FANUT - Faculdade de Nutrição
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A FANUT - Faculdade de Nutrição, da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece Graduação em: Nutrição. Além de Especialização em: Nutrição Clínica; e, Controle de Qualidade e Gerenciamento da Produção de Alimentos.
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Item Aceitabilidade e valor nutricional de chocolate amargo enriquecido com amêndoa de baru, linhaça e quinoa(2015-12) Freitas, Jullyana Borges de; Souza, Janaína Chaves de Matos; Velloso, Lívia Alves; Simão, Rebeca Albuquerque Santos; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Alves, Aline Medeiros; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study aimed to formulate dark chocolate enriched with baru almonds, flaxseed and quinoa (9% in replacement of chocolate, as well as assess the acceptability (global acceptance, appearance and purchase intent) and the nutritional value of the formulations. The various chocolate samples were considered accepted and showed good levels of purchase intent, except for the variation enriched with flaxseed. The chocolate samples showed high content of fiber (27 to 40 g/100g), and lower energy value (385 to 413 kcal/100g) compared to conventional dark chocolates with almonds (7 to 11 g of dietary fiber/100g and 500 to 550 kcal/100g), thus providing a healthier alternative for consumers.Item Alimentação escolar no Brasil e Cabo Verde: uma avaliação sobre as políticas na atualidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-07) Évora, Sérgio Alexandre Lima; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Martins, Karine AnuscaThe school feeding plays a large role in the student's learning and development process and also ensures a minimum food supply for the neediest populations, in other words, it enters as a right of students in basic public education and as a duty of the state. The present work has as general objective, to carry out a comparative evaluation between the School Feeding Programs implemented in Brazil and Cape Verde. It is a study with data collection performed from secondary sources, through a bibliographic survey. In the context of this process, a brief contextualization was made both of the Brazilian School Feeding Program and of the National Cape Verdean School Feeding and Health Program. The results point out the differences and similarities in the guidelines and guiding principles and also in the execution of the programs, since it is perceived that the field of action of the nutritionist professional as technical responsible goes beyond planning menus and that in Cape Verde there is still this restriction. It is concluded that school feeding programs are an important partner in stimulating the adoption of healthy food practices in the school environment, being considered one of the strategies for guaranteeing Food and Nutrition Security and the Human Right to Adequate Food.Item Alimentação escolar no Brasil e Cabo Verde: uma avaliação sobre as políticas na atualidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-07) Évora, Sérgio Alexandre Lima; Souza, Lucilene Maria de; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Martins, Karine AnuscaThe school feeding plays a large role in the student's learning and development process and also ensures a minimum food supply for the neediest populations, in other words, it enters as a right of students in basic public education and as a duty of the state. The present work has as general objective, to carry out a comparative evaluation between the School Feeding Programs implemented in Brazil and Cape Verde. It is a study with data collection performed from secondary sources, through a bibliographic survey. In the context of this process, a brief contextualization was made both of the Brazilian School Feeding Program and of the National Cape Verdean School Feeding and Health Program. The results point out the differences and similarities in the guidelines and guiding principles and also in the execution of the programs, since it is perceived that the field of action of the nutritionist professional as technical responsible goes beyond planning menus and that in Cape Verde there is still this restriction. It is concluded that school feeding programs are an important partner in stimulating the adoption of healthy food practices in the school environment, being considered one of the strategies for guaranteeing Food and Nutrition Security and the Human Right to Adequate Food.Item Alimentação saudável e cognição: um estudo da interface em idosos autônomos de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-19) Ribeiro, Lorena de Sousa; Oliveira, Naraiana Tavares de; Oliveira, Naraiana Tavares de; Santos, Renata Carvalho dos; Pimentel, Gustavo DuarteTo verify the influence of a protective feeding on the cognition and depression in the autonomous elderly. It is a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, conducted through questionnaires and conversation. The instruments used in the data collection were structured into seven types, serving to characterize the autonomous elderly, socioeconomic conditions, general health conditions and mobility; (Mini-Mental State Examination - MMEM), screening for mood disorders (Geriatric Depression Scale of Yesavage), nutritional assessment (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and food consumption (VIGITEL). We observed scores above 25 for the majority of the elderly participants of the study, related to the high consumption of fruits, vegetables and white meats. Regarding depression, the participants showed mild symptoms or even did not present depression, which is related to protective feeding. It was found that the influence of protective feeding on cognition and depression in autonomous elderly.Item Análise da qualidade de cardápios de unidades de alimentação e nutrição de Goiânia - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-26) Souza, Yasmin do Couto; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Cominetti, Cristiane; Correia, Márcia Helena SacchiItem Análise das capacidades físicas em crianças dos sete aos dez anos de idade(2012) Borba, Diego Alcantara; Ferreira Júnior, João; Martini, Angelo Ruediger Pisani; Coelho, Leonardo Nogueira; Coelho, Daniel Barbosa; Vieira, Carlos AlexandrePhysical performance is the term used to group strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination capacities. The physical performance in the children is concern among experts in the field of health. This interest justified because physical activity can prevent illness and increase functional capacity. The aim of present study was assessment physical capacity in children of both sex, boys and girls. After consent of parents, concerns of study 232 children among seven and 10 years-old of both sexes. The performance motor was assessment using sit-and-reach, horizontal jump, abdominal endurance and 30 meters tests run. ANOVA Two-way and Tukey post hoc was used to compared variables among sex and ages. The significant level was 5%. Flexibility did not differ among ages and sex. The horizontal jump distance and abdominals number were higher in male group compared to the female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old were higher compared to seven years-old. The abdominals number was higher in male group compared to female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old are higher compared to seven years-old. The time to going 30 meters was small in the male group compared to female group and running time was small in the 10 years-old compared to other ages and the nine and eight years-old was small than seven years-old. In general, the boys presented better performance than girls in the ages assessment. The age seven years-old apparent represented a period of transition in the physical performance.Item Anemia do lactente: etiologia e prevalência(2002) Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Juliano, Yara; Sigulem, Dirce MariaObjective: To verify the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency in infants, at a Public Health Unit in the city of Goiânia – Brazil; to analyze and to correlate the hematologic and biochemical variables. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. One hundred and ten full-term infants of the 120 mothers interviewed were included. The infants aged between six and twelve months and there were not twins. Socioeconomic and hematologic data was obtained. Venous blood was taken from fasting infants in order to carry out a complete hemogram through electronic cell counting, serum iron, serum ferritin and C-reactive protein, which were used in the evaluation of the etiology of iron deficiency in the anemic infants. Children with hemoglobin < 11g/dL were considered ane mic. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 60.9%. In the diagnosis of the iron deficiency etiology in infants without an inflammation process, when considering the alteration of hemoglobin plus two more indices among mean corpuscular volume (MCV) or mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) or serum ferritin or serum iron, the prevalence of the iron deficiency was 87%. Nevertheless, when red cell distribution width (RDW) was included in the indices, the prevalence was 97.8%. In the non-anemic infants, considering ferritin and RDW, the prevalence of iron deficiency observed was 28%. The best correlation among hematologic and biochemical variables were between hemoglobin and hematocrit (r = 0.946), and MCH with MCV (r = 0.950). Conclusions: The main etiology in infants was iron deficiency anemia and its prevalence varied according to different parameters and criteria.Item O arroz com pequi na formação da cultura alimentar goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-17) Ramos, Cyntia Alves Miranda; Santiago, Raquel de Andrade Cardoso; Silva, Mara Reis; Martins, Selena Carvalho; Santiago, Raquel de Andrade CardosoItem Avaliação nutricional de idosas com câncer de mama em um centro de referência em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-19) Brito, Fernanda de Lima; Ribeiro, Ludimila Cintra Vaz; Martins, Karine Anusca; Tette, Patrícia Amaral Souza; Souza, Luciana Bronzi de; Martins, Karine AnuscaItem Beta-caroteno e câncer(1998-12) Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe subject β-carotene and cancer has been studied for more than twenty years, through epidemiologic and experimental researches.Observational epidemiologic studies, both prospective and retrospective, have suggested strongly that high intake of vegetables and fruits which are sources of β-carotene is associated with reduced risk of cancer, specially of lung cancer. However, the results of intervention trials do not demonstrate a preventive potential of β-carotene. Nevertheless, in many studies in experimental animals and in cell cultures, this carotenoid had been shown to act as a potent cancer chemopreventive agent and mechanisms have been proposed to explain this protective effect on biological systems. Researchers suggest that β-carotene protects against cancer, in the amounts easily attained by the consumption of a wide variety of diets, and the chronic pharmacological supplementation is not recommended for healthy populations and for heavy smokers.Item Campomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae) fruits protect HEPG2cells against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity(2015) Fernandes, Thaís de Oliveira Fernandesa; Marcelino, Renato Ivan de Ávila; Moura, Soraia Santana de; Oliveira, Gerlon de Almeida Ribeiro; Naves, Maria Margareth Veloso; Valadares, Marize CamposCampomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae) is an antioxidant compounds-rich Brazilian fruitpopularly known as gabiroba. In view of this, it was evaluated the hepatoprotective effects ofpulp (GPE) or peel/seed (GPSE) hydroalcoholic extracts of gabiroba on injured liver-derivedHepG2 cells by CCl4(4 mM). The results showed the presence of total phenolic in GPSE was(60%) higher when compared to GPE, associated with interesting antioxidant activity usingDPPH•assay. Additionally, HPLC chromatograms and thin layer chromatography of GPE andGPSE showed the presence of flavonoids. Pretreatment of HepG2 cells with GPE or GPSE(both at 800–1000 g/mL) significantly (p < 0.0001) protected against cytotoxicity inducedby CCl4.Additionally, the cells treated with both extracts (both at 1000 g/mL) showednormal morphology (general and nuclear) contrasting with apoptotic characteristics in thecells only exposed to CCl4. In these experiments, GPSE also was more effective than GPE. Inaddition, CCl4induced a marked increase in AST (p < 0.05) and ALT (p < 0.0001) levels, whileGPE or GPSE significantly (p < 0.0001) reduced these levels, reaching values found in thecontrol group. In conclusion, the results suggest that gabiroba fruits exert hepatoprotectiveeffects on HepG2 cells against the CCl4-induced toxicity, probably, at least in part, associatedwith the presence of antioxidant compounds, especially flavonoids.Item Características físicas e nutricionais de pequis oriundos dos estados de Tocantins, Goiás e Minas Gerais(2014-09) Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Sousa, Amanda Goulart de Oliveira; Naves, Ronaldo Veloso; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoPequi is a native fruit from the Brazilian Cerrado with a great diversity in its physical and chemical characteristics. Studies with fruits from different environments of the Cerrado are scarce. The objective of this study was to analyze, physically and nutritionally, pequi fruits from Tocantins (TO), Goiás (GO) and Minas Gerais (MG) States. The physical analysis of 30 pequi fruits, randomly selected by region, was carried out, and the chemical composition of their pulps was determined. The pequi fruits from MG showed high values of commercially important physical characteristics, as fruit mass, pulp mass and seed (almond) yield. However, fruits from GO showed high pulp yield. Low lipid contents (8 g.100g–1) were observed in the fruits from TO, on the contrary of the fruits from GO and MG (24 and 26 g.100g–1, respectively). Regarding the mineral content, the pequi pulp from the three regions is a source of iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, and the pequi pulp from TO showed considerable contents of calcium (107 mg.100g–1). The native region of the fruits infl uences their physical and chemical characteristics, mainly the pulp yield, moisture and lipid contents, energy density and calcium amount of the pequi pulp. These results indicate the necessity of characterization of the native region and the pequi species for commercial use of the fruits and for utilization of the pulp as a nutritious raw material, in different food systems.Item Caracterização física e química, fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante da polpa e resíduo de gabiroba(2013-09) Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Alves, Maressa Stephanie Ovidio; Fernandes, Thaís de Oliveira; Naves, Ronaldo Veloso; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe Brazilian Cerrado has a wide range of fruit species that have not been sufficiently studied regarding their physical, chemical and functional characteristics. This study aimed to measure the physical characteristics of gabiroba tree’s fruits and analyze the proximate and mineral compositions, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the gabiroba pulp and residue. The physical characteristics of greatest variability were pulp and fruit mass, especially the high pulp yield (46.24%). Gabiroba pulp and residue have high moisture and dietary fiber contents and considerable iron amounts. The gabiroba residue showed higher content of phenolic compounds (1787.65 mg AGE.100g-1) and antioxidant activity (197.13 μmol TE.g-1) than the pulp. However, the values observed in the gabiroba pulp (1222.59 mg AGE.100g-1 and 107.96 μmol TE.g-1, respectively) are higher than those of many fruits traditionally consumed. The