Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica
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Item O trabalho colaborativo do intérprete de libras no ensino de português para surdos na escola regular de educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12-16) Carvalho, André dos Guimarães de; Mesquita, Deise Nancy de Castro; Mesquita, Deise Nancy de Castro; Roure, Glacy Queiroz de; Freire, Silvana Matias; Mendes, Waléria Batista da Silva VazThe main focus of discussion in this research is the role of the interpreter/translator of Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) in regular educational schools. The problem which excited the investigation was the failure death students face when learning to read and write in Portuguese. The leading question was: what collaborative work can the interpreter/translator develop along with the other professionals in school, as to help dealing with this matter? The final “Educational Product” of this dissertation is a virtual forum of discussion in a site called Espaço Colaborativo Virtual Permanente, which has the purpose of debating and exchanging the experiences of all professionals working in the specialized educational environments at school, such as interpreters, translators, teachers, coordinators etc. In order to fulfill this goal, during the investigation, the specific objectives of the study were to identify and to develop pedagogical didactical approaches, inclusive and socializing activities and flexible contents for classrooms which welcome death and non-death students. The interpreter/translator of Libras in these classrooms also performed as the investigator of this research, by observing the answers of two death students to an interview, an evaluating test with words and figures, and her collaborative participation in a set of classes. The main results and analysis, achieved under the lights of Vygotsky (2005), Bakhtin (2003), Quadros (2004) and other theorists, aroused some possible collaborative strategies of the interpreter in these situations: production of texts that present images which are adaptive and contextualized to the reality of deaths, use of interlanguage comparative strategies (applying Libras and Portuguese) which highlight bicultural and bilanguage grammatical aspects of the translation process, creation of videos and datitological reinforcement with visual signs etc. In the end, it was possible to conclude that the performance of this educational professional goes far beyond the simple task of linearly interpreting and translating contents, explanations and exercises from one language to another, and that when he/she participates collaboratively with school colleagues during the planning, preparation and application of classroom activities, the interpreter/translator of Libras effectively contributes with the cognitive development of death students attending regular basic educational schools.Item Conteúdos culturais em um livro didático de espanhol como língua estrangeira: uma discussão em uma perspectiva intercultural e uma proposta didática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-04-23) Bulzacchelli, Jandira Francisca de Sa; Duarte, Magali Saddi;; Murce Filho, Newton Freire;; Murce Filho, Newton Freire;; Silva, Barbara do Rosario Sabota; Duarte, Magalli Saddi; proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lengua extranjera (LE) en una perspectiva intercultural tiene como principio el favorecimiento de las relaciones sociales más harmónicas con diferentes pueblos, visando a los ideales de paz y de solidaridad humana. Considerando el contexto socio histórico en que esta disertación es producida, notamos la necesidad de reflexionar sobre el estudio de contenidos culturales en el proceso de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje de LE en una perspectiva intercultural, pues este puede favorecer la sensibilización para el desarrollo de una postura intercultural, contribuyendo para la constitución de una sociedad más harmónica, tolerante a las diferencias y menos prejuiciosa. Esta investigación se orienta principalmente en el siguiente referencial teórico: Brasil (1996, 1998, 2011), Canale (1995), Canale y Swan (1980), Casal (1997, 1999, 2003), Chaui (2008), Delors (1998), Díaz (2005), García (2005), Geertz (1989), Laraia (2005), López (2005), Miquel y Sans (1992), Thompson (1998) y Tomlison (2003). Este estudio objetiva analizar los contenidos culturales del libro texto (LT), de lengua española, Cercanía (COIMBRA; CHAVES; ALBA, 2012), del 9º año, de la Enseñanza Básica y tiene como objetivos específicos: conocer la concepción de enseñanza propuestas por los autores del LT; averiguar si ese LT contempla contenidos de la cultura con mayúscula, minúscula y con K, conforme definición de Miquel y Sans (1992), verificando cuales de esos contenidos culturales favorecen más el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje intercultural; analizar si las actividades de comprensión lectora (ACL) promueven o no el proceso de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en esta perspectiva de enseñanza y el despertar de una postura intercultural; presentar sugestiones de adaptaciones y/o complementaciones de materiales didácticos (MD) que puedan enriquecer los contenidos culturales y actividades del LT en análisis, favoreciendo un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje intercultural. Esta investigación fue motivada por las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cuál es la concepción de cultura del LT Cercanía, del 9º año, aprobado por el Plano Nacional del Libro Texto (PNLT) de 2014? ¿Los contenidos culturales y las ACL sobre estos contenidos contribuyen para un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de LE en una perspectiva intercultural? ¿De qué modo los contenidos culturales y las ACL sobre estos contenidos pueden contribuir para un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de LE en una perspectiva intercultural? Se trata de un estudio bibliográfico, de carácter documental y con una perspectiva cualitativa e interpretativa. Los análisis de los datos de Cercanía apuntan que los autores cumplen, en parte, con lo que proponen en la presentación y en el manual del profesor, presentando una concepción de enseñanza multicultural, de acuerdo con un abordaje comunicativo y que integra lengua y cultura. Verificamos que los tipos de culturas (con mayúscula, minúscula y con K) no son los factores determinantes para promoción de un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje intercultural, pero sí la realización de ACL comunicativas que favorecen lecturas críticas de los aspectos culturales de la lengua albo y de la lengua materna (LM) del aprendiz de LE, bien como la mediación del profesor. Cercanía presenta tanto ACL de bases estructuralistas, cuanto de bases comunicativas, prevaleciendo las ACL del primer modo. Con esta pesquisa, percibimos que el profesor, mediador del conocimiento, tiene un papel importante en el proceso de enseñanza y el aprendizaje de LE en una perspectiva intercultural, pues él participa de la escoja del LT a ser adoptado por la escuela, planea y selecciona los contenidos culturales para sus clases, elabora propuestas didácticas para complementar y/o adaptar los contenidos culturales del LT, visando atender a las especificidades de sus alumnos. Él, aun, es el principal responsable por el desarrollo de su postura intercultural y de su alumno. Por medio de esta investigación, esperamos ampliar las discusiones sobre el proceso de enseñanza y el aprendizaje de LE en una perspectiva intercultural; reflejar sobre la importancia del estudio de los contenidos culturales, del análisis y escoja del LT a ser adoptado por la escuela, de las propuestas didácticas que puedan complementar y/o adaptar los contenidos culturales del LT que presenten lagunas y de la formación continua del profesor.Item A mediação do professor no processo de refacção textual: escrita e reescrita(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-04-24) Mateus, Patricia Oliveira Santos; Silva, Luzia Rodrigues da;; Silva, Luzia Rodrigues da; Lima, Maria Cecília de; Freire, Silvana MatiasThe writing of texts, in many school contexts, is still an activity that daunts our students. However, we must try to know and use our language in a better way in all demanded social practices. For this reason, we decided to investigate the Teacher's mediation in the process of textual production and rewriting. So, our research has as its object the mediations and interventions made by a Brazilian Portuguese language Teacher in the process of production and rewriting of texts done by her students. In that sense, our main objective is to find out if these mediations have any positive contribution to such process. We defend a socially situated literacy practice and we emphasize that the development of the textual conscience and also the writing domain facilitate the construction of more participative people in a textualized society where they live. We also support writing as a process and not as an isolated act, and, like every progress, it has influence on the individual's upbringing. In regard to the theorical basis, we based this study in many authors, mainly in Mikhail Bakhtin and his concepts related with dialogism, enunciation, speech, intertextuality and responsivity. About the methodology, we chose field research, with a qualitative character, in which we did a case study. We chose a basic education public school. Then we introduced our project and after the consent, we deepened in the research world through interviews, field note and also analysing the mediations made by the Teacher in each textual production offered. Our research was performed during the first semester of 2014 and it involved mediations made in three different moments.Item O riso como potência para o letramento literário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-04-28) Costa, Dayane Tosta; Cruvinel , Maria de Fátima;; Cruvinel, Maria de Fátima; Rezende , Cristiano Novaes de; Rocha, Maria Alice de Sousa CarvalhoLa experiencia estética es constitutiva del ser, y entre las diversas manifestaciones, hay literatura – manifestación fundamental para la formación de la subjetividad. La investigación del maestro es el desarrollo y ejecución de un proyecto de alfabetización literaria cuyo corazón el uso de obras de literatura infantil con contenido cómico y subversivo para desarrollar una práctica de la lectura en una clase de quinto año de la Escuela Pedro Gomes de Menezes, que se encuentra en Goiania – GO. La lectura literaria es una posibilidad de la práctica de la alfabetización, de modo que la experiencia tiene un gran potencial para el desarrollo de la imaginación y la formación crítica. Es a través del humor que tiene como objetivo desarrollar un ambiente agradable de la lectura, en la que la risa está integrado en el juego educativo como elemento de aprendizaje motivador. Anclado en la metodología de investigación-acción, que se basa en la integración de la teoría a la práctica y la reflexión sobre las actividades de docencia, investigación será desarrollar, desarrollar una práctica que consiste en secuencias didácticas en Educación Primaria y análisis de las clases celebrado dos clases. El producto, fruto de la investigación, es el resultado del análisis literario de las obras y puede iluminar otros proyectos educativos. El primer capítulo trata con la literatura y su importancia para la formación humana. El segundo capítulo se tematiza la risa de tres referencias filosóficas, Bergson, Spinoza y Bakhtin. El tercer capítulo trata el análisis literario de los libros para niños y la experiencia adquirida en la escuela. Se confirmó la hipótesis de la investigación como el poder de la risa para el desarrollo de la alfabetización literaria.Item Diretrizes curriculares e a formação de professores de geografia na rede municipal de educação de Goiânia (2005 - 2012)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-04-28) Viana, Inez Maria Milhome; Silva, Eunice Isaias da;; Silva, Eunice Isaias da; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Olanda , Elson RodriguesThis present search sought to reflect about Geography teachers' continue development by means of "Grupos de Trabalho e Estudo" (GTE) – Curriculum, that had as objective the reformulation of "Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Fundamental da Infância e da Adolescência na Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia", and the reflex of this process in the context of teacher's pedagogic practice. These professionals increased their conceptions about "Ciclos de Formação e Desenvolvimento Humano"? How do these subjects understand and linke the essential principles of " Proposta Pedagógica da RME e das Diretrizes Curriculares" that they helped to elaborate? What changes in pedagogic practice can be attributed to the teachers' participation in GTE? The investigation was by qualitative approach, using as procedure the documental research, the application of questionnaires to collect the data about teachers' participation in Geography GTE and the implications of this participation in their pedagogic practice, in addition the participant observation in the classroom, characterized by the interaction between researcher and researcher subjects. The obtained results allowed to conclude that GTE of Curriculum establishes in an important formative space to exchange ideas, of experiences and discussion among pairs, favoring directly teacher's action in the scholar institution. This motivated the elaboration of one proposal of the project of Geography teacher's development, as one of the resulting products of the search.Item Atividade de leitura colaborativa em espanhol: uma estratégia de ensino para promover a aprendizagem significativa crítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-04-30) Sellanes, Rosana Beatriz Garrasini; Freire, Silvana Matias;; Murce Filho, Newton Freire;; Murce Filho , Newton Freire; Silva, Barbara do Rosário Sabota; Freire, Silvana MatiasComo profesora de Lengua Española que actúa en la Educación Básica percibí que los profesores del área enfrentan dificultades al momento de elegir un material didáctico que norteé el proceso de enseñanza y les dé soporte a los alumnos durante su aprendizaje. Esto ocurre porque el material disponible en el mercado, ni siempre considera los conocimientos previos adquiridos a lo largo de los años de estudio y, consecuentemente, la secuencia del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de una fase para la otra, o sea, de la segunda fase de la Enseñanza Fundamental (EF), para la Enseñanza Media (EM). Esta situación, muchas veces, exige que el profesor elabore o adapte materiales y proponga actividades que contemplen a las necesidades de los alumnos y sean próximas a su contexto, con la intención de estimular la construcción del conocimiento y tornar el aprendizaje más significativo. Además, existe una demanda de los alumnos de la EM, específicamente, los del tercer año. Estos alumnos necesitan prepararse para ingresar a la universidad, por medio de evaluaciones que priorizan el dominio de la comprensión lectora en la Lengua Extranjera (LE). Por este motivo, el contacto con la lectura en LE y con los diferentes géneros textuales son muy importantes. Además de la falta de un material adecuado y de las especificidades de los alumnos de la EM, también destaco mi preferencia por trabajar con las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), como un recurso didáctico, y con actividades colaborativas que promuevan la interacción entre los alumnos y un aprendizaje más significativo. La Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo (TAS), de Ausubel (1963, 1968), fue la base teórica inicial de esta investigación. Sin embargo, durante el estudio del referencial teórico, observé que es posible avanzar y direccionar las prácticas educativas para un Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico (ASC), propuesto por Moreira (2005, 2011). En esta perspectiva, el aprendizaje necesita considerar el contexto sociocultural del alumno (VYGOTSKY, 1998), y darle soporte para que pueda analizar y actuar en diferentes situaciones, adquiriendo una postura más activa y consciente. Los aspectos mencionados respaldan la realización de esta investigación que propone la Actividad de Lectura Colaborativa Significativa (ALCS), como una estrategia de enseñanza, buscando, por medio de la lectura en la Lengua Española y el uso de las TIC, promover un ASC. El objetivo principal de esta investigación consiste, por lo tanto, en desarrollar la ALCS y analizar todo el proceso. Específicamente, constatar que efectos ella proporciona para un ASC del conocimiento, verificar cