FEFD - Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso
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Item Caminhos através da sensorialidade para uma experiência sensível com a dança(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-06-08) Araujo, Luana Aghata Joana Costa de; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de; Almeida, Fernanda de Souza; Oliveira, Joana Abreu Pereira deThis course conclusion work with the character of an experience report in the format of an essayist writing was developed in the field and these are the Municipal Center for Child Education Jardim das Aroeiras (CMEI), Municipal Center for Child Education Village Atalaia and Child Education Center Luigina (CEI), both from the city of Goiânia-GO, with children from 3 to 5 years old. There were between 12 and 14 meetings that took place weekly and are presented here as experiences, which began in 2018 at CMEI Jardim das Aroeiras and later continued to CEI Luigina and CMEI Village Atalaia. This field research was provided by the Research Group on Dance: Art, Education and Childhood (GPDAEI) coordinated by Prof. Ms. Fernanda de Souza Almeida, through the extension project Dançarelando. During the project, the experiences were registered in a field diary, which were later put into dialogue with authors such as Duarte Junior, Fernanda Almeida, Sônia Kramer, Adrienne Ogêda, Luciana Ostetto, in an attempt to better express the dimension of the work carried out. Thus, the trajectory leads us to reflections on how the interaction with children happens, which favors and/or should favor the experience in dance and the beneficial proportions that can favor a teaching more directed towards sensitivity, self-knowledge and autonomy.Item Dançar e brincar: uma experiência de balé com crianças pequenas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016) Ferreira, Taynara; Souza, Nilva Pessoa de; Almeida, Fernanda de Souza; Souza, Nilva Pessoa deItem O ensino da dança no colégio Santo Agostinho (Goiânia-GO): Entre experiências, memórias e subjetividades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-11) Souza, Deborah Neves de; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves; Almeida, Fernanda de Souza; Barreto, Claudia CardosoThe present research has as its object of study the teaching of dance at Colégio Santo Agostinho, an institution founded by the Congregation of Missionary Augustinians, in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás. To think about dancing education in this school space, it starts with the experiences of Dance teachers, understanding their experiences as an important element of this history. In this sense, we intend to know and analyze dance as a production of knowledge that takes place in specific contexts, developing senses, meanings and individual-collective representations, in which memory is a powerful record in the construction of information. We hope, through this study, to answer the following questions: how was the teaching of dance at Colégio Santo Agostinho configured? which formulations permeate the memories of the teachers involved in the research and, consequently, how do they (re)elaborate, weave, reveal and unveil the meanings in their dance teaching processes? The empirical basis of the investigation consists of interviews with three women who were dance teachers at the school, members of the teaching staff from 1987 to 2018. As dance is continuous actions, complex organizations are included in this interactive network, in that bodies create shapes and compositions in space-time, which can be observed in what they themselves have built. In this research, it is considered that the know-how of dance professionals plays a relevant role in the debates and productions around Art/Dance, as presence, action, relationship, interaction, organization, participation and existence. Therefore, we propose a discussion about the historical context of dance teaching in a private school, contemplating its performance in the educational field, its objectives and body expressive practices.Item Formação docente em educação física para a educação infantil: um estudo das narrativas autobiográficas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Adorno, Karla Geovana Silveira; Zanotto, Luana; Zanotto, Luana; Zandominegue, Bethânia Alves Costa; Almeida, Fernanda de SouzaThis undergraduate thesis aimed to identify the processes of personal and academic development of Physical Education teachers working in Early Childhood Education (ECE) through autobiographical narratives. Methodologically, it corresponds to a qualitative approach study, in which three Physical Education teachers with experience in Early Childhood Education participated. The data were derived from autobiographical teaching narratives, which were guided by a specific tutorial for the participants. The use of narrative as a data elaboration tool is justified by its ability to stimulate reflections on teacher education and educational practice, as well as to provide an authorial account imbued with self-perceptions as a teacher and insights into the field of teaching. The timeframe covered a broad spectrum, including childhood, basic education, initial and continuing education, and professional practice up to the time of the study. Thus, the teachers evaluated their development processes long after starting their professional careers, and the analysis indicates that teachers in this field have not yet fully established their place in the Early Childhood Education sector as educators who actively participate in and contribute to the holistic development of the child.Item "Não pode bunda e não pode remexer": femininos, danças populares e a censura ao corpo no ambiente escolar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-06-08) Oliveira, Taynnã Silva de; Santos, Rafael Guarato dos; Santos, Rafael Guarato dos; Aquino, Rita Ferreira de; Almeida, Fernanda de SouzaEl presente trabajo fue el resultado de tres años de iniciación científica por parte del Programa Institucional de Iniciación Científica de Licenciaturas (PIBIC - PROLICEN - 2018/2019/2020) y tiene como objetivo comprender qué soportes sustentan los argumentos sobre limitaciones y / o resistencias del instituciones públicas de educación básica en Goiânia, en relación a la inserción de la práctica de danzas populares de la actualidad, destacando las que también se publican en los medios de comunicación. Para ello, se realizaron análisis teóricos y bibliográficos sobre los medios de comunicación y la industria cultural, la enseñanza de la danza y la problemática de género, así como el uso de fuentes de sitios web en internet y la aplicación de entrevistas orales semiestructuradas, realizadas en 4 escuelas públicas de educación básica en la ciudad de Goiânia, Estado de Goiás, se identificaron tres ejes censales principales, a saber: el tema de género; problemas de clase a través de la descalificación estética; y la existencia de una moral de orientación cristiana, que interpreta tales danzas como meramente orientadas al mercado, desprovistas de significado, sin relevancia cultural y artística, inmorales y desprovistas de vergüenza.