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Item Abordagem de gêneros discursivos orais em livros didáticos de língua espanhola(2015-12) Alvares, Margarida Rosa; Preuss, Elena OrtizSeveral studies point that the oral genres have been marginalized in the classroom. However, often, difficulties in oral communication arise because a lack of knowledge about the discursive genre, although the speaker has the knowledge about the linguistic system. From this evidence and considering the role of textbooks in the language teaching learning process, in this article we aim to analyze how oral genres are treated on two textbooks of Spanish language. For this, we carry out a bibliographic research in which we analyzed textbooks chosen by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), in the years of 2012 and 2015. To achieve our goal, we exposed a theoretical overview about discursive genres and oral discursive genres, present the methodology adopted and the performed analyzes, which made it possible to note that in the collections there are still primacy by the pedagogical work from written genres, although when comparing the approach, the latest textbook presents more activities with oral discursive genres.Item Acesso lexical e produção de fala bilíngue: o processo de seleção linguística(2011-12) Preuss, Elena Ortiz! is article2 presents the results of an investigation of the pro- duction of bilingual speech, in which interlingual interference e" ects in the speech of bilinguals Portuguese-Spanish and Spanish-Portuguese were analyzed. ! e materials, designed within the picture-word interference paradigm, language interference (semantic, phonological/ orthographic and identity) and cognate (cognates, not cognates and false cognates) ef- fects were manipulated. ! e results provide evidence for the language- speci# c selection hypothesis (Costa, 1999), since the naming laten- cies was faster in the related condition, in contexts involving language identity and phonological/ orthographic facilitation e" ects, as well as in the unrelated condition, when contexts involved semantic interference ef- fects. Furthermore, the cognate status of words played an important role in the process of lexicalization, a fact that needs to be further assessed.Item Aquisição da entoação em espanhol/L2: interação entre efeitos da instrução explícita e variáveis individuais(2017-09) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella; Oliveira Júnior, Wilson José deThis article exposes the effects of the explicit instruction on total interrogative and affirmative statements in Spanish as L2. It also displays their possible interactions with individual variables, such as the attention capacity, the frequency of use and also the linguistic and teaching experience. It is a quantitative study which covers some linguistic tests of perception and the production of sentences, an attention network test and a questionnaire of historical and linguistic proficiency. The study had a convenience sample covering both an experimental group that received some explicit instructions about a target content in an intermediate period between the pre- and the post-test, and a control group that did not receive the instruction. The results have shown that there was no significant difference related to the instructional effect. Our hypothesis is that individual variables may have minimized the instruction role about intonation in the performance of these participants.Item Atenção ao input e aprendizagem: o papel da instrução explícita na aquisição do espanhol como L2(2009-09) Finger, Ingrid; Preuss, Elena OrtizThis article aims at analyzing the long-term effects of formal instruction in the acquisition of implicit knowledge of the Spanish pronoun SE by a group of Brazilian learners. The initial study indicated that the pedagogical intervention that was conducted increased accuracy rates in both comprehension and production tasks. A new set of tests were applied to the same participants two years after the first data collection in order to verify if the beneficial effects of instruction would be long-lasting. The predictions were confirmed thus providing evidence for the Weak Interface Hypothesis with respect to the interaction between explicit and implicit knowledge in L2 learning.Item Bilinguismo e políticas linguísticas no Brasil: da ilusão monolíngue à realidade plurilíngue(2014-12) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Alvares, Margarida RosaCurrent article discusses the linguistic policies in Brazil and problematizes explicit or underlying notions of bilingualism in official documents. Different concepts of bilingualism over time are analyzed from a bibliographic and documental study. Further, the types of bilingualism contemplated by linguistic policies are investigated. The status of Portuguese, indigenous, foreign, sign and immigrant languages in these documents is discussed, as well as the legal attitudes related to bilingualism in communities of immigrants, indigenous, deaf and descendants of Negro slaves. An initial legal ambiguity may be noted when essentially monolingual linguistic policies are prioritized. A mild progress has occurred during the last few years, mainly, those related to the acknowledgement of indigenous communities as bi/multilingual. In fact, Brazil’s plurilingual condition and its pluricultural characteristics have not been yet acknowledged.Item Diálogos em multilinguismo: uma discussão sobre as pesquisas realizadas no LABICO/UFRGS(2016-11) Finger, Ingrid; Alves, Ubiratã Kickhöfel; Fontes, Ana Beatriz Arêas da Luz; Preuss, Elena OrtizConceiving multilingualism as an example of intercultural dilemma, whose characteristics can be better understood from an interdisciplinary view, this paper aims to present examples of studies conducted at LABICO/UFRGS, in which the different areas of Linguistics as well as several other knowledge domains are put together and interact. In particular, studies focusing on bilingual lexical access, bilingual speech production and perception and production of foreign language sounds are discussed in order to demonstrate the way an interdisciplinary perspective can broaden the comprehension of the complex process of multilingual language acquisition and use, shedding light on definitions, theories and methods that help elucidate this complex phenomenon.Item Diferenças individuais e efeitos de feedback na aquisição de verbos no pretérito em espanhol como L2(2020-06) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Oliveira Junior, Wilson José de; Almeida, Joesileny Batista de; Rodrigues, Rhanya RafaellaThis article presents a study that aimed to observe the effects of the feedback in the teaching of Spanish as a second language and its correlations with individual differences in learners’ working memory and attention capacities. Participants were divided into two groups and had a period of formal instruction on the uses of past in Spanish, with each group receiving a different type of feedback (implicit or explicit). Respectively, preceded and proceeded the instruction, pretest and posttest, which included three linguistic tasks: judgment of grammaticality, phrasal comprehension, and phrasal production. There were performed tests to measure the attention and working memory capacities too. The results: the group that received explicit feedback increased their scores in the posttest in all tasks, and the group that received implicit feedback only increased the means of judgment of grammaticality and production. They showed correlations between the individual differences and feedback effects, mainly between working memory capacity and participants’ performance.Item Efeito cognato no processo de lexicalização bilíngue(2015-03) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Fontes, Ana Beatriz Areas da Luz; Finger, IngridThis article presents a study that aimed to verify both the crosslinguistic interference effects and the cognate effect in the speech of Portuguese-Spanish bilinguals. The materials, designed within the picture-word interference paradigm, interference effects (semantic, phonological/ orthographic and identity) in interaction with the cognate effect (cognates, non cognates and false cognates) were manipulated. The results constitute strong evidence that the cognate status of the words plays an important role in the bilingual lexicalization process, because it seems to affect distinctively the crosslinguistic interference effects. Furthermore, evidence that the interactivity principle can be functional between languages was also observed.Item Efeitos de instrução explícita na aquisição da entoação em espanhol/L2(2018-12) Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella; Preuss, Elena OrtizIntonation is a complex and important element for communication. Nevertheless, this aspect tends to be overlooked or approached in an implicit way, in the context of second language acquisition (SLA). Having this in mind and considering the low number of researches on acquisition of suprasegmental features in second language (L2), this study aims at analyzing effects of explicit instruction on acquisition of declar-ative and total interrogative utterances in Spanish/L2. Furthermore, we expect to verify if students perform higher in total interrogative and declarative utterances. To that end, we conducted a semi-experimental study, with Brazilian learners of Spanish, at an inter-mediate-advanced level. The 19 participants were divided into four groups, based on two factors: i) condition (experimental or control); and ii) context (graduation course or in-dependent language course). For data generation, we used the following instruments: i) questionnaire, which enabled the design of the profile of students; and ii) pre and post linguistic tests, which encompassed tasks of comprehension and production (controlled, semi-controlled and free) of target-utterances. Conducted statistical analyses did not indicated significant effects of explicit instruction, although the intervention seemed to help in the minimization of similarity effects, in cases of declarative utterances, and in the production of total interrogative ones. In addition, total interrogative utterances appear to be harder than declarative ones for Brazilian learners.Item Ensinar a língua e formar professores: desafios de um curso de licenciatura em Letras/Espanhol(2014-05) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Silva, Cleidimar Aparecida Mendonça eItem Ensino do verbo gustar em espanhol para brasileiros: intervenção pedagógica baseada na instrução de processamento(2017-12) Preuss, Elena OrtizThis article presents a research which focused on analyzing the effects of processing instruction (VANPATTEN, 2005) when Brazilian learners of the Spanish language are trying to acquire the verb gustar. This instruction is based on the psycholinguistic processes that underlie the understanding of the input, observing the natural processing strategies and their convergences and divergences with the target system of the acquisition. We had prepared activities in which the learners’ attention was manipulated during input processing to facilitate the intake and the establishment of connections between form and meaning. The research was developed with beginner learners, divided between experimental and control group. In the first part of the study, the groups performed pretests and posttests containing grammaticality judgment tasks, subject identification and the production. Those procedures were interspersed by the period of processing instruction and applied only to the experimental group. In the second part, the experimental group also received the traditional instruction (which predicts a target structure production) and performed another posttest. Although the results have not shown significant differences between the groups, they have shown that the processing instruction allied to the traditional instruction can bring benefits to the acquisition and use of the target structure, because it makes learning more effective.Item A funcionalidade do princípio interativo na produção de fala bilíngue(2012-03) Preuss, Elena OrtizThis article discusses the existence of interaction between languages in the production of bilingual speech, from the results of a study, developed within the picture-word interference paradigm, with Portuguese-Spanish and Spanish-Portuguese bilinguals. As the interactive principle is directly related to sublexical activation and sharing of phonological traces between words, we analyzed data obtained in testing the effects of interlingual identity (when there is semantic correspondence) and the facilitation of phonological/orthographic aspects (when there is phonological correspondence), involving cognate, non-cognates and false cognates words. The results strengthened the evidence that the interaction is functional among languages of bilinguals because cognates were named faster in all conditions and rapid naming of false cognates occurred in the context of phonological facilitation. It was also observed that, when there is no semantic correspondence between words, the activation of sublexical and phonological similarity facilitates naming.Item Habilidade oral em L2: da cognição à interação(2014) Preuss, Elena OrtizItem Habilidade oral em L2: percepções de docentes e discentes(2017-06) Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella; Preuss, Elena OrtizThe aim of this study was to identify and analyze perceptions of teachers and students from a language center on speaking skill in L2. The approach used was a qualitative case study, whose data were generated from questionnaires, narrative texts and semi-structured interviews from teacher and students at the language center. The results reveal the importance of fluency, along with the influence of emotional and physiological aspects in the L2 speech even though teachers and students demonstrate that they partially understand these aspects. It is worth mentioning that teachers are more sensitive to the role of the emotional aspects and also the importance of the opportunities for practicing L2 in order to develop speaking skills in L2.Item Interação entre diferenças individuaise efeitos de instrução explícita sobre entoação em espanhol/L2(2020-04) Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella; Preuss, Elena OrtizResearchers have debated the need to consider the effects of interaction between pedagogical conditions and individual differences (IDs) on the process of second language acquisition (SLA) (AUTHOR; SANZ, 2016; SANZ; SERAFINI, 2018). Therefore, this study was developed to analyze the interaction between pedagogical conditions and IDs in the acquisition of declarative and interrogative utterances in Spanish / L2. For data analysis, three instruments were used: i) a questionnaire of historical and linguistic proficiency; ii) an attention control test; iii) sentence production and perception/comprehension tests of comprehension and production of sentences. In total, the study had 10 participants. The results showed that age and skills domain are variables that seem to have influenced the performance of participants.Item La expresión oral en la enseñanza del español en Brasil(2012-06) Preuss, Elena OrtizEn este trabajo, desde una perspectiva cognitivista de procesamiento de la información, tenemos la intención de analizar la complejidad inherente al proceso de producción del habla en Segunda Lengua (L2)/Lengua Extranjera (LE) y reflexionar sobre las prácticas de enseñanza de la expresión oral para el Español como Lengua Extranjera (E/LE) en Brasil. Eso se llevará a cabo por medio del análisis de un libro didáctico indicado por la Guia de livros didáticos do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD, Brasil, 2012) para el español en la escuela secundaria y de las recomendaciones que figuran en los documentos oficiales que guían la enseñanza, a saber: Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - Ensino Fundamental (PCNEF, Brasil, 1998), Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - Ensino Médio (PCNEM, Brasil, 2002), y Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (OCNEM, Brasil, 2006). Los análisis se hacen mediante la observación de si las prácticas propuestas abarcan el modo de funcionamiento del aparato cognitivo involucrado en la producción del habla en L2/LE.Item O papel da instrução explícita na interface entre conhecimento explícito e implícito(2008) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Finger, IngridThis article discusses the role of instruction in the construction of implicit knowledge of aspect in L2 Spanish by Brazilian learners. Subjects were all asked to participate in the pre- and post-test tasks, but only participants belonging to the experimental group received explicit instruction on the use of the Spanish pronoun SE. Results show that the pedagogical intervention conducted contributed significantly to an increase in accuracy rates in both recognition and correct use of the pronoun.Item O papel da instrução na aquisição do espanhol como L2: um estudo sobre o se – operador aspectual como delimitador(2009-12) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Finger, IngridThe role of instruction in the acquisition of Spanish as a second language: a study of the “se” as an aspectual operator Abstract: This paper aims at analyzing the role of formal instruction in the acquisition of implicit knowledge of the Spanish pronoun SE by a group of Brazilian learners. The study was conducted with four groups of learners, divided into two experimental and two control groups, who participated in both pre- and pos-test phases. The tasks involved a comprehension activity, in which the learners were asked to justify their answers, and a production exercise. The experimental groups were also exposed to formal instruction on the intricacies of the use of the Spanish pronoun SE during two weeks of classes. The analysis of the data indicated that the pedagogical intervention conducted increased accuracy rates in both tasks, thus confirming the predictions put forward by the Weak Interface Hypothesis with respect to the interaction between explicit and implicit knowledge in L2 learning.Item O processo de leitura de questões de espanhol do Enem: evidências de rastreamento ocular(2020) Miranda, Mariana da Silva; Rodrigues, Erica dos Santos; Preuss, Elena OrtizThis paper presents an eye tracking study on the reading process of high school students while answering questions from the Enem-2017 Spanish Language Test. The research was aimed at identifying reading strategies and sources of difficulty of two groups of participants when taking the test. Group A (GA) had more previous study time in the Spanish Language and group B (GB) had less previous study time. The analyses considered eye movements (mo-nitored during the task), accuracy and time of performance. Eye tracking data demonstrated that in both groups the preferred reading path is from the text to the multiple-choice alternatives and that textual complexity seems to affect the number and duration of fixations. There was a significant difference between the two groups, with more hits for GA than for GB. Therefore, the time devoted to studying the language seems to affect the performance of the participants in the reading comprehension.Item Produção de fala bilíngue: avaliando similaridade linguística, custos de troca entre línguas e sistema atencional(2017-12) Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Rodrigues, Taiany BrazThis article presents a study which aimed at analyzing both linguistic similarity and switching cost efects on the attentional network task and picture-naming task, within the language-switching paradigm. Reaction time and accuracy of responses in these tasks were observed in bilingual Portuguese-English and Portuguese-Spanish participants’ performances. he results did not show any signiicant diferences in the means between the groups. On the other hand, in the within-subjects comparison, statistically signiicant diferences were observed when the participants switched from the L2 to the L1, evidencing an asymmetrical switching cost. Some correlations were also found between the two tasks in the Portuguese-Spanish bilingual group. hese results are interpreted as indications of linguistic similarity efects in both naming and attention tasks.