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Item Formação docente para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental da educação de jovens e adultos: tendências e perspectivas da produção acadêmica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-05) Camargo, Sandra Almeida Ferreira; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta;; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta; Machado, Maria Margarida; Faria, Edite Maria da Silva de; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Silva, Fernanda Aparecida Oliveira RodriguesThe thesis presented here has as its theme teacher training for the Initial Years of Elementary Education in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The object of the research is the academic production on the subject. We start from the assumption that investigating the specific theme of teacher training for the Initial Years/First Segment can greatly contribute to the advancement of scientific and pedagogical knowledge about teacher training and will possibly impact pedagogical work, necessary bases for future teachers and teachers future teachers who will work in this modality, as well as for those who are already in the classroom. This is a bibliographic research, whose general objective was to identify and analyze trends, conceptions and propositions of teacher training for the Initial Years of Elementary Education of EJA in the Brazilian academic-scientific production, from 2011 to 2020. The bibliographic survey covers a total of 19 works, being 17 dissertations and two theses, collected in the Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and in the Theses and Dissertations Portal of the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CA-PES). As specific objectives, we seek to understand and critically reflect on the current context of educational policies for EJA in Brazil, which required us to consider the historical and political developments of Brazilian school education within a broader social and economic reality; another specific objective was to theoretically reflect on the relationships and contradictions between teacher training and pedagogical work in EJA. The research carried out reveals that the theoretical, political and pedagogical knowledge related to EJA are invisible or marginalized in the curricula of Pedagogy courses, in most of the courses investigated by the researches that constitute our bibliographic material, there are no specific disciplines with a workload destined to the EJA, which in our understanding compromises teacher training for the Early Years of Elementary School of the modality. It is also noted that EJA continues to occupy a marginal place in research projects, in study groups and in reflections on school teaching developed in the context of the subjects of the Pedagogy course. Also as a result of the investigation carried out, we understand that EJA as a modality of Basic Education still seems not to be inserted in the curricula of Pedagogy courses nor to be understood by the trainers of teachers of these courses, when it is approached by the training teachers it is discussed. as a theme and in a transdisciplinary way during the education process of the pedagogue/pedagogue. Therefore, EJA in Brazil remains invisible and marginalized as a teaching modality in the training of teachers in the Pedagogy course and as a field of knowledge in the academic environment.Item Biografias de mulheres na história da educação: Benedicta Stahl Sodré, Branca Alves de Lima e Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (século XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-11) Dias, Ana Raquel Costa; Valdez, Diane;; ; Valdez, Diane; Panizzolo , Claudia; Rocha, Juliano Guerra; Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza; Nicolini, CristianoLes vies et les noms des femmes sont importants, et les histoires des enseignantes sont des thèmes fondamentaux pour problématiser l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne. À cet égard, cette thèse repousse les mécanismes de production et de reproduction qui ont historiquement tenté de réduire au silence les actions et les discours des femmes, en affrontant les dispositifs patriarcaux soutenus par une société représentée par des écrits historiques non pluriels. À cette fin, les noms et les vies de Benedicta Stahl Sodré (1900-1972), Branca Alves de Lima (1910-2001) et Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (1907-1982) ont été mis en évidence, en les biographiant historiquement au milieu de la proéminence des documents sur leurs écrits pédagogiques: Cartilha Sodré (1939/1940), Caminho Suave (1948) et A Casinha Feliz (1970). Il s'agit de femmes brésiliennes, blanches, de l'élite, enseignantes, normaliennes, femmes d'affaires et auteures de ces abécédaires et autres matériels pédagogiques. Des femmes, dont les histoires se rapprochent et s'éloignent, éminemment révélatrices d'émancipation, de confrontation et de résistance. La conscience féministe a soustendu cette thèse, nous permettant de comprendre l'importance de l'appartenance, de la prise de décision, des relations et des engagements qui entourent les vies biographiées. Le choix de la biographie historique comme méthode, compte tenu de son statut scientifique propre, repose sur un choix politique, privilégiant la construction d'une histoire diversifiée et articulée. L'objectif était de formuler, de comparer et d'analyser leurs biographies afin de comprendre les espaces qu'elles ont occupés et les époques dans lesquelles elles ont vécu. Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont devenues le sujet de cette thèse lorsque nous avons trouvé des silences sur leurs histoires de vie, surtout si l'on considère que les abécédaires qu'elles ont écrits ont été largement diffusés, annoncés, propagés, adoptés et vendus avec le soutien du monde complexe des maisons d'édition, de la presse, des actions du gouvernement, des avis publics et d'autres moyens. Ils ont également fait l'objet de recherches universitaires et sont considérés par l'historiographie de l'éducation comme les manuels les plus populaires, les plus vendus et les plus adoptés du XXe siècle. Nous réalisons donc que les stigmates liés au genre peuvent être les principaux responsables des tentatives d'invisibilité, tout en spéculant sur la manière dont d'autres questions ont pu soutenir l'effacement, y compris les attentes de la famille, les choix éditoriaux, les relations de pouvoir et d'autres facteurs. Nous comprenons également l'importance des forces coercitives en place, ainsi que des choix, impositions et décisions individuels. Les chemins que nous avons parcourus nous ont permis de réfléchir aux contextes éducatifs, aux intentions et aux exigences dans les contextes politiques et sociaux. Nous avons voulu explorer la relation singulière des auteurs avec les univers dans lesquels ils se trouvaient, en observant leurs processus d'origine et d'action, en tant qu'êtres sociaux qui donnaient forme à leurs expériences et donnaient sens aux situations et aux actions qui conditionnaient leur existence. En réfléchissant à leurs trois vies, nous nous sommes concentrés sur leur éducation, leurs relations familiales, leur militantisme, leur enseignement, leurs productions scolaires et d'autres aspects. Le processus méthodologique a montré qu'au cours des dernières décennies, les travaux académiques sur la vie des femmes ont connu une augmentation notable, révélant des données sur les trajectoires qui sont précieuses pour comprendre les places occupées par les femmes qui ont travaillé dans l'éducation et leurs exigences. À cette fin, des recherches bibliographiques, de la littérature, des lettres, des invitations, des lois sur l'éducation, des comptes de médias sociaux, des registres du cadastre, des annonces posthumes, des entretiens, du matériel pédagogique produit par les biographes, des recherches universitaires et des sources provenant de la presse périodique nationale ont été utilisés par mesure de précaution, compte tenu de la période qui s'est écoulée entre la naissance et le décès des trois auteurs. Le traitement des collections numériques et des dépôts d'archives s'est avéré essentiel, car ils offraient une variété d'indices. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur la base théorique des discussions sur l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne, l'histoire biographique et l'histoire des femmes, en donnant la priorité aux femmes auteurs de productions et de conceptions. Nous avons inscrit leurs noms et leurs vies dans l'histoire, sans délégitimer le prestige de leurs productions, mais en affirmant que Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont plus grandes qu'elles. Ce sont des protagonistes de l'éducation brésilienne, comme tant d'autres femmes qui méritent que leur histoire soit révélée. Crayon en main, elles ont brisé le patriarcat dans les groupes scolaires, les écoles normales, les organisations sociales et politiques et la famille. Nous concluons que les temps sombres qui entourent la vie et les noms de Benedicta, Branca, Iracema et d'innombrables autres éducatrices et écrivaines ne sont plus, parce que les femmes écrivent sur les femmes et les dévoilent dans l'histoire.Item O campo, para mim, me define quem eu sou”: escolas famílias agrícolas e suas contribuições para a vida de jovens do campo no médio Jequitinhonha – MG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-09) Freitas, Gilmar Vieira; Pietrafesa, José Paulo;; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Alves, Amone Inácia; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Queiroz, João Batista Pereira de; Santos, Terciana Vidal Moura dosEsta tesis trata de las trayectorias de vida de los egresados de las Escuelas Familiares Agrarias (EFAs) de la región del Médio Jequitinhonha, en Minas Gerais. Buscó investigar y analizar las contribuciones de esas escuelas a la promoción de la vida de los egresados, destacando los desafíos y las posibilidades de esa práctica educativa, basada en la Pedagogía de la Alternancia. El estudio se basó en un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas, además de analizar Proyectos Político-Pedagógicos (PPPs). Los sujetos de investigación fueron graduados del Curso Técnico Agropecuario Integrado de Enseñanza Media, así como profesores, coordinadores, miembros de las asociaciones patrocinadoras y representantes de instituciones asociadas. El estudio también presentó reflexiones sobre el Vale do Jequitinhonha, basadas en la cuestión agraria; la juventud rural; y las interfaces entre la EFA y la Educación Rural. En la investigación, se destacan algunos resultados, tales como: a) Antes de ingresar en la EFA, los graduados habían vivido una escolaridad precaria. La EFA les proporcionó acceso, permanencia y conclusión de la educación básica. La incorporación significó una reducción de la deserción escolar; una alternativa a la migración estacional para los jóvenes; y una mayor adaptación para los indígenas. b) Durante su formación, los egresados mejoraron su rendimiento escolar. El proceso de formación a través de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia (PA) los llevó a conocer y fortalecer sus vínculos con el campo. c) La convivencia colectiva con sus pares les aportó experiencias y conocimientos como sujetos sociales y políticos. d) La elaboración de los Proyectos Profesionales Juveniles (PPJS) en las EFAs reveló retos en la experiencia estudiantil de los egresados. El alto índice de proyectos no realizados, la falta de autonomía material y la dificultad de acceso a las políticas públicas generan desaliento y descrédito en la relación con esa mediación didáctica. Los PPJS que se llevaron a cabo contaron con apoyo material externo (institucional/familiar); algunos proyectos se retomaron alrededor de una década después de su formación, tras cumplir condiciones mínimas de inversión. e) La mayoría de los egresados entrevistados trabaja profesionalmente en el campo, en la agricultura familiar o a través de otros servicios, considerando también el uso de actividades polivalentes. En general, fue un desafío para los jóvenes establecerse profesionalmente en el área en la que se formaron (agricultura) y en la región de Jequitinhonha, debido a la falta de oportunidades de trabajo y a las dificultades en la agricultura familiar. La mayoría de los egresados vivieron procesos de migración, alternando entre el campo y la ciudad; f) En cuanto a la continuidad de sus estudios, se destacó la falta de oferta de cursos en la región y la carencia de recursos para ello. La mayoría de ellos recurrió a la educación a distancia y a la formación alternativa para conciliar la educación superior y la actividad profesional; g) La mayor parte de la participación social de los graduados tiene lugar en asociaciones comunitarias locales, generalmente en sus comunidades de origen; h) Por último, es necesario estrechar la relación entre la EFA y los graduados para apoyar el proceso de integración social de los graduados, proporcionar formación continua y fomentar iniciativas de trabajo e ingresos solidarios. Los datos muestran lo fundamental que es el trabajo de las EFAs como espacio de formación de la juventud rural en el Vale do Jequitinhonha, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de la educación rural y de la agroecología por medio de la agricultura familiar campesina, sin dejar de lado los límites y desafíos.Item Da formação humana à instrumentalização da literatura nos documentos que orientam os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-16) Jesus, Simone Aparecida de; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Vaz, Alexandre Fernandez; Silva, Pedro Fernando daLinked to the research line "Fundamentals of Educational Processes" at the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Goiás, this study aims to uncover the rationale behind Literature in the regulatory documents guiding education in Brazil and Goiás, specifically concerning the early years of Elementary Education. The central question addressed is: What is the rationale for Literature in the documents that guide education in the early years of Elementary Education? This is a bibliographic and documentary research study that considers as primary sources the guides "História e Histórias" (2001b) and the second volume of "PNBE na Escola: Literatura Fora da Caixa" (PNBE) (2014) from the National School Library Program (PNBE); the National Common Curricular Base (NCB) (2018); the Curricular Guidelines for Goiás (CGG) (2019); and the Reading, Writing, and Interpretation in Literacy (2021) books from the Alfamais Goiás Program. The theoretical references include, among others, Antônio Cândido, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, and Karl Marx. The study reveals that academic research investigating Literature highlights its relationship with Brazilian schools since their inception, often leaning toward an instrumentalized perspective, treating Literature as a model for language or a source of information. However, our analyses demonstrate two distinct perspectives in the current documents reviewed. Literature is approached both as a means of human development and as an instrumentalized tool. Notably, the document with the most intense instrumentalization is also the one closest to students, specifically the LEIA books, used by teachers and students in Goiás municipalities. Consequently, the study concludes that it is essential to reflect on how these documents address Literature, as a narrowing of focus becomes more pronounced in localized documents compared to national ones. It proposes the perspective of critical theory as an alternative, viewing Literature as an art form capable of fostering human development and considering it as an incompressive asset.Item Os processos educacionais no contexto da cultura digital: um estudo de caso do canal do Youtuber Felipe Neto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-06) Lobato, Iolene Mesquita; Real, Márcio Penna Corte;; Real, Márcio Penna Corte; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Pereira, Márcia Ferreira Torres; Gomide, Cristina Helou; Cunha, Fernanda Pereira daThe present research aims to analyze the educational processes generated within the scope of digital culture, especially those promoted and constituted by the YouTuber Felipe Neto. The investigation was guided by the following question: How can YouTube impact the process of socialization and human formation, given that this platform presents itself as a media device focused on entertainment content committed to market engagement metrics? The sample corpus was made up of the persona Felipe Neto, as a businessman and digital influencer, and the audiovisual material published, between 2018 and 2020, on his YouTube channel. In the study sample, 370 videos were inspected (138 related to the Minecraft game and 232 entertainment), with 05 of these videos (1 Minecraft game and 4 entertainment) selected and subjected to statistical analysis of engagement metrics (views, likes, comments and running time) from YouTube. The results of the study demonstrate that Felipe Neto, a digital influencer, has an extreme ability to convince the public that follows him, using a narrative strategy that establishes trust and provides a sense of belonging. Behind the scenes, this internet professional has a specialized team, made up of several qualified professionals - from scriptwriters to editors - who provide support and guarantee audience and monetization metrics, producing videos, managing channel engagement, using strategies of marketing to ensure the adhesion of sponsors, brands, advertisers, among others. The study shows that businessman Felipe Neto charted a professional path not limited only to monetizing his channel and gaining millions of followers. When dealing with controversial topics, with a political and/or ideological bias, his channel began to be accompanied by disaffection, legal proceedings, criminal complaints, fake news, and threats. Content generated by the influencer's channel is characterized as merchandise that instrumentalizes the imagination of men and women. It is a technical product that, through entertainment, produces representative images of a persona that uses various resources from the cultural industry to guarantee the visibility of itself, because it is from its existence, verified by the other who sees it, that its persona becomes a desirable object, a profitable commodity. By producing consumer goods, the channel satisfies its users who, in a way, are at the mercy of this persona. Such dependence is crossed by affections, personal preferences and sympathies, however, in such a context, the user is just a consumer who appropriates produced content, since he ignores his own subjectivity and clings to that of others. Therefore, it is clear that businessman Felipe Neto's main objective on his channel is not to educate, but rather to entertain his audience, following the logic of the market and capital. This finding suggests that the educational content produced there does not encourage its followers to react critically to the problematic social issues they face in their lives and witness in their surroundings.Item Antonio Gramsci e a educação de trabalhadores: um estudo de tradutibilidade e filologia a partir dos escritos jornalísticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-05) Maia, Júlio César Apolinário; Machado, Maria Margarida;; Machado, Maria Margarida; Paranhos, Rones de Deus; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães; Duarte, Aldimar Jacinto; Oliveira, Edna de CastroThe present thesis, defended within the research line “Work, Education, and Social Movements”, of the Post-graduate Program in Education of the Public University of Goiás, is dedicated to deepening the theoretical-methodological contribution of Antonio Gramsci, based on criteria of translatability and philology, to the reflection on the education of workers. The bibliography and documents consulted are focused on the period of Gramsci’s life preceding his prison imprisonment. Therefore, biographical studies, journalistic writings, letters, and testimonies from those who experienced firsthand or had contact with Gramsci constitute the investigative corpus of the research. The reading and interpretation of Gramsci’s life are theoretically and methodologically based on the concepts of translatability and philology, presented in the first chapter of the thesis, which identify him as an antagonistic stance, grounded in the progressive development of a confrontation against any deterministic form of reason detrimental to the working class. The worldview of Gramsci is subject to interpretations that imply the assertion of new and exclusive actions on reality. From this argument, his conceptions of education and the education of workers, as well as those of his interpreters, are investigated. The movement of reading and action, interpretation and application, or even theory and practice, expressed in journalistic writings, analyzed in the following two chapters, strives to apprehend the theme of education of workers in Gramsci’s perception, based on the characteristics of synchrony and diachrony. Writings from two periods of journalistic production are analyzed, the first from 1914 to February 1919 and the second from April 1919 to November 1926, associated with the movements of ascent of a revolutionary project and another of resistance, respectively alluding to what the thesis terms as the “revealed alternative” and the “possible alternative” for the education of the working classes. The thesis highlights the implications of the pedagogical and political path outlined by Gramsci’s experiences for the education of workers and the pedagogical and political propositions derived from the selected writings. Among the implications and propositions, it is essential to highlight, primarily, the imperative of this education to be, as it always was for Gramsci, in line with the interests of the working classes; also, the importance of this education advancing beyond a propaedeutic conception, abandoning the exclusivity of a pedagogical orientation to learning, and replacing it, in the Gramscian manner, with its combination with the moral formation of the individual; also the affirmation of listening and dialogue, in contrast to a linear process of teaching and learning, which enables the expansion of the relationship between teacher and student; and the perception of places of practice, conductors of distinct, but equally important, pedagogical initiatives, sometimes combined with Gramsci’s notion of “evangelical propaganda” work, sometimes with the notion of creative work.Item "Da infância longínqua à ancianidade presente": tempos e vivências de Cora Coralina (séculos XIX - XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-19) Oliveira, Elis Regina da Silva; Valdez, Diane;; Valdez, Diane; Andrade, Ludmila Santos; Vieira , Ilma Socorro Gonçalves Vieira; Siqueira, Ebe Maria de Lima; Furtado, Rita Márcia MagalhãesThis thesis is linked to the State, Policies and History of Education research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás. Sedimented in this field, the guiding threads intertwine literature, history and education with the purpose of bringing to light experiences socio-historical aspects of formal and informal education in the state of Goiás at the end of the 19th century, as well as female performance in the limitless society of Goiás in the 20th century. For this exercise of crossing knowledge and perspectives, we took the set of poetic works by Cora Coralina (1889-1985), published during her lifetime, as an object of study revealed from a historical time that unites ‘distant childhood with present age’. Cora Coralina, in her literary writing, demystified the romantic vision of childhood and portrayed a panorama of all the lives she carried within herself. In this mosaic of experiences, we find several images of the ways of instructing and educating children, youth and other stages of life. In view of this, we record the poet's writing state as a 'place of memory' and memories of an adult, distant in time, about her childhood and other times. With her reminiscences, Cora Coralina presents us with different ways of thinking about history, of reviving memory, of reconstituting space. This means that through the pages of the literary text a certain historical reality can be read and interpreted. The investigation has a bibliographic and documentary character, based on cultural history, articulated with the aesthetic elements of literary studies and the educational field. In this way, we understand literature as a problematizing art that transcends the temporal line and reveals everyday forms of life in the most diverse social groups, including childhood within this context. The research results demonstrated that the Coraliniano text, through representations, constitutes a significant source for analyzing facts and events in the City of Goiás during the defined period (end of the 19th century and part of the 20th). We also highlight Cora Coralina's sing as another voice that problematized the history of diverse experiences: childhood, ways of educating them, youth and female action in the face of patriarchal commands and excesses.Item O Cinema nas Frestas da Formação no Curso de Pedagogia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-30) Ribeiro, Pollyanna Rosa; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães;; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães; Valdez, Diane; Real, Márcio Penna Corte; Ostetto, Luciana Esmeralda; Rocha, Maria Alice de Sousa CarvalhoThe thesis "Cinema in the Intervals of Formation in the Pedagogy Course" aims to analyze the influence of cinema in the formation of pedagogues in two universities in Goiás: the Federal University of Goiás and the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás. The methodology adopted combines bibliographic and empirical elements, using digital questionnaires to listen to the research participants, namely, the students of the pedagogical course at the end of their undergraduate studies. The focus of the research is on the investigation of the sociocultural implications of the presence of cinema throughout the formation, including the analysis of the cinematographic works involved in this process. Cinema is considered a central element to discuss aesthetic education, especially in the formation of the teacher. Based on the phenomenological approach, the importance of aesthetics as an essential part of teacher formation is highlighted, with sensitivity and dialogue as basic components in the course of construction of pedagogical knowledge. The data collected, both quantitative and qualitative, allowed us to understand the nuances present in the generation of graduated pedagogues in the year 2022. As a result of the research, it was possible to identify that most of the participants usually watch movies in their daily lives, especially with the use of streaming platforms, but the frequency to movie theaters reached very low rates. With regard to the exhibition of films in the context of the university, a significant number of screenings in various disciplines and extension activities was pointed out, with emphasis on the recognition of the importance of film appreciation and elaboration from this artistic material, considered essential for formation. In the documental analysis of the Course Projects, it was observed that the idea of an aesthetic education is present in shallow and textually punctual way in some disciplines, especially of an optional nature. Therefore, empirical data reveal that cinema is more present in everyday life than in the documentary field, especially through what Barreto and Pelbart (2023) call "floating micro-strategies", as ways of facing and resisting the market pace that advances on education. In this sense, the purposes and nature of aesthetic education are seen as basic elements in the entire formation process, aiming to value humanization and collective interest. Therefore, the possibility of cinematographic literacy is highlighted as a relevant aspect in pedagogical formation and a way to provide aesthetic education in the educational context.Item Educar os olhares para o patrimônio histórico-cultural: um projeto de formação continuada para docentes da Educação Infantil no CEFOPE/Anápolis, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-12) Silva, Kátia Cilene Camargo; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia;; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Suanno , Marilza Vanessa Rosa; Arantes , Milna Martins; Ximenes, Priscilla de AndradeThis thesis is linked to the Research Line “Training, Teaching Professionalization and Educational Work”, of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (FE/UFG), and to the project “Public Policies and Education of Childhood in Goiás”, from the Center for Studies and Research on Childhood and its Education in Different Contexts (NEPIEC/FE/UFG). The work provides studies on childhood, the education of children from 0 to 6 years old and teacher training. Among the various educational challenges for childhood, our interest in the research was to study, investigate and participate in experiences related to teaching about cultural heritage, through continuing training courses for Early Childhood Education teachers from the Municipal Education Network (RME) of Anápolis-GO, offered by CEFOPE, aiming at cultural formation and appropriation of the meaning of cultural heritage. It sought to answer whether the integration of cultural and heritage knowledge in continuing training can become essential elements in teaching practice, strengthening the feeling of cultural belonging. For this, the importance of cultural heritage in Early Childhood Education curricular proposals was highlighted and how it can be integrated into the teaching process, considering teachers as fundamental cultural mediators in children's education. The methodology adopted, based on historical-dialectical materialism, includes bibliographical review, analysis of academic productions, interviews and questionnaires applied to Early Childhood Education teachers. Still, about the methodological procedures, through the participatory research, the development of Heritage Education methodologies for reading cultural heritage was considered. In this regard, the research concentrated efforts on its main objective: to analyze the process of continued training of Early Childhood Education teachers at RME in Anápolis, highlighting elements targeted to cultural training and the appropriation of the meaning of cultural heritage. The study sought theoretical support from authors with a socio-historical-dialectic perspective, approaching topics such as culture, art, aesthetic education, cultural heritage and teacher continuing training. These themes, organized into sections and subsections composing the expository method, addressed important discussions that, articulated and inserted in the historical, social and human cultural context, give consistency to the proposed theme. The analyzes, permeated by contradictory and dialectical movements, revealed analytical efforts that reach results of (dis)continuities, as: fragility of public policies for continuing training; gaps in the teacher training process; (dis) knowledge about cultural heritage; limited cultural referential repertoire; demotivation and resistance to possible change, among others present in the analyzes and results raised in the research. With this research, it is expected to establish the necessary cultural training as a right, incorporated into teaching training, making humanizing and transformative practices possible for those who believe in and wish to educate views on the reading of cultural heritage.Item Gestão democrática nos sistemas de ensino tocantinenses: condições político-institucionais, indicadores e resultados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-21) Silva, Meire Lúcia Andrade da; Assis, Lúcia Maria de;; Assis, Lúcia Maria de; Silva, Luís Gustavo Alexandre da; Dourado, Luiz Fernandes; Gomes, Marcilene Pelegrine; Lagares, RosileneDemocratic management is a political and social process that includes participation, decentralization of power, transparency, plurality, dialogue, consensus and the search for equality and social justice. Democratic management strengthens the participation of political society and civil society in educational planning, as well as in collective decision-making. This study aims to analyze compliance with the goal of democratic management in the municipal education plans of eight municipalities with their own education systems in the state of Tocantins. The research also analyzes the progress and challenges in implementing Target 19 of the PNE 2014-2024. In terms of methodological assumptions, the research uses a historicalcritical approach, a bibliographic review on Democratic Management, document analysis to understand conceptions of democratic management, principles, spaces and mechanisms for participation, as well as using field research procedures, using data collection instruments such as observation and interviews with subjects who work in the management of municipal education in education systems. The analysis method was based on thematic analysis of content, based on recording units (words and statements). The data was grouped into categories and analyzed using the theoretical contribution of authors who address the issues identified in them. The education plans of the municipalities surveyed were examined, as were their consonance, dissonance with democratic management, mechanisms, instruments, strategies, actions and indicators. The main theoretical foundations deal with the principles, concepts, spaces and mechanisms for participation in democratic management, as well as focusing on laws, normative documents and national conferences on Democratic Management. The main results highlight the fact that a large part of the Democratic Management strategies in the Municipal Education Plans have not been complied with within the established timeframe; they point to the importance of municipalities moving forward from the perspective of Democratic Management, both in terms of the connection between the text expressed and the subjects involved, and in terms of participation, reflection and action in the formulation of municipal education policies based on the local reality; ratify the importance of creating and implementing ongoing training programs that address the principles of Democratic Management; point out the need to strengthen collegiate bodies as tools for social control, which involves the participation of school councils, student groups, parent and guardian associations, municipal education councils, as well as the Fundeb council, among others. In order to effectively materialize Democratic Management in the municipalities investigated, as a way of contributing to the municipalities of Tocantins, the Thesis defends the understanding and importance of approving specific laws for their education systems, regulating the Democratic Management of public education in the respective spheres of action, as guaranteed by Article 9 of the National Education Plan - Law No. 13.005/2014, articulated with goal 19 and its strategies.Item A relação entre tendências autoritárias, identificação com grupos e irracionalidade em estudantes universitários(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-31) Soares, Tatyane Pereira de Morais; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Teixeira, Ricardo Antônio Gonçalves; Silva, Maria Isabel Formoso Cardoso e; Silva, Pedro Fernando daThis study, “The Relationship Between authoritarian Trends, Group Identification, and Irrationality among University Students”, investigates whether there are authoritarian tendencies among university students, if these tendencies are related to group identification, and what their rationality is. The justification lies in the growing contemporary political and social polarization, which makes it relevant to understand the factors that promote identification with authoritarianism. The theoretical framework is based on authors such as Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Sigmund Freud, who discuss the psychic and social foundations of authoritarianism. This is a quantitative-qualitative study, utilizing a questionnaire and the Fscale (Fascism) developed by Adorno, with some modifications, applied to 340 university students from the Pedagogy and Medicine courses at the Federal University of Goiás. The research reveals four types of authoritarian tendencies among university students: High, Medium-High, Medium-Low, and Low. Those with high and medium-high authoritarian tendencies demonstrate a greater predisposition to authoritarianism. In the medium-high and medium-low authoritarian tendencies, a conservative rationality can be identified, which tends to reinforce irrational behaviors. The groups where this identification occurs include “Catholics” and “Evangelicals”, the “Liberal Party”, “the Social Christian Party”, the social network “Brasil Acima de Tudo, Deus Acima de Todos”, and “Brasil Paralelo”. However, when analyzing the majority of students with medium-low and low authoritarian tendencies, a non-conservative rationality is evident, indicating a lower predisposition to authoritarianism and a greater concern for equality and diversity through groups such as the “Workers' “Party, “Feminist”, “Anti-Racist”, and Student movements, and social networks like “Mídia Ninja” and “Rita Von Hunt – Estudos e Debates”. The results highlight the importance of understanding how the dynamics of identification and rationality influence the predisposition to authoritarianism.Item A complexidade do trabalho docente em alfabetização: tessituras de um coletivo de alfabetizadoras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-05) Souza, Odiliana Ribeiro de; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira;; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Toassa, Gisele; Limonta, Sandra ValériaThis thesis examines the teaching practices of literacy teachers, with a focus on the dimensions of activity identified by Yves Clot: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal, and impersonal. The thesis presented is that the challenges observed in a group of literacy teachers reflect and relate to issues and problems that are specific to the macro-level organization of work. This organization hinders the profession and acts as a barrier to the development of the teachers' own activities. To comprehend this movement, a case study was conducted in 2023, which focused on the work of a group of literacy teachers teaching 1st and 2nd grade in a Full-Time School (EMTI) that serves the initial years of elementary school in the Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia (RME). The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the work of literacy teachers, based on the studies of the Activity Clinic. The focus is on the work of Yves Clot, and this perspective, in dialogue with authors from the Clinics of Work, can lead to a deeper understanding of the working conditions and the individual and collective engagements involved in the activity of literacy teachers. In methodological terms, we conducted a literature review and analyzed the guidelines provided to literacy teachers for their work. We also utilized semi-structured interviews, coaching, simple self-confrontation, and observation of teaching practices to analyze the work experience of the members of this collective. The study highlights the various aspects of a literacy teacher's work, including the rules of the trade, tool production, instrument and resource utilization for children's writing acquisition, the teacher's language, prudent know-how, pedagogical values and meanings, appreciation for work, recognition of a job well done, team self-regulation, and the importance of working relationships. However, there were contradictions and challenges regarding the organization of pedagogical work within the educational institution and the management of the school network. Such issues have an impact on the teaching activity, constituting either a source of impediment, or a source of development of the activity, materializing as a resource for literacy teachers to overcome the challenges imposed by the profession.