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Item Diálogos e Cartas Pedagógicas em Círculos de Cultura: ressignificando a formação continuada de professoras e professores em ensino de Astronomia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-27) Borges, Elizandra Freitas Moraes; Sobreira, Paulo Henrique Azevedo;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Genovese, Cinthia Leticia de Carvalho Roversi; Coimbra, Camila Lima; Langhi, Rodolfo; Bisch, Sérgio MascarelloContinuing teacher training in Brazil is a complex and challenging field. With regard to the one that deals with astronomical knowledge, the scenario becomes even more challenging. Continuing training proposals, in general, are characterized by a prescriptive and dissertative character, silencing subjects within the scope of their own training. Therefore, the present investigation aimed to analyze which essential elements, emerging from the extension course “Astronomy at school in the context of culture circles, should be considered for the construction of permanent, participatory and contextualized training for teachers who teach Astronomy at school. To this end, the research is based on the discussion of the continued training of teachers who teach Astronomy in elementary school, based on the problematization substantiated in the Freirean Theory, which drives critical-problematizing thinking, providing knowledgeable subjects with dialogical training in Astronomy. Its premises are dialogue, knowledge from experience, participation, coding/decoding, action/reflection/action, transformation and autonomy. The research has a qualitative approach, of the collaborative research-training type in the Brazilian context. To this end, the meetings were held as Culture Circles – based on episodes of the story “Joãozinho da Maré” written by Rodolpho Caniato – with 31 teachers from a school affiliated with the city hall of Goiânia, in a videoconference environment, given the exceptional nature of the context of Covid-19. The transcriptions of the recorded dialogues and the Pedagogical Letters produced by the teachers during the culture circles were analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD) and the source of metatext production that revealed what the teachers thought for participatory and contextualized training in teaching Astronomy. The research results indicate that participatory and contextualized training needs to be organized based on the needs of teachers in the teaching of Astronomy, the relationship between teachers and the teaching of Astronomy, the complexity of teaching Astronomy and the need from rebuilding the bond with Nature to understanding the topic, as well as sky observation practices and local and ancestral Astronomy.Item Aprendizagem da docência no clube de matemática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-20) Caetano, Danilo Borges; Cedro, Wellington Lima;; Cedro, Wellington Lima; Lopes, Anemari Roesler Luersen Vieira; Oliveira, Daniela Cristina de; Borowsky, Halana Garcez; Silva, Sandra Aparecida Fraga daIn light of the theoretical references of Historical-Cultural Theory (Leontiev; Vigotski) and Teaching Guiding Activity (Moura), this work aims to identify the constituent elements of teaching learning, to analyze and understand the training of teachers and future teachers at the Math Club. The Math Club is a learning space that encourages the training of teachers and future teachers. This research sought to answer the following question: how do the constitutive elements of teaching learning impact the teachers’ formation and future Mathematics teachers in the Math Club? Historical-dialectical materialism guides this study as a method and in the understanding of social relations. For the investigation, focus groups were held with participants from Clubs in the states of Goiás, Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul. The meetings took place remotely, with the help of digital platforms, and were recorded, for the purpose of data collection. The path chosen to analyze the data was through the method of analysis in units, since the singular can be understood in its essence when seen as a part that makes up the whole, revealing the relationships between the parts and the fundamental characteristics of the totality. In these studies, the elements that constitute the learning of teaching at the Math Club involve the dimensions of the person, knowledge and teaching work, showing that the organization of teaching is a formative process and that the people involved in the Mathematics Club project develop a collectivist personality, humanizing themselves through the human, teaching and learning mathematics. Furthermore, the training actions at the Club enable people in training to develop a general way of organizing teaching, and students a general way of learning scientific knowledge. The thesis defended was that teachers and future teachers, in the Math Club, appropriate a general way of organizing teaching when they become aware of the actions they develop in pedagogical activity, and their motives coincide with the group's objective. From this, the training movement and the relationships established in the collective provide the production of knowledge that constitutes the learning of teaching in the Math Club, contributing to the humanization of their peers.Item O que fundamenta a proposta dos CEPIs em Goiás?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-22) Gontijo, Matheus Costa; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa;; Echeverria, Agustina Rosa; Maciel, David; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo EchalarLa educación en tiempo integral ha avanzado significativamente en el Estado de Goiás con la implementación de los Centros de Enseñanza en Período Integral (CEPIs). La implementación de ese modelo está de acuerdo con los objetivos establecidos en el Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE) (BRASIL, 2014) y a los del Plano Estadual de Educación (PEE) (GOIÁS, 2015) que determinan la expansión de la enseñanza integral cuyo objetivo es “Ofrecer educación en tiempo integral en, como mínimo, 50 % (cincuenta por ciento) de las escuelas públicas, de forma a atender, pelo menos, 25 % (veinticinco por ciento) de los (as) alumnos (as)de la educación básica.” (BRASIL, 2014). En ese marco, el gobierno de Ronaldo Caiado (2019 -) ha invertido cada vez más en la implementación de esa modalidad de enseñanza. En este trabajo tuvimos el objetivo de elucidar lo que fundamenta la propuesta de los CEPIs en el Estado de Goiás por medio del análisis documental de su Programa y de documentos que referencian ese modelo educacional, así como los principales documentos que establecen las directrices para la educación en países de capitalismo dependiente. También apuntamos en la discusión, como esa propuesta y su fundamentación establecen el lugar de la Enseñanza de Ciencias dentro de su programa. Ese análisis partió de la óptica del materialismo histórico con foco en la influencia de los aparatos privados de hegemonía de la clase dominante en la educación pública a través de lo público no-estatal y su relación con el Estado y la sociedad civil, con el recorte de las tres últimas décadas, período marcado por el proceso conocido como empresariamiento de la educación. Discutimos la influencia de los sectores de la sociedad civil en la educación, entendida como estrategia para atender las demandas del capital y su reproducción a partir de la coerción y del consenso. En nuestra análisis concluimos que la propuesta de los CEPIs está alineada con las principales orientaciones internacionales de los organismos multilaterales y que, con el apoyo de los aparatos privados de hegemonía y de los intelectuales de la burguesía o cooptados por ella, esa propuesta profundiza la captura de la subjetividad de los sujetos por la lógica del mercado en el marco del neoliberalismo, configurándose como una propuesta que 13 refuerza el mantenimiento y la reproducción del capitalismo y la subsunción de la educación a los idearios neoliberales de mercado.Item O ensino de matemática da escola família agrícola de Goiás (EFAGO): um estudo de caso na perspectiva dos alunos e da professora do terceiro ano do ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-15) Jesus, Carlos Augusto Cardoso de; Souza, Roberto Barcelos;; Souza, Roberto Barcelos; Daude, Rodrigo Bastos; Pimenta, Adelino CandidoThis work aims to analyze the perceptions of a mathematics teacher and third year high school students about the sociocultural contributions of mathematics teaching at EFAGO, and how teaching is dialoguing with school documents. This concern arose from the perception of the peasants' need to use methodologies capable of promoting greater significance in their mathematical learning. For D'Ambrosio (1997) school education must combine theory and practice, therefore, teaching must have a deep connection with the sociocultural context of young people, mathematics resulting from this connection brings more meaning to students. Based on this objective, we question: does the teaching adopted at EFAGO dialogue with the sociocultural knowledge of the students and, consequently, makes the learning of mathematics meaningful? We understand this research as qualitative, being a case study. As data construction tools, we believe that the application of questionnaires and interviews, in addition to the construction of a field diary, enable data triangulation, which may increase the chances of success. To produce such contributions and reflections, we based ourselves on Begnami's (2019) theories on the pedagogy of alternation; mathematics teaching with Fiorentini (1995) and D'Ambrosio (1998), rural education with Caldart (2004), formal, non-formal and informal education with Gohn (2010).Item Formação etnomatemática no curso de educação intercultural da Universidade Federal de Goiás: reflexões de estudantes e egressos indígenas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-30) Lucas, Marcello; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Baumann, Ana Paula Purcina; Souza, Roberto Barcelos; Nazareno, Elias; Ferreira, RogérioThe research described in this text aimed to scrutinize the reflections carried out by indigenous students and graduates mediated by higher education, the Intercultural Education course at the Federal University of Goiás, with the following investigative question: what are the reflections of indigenous students and graduates, based on the curricular mediation of the Intercultural Education course at the Federal University of Goiás, focusing on contextual themes that address non-indigenous mathematical knowledge? The theoretical framework for this research was based on Ethnomathematics, from the perspective of Decoloniality and Critical Interculturality, and adopted a qualitative research posture. The construction of data took place through dialogues with students in training and graduates of the Intercultural Education course who agreed to participate in the research. The organization of the data in units of meanings made it possible to carry out the analysis using the descriptive method, in the light of the chosen theoretical framework. The curricular mediation of the Intercultural Education course at the Federal University of Goiás raises different reflections from the indigenous participants of the research. The use they make of non-indigenous mathematics to validate indigenous ethnomathematics, a political-epistemic marking, and the use of nonindigenous knowledge as tools of struggle so that relations with non-indigenous people can be less unequal are some of of the reflections raised. Indigenous higher education can constitute a decolonial action. The way in which the Intercultural Education course at the Federal University of Goiás is structured creates favorable conditions for students to exercise decolonial actions of resistance and struggle, as well as propitiates the search for the resignification of the socio-political-economic-sItem Avaliações em larga escala implementadas pela SEDUC GO: ações pedagógicas e orientações técnicas que subsidiaram a produção dos instrumentos da avaliação de matemática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Machado, Inácio de Araújo; Furtado, Wagner Wilson;; Furtado, Wagner Wilson; Villas Boas, Benigna Maria de Freitas; Chaves, Sandramara MatiasThis work, entitled “Large-scale assessments implemented by Seduc GO: Pedagogical actions and technical guidelines that supported the production of Mathematics assessment instruments”, is linked to the research axis “Pedagogical practices for teaching and learning Science and Mathematics and the evaluation processes" referring to the research line "Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics" of the Graduate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics, at the Federal University of Goiás. It aims to analyze systemic evaluations (Diagnostic Evaluation and the Directed Sample Evaluation) of Mathematics applied by the state network of Goiás in the 5th year of Elementary School I, 9th year of Elementary School II and in the 3rd year of High School from 2011 to 2018, in order to understand and record the relevant milestones which comprised (i) the process of implementing these assessments, (ii) the criteria used to structure them and (iii) the technical elements related to the theoretical-methodological foundation adopted by the team of designers. For this, based on the assumptions of qualitative research and the theoretical framework of classroom assessment, school assessment and systems assessment, we investigated Diagnostic Assessment (2011-2014) and Directed Sample Assessment (2015 – 2018), the general guidelines that were sent to the applicator teacher, the instruments to help correct the tests and the circular letters sent by the State Department of Education of Goiás, among others. The paths taken during the work favored us to reflect and understand the objectives and origins of these evaluations. In addition, through this research, we were able to identify characteristics and technical elements related to the Mathematics items that made up these assessments and understand their correction dynamics, through the instruments that were sent by the department for this purpose.Item A formação pedagógico-didática de professores de biologia na perspectiva da didática desenvolvimental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-28) Pinheiro, Regiane Machado de Sousa; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo;; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Sousa, Daniela Rodrigues de; Oliveira, Natalia Carvalhaes de; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta; Libâneo, José CarlosTeacher formation is a dynamically constituted field of knowledge and practice that is linked to other fields and dimensions of society, such as the economic, political, social and professional. When organizing teaching, teachers need to go through an education process (initial and continuing) that allows them to become aware of pedagogical-didactic work as praxis and as an emancipatory possibility, and therefore intentional. This teaching also aims to provide students with a critical and creative appropriation of scientific knowledge, historically constructed by humanity and transposed into school knowledge. However, it is a great challenge to think about and carry out a pedagogical-didactic education process that allows for content-form unity between the ways of teaching and learning scientific knowledge. Given the complexity of teacher education, the aim of this research was to understand the ways of organizing teaching in didactic-pedagogical education for Biological Sciences undergraduates, based on the perspective of Developmental Didactics, which promotes the process of conceptual appropriation of the content-form unity of Biology. Using historicaldialectical materialism (HDM) as a research method, an empirical investigation was carried out through a didactic-formative experiment in the optional curricular component “Topics in Biology II: Varied Themes - The teaching of Biology thought biologically and pedagogically”, in the academic semester of 2022, at a Brazilian federal public university. The data analysis was based on the dynamics of Developmental Didactics and the categories of the DHM. It emerged that the students were engaged in study activities during the course and that organizing and developing the teaching and learning process, from this theoretical perspective, makes a significant contribution to teacher formation. The thesis was put forward that in the formation of biology teachers, didactic-pedagogical work, organized from the perspective of Developmental Didactics, makes it possible to problematize the content-form unity between the ways of teaching and learning biological knowledge and the pedagogical activities intended for this purpose. The research carried out showed that in the actions developed by the students during their didactic-pedagogical formation, there is evidence of the conceptual appropriation of the content-form unit by the undergraduates, enabling them to have a more comprehensive and critical education. It also contributes to rethinking didactics in higher education and the pedagogical work of teacher education in undergraduate courses.Item Discalculia: estado da arte em congressos de educação matemática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Ribeiro, Hellen Marques Pinto; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa;; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa; Lara, Isabel Cristina Machado de; Nery, Érica Santana SilveiraThis study has the main objective of mapping and analyzing articles related to Developmental Dyscalculia in national and international Mathematics Education events from 2006 to 2021. It is a qualitative study with numerical subsidies, bibliography of type of State of the Art. The mapping was carried out electronically in the databases of: Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática, Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática Inclusiva, Encontro Brasileiro de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática, Congresso Internacional de Educação Matemática and Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa. The descriptors used were dyscalculia, disorder and learning difficulty in mathematics; as a result, a corpus with 22 articles was formed. A descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data was carried out, supported by Content Analysis, in order to learn about the mains concepts, ideas, gaps, trends and perspectives on the subject in question. Four emerging categories were established, which are: Research Methodology, Participants, Conceptualizations and Teaching. And from these, ten subcategories were elaborated namely: Theoretical Research, Practical Research, Teaching Perception, Tracking, Psychopedagogical Interventions, Conceptual Discussions, Inclusive Discourses, Cognitive Perceptions, Teaching Strategies and Diagnostic Strategies. For the theoretical basics Kosc’s work was used. The mapped publications are, for the most part, theoretical studies related to concepts and definitions inherent to the disorder itself, cognitive and inclusive perceptions, and the analysis of other scientific productions. Those of a practical nature refer to Field Research and Case Studies. The investigations showed that, after individual psychopedagogical interventions, students with this type of disorder showed advances in learning. The analysis showed that there is a need for more research, mainly empirical, as well as on brain functioning, diagnostic strategies and learning. Furthermore, the Developmental Dyscalculia can have consequences on the individual’s personal and professional life, and studies from this perspective are still incipient, requiring further in-depth and discernment. Thus, this State of the Art contributed to understanding aspects peculiar to this topic and made it possible to indicate directions and delimitations for future research.Item Um estudo sobre a abordagem de limite de funções em livros de cálculo diferencial e integral(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Santos, Leniedson Guedes dos; Silva, Geci José Pereira da;; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa;; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa; Ferreira, Joubert Lima; Rabelo, Mauro Luiz; Domingos, António Manuel Dias; Caicedo Roque, AlejandroBooks play a fundamental role as teaching instruments, which makes them important objects of study for researchers seeking to understand learning difficulties, especially with regard to Mathematics in higher education, a topic in which this type of research learning is still scarce. With a focus on teaching, this bibliographical work, of an explanatory and qualitative nature, aims to investigate the way in which the Differential and Integral Calculus books authored by Louis Leithold (1994), Hamilton Luiz Guidorizzi (2001) and James Stewart (2013) addresses the definition of the limit of functions of a variable. To achieve this objective, the methodological research framework of Depth Hermeneutics – HP, proposed by Jonh B. Thompson, was mobilized with the intention of answering the following questions: what types of semiotic representation records are it possible to identify these works and how Can they influence the teaching of function limits? What socio-historical aspects of the production of these books influenced the author in choosing a certain approach? Conceiving the book as a symbolic form, the phases that represent the HP were articulated: the socio-historical analysis, where this information was collected about the authors' biography, the evaluation of the preface and changes in the other editions, actions referenced by the Historical Analysis of Mathematics Books by Gert Schubring and the study of Editorial Paratexts by Gerrard Genette; formal analysis, in which the types of representations of limits and functions that appear in books were identified, as well as their transformations, through event activities, categorization and the construction of inventories, in the light of the Theory of Representation Records Semiotics - TRRS by Raymond Duval; and the interpretation/reinterpretation in which a creative synthesis of meanings on the works studied was constructed. The results demonstrated that, in the three books, there is a predominance of the algebraic register over the others and the absence of exercises proposed between registers, which, according to the TRRS, can make teaching the concept of limit difficult. Individually, influences from the Modern Mathematics Movement, the Bourbakist school and the Calculus Reforms were identified in the writing of these books.Item Ensino médio integrado, a nossa escola do trabalho: repensando a formação dos jovens brasileiros a partir dos fundamentos da pedagogia soviética e as interfaces curriculares das ciências da natureza(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-05) Silva, Ariana Cárita de Assis Marinho; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa;; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa; Gonçalves, Leandro Sartori; Costa, Lorenna Silva Oliveira; Silva, Marcelo Lira; Ramos, Marise NogueiraEducation has always been and will remain invariably associated with the ongoing corporate project. Human formation is part of a whole called society and not a cool entity with unrestricted transformative potential. The change of concrete conditions goes through the transformation of this whole, also modifying the educational processes. In Brazilian class society, sustained by dependent capitalism, working-class education has historically constituted a dual system, where knowledge and advancement in studies are restricted to those belonging to the dominant class, leaving young people from the exploited classes with access to training for alienated work. Even in this context dominated by power relations, emancipatory educational tactics emanate from the contradictory dynamics of the capitalist world, among them Integrated Secondary Education (EMI), a curricular model present in the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology. However, in the face of attacks and counter-reforms in education intensified after the 2016 Coup, the EMI demands means for its resistance and objectification. And for the purpose of this strengthening, through a bibliographical study, we seek in the Soviet Work School, a proposal based on Marxian polytechnics, principles and potential foundations for the resistance process of the EMI in Brazil. We are guided, therefore, by the following question: What principles and foundations of Soviet Pedagogy (PS), idealized in the period from 1917 to 1930, can be rescued as references for the strengthening of the Integrated Curriculum in the EMI, historical and contradictory form in the name of the dispute for a Polytechnic Human Formation in Brazil? In the perspective of answering this question, this research was based and organized by the general objective of making a study of the movement from the Curriculum with a centrality in the Natural Sciences (singular) to Human Formation (universal) with the mediation (particular) of PS and the EMI. After a historically referenced analysis, the topicality of PS proved to be a central element in this process of objectifying the integrated curriculum in Brazil, enhancing both curricular integration and aspects of polytechnics in EMI, overcoming the disciplinary and fragmented nature of training with end in itself or training for alienated work. Finally, we understand that in the war for the education of the working class, the strategy of integral, omnilateral or polytechnic human formation relies on the expressive tactics of the Soviet Work School, which we have appropriated for the strengthening of our Work School.Item Capital preponderante em cursos de licenciatura em química no Brasil: relação entrE Bourdieu e a formação da identidade formativa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-30) Silva, Kenia Cristina Moura de Oliveira; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva;; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo Da Silva; Echeverria, Agustina Rosa; Kasseboehmer, Ana Cláudia; Freire, Leila Inês Follmann; Soares, Marlon Herbert Flora BarbosaThis research aims to analyze the predominant capital in undergraduate courses in chemistry in Brazil, from the Pedagogical Projects of Course and its interrelation with the Formative Identity of each course analyzed. It is intended to investigate which epistemic relationships are explained in the Pedagogical Projects of Course that characterize this capital and that contribute to the formation of identity in the subfield of Chemistry Teacher Training. Thus, the aim of the work is to promote discussions and reflections in relation to the points mentioned in the Brazilian educational field. For this, the methodological principles of research in Bourdieu are considered and Discursive Textual Analysis is used as a data analysis technique. In this research, 14 (fourteen) Pedagogical Projects of Course and their respective curricular matrices were analyzed, as well as the lattes curriculum of teachers of disciplines related to chemistry and chemistry teaching of these same courses. The courses analyzed are from public institutions distributed among Federal Universities, State Universities and Federal Institutes. It was noticed that the Chemistry Teacher Training subfield is characterized by the most evident capital related to the scientific technological field and not necessarily to the pedagogical field.Item Indícios de apropriação do conceito de função por meio da aprendizagem da docência: uma proposta formativa no clube de matemática ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-18) Silva, Mayline Regina; Cedro, Wellington Lima;; Cedro, Wellington Lima; Moretti, Vanessa Dias; Oliveira, Alex Jordane de; Sousa, Maria do Carmo de; Silva, Maria Marta daThis text presents the synthesis of a pedagogical investigation conducted with female Mathematics teachers in the initial training phase. The object of the research is the learning of teaching through the process of appropriation of mathematical knowledge, precisely the concept of function, to understand the transformations that can be facilitated by the Expansive Learning Cycle, allowing an in-depth analysis of the essence of this concept and the appropriation of the theoretical thinking associated with it. The methodological approach is based on Historical-Dialectical Materialism and uses a structured formative experiment supported by the Historical-Cultural, Activity, and Teaching Guiding Activity Theories. The central question of the research focuses on how teachers in initial training understand teaching based on the process of appropriating the concept of function. The hypothesis explored is related to the perspective that the appropriation of mathematical knowledge can influence the learning of teaching through a pedagogical approach linked to its five principles: the understanding of the school as a space for the appropriation of culture, the recognition of the teacher as the subject of training processes, pedagogical intentionality as an essential element in the organization of teaching, sharing as a fundamental principle for understanding pedagogical activity, and mathematical knowledge as a promoter of human development. The study covered two school years, 2021 and 2022, during which training meetings were held that emphasized studies, planning, and evaluation of each learning cycle. In this context, the research focuses on the importance of understanding the individual needs of future teachers throughout their development through the appropriation of culture. The investigative process promoted in-depth discussions, sharing of ideas, construction of meanings, and deconstruction of the barriers imposed on disseminating mathematical knowledge in its social imposition. Recognition of, and active participation in, a training environment such as the High School Math Club underlines the need to organize scientific knowledge in favor of its cultural appropriation, both by teachers and students in elementary and secondary education.Item Estudos sobre a participação guiada no ensino de química para alunos com deficiência visual(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-29) Silva, Renata de Moraes e; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado;; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva; Silva, Juvan Pereira daThe text presented is the report of a master's degree research linked to the Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning line (Axis - Science and Mathematics Teaching and Inclusive Education) of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education. The research aims to reflect on the contributions of experimentation through guided participation (PG) in the process of teaching and learning Chemistry for students with visual impairments (VI). Rogoff's (1998) guided participation was used as a theoretical framework, whose analysis considers how individuals, groups or communities transform as they together constitute and are constituted by a sociocultural activity. The entire analysis is based on Historical-Cultural Theory, focusing on mediation for the social construction of knowledge. As a methodological path, participatory research sought contributions in order to develop new strategies for teaching students with visual impairments. This study was carried out in partnership with the Pedagogical Support Center for Assistance to People with Visual Impairment (CAP/CEBRAV), in Goiânia. Eight pedagogical interventions (PI) were carried out that covered the contents of Chemical Kinetics. The planning of the experiments was designed to use the students' other senses: touch, smell, hearing and taste as a means of observing the experiment, so that they could participate in an autonomous and independent way. One of the IPs carried out was the “Production of scented cinnamon oil”, which allowed us to have a discussion covering social issues relating to the history of the spice and environmental discussions involving pharmaceutical and herbal formulations. The results reveal that in PG, learning occurred with familiarization with techniques and manipulation of equipment, through participation in practical activities and teacher mediation, dialoguing with the experimentation with an investigative bias by Carvalho (2021) which provided autonomy in carrying out the experiment. Therefore, the use of experimentation with an investigative bias mediated by the PG, favored the appropriation of knowledge and the development of skills to reduce the barriers that prevent these students from participating in experimental classes, resulting in their autonomy. In this way, the use of guided participation in DV classes guides a Chemistry teaching proposal that provides new possibilities for the more autonomous participation of these students, contributing to the teaching-learning process.Item Formação de professores de Ciências Biológicas em universidades brasileiras: perspectivas curriculares para as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-12) Silva, Thálita Maria Francisco da; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva;; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva; Mendes, Michel; Vilela, Marcos Vinícius Ferreira; Moraes, Fernando Aparecido de; Comarú, Michele WaltzThe present scientific research investigates how the insertion of Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDIC) has been constituted as a formative element in the Licentiate courses in Science/Biology of the main Brazilian Federal Universities, approaching in what perspective this insertion takes place (dominant /emergent). We used qualitative research and multiple case studies as a methodological approach and document analysis as a data collection instrument. In line with the qualitative approach, our analytical approach to data processing will be Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA). As key elements to carry out our analysis, the Pedagogical Course Projects (PPC) of 26 Biological Sciences courses offered by Federal Universities in the five regions of the country were used: North, Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest and the legal documents that guide teacher training in Brazil, such as the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law 9394/96, the Teacher Training Resolutions (from 2002, 2015 and 2019) and Resolution No. Biological Sciences courses. The analyzes were carried out highlighting: the institution of origin of the course, the name of the course, the year of creation of the course, the year of approval of the PPC, the pedagogical subjects, the non-pedagogical subjects that include digital technologies, the workloads (theoretical and practical) and the menus of these disciplines. The analysis carried out demonstrated the variety of organization of Pedagogical Course Projects that bring the pedagogical disciplines that will be offered in professional teacher training, as well as the discrepant amount of pedagogical disciplines offered to course participants. We also observed the small number of subjects that address TDIC in these curricula. This demonstrates that the insertion of TDIC is not a significant element in the pedagogical proposals for the training of Biological Sciences teachers. We also noticed that some documents point to the overcoming of the merely technical character of the use of digital technologies in the teaching-learning process anchored in the dominant paradigmatic view. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate technical and pedagogical aspects in teacher training so that it can be reflected in the pedagogical and curricular practice in the classroom.Item Narrativas de vida e a constituição da identidade profissional de professores de matemática em um grupo colaborativo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-22) Souza, Renato Sardinha de; Gonçalves Júnior, Marcos Antonio;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Nacarato, Adair Mendes; Rocha, Maria Alice de Sousa Carvalho; Teixeira, Ricardo Antonio Gonçalves; Moura, Jónata Ferreira deThis report presents doctoral research entitled Life narratives and the constitution of teachers' professional identity in a collaborative group, which is centered on the Narrative Research proposed by D. Jean Clandinin and Michael F. Connelly. It was relevant for this work to discuss: the professional identity of teachers, considered as a space of struggles and conflicts; working with Mathematical Investigation in the classroom, through the study of a teaching project; and a collaborative research group in the area of Mathematics Education, called Abakós, which studies, listens, dialogues and contributes with teachers and teachers in training, in addition to disseminating the scientific production of its participants. The research puzzle was to understand how Mathematical Investigation in the classroom and inclusion in a collaborative research group can constitute the identity of teacher researchers and trainers. The research field was the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education at the Federal University of Goiás/CEPAE/UFG, Goiânia-GO, Samambaia campus. The research subjects were three effective teachers from this teaching center, who work collaboratively with Mathematical Investigation in the Basic Education classroom, as proposed by João Pedro da Ponte. The teachers were interviewed by the research author using techniques developed by Fritz Schütze, called Narrative Interviews. In addition to the interviews carried out with the three teachers, the researcher's (auto)biography was constructed, as proposed by Maria da Conceição Passeggi. From field and research texts, involving interviews and (auto)biography, a narrative was created intersecting and intertwining the stories that were told. The interviews were analyzed using “integrated units of meaning”, as proposed by Antonio Bolívar and Franco Ferrarotti, which allows the generation of narrative data. Regarding the research results, it was concluded that, when working collaboratively with Mathematical Research, the teachers participating in the research experienced part of the modification of their professional identity, which was displaced due to the new possibilities of thinking about their classes. Furthermore, the entire collaborative process experienced by Abakós participants contributed to the (trans)formation of its members, who could no longer be the teachers of the past, seeking new ways of being and feeling present in their teaching work.Item O ensino de ciências e suas relações com a pós-verdade na política brasileira durante a pandemia da covid-19(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-08) Vieira, Frederico Lopes; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi;; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi; Cunha, Jefferson Adriany Ribeiro da; Furtado, Wagner WilsonOne of the major challenges in teaching science in the past decade lies in the fact that objective truth, that factual truth, has transformed into a "narrative." In other words, this truth no longer belongs to a group of people specialized in the subject; it is now individual and strongly linked to the personal beliefs and ideologies of each individual, in a so-called "Post-Truth Era" (KEYES, 2004). This work sought to understand how post-truth discourses have affected and are connected to science education, and what role science education plays in a radical political context with extremist biases, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. We categorized the phenomenon of post- truth into a larger set, with its subsets, such as: misinformation, denialism, infodemic, disinformation, and fake news. Over 4 chapters, we aimed to broaden and bring a new perspective to the concept of post-truth. With the help of the Iramuteq software, we were able to analyze more deeply the denialist speeches of state authorities who governed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using excerpts from the final text of the Covid-19 Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (CPI), we generated graphs in the software that divided the speeches into classes and groups, helping us to better understand the dynamics of post-truth speeches and the reasons for so much misinformation. Alongside a bibliographic review of articles from renowned education research journals, we selected abstracts from 24 articles from 5 Education and Research Journals in Education. With this, we were able to compare post-truth discourses and the speeches of researchers in the field. In the end, a correlation was made between these two analyses and science education, and how it can be further explored to avoid further waves of science denial and skepticism. These analyses indicated that post- truth discourses are strongly linked to groups profiting from social media engagements, seeking power and political influence beyond money. We also observed that science education has never focused on political education; although it analyzes nature, this education does not link nature and politics, and we understand that the two are interconnected. It was from this lack of connection that discourses denying and discrediting science were able to spread. With a language well-suited to social media, with false and biased news that do not require reflective depth, let alone complex explanations, post-truth gained ground, precisely in a context of a global pandemic, causing deaths and suffering beyond imagination.