of sugarcane bagasse and 80.51% of concentrate with corn, soybean meal, urea and minerals. There were no effects (P>0.05) on nutrients intake, apparent digestibility concentration of VF, acetate:propionate ratio and concentration of NH3-N. Steers fed mixture of functional oils showed higher ruminal pH (6,75) than BBT (6,54; P <0.05). Phytogenic additives have the potential to replace synthetic antibiotics without penalizing the productive system of beef cattle.