total phenolic content showed a strong correlation (r = 0.9723) with antioxidant activity. The results indicate promising prospects for the use of the whole fruit of gabiroba tree due to its appreciable content of nutrients and phenolic compounds, and its antioxidant activity.Item Carotenoids are related to the colour and lipid content of the pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) pulp from the brazilian Savanna(2014-09) Ribeiro, Débora Melo; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study investigated the colour, proximate composition, bioactive compounds (phenolic and carotenoid contents), and antioxidant activity of the pulp of pequi from different regions of the Brazilian Savanna. The colour parameters and the lipid and carotenoid contents of the pulp were significantly different between the samples. The lipid content ranged from 135.4 to 322.5 g/kg. The pequi pulp showed high total phenolic content (1.8 to 3.3 mg GAE/g). The carotenoid amount ranged from 37 to 187 μg/g. The carotenoid content was significantly correlated with the colour and lipid content of the pequi pulp. The antioxidant activity showed a mean IC50 value of 197.9 μg/mL. The pequi pulp is rich in phenolic compounds and carotenoids and has a good antioxidant activity. Its colour is influenced by the carotenoid content, which can be predicted by regression models using routine colour parameters.Item Colite Ulcerativa em atividade: avaliação nutricional, da qualidade de vida e funcional do paciente em atendimento ambulatorial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-08) Costa, Geame Fialho da; Oliveira, Tayrine de; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Gil, Maria de Fátima; Almeida, Géssica Mércia deItem Composição química de nozes e sementes comestíveis e sua relação com a nutrição e saúde(2010-04) Freitas, Jullyana Borges; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis systematic review compares the chemical composition among different types of nuts and edible seeds with regard to nutrients and other bioactive compounds and relates this composition to nutrition and health. This literature review was based on Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Medline and Lilacs, in accordance with the following selection criteria: original research articles published in the last five years in Brazilian or international journals in the fields of Food Science, Medicine I and Medicine II, indexed in the Institute for Scientific Information. The articles were analyzed according to pre-established quality criteria. True nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts and pistachios) and edible seeds (peanuts and baru almonds) are good sources of lipids and proteins. The lipid fractions are composed especially of oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) fatty acids, with emphasis on the ω-6 to ω-3 relation in macadamia, walnut, chestnut and baru almond, whose profiles favor the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. Their proteins present an amino acid profile that meets the requirements of school children and contain more sulfur-containing amino acids than legumes such as beans. These nuts and edible seeds are also good sources of phytoesterols, mainly.β-sitosterol; minerals, particularly calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and potassium; tocopherols, especiallyα-tocopherol; and insoluble fiber. These nutrient-dense foods contain bioactive substances that maximize their beneficial health effects and, for this reason, their study and consumption should be encouraged.Item Conselho de alimentação escolar em escolas quilombolas goianas: exercício do controle social(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06) Sousa, Lucilene Maria de; Martins, Karine Anusca; Jesus, Linda Priscila Barbosa de; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco; Alexandre, Veruska PradoThe School Feeding Council (CAE) is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the National School Nutrition Program (PNAE). This study sought to identify the performance of the CAE in Quilombola schools in Goiás. The participants were thirteen advisors and, to verify a possible association of the variables with the running time in the PNAE, we applied Cramér’s V. The monitoring of the implementation of the PNAE (46.15%) and visits to schools (38.46%) were the most mentioned assignments. As for the supervision of finance and accounting, 53.85% (n = 7) did not know the quilombola PNAE, and only two knew the per capita amount transferred. The main difficulty to visit the schools was the lack of transport. We observed a positive association between time of work and knowledge of the quilombola PNAE (v = 0.5476). There is need for continuous training on the duties of the PNAE advisors.Item Consumo alimentar de adultos com síndrome do obeso eutrófico: relações com o perfil lipídico sérico e com parâmetros antropométricos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-11) Costa, Erika Menezes Barbosa; Damas, Gleicy Kelle Alves; Cominetti, Cristiane; Cominetti, Cristiane; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário GondimObjective: To determine the percentage of alterations in lipid profile andto estimate the usual food consumption of individuals with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 117 adults with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome. Socioeconomic, health and lifestyle questionnaires were applied; anthropometric evaluation, food consumption and lipid profile tests were performed. Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney test, as well as Pearson or Spearman correlation tests were applied according to the data distribution. Results: the sample had median age of 22.6 (21.4 – 24.9) years, with72.6% of women. The macronutrients mean intake was in agreement with the recommended, however, with a contribution of saturated fats a little higher than the recommended. Among females, there was a negative correlation between fiber intake and apolipoprotein B levels. Percentages of android / gynoid body fat correlated positively with cholesterol in very low-density lipoprotein and triacylglycerol levels. In males, lipid intake was negatively correlated to the levels of cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein A1 and positively with Castelli I and II and apolipoprotein B / apolipoprotein A1 ratios. The android / gynoid body fat percentage correlated positively to the levelsof certain lipoproteins, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B / apolipoprotein A1 ratio and Castelli I and IIindices. Conclusions: There were significant correlations between dietary intake, lipid profile and body composition of individuals with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome, in a sex specific manner, which suggests the influence of these parameters on the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.Item Consumo alimentar e perfil antropométrico de bailarinos de uma companhia de dança contemporânea de Goiânia, Goiás(2011-12) Jacintho, Carolina Lôbo de Almeida Barros; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa MonteiroObjective This study assessed the dietary intake and anthropometric profile of professional and semi-professional groups of dancers, compared the body composition of males and females and analyzed the adequacy of food intake with respect to their requirements. Methods The sample consisted of 16 dancers of both genders aged 20 to 35 years from an international contemporary dance company of Goiânia (GO). The following were collected: weight; height; chest, axilla, triceps, subscapular, abdomen, suprailiac and front thigh skinfold thicknesses; and two 24-hour dietary recalls. The energy requirements were determined by the United States Institute of Medicine and macronutrient requirements by the American College of Sports Medicine. The data were input in the software Epi Info 6.04 and analyzed by the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 18.0. The Shapiro-Wilk, Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon tests were used and the significance level was set to 5%. Results The only body measurement that differed between the groups was triceps skinfold thickness among women, which was smaller in the professional group (p=0.03). Triceps and front thigh (p<0.001), chest (p=0.007) and suprailiac (p=0.009) skinfold thicknesses differed between genders (p<0.001), being greater among women. Both men (p=0.01) and women (p=0.02) were consuming less energy than their requirements. Conclusion There were no significant differences in the body composition of individuals of the same gender. Triceps, chest, suprailiac and thigh skinfold thicknesses and percentage of body fat were higher in women. Energy, carbohydrate and protein intakes were below the recommended amounts.Item Consumo de chá verde (Camellia sinensis) e os seus benefícios sobre a densidade mineral óssea(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-08) Santos, Ana Carolina Pereira; Silva, Talita da Cruz; Cunha, Juliana da; Cunha, Juliana da; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Corgosinho, Flávia CamposThe objective of this paper was to present a description of the evidences in the literature on the association between the consumption of green tea and bone mineral density (BMD). For this narrative review, the search was performed using the following electronic databases: Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar and Embase. The descriptors were used in English, without restriction for the year of publication. In order to find articles relating green tea to BMD, abstracts were initially selected and articles that presented the pre-established inclusion criteria were read in full. Two reviewers performed the search, selection and extraction of data, independently. There were 49 studies that fit the initial criteria of search, from which 10 were selected (2 epidemiological studies, 3 clinical trials randomized trials and 5 animal studies). The studies evaluated BMD directly (the most frequently methods used being DXA scan) and / or indirectly (evaluation of biomarkers of bone formation and remodelling). Although most observational and experimental studies included in this article have suggested a beneficial effect of green tea in relation to BMD, few were performed in humans, and of these none showed a positive association. An effective supplementation dose for humans has also not been established, nor safety parameters. Thus, further studies are required to conclude if supplementation of green tea or its phenolic compounds is effective in the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis.