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Item Camarada Paulo Freire em Goiás: andarilhagens pelo cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-10-05) Valdez, Diane; Alves, Miriam FábiaItem Construindo conhecimento em Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) integrada à educação profissional – saberes coletivos de uma rede de pesquisadores(2008-12) Machado, Maria Margarida; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Oliveira, João Ferreira deThis study discusses the processes of establishing a network of researchers arising out of the publication of the Public Notice Proeja/Capes/Setec Number 003/2006, setting up a Support Program for Teaching and for Scientific and Technological Research into Vocational Education integrated with Youth and Adult Education – PROEJA, which was constituted by CAPES in partnership with the Secretariat for Professional and Technological Education at Brazil’s Ministry for Education. As a result of this Public Notice, nine research groups were set up around the country. This study focuses on the experience of the group made up of Institutes from Goiás and the Federal District. The methodological emphasis of the study is documental analysis and participative observation. It hopes to strengthen this network of researchers as a reference for the mid-west, deepening its investigations aimed at understanding the concrete relationship between youth and adult education (EJA) and the world of work. In this sense, the collective action for group formation, the creation of formative spaces and the participation of its members in EJA seminars, congresses and forums show that the construction of knowledge and wisdom, based on the experience of students (of Scientific initiation, Master and Doctoral programs), and of teachers (of undergraduate and post graduate programs) can effectively contribute towards an EJA integrated with Vocational Education in order to enrich the formation of young and adult workers.Item A formação continuada dos docentes do Proeja/ FIC/Pronatec na rede municipal de Goiânia: os desafios do fazer coletivo(2014-04) Alves, Miriam Fábia; Costa, Cláudia BorgesEse artículo pretende discutir la experiencia del Proeja/FIC/Pronatec en la red municipal de enseñanza de Goiânia destacando la formación continua de los docentes y los desafíos de la práctica colectiva en la implementación de un programa que tiene por objetivo la formación general integrada a la educación profesional, para jóvenes y adultos en la enseñanza fundamental. La investigación cuenta con el archivo documental y bibliográfi co y busca problematizar el papel de la formación continua y la implementación pedagógica en la red municipal de enseñanza de Goiânia. Esta acción cuenta con la participación efectiva de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación de Goiânia, la Faculta de Educación de la Universidad Federal de Goiás y del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Goiás. El programa está siendo implementado en diez escuelas de la red municipal de educación que retoman una tradición de formación y una realización colectiva que abre la posibilidad de sustentación de una política de formación general integrada a la educación profesional para jóvenes y adultos trabajadores.Item Formação continuada em EAD: sobre o que escrevem os gestores de escolas públicas de Goiás(Cristóvão Giovani Burgarelli, 2010-12) Elias, Carime Rossi; Alves, Miriam FábiaEste artigo aborda as temáticas desenvolvidas nos trabalhos de conclusão dos gestores de escolas públicas de Goiás que concluíram o Curso de Especialização em Gestão Escolar, oferecido na modalidade a distância pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Na pesquisa documental, foram reunidos os textos dos cursistas, o que permitiu a análise dos títulos, assim como de três trabalhos que enfocavam a temática da participação dos pais na escola, que despontou como a numericamente mais significativa nesses trabalhos. As análises dos títulos dos trabalhos, para além dos aspectos de gestão enfatizados no curso, indicaram a consideração de temas de dimensão pedagógica relacionados a processos de ensino-aprendizagem e (in)disciplina, dentre outras questões internas à escola. As análises dos três trabalhos com foco na relação pais-escola permitem afirmar que a participação dos pais é compreendida pelos gestores como uma demanda naturalizada e necessária. Por outro lado, quando essa participação é proposta, ela acontece através de ações previamente planejadas pela escola a partir de suposição de interesses dos pais ou de necessidade da própria instituição: reuniões, dinâmicas de grupo, murais com recados para os pais, sorteios de brindes, lanches, orações, dentre outras. Essas atividades parecem ser compreendidas pelos gestores como ações da escola para os pais, e não com os pais, o que, do ponto de vista de uma gestão democrática, demanda um repensar do conceito de participação e do modo de viabilizá-la no cotidiano escolar. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This article discusses themes developed in Goiás public school administrators’ end of course assignments for their Specialization Course in School Management, offered by the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goias in distance learning mode. The documentary research included texts which the teachers/administrators produced and whose titles were analyzed, as well as three studies focusing on the topic of parental involvement in school, a theme which presented greatest numerical frequency. The analyses of the titles of these studies, as well as the managerial aspects emphasized in the course, indicated that themes of a pedagogical dimension related to teaching-learning processes and (in)discipline were considered, in addition to other internal school issues. The analysis of the three studies focusing on the parent-school relationship confirmed that parent participation is perceived as a natural and necessary demand by administrators. On the other hand, when such participation is proposed, it comes about through preplanned actions on the part of the school based on assumed interests of parents or a need of the institution in the form of: meetings, group dynamics, murals of messages for parents, raffles, snacks, prayer, etc. These activities seem to be understood by school administrators as actions for parents, not with parents, which, from the standpoint of democratic administration, demands a rethinking of the concept of participation and how to make it feasible in the day-to-day of the school.Item Gerencialismo na escola pública: contradições e desafios concernentes à gestão, à autonomia e à organização do trabalho escolar(2012-12) Silva, Luís Gustavo Alexandre da; Alves, Miriam FábiaThis article demonstrates the changes in the management and organization of school work after the implementation of a regulatory management model. The analyses derive from data collected in desk and field surveys. The investigation showed that changes in management have transferred to the faculty an image of stronger participation and democracy in schools, but in practice not only individual accountability but also the amount of control over teachers and administrators, as well as their workload, have intensified.Item Gestão democrática na educação básica: políticas e formas de participação(2010-12) Alves, Miriam Fábia; Alves, Edson FerreiraThis study sets out to analyze democratic management, based on the implications of Con- stitutional Amendment 59, 2009. The discussion uses legal frameworks as a source, and focuses on the problems of the democratic management of educational systems in the aftermath of the Amendment, in a search for universal compulsory education, characterized by both equality and quality. The final document of the 2010 National Educational Conference (Conae), the regulation of the national education system and the drafting and implementation of the 2011-2020 National Educational Plan are proposed as perspectives.Item Pós-Graduação no Brasil: do regime militar aos dias atuais(2014-08) Alves, Miriam Fábia; Oliveira, João Ferreira deThe aim of this study is to analyze the creation, institutionalization and expansion of the post-graduation in Brazil from the reform of higher education implemented during the Brazilian military dictatorship in 1960. Some constituent elements of the 1968’s University Reform will stand out, reflecting upon the legal framework, the constitution, the social function, and the most significant moments and movements of the post-graduation expansion. Finally, this work aims to briefly asses the offer, dilemmas and the perspectives of the post-graduation in the present context.Item Violência e juventude em Goiás: narrativas dos jovens de escolas públicas(Diane Valdez, 2018-08) Alves, Miriam FábiaWe aim to analyze the narratives of youths from public schools of Goiás, regarding the relationship between violence and youth. The narratives were obtained through conversation circles and questionnaires with 271 kids from the third year of high school, from state schools in four cities in Goias, characterized by high levels of violence: Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiânia, Luziânia, and Rio Verde. It can be concluded that the young people’s narratives reveal important aspects to understand the phenomenon of youth violence because, on the one hand, it echoes the hegemonic discourse that young people are violent, and, on the other hand, we have the narratives that recognize young people as victims of the system and point out the importance of institutions and state action to confront violence.