Mestrado em Nutrição e Saúde (FANUT)
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Item Potencial prebiótico dos resíduos de puçá (Mouriri elliptica Mart.) e gabiroba (Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.)) O. Berg em diferentes espécies de micro-organismos probióticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08-30) Barbosa, Jéssica Pereira; Tette, Patrícia Amaral Souza;; Tette, Patrícia Amaral Souza; Martins, Eliane Maurício Furtado; Bastos, Sabrina CarvalhoPuçá (Mouriri elliptica Mart) and gabiroba (Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg) are fruits from Cerrado Savannah with high nutritional quality and content of bioactive compounds proved to be beneficial to health. Due to their favorable characteristics for industry food applicability, the fruit processing can generate a significant volume of residues, mainly composed by peel and seeds, that are nutritionally relevant and can be added into human food and may present prebiotic potential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prebiotic potential of freeze-dried residues from puçá (PR) and gabiroba (GR). For this, the residues characterization was carried out through physicochemical parameters, phenolic compounds and sugar contents. The fermentative capacity of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-05, Lactobacillus casei L-26 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and the prebiotic activity score (PAS) in the presence of two strains of Escherichia coli were evaluated. PR and GR presented high levels of dietary fiber (55.70% and 65.29%), lipids (18.48% and 13.05%), and PR showed considerable carbohydrate content (12.90%). Substantial content of phenolic compounds were found in PR and GR: catechin (44.71 mg.L-1 ± 1.49 in GR), procyanidin B2 (12.97 mg.L-1 ± 0.33 in PR and 13.88 mg.L-1 ± 0.72 in GR). Cultivation of the probiotics in media with PR and GR (20 g.L-1) showed high bacterial counts (9.27 - 13.23 log CFU.mL-1), decreased pH and positive PAS for all strains. Both residues were used as a carbon source for the growth of the probiotic bacteria over the incubation time. The phenolic compounds of the both residues may be involved on the mechanism of the positive prebiotic activity observed. Therefore, the residues from puçá and gabiroba are potential prebiotic ingredients for use in formulation of foods, increasing the nutritional value and reducing the negative impacts on the environment that can caused by their discard.Item Discursos de professores e de coordenadores pedagógicos sobre alimentação escolar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-02-28) Oliveira, Giovanna Angela Leonel; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco;; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai;; Martins, Karine Anusca;; Martins, Karine Anusca; Lima, Jacqueline Rodrigues de; Tavares, Naraiana de OliveiraIntroduction: The Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE) is a public policy that provides a guarantee of Food and Nutrition security, through the supply of school drinks and Food and Nutrition Education) actions. The teachers of the school's specialization school law specialize in the PNAE, which in turn is a teacher and pedagogical coordinator in the implementation of the PNAE. Objective: To unveil the discourses of the teacher and the pedagogical coordinator in the context of school education. Methods: Qualitative research. Teachers and pedagogical coordinators of schools assisted by PNAE were interviewed in all Brazilian regions. The base was made through the draw, among those that are part of the actions of Food and Nutrition Education. The study was part of the discourses that revealed the continuation of what they knew about school education; the role of school feeding in the educational process; compliance directions and joint activities with the Program's nutritionist. The sessions were analyzed and analyzed by the Collective Subject Discourse technique, classified in playful, polemical or authoritarian discourses and interpreted by Theory of Social Representations. Results and discussion: Schools from 57 Brazilian municipalities were visited. Most of the speeches are reproductive of the assistance model still present in the educational base. It was identified there is a course on the understanding of pedagogical coordinators and teachers about a feeding in the school. In addition, it is emphasized that the obstacles to the integration of nutrition management are a lack of guidelines on the management of the articulation with the technical support to the PNAE in the municipality. Considerations: Despite all the advancements, the program is still important; the processes of training, freedom and citizenship of the actors perform in the school, with a view to collaboration with a qualified qualification of the policy at the local level.Item Consumo alimentar e expressão do miR-375 de pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular de cabeça e pescoço(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-22) Ferreira, Tathiany Jéssica; Cominetti, Cristiane;; Vencio, Eneida Franco;; Horst, Maria Aderuza;; Horst, Maria Aderuza; Saddi, Vera Aparecida; Vilela, Ana Amélia FreitasObjective: To determine the association between the miR-375 expression pattern and the dietary intake of patients in pre-treatment head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Material and methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study type. Were included 67 patients with a diagnosis of (HNSCC), both sexes, from 19 to 80 years. The variables investigated were: age, sex, profession and ethnicity; use of alcohol and tobacco, food consumption; tumor staging and anatomical site. The instrument used to evaluate food intake was the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) from the ELSA-BRAZIL study. The intake of energy, macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as food groups, were evaluated. The expression of miR-375 was evaluated by reverse transcription followed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), in an oral rinse sample. Results: The sample comprised 43.3% of the patients with the neoplasia in the oropharynx cavity; 37.3% in the oral cavity, and 19.4% in the hypopharynx / larynx. Between the patients evaluated by anatomical sites, there was no significant difference between dietary intake of energy, nutrientes, and food groups. Also, there was no difference in miR-375 expression profile between anatomical sites. In addition, the expression of miR-375 was positively associated with the consumption of energy, iron, magnesium, selenium, vitamin B1, vitamin E, and alcohol. However, it was negatively associated with the intake of carbohydrates, cholesterol, phosphorus, and folate. Conclusions: The findings indicate a possible association between feeding and expression of miR-375, considered a tumor suppressor in head and neck neoplasms.Item Equivalência semântica, validação e reprodutibilidade da escala de angústia de sede (thirst distress scale) para pacientes em hemodiálise(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-01) Sugizaki, Clara Sandra de Araújo; Freitas, Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza;; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim;; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Naghettini, Alessandra Vitorino; Rodrigues, Juliana Cordeiro Dias; Silva, Lara Lívia Santos da; Stringhini, Maria Luiza FerreiraINTRODUCTION: Ingestion of fluid from hemodialysis patients is directly related to thirst and, consequently, to increased weight gain in the dialysis range. Interdialytic weight gain (GPID) greater than 2.5 kg or 4.5% of dry weight can cause complications such as hypertension, congestive heart failure and even death. In view of the importance of thirst suffering for non-adherence to water restrictions, a valid and reliable instrument is needed to measure and treat thirst. OBJECTIVES: To validate the Portuguese version of the Thirst Distress Scale (TDS); to identify fluid handling strategies to meet water constraints. METHODOLOGY: Methodological study of scales validation. The study took place in three stages. In the first one, the semantic equivalence was performed, which followed the flow of translations, back translation and cultural adaptation of language to obtain a scale in the Portuguese language that was applied in a pre-test in 50 patients. After the pre-test, the validation stage was started, in which the definitive scale was applied in 126 patients from two hemodialysis clinics in the city of Goiânia – Goiás, Brazil. The third step was the verification of reproducibility, in which 70 of the 126 initial patients answered the same questionnaire again. RESULTS: The Thirst Distress Scale – 3ortuguese (TDS-PT) scale was validated psychometrically for Portuguese. The final version was well understood by the sample, retained the elements of semantic equivalence between the terms. The six items on the scale had good internal consistency of 0.84 with each other. The scales presented a correlation (r = 0.7, p <0.001) and agreement (kappa = 0.44, p <0.001) with the Visual Analogue Scale (EVA). Consumption of ice cubes, water swallowing without swallowing and marking gum were fluid management strategies that were associated with less distress in relation to thirst. CONCLUSION: The TDS-PT scale was adequate in relation to its psychometric validation qualities, with good internal consistency between the items, which indicates reliability of the construct. The use of TDS-PT, adapted and validated in this study, may facilitate the clinical reasoning and fluid management process of this population. In addition, it will allow the identification of the diagnosis of thirst anxiety, since it has proved to be a reliable, valid and efficient instrument capable of assessing the phenomenon that is proposed to measure (thirst anxiety)Item Condições higienicossanitárias de lactários hospitalares de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-28) Rodrigues, Camilla Alves Pereira; Borges, Liana Jayme;; Diaz, Mario Ernesto Piscoya;; Campos, Maria Raquel Hidalgo;; Correia, Marcia Helena Sacchi; Carvalho, Ana Clara Martins e Silva; Campos, Maria Raquel HidalgoThis work aimed to evaluate the profile of microbiological contamination in infant formula milk powder and reconstituted, water and utensils used in food preparation for infants less than one year in lactaries five hospitals with pediatric care in the city of Goiânia, Goiás state, Brazil. Also conducted a follow-up of professionals involved in the preparation and distribution of infant formula, through verification of good handling practices on lactaries room, as well as evaluation of the hygienic conditions of the hands and nasal pits. 640 samples were obtained considering the two stages of the study, so before and after training in best practices for handlers involved. These samples for microbiological determinations coliforms at 35 °C and 45 °C, coagulase positive staphylococci, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and mesophilic aerobic microorganisms, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were performed. Presence of P. aeruginosa was observed in a sample of water and another of aerobic mesophilic. All samples of infant formula milk powder proved adequate to consume according to current legal resolution, but a sample of them, reconstituted, presented coliform count at 35 °C above the limit allowed by law. There was an improvement in the microbiological profile of respondents between the two stages of the research vessels, being statistically significant at 35 °C for coliforms and P. aeruginosa. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in nasal cavity and hands of food handlers were found. None of lactaries surveyed during the study demonstrated satisfactory level of compliance against the current health legislation after application of the checklist in good handling practices. Even after training several nonconformities relating the adjustments set was identified. With this study it was concluded that the infant formula infants were offered to secure the microbiological point of view. Good manufacturing practices and training tools can be permanent improvement in sanitary hygienic control in the food production process. We need better public policies to develop, oversee and implement effective legislation to health services, as well as ensure the sanitary quality of food to the population.Item Efeito placebo sobre aderência à mudanças alimentares, treinamento, capacidade aeróbica e adiposidade em mulheres acima do peso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-20) Lima, Gislene Batista; Gentil, Paulo Roberto Viana;; Gentil, Paulo Roberto Viana; Coswig, Victor Silveira; Pimentel, Gustavo DuarteThe progressive increase in obesity shows the importance of changing strategies to combat this disease in order to reduce weight and maintain this reduction. Among the main treatments for obesity, there is a change in eating habits and physical exercise, an alternative strategy. Placebo supplementation has been used as an auxiliary strategy in several clinical conditions, including the treatment of obesity, in recent years. However, results from a placebo study are controversial. Considering that placebo studies on obesity are scarce, this study aimed to assess whether the use of placebo is an effective auxiliary strategy in the treatment of obesity with diet and exercise in young women. This study is a randomized clinical trial with 28 women allocated in three groups in relation to the expectation of treatment with supplement: 100%, 50% and 0% of expectation in taking supplement that would increase the metabolism. All volunteers underwent high-intensity interval training for 8 weeks (3 times a week) and received nutritional guidelines for changing eating habits. The results show that there was an increase in VO2max at the end of the intervention in relation to the baseline in the groups. 100% (p = 0.021) and 0% (p = 0.035), intragroup evaluation. The evaluated variables had no changes in the comparison between the three groups. It was possible to notice that the absence of side effects in relation to supplementation meant that they had no belief in the supplement. It is concluded that supplementation with placebo did not influence the reduction of weight and fat mass of young and obese adult women.Item Fatores associados ao estado nutricional de vitamina E em lactentes usuários da atenção básica de saúde de Goiânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-29) Morais, Gabriela Cardoso; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro;; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim;; Cardoso, Marly Augusto; Guimarães, Marília Mendonça; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Freitas, Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza; Stringhini, Maria Luiza FerreiraBACKGROUND: The deficiency of vitamin E (DVE) is not well known in Brazil, but the international scenario data show that this is a nutritional deficiency that affects children under two years. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the factors associated with the nutritional status of vitamin E in infants users of the Basic Health Care Goiânia-GO. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 228 children aged 11 to 15 months, met in the Basic Health Units of Goiânia-GO. The study endpoint was the serum concentration of α-tocopherol, and the nutritional status of vitamin deficiency and was identified by serum α-tocopherol values less than 11.6 μmol/L. To analyze the relationship of the independent variables (socioeconomic, demographic, anthropometric, environmental, biochemical, morbidities, breastfeeding and food) on the log of serum α-tocopherol multiple linear regression was performed. RESULTS: The median serum concentration of α-tocopherol was 3.6 μmol/L, and vitamin deficiency and occurrence was 82,0%. Factors associated with log serum concentration of α-tocopherol showed that each year of study and each maternal retinol unit causes increase of 0,168 μmol/L and 0,890 μmol/L, respectively. CONCLUSION: The log of α-tocopherol serum concentration was positively associated with maternal education and serum retinol concentration. Measures to prevent this deficiency health facilities should be incorporated as an incentive healthy complementary feeding, food fortification with vitamin E and government investment in parent education.Item Efeito do extrato seco de chá verde e da metformina sobre o controle dos fatores de risco para o diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em mulheres com excesso de peso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-26) Ferreira, Monallisa Alves; Mota, João Felipe;; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira;; Botelho, Patrícia Borges;; Bressan, Josefina; Botelho, Patrícia Borges; Botelho, Patrícia BorgesAim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dry green tea extract isolated and/or combined with metformin on diabetes type 2 risk factors in women with overweight. Methods: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial which 120 obese women were randomly assigned in a double-blind manner to 1 of 4 groups: Control (n = 29; 1g of cellulose); Green tea (n = 32; 1g of dry green tea extract); Metformin (n = 28; 1g of metformin); Green tea + Metformin (n = 31; 1g of dry green tea extract + 1g of metformin). Anthropometric measurements, body composition, fasting blood samples were evaluated. Results: After 12 weeks, green tea had positive effect on glycemic control. In contrast, the metformin led to an increase of HbA1c concentration (0.048 ± 0.189%; p = 0.017). It also reduced body weight (-1.318 ± 0.366, p = 0.034) as well as decreased lean body mass (-1.249 ± 0.310; p = 0.009). Regarding the lipid parameters, green tea significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL-c. Conclusion: The isolated action of green tea was superior to metformin on glycemic control and lipid profile. Therefore, green tea dry extract may be a better alternative to treat risk factors to DM2 in overweight women than metformin.Item Efeito de um extrato aquoso de folhas e talos de beterraba (beta vulgaris) orgânicos sobre a lipemia pós-prandial e marcadores de distúrbios pressóricos em indivíduos com dislipidemia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-31) Gomes, Anna Paula Oliveira; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai;; Mota, João Felipe;; Botelho, Patrícia Borges;; Faria, Eliana Cotta de; Cominetti, Cristiane; Botelho, Patrícia BorgesAim: To analyze whether the acute effect of an aqueous extract of beet leaves and stalks containing different concentrations of polyphenols on lipemia and markers of blood pressure disorders in dyslipidemic subjects after a high-fat meal. Methods: In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design, 13 dyslipidemic subjects were fed a single high-fat meal and supplemented with placebo or aqueous extract of organic beet leaves and stalks (31.96 mg or 77.53 mg of polyphenols) with 1-week wash-out period. Blood samples were obtained at fasting and 30, 60, 120 and 180 min after intervention. Total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, glucose, insulin, nitric oxide and blood pressure were assessed. Results: High fat meal increased triglycerides after 120 (P < 0.001) and 180 minutes (P < 0.001) and reduced HDL after 30 minutes. This reduction was attenuated in both groups that received aqueous extract of beet leaves and stalks after 120 minutes (P = 0.005). There were no treatment differences in triglycerides, glucose, insulin and nitric oxide levels in all times. In contrast, it was observed a reduction in diastolic blood pressure from baseline (T0) in both groups that received aqueous extract of beet leaves and stalks. Conclusion: The aqueous extract of beet leaves and stalks containing only 31.96 mg of polyphenols was able to attenuate the reduction of HDL induced by a high fat meal similarly to extract containing a higher polyphenols concentration.Item Compreensão de nutricionistas da alimentação escolar sobre educação alimentar e nutricional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-05-29) Soares, Gabriela Benevides; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco;; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco; Sousa, Lucilene Maria de; Costa, Nilce maria da Silva CamposFood and nutrition education (EAN) has undergone conceptual and methodological changes over the past decades. Under the school feeding, the EAN is one of the national program of action axes School Feeding (PNAE), and competence of the nutritionist coordinate and perform these actions together with the school actors in a context where are continuous, permanent, problem-solving and cross. The objective of this study was to understanding the nutritionists of the National School Feeding Programme on food and nutrition education. It is a descriptive exploratory study through interviews with 50 nutritionists school feeding of the five Brazilian regions. Data were collected on site from March to November 2013 using a semi-structured open questions. Nutritionists were asked about their understanding of food and nutrition education, its role in carrying out these actions and what factors motivate and hinder the development of the EAN of shares in the PNAE. Data analysis was performed using the collective subject discourse technique (DSC), starting from the raw speech, which were removed from the key expressions and later the central ideas (CI). From the IC who shared the same elements under discussion, these were grouped into categories that later composed the DSC. Four issues have been analyzed, and each was chosen the speech which represented the largest share of core ideas. As for the understanding of the EAN lines they showed that nutritionists interviewed see as a process of teaching and learning about food, and its role teaching about food and nutrition. The most motivating factor shared the responses was the need to form healthy eating habits. While recognizing the need for continuity in multiplier training activities, the realization of EAN is conditional upon the presence of a nutritionist. This may explain the higher difficulty reported for their achievement in the school environment, which is the lack of time and / or professionals in sufficient numbers in the technical framework. The shy recognizing the need for coordination and continuity of actions in the speeches allows us to understand the EAN under the school feeding as a complex process that involves all social spheres of the individual insertion.Item Fatores relacionados aos níveis de retinol sérico em crianças de seis a 24 meses de creches municipais de Goiânia-Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-05-16) Lobo, Lina Monteiro de Castro; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro;; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Pereira Netto, MIchele; Menezes, Ida Helena Carvalho Francescantonio; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Martins, Karine AnuscaIntroduction: Vitamin A deficiency can increase susceptibility to infection and reduce growth rate, besides it is an important cause of blindness in childhood. Infants and preschools are the most vulnerable groups to this deficiency. Objective: To evaluate the factors related to serum retinol in infants aged from six to 24 months who were attended at municipal daycare centers (CMEIs) in the city of Goiânia - Goiás State, Brasil. Methods: A cross-sectional study, undertaken between 2005 and 2006 in CMEIs located in Goiânia. A socioeconomic and demographic survey was performed as well as blood samples were drawn from 193 infants to analysis of complete blood count (CBC), serum retinol, ferritin and C-reactive protein (CRP). Retinol was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) being considered deficient retinol levels under 0,7 μmol/L. Data were analyzed by the softwares Stata/SE 12.0 and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 18.0 (SPSS). T student test, Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation and multiple linear regression were performed. Results: The mean serum of retinol level was of 1,00 ± 0,38 μmol/L and the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was of 21,8%. The average levels of retinol did not differ significantly between gender, age, type of water consumed, prenatal assistance, breastfeeding (predominant or current), presence or absence of anemia and ferritin levels. There was no correlation between the mother’s schooling, birth weight and number of infants younger than five years of age with serum retinol. There was association between vitamin A deficiency and inflammation (p=0,04). For each CRP unit that increased there was a reduction of 0,133 e 0,115 mg/dL in serum retinol levels, according to two models of multiple linear regression, keeping other variables constant. Conclusion: Vitamin A deficiency in infants who were attended at a municipal daycare centers in Goiânia is high and the factor related to this deficiency was the inflammatory state of the child which is represented by the CRP serum levels, adjusted by sanitary sewage, habitation location and ferritin level.Item Qualidade das carcaças de frango de abatedouros e pontos de venda de Goiás: pesquisa de Campylobacter termotolerantes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-15) Ribeiro, Maria Luiza Rezende; Borges, Liana Jayme;; André, Maria Cláudia Dantas Porfirio Borges;; André, Maria Cláudia Dantas Porfírio Borges;; Cardoso, Juliana Lamaro; Campos , Maria Raquel Hidalgo; Correia, Márcia Helena Sacchi; Martins, Karine AnuscaThe ingestion of foods contaminated with Campylobacter spp. results in campylobacteriosis in humans. This disease is the main cause of diarrhea in the United States and European Union. The most common reservoirs of this microorganism are chickens and the consumption of their meat, raw or undercooked, is the main source of contamination to humans. The most prevalent species involved in infections are Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari that can contaminate carcasses during the slaughter and handling of chickens. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of thermotolerant Campylobacter in chilled and later frozen chicken carcasses commercialized in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. With the support of the Municipal Sanitary Surveillance Department and the Goiás Agency for Agricultural and Farming Defense, forty cooled and frozen carcasses samples were collected in abattoirs and its retail outlets, from May to September/2015. The microbiological analysis was performed according to the methods of the International Organization for Standardization 10272-1:2006. For molecular identification, the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique was performed to detect the hipO (Campylobacter jejuni) and glyA genes (Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari). It was found a contamination prevalence of 17.5 % (n=7) of Campylobacter spp.. Between the 24 samples collected from slaughterhouses, 12.5% (n = 3) were contaminated. Among the 16 collected in points of sale, 25.0% (n = 4) presented positivity for the bacterium. Campylobacter lari was not detected in the evaluated samples. The results show that the bacteria remains viable at all stages of the chicken production chain, representing a risk for outbreaks of gastroenteritis. The presence of bacteria in chicken from market reinforces the need for education of poultry farmers and traders regarding the public health risk that these products represent. Awareness raising is needed to improve management, as well as preventive and corrective measures in the production and marketing of these products. In addition, the prevalence found in the present study reinforces the need to establish legal standards that determine the research of the microorganism in this type of food.Item Alimentação escolar no discurso de manipuladores de alimentos de escolas brasileiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-22) Oliveira, Ingryd Garcia de; Monego , Estelamaris Tronco;; Martins, Karine Anusca;; Martins, Karine Anusca;; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Campos, Maria Raquel HidalgoThe main objective of this study is comprehend the speech of food handlers from Brazilian schools about school feeding and food and nutrition education. A qualitative research in which the analysis of Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was used, that allows the rescue of social representations. It is composed by key expressions – the main ideas contained in the speech of individual subjects being subsequently expressed in a collective dimension through the grouping of similar key expressions, that comprise the CSD. The sample consisted of 57 public schools from different Brazilian regions, including capitals and municipalities within the states. The lifting of the speeches took place through face-to-face interviews, carried out in 2013 on visits to schools, with the aid of a semi-structured script, which allowed to raise understandings of manipulators and assimilations about the concept of school feeding and its role in the educational process, their assignments; what guidance about school feeding they receive; what activities they accomplish in conjunction with the professional nutritionist. It was observed that for the handlers, school feeding is healthy and appropriate, and seeks to contribute to the learning and development of students. Regarding to its attributions in the school environment, most realize their role for the handling and good hygiene practices with food. A similar result was observed in the guidance they receive from management, and activities developed in conjunction with the nutritionist, in which there was a predominance of expressions about operational technical nature activities.. The results revealed inherent potentials to the practice of food handler at school, as the perception of the need for providing healthy foods and practices that encourage good eating habits among students. However, their routine prevents their involvement with health education, besides other obstacles, such as training activities centered on the health aspect and vertical transmission of knowledge.Item Padrões alimentares de adolescentes de uma escola pública de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-22) Lobo, Ana Moraes; Cominetti, Cristiane;; Cominetti, Cristiane; Marchioni, Dirce Maria Lobo; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa MonteiroObjective: to identify dietary patterns of adolescents from a public school in Goiânia and to determine the associated factors. Material and methods: cross-sectional study with 446 adolescents aged 10-19 years, enrolled in a public school in Goiânia, Goiás. Dietary intake was assessed by a usual food recall. Principal component factor analysis with Varimax rotation was used to identify dietary patterns. Factor scores were calculated and then used in multiple linear regression to evaluate socioeconomic, anthropometric and lifestyle factors associated with the patterns. Results: four dietary patterns were identified and together explained 38.8% of the food consumption total variance. These patterns were denominated: 1) traditional meal (characterized by cereals and roots, legumes, meats, vegetables and sugar-sweetened beverages), 2) traditional snack (which included farinaceous snacks, butter and margarine, dairy and sweets, and was inversely associated with processed meat consumption), 3) processed snacks (processed meat, yellow cheese and farinaceous snacks), and 4) junk food (composed by candies, fatty snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages and pastas and inversely associated with intake of fruits). The pattern “traditional meal” was inversely associated with body mass index and female sex. The pattern “traditional snack” was inversely associated with body mass index and positively associated with greater time sitting at the weekend. The pattern “junk food” was associated positively with the greater daily time in front of television. Only this latter pattern did not present an inverse association with commuting to school by car. Conclusion: adolescents’ dietary patterns were associated with anthropometric and lifestyle variables, so that a diet based on traditional Brazilian foods is recommended because it seems to favor lower body mass indexes.Item Qualidade de vida relacionada à saude de adolescentes com doenças crônicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-09-25) Rezio, Marília Arantes; Cunha, Juliana da;; Mota, João Felipe;; Mota, João Felipe; Brasil, Virgínia Visconde; Minamisava, RuthObjective: to evaluate the health related quality of life (HRQOL) in adolescents, at the same time, across four different chronic conditions; to compare HRQOL with these chronic conditions to healthy adolescents; to examine convergence in self- reported and parent-proxy reported patient HRQOL across these conditions; and to identity demographic, socioeconomic and health-status variables associated with impairment in HRQOL. Study design: Cross-sectional study with 276 adolescents with cancer, type 1 diabetes mellitus, overweight, asthma and without medical diagnosis of diseases (control group) assisted by public health service. Adolescents and caregivers completed age-appropriate self-report and/or parent- proxy report generic HRQOL measures using the Varni PedsQL™. Results: Participants were 50.7% male and had a mean age of 14±2 years. Adolescents with cancer had lower overall HRQOL as well as poorer all dimensions than healthy participants and other chronic conditions. Caregivers reported similar HRQOL by proxy-report than adolescents self-reported across chronic diseases, and in control group, reported better scores in all dimensions. Maternal education, family income and marital status of parents were correlated with the dimensions of HRQOL. The probability of cancer has HRQOL affected was higher when compared to other chronic disease. Conclusion: Adolescents with cancer, overweight e asthma, in comparison to healthy adolescents, reported poorer overall HRQOL as well as poorer scholar dimension. Cancer was the most chronic disease that has the dimensions of HRQOL affected. The results could subsidize health professionals, institutions, schools and governments to biopsychosocial attention and early interventions.Item Perfil microbiológico de queijo minas frescal industrializado e artesanal comercializado em Goiânia, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-30) Silva, Lívia Milhomem; Borges, Liana Jayme;; Campos, Maria Raquel Hidalgo;; Campos, Maria Raquel Hidalgo; Carvalho, Ana Clara Martins e Silva; Correia, Marcia Helena SacchiThe fresh Minas cheese is widely consumed in Brazil due to its good taste, people's behavior and its easy marketing. It’s a highly sensitive food to microbial contamination due to its characteristics and may have pathogenic microorganisms, a result of a possible failure in the hygienic and sanitary control. The Escherichia coli is a bacterium commonly found in this product and stands out for being indicative of fecal contamination and it’s related to resistance to antimicrobials and high genetic variability between strains found in food. This study evaluated the microbiological quality of fresh Minas cheeses, handmade and industrially produced according to Brazilian legislation. In addition, the aim of this study was also test the susceptibility of E. coli to different antibiotics and identifies its genetic profile. The samples were collected in supermarkets and fairs in the city of Goiânia, Goiás and subjected to microbiological analysis in accordance with the standards established by Resolution RDC nº. 12 of January 2, 2001, of the National Health Surveillance Agency, following the methodology recommended by the American Public Health Association. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing followed the disk diffusion technique in Mueller- Hinton agar and, the genetic variability, was observed by the technique of Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis. The analysis detected the presence of coliforms in 100.0% of samples, while fecal coliforms were observed in 10.0% and 14.3% of samples from supermarkets and fairs, respectively. 12.5% of the samples fairs confirmed the presence of Escherichia coli. Handmade cheeses were more contaminated than industrially produced chesses. Of eight isolates, one (8.0%) were sensitive to ampicillin, six (48.0%) showed intermediate susceptibility to cefepime and one (8.0%) was resistant to tetracycline, while 100.0% were sensitive to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, aztreonam, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and piperacillin-azobactam. The cheeses showed high contamination than the limits established to Brazilian legislation, making it unfit for human consumption. These results indicate failures in hygienic sanitary controls in the food chain. The technique of PFGE revealed high genetic variability among isolates while the antibiogram revealed high sensitivity of isolates to antibiotics.Item A cultura quilombola está na escola?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-25) Silva, Priscila Olin; Santiago, Raquel de Andrade Cardoso;; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco;; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Shuvartz, Marilda; Monego, Estelamaris TroncoDespite the recognized importance in the construction process of the history and identity of Brazil, the quilombo remnants still suffer with lack of access to rights, such as education. In the course of fighting for a contextualized education, the reference point is the National Curriculum Guidelines for Quilombola School Education, which recommend the inclusion of history and culture in quilombola education offered to students of these communities. The study aimed to investigate how the quilombola issue has been addressed in educational and political project of a school that attends students from a remnant quilombo community in Goiás. This is an exploratory and strategic social research with a qualitative approach to information. Semi-structured interviews, conversation wheel, observation of daily activities and analysis of the educational and political school project were conducted. The leadership of quilombola community, school staff and county nutritionist composed the study population.The investigation included aspects related to the general characterization of the school, the school feeding, as well as insertion of quilombola theme at school. The information was analysed in the light of the content analysis in the thematic mode. The municipality has a rural school that attends students from the quilombo. Although not in the community territory, is registered as quilombola school in the School Census, receiving different financial resources to school feeding. Three thematic categories were built: School and food; Quilombola community culture and Quilombola school education. School feeding does not meet the recommended by law and the quilombo food culture is not inserted in school activities. The lack of teacher training and the lack of teaching materials were cited as difficulties to work the quilombola subject in school. The educational and political project does not include everyday aspects of the quilombolastudents‟reality and there is a weak interaction between the school, community, municipal management of education and nutritionist. It is suggested greater coordination of these actors, so that the school's pedagogical proposal has tune with the reality of students, translating into a strengthening of quilombola culture and responding to recommended by law and demands of the communityItem Efeito da suplementação crônica de curcuma longa l. sobre marcadores de inflamação e dano muscular após uma meia maratona(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-17) Faria, Flavia Rasmussen; Botelho, Patrícia Borges;; Aoki, Marcelo Saldanha;; Mota, João Felipe;; Mota, João Felipe; João Felipe Mota; Gentil, Paulo Roberto Viana; Lima, Adriano Eduardo SilvaPhysical exercise increase the antioxidant capaciy of the individual, on the other hand, frequent performance of high intensity or exhaustive physical exercises may increase reactive oxygen species and inflammation, resulting in muscle damage. Curcumin, a yellow-orange component of turmeric, is derived from the turmeric plant (Curcuma Longa L.), and has been studied due to their antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory. Objective: To evaluate the effects of Curcuma Longa L. supplementation on markers of inflammation and muscle damage after a half marathon. Methodology: This study consisted of two stages. In the first, it was carried a crossover clinical trial (washout period of seven days). 9 males were supplemented with low (1.5g), medium (3.0g) and high (6.0g) dosages of Curcuma longa L. Blood samples were collected to measure curcumin plasma concentrations and antioxidant capacity. In the second stage, it was performed a double-blind, randomized clinical trial, (34-day). The placebo group (PG) (n = 14) and supplemented (SG) (n = 14) received 1.5 g of cellulose and 1.5 g of Curcuma longa L., respectively. After 30 days, participants performed a half marathon race (21 km). Blood samples were collected to evaluate CK, LDH, ALT, AST, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1 and myoglobin. Furthermore, it was evaluate the muscle pain and performance. Results Phase 1: The mean age was 26.8 ± 1.3 years and the body mass index (BMI) was 23.31 ± 0,75kg / m2. There were no differences between curcumin concentration and the time and the differents dosages of Curcuma longa L. (p > 0.05). Results Phase 2: The mean age was GS: 34.14 ± 7.18, GP: 36 ± 9.19. Both groups increased the CK, LDH, AST, IL-6, MCP-1, IL-10 and myoglobin concentrations after the run, showing that the protocol was sufficient to generate damage. SG decreased the pain sensation and increased IL-10 concentrations, compared to the PG. Conclusions: Phase 1: Low dose supplementation showed a maximum concentration of plasma curcumin, but no statistical difference when compared to others dosages. Curcumin plasma concentrations did not increase proportional to the dose administered. Step 2: Curcuma Longa L. did not decrease muscle damage after a half-marathon race, however supplementation improved performance, increasead Il-10 concentrations and reduced muscle soreness.Item Relações entre polimorfismos no gene da apolipoproteína e, perfil lipídico e consumo alimentar de adultos com a síndrome do obeso eutrófico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-05-03) Franco, Lana Pacheco; Horst, Maria Aderuza;; Cominetti, Cristiane;; Botelho, Patrícia Borges; Furlaneto, Silvia Maria Salem Izacc; Cominetti, CristianeThis study aimed to assess whether polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E gene and food consumption are related to lipid profile of adults with Normal-Weight Obesity Syndrome. Methodology: this was an analytical cross-sectional study, including adults with Normal-Weight Obesity Syndrome. Socioeconomic, health and lifestyle questionnaires were administered. Anthropometric variables, body composition and blood pressure were evaluated. Dietary intake, lipid profile and genotyping of polymorphisms rs7412 and rs429358 in the apolipoprotein E gene were evaluated. Results: from the 115 individuals, 72.2% were women. The median age was 22.6 years (21.4 – 25.2). Only 6.0% of women and no man had increased waist circumference. No women and 6.2% of men had changes in blood pressure. When traditional lipid profile was assessed, 52.5% had dyslipidemia. When apolipoprotein concentrations were included, the prevalence was 73.0%. There was a positive relationship between the presence of allele ε2 and apolipoprotein A1 levels (ε2ε3 versus ε3ε3: β = 21.3; 95% CI = 4.2 to 38.3; p = 0.015) and between ε4 allele and apolipoprotein B (ε4 versus ε2: β = 14.8; 95% CI = 0.08 a 29.5; p = 0.049 and ε4 versus ε3: β = 9.1; 95% CI = 0.6 a 17.6; p = 0.036). Carriers of ε2 allele had 81% less chance of presenting dyslipidemia compared to ε3ε3 individuals (OR = 0.2; 95% CI = 0,04 a 0,8; p = 0.027). Associations between body fat distribution and lipid profile and between food consumption and lipid profile were observed and differed among genotypes. Conclusion: both polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E gene and the food consumption were associated with lipid profile of adults with Normal-Weight Obese Syndrome. This was the first study to describe the apolipoprotein E genotype and to analyze relationships between genetic profile, food intake and lipid profile of subjects with Normal-Weight Obesity Syndrome.Item Câncer de mama e associação com composição corporal, prática de atividade física, resistência à insulina e perfil lipídico: estudo caso-controle(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-29) Mota, Jordana Carolina Marques Godinho; Freitas Júnior, Ruffo de;; Martins, Karine Anusca;; Martins, Karine Anusca; Vieira, Carlos Alexandre; Paulinelli, Regis Resende; Botelho, Patrícia Borges; Freitas Júnior, Ismael ForteBreast cancer is the most common nonmelanoma cancer and the leading cause of death among Brazilian women, with multi-causal etiology. Due to its increasing incidence and complexity of the risk factors it aimed at comparing women with and without breast cancer physical activity, body composition, glycemic and lipid profiles in goianas women. This is a case-control study with 90 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and 164 controls carried out from August / 2014 to January / 2016. Data were collected using a pre-tested and standardized questionnaire, body composition assessed by radiographic absorptiometry method dual beam (DXA) and blood samples were collected to characterize glycemic and lipid profiles. Database was structured in double entry in Epi-InfoTM 2014 and statistical analysis were performed using Stata for Windows (version 12.0). Comparisons of differences in means between groups were analyzed using Mann Whitney U-test for categorical variables we used the chi-square Pearson, later the odds ratio was estimated using logistic regression. The results were divided according to menopausal status. In analyzes by menopausal status it was found that premenopausal women have higher lean body mass percentage and those who were physically active was inversely associated with breast cancer diagnosis. On the other hand, having a high percentage of total body fat and android, assessed by DXA, increased the odds 2.17 (CI 95% = 1.04 - 4.52) and 2.27 (CI 95% = 1.09 4.74) times, respectively. In postmenopausal physically active women reduced the chances in half of having breast cancer (0R = 0.51; CI 95% = 0.29 - 0.92). Among the glycemic profile, lipid and body fat markers were directly linked to breast cancer fasting plasma glucose, insulin, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI). Only HDL cholesterol was inversely associated with breast cancer in the total sample. Physically inactive women with higher conicity index have a greater chance of developing breast cancer. In addition, insulin resistance values above the 50th percentile for the VAI and HDL cholesterol below 50 mg / dL were also associated with breast cancer outcome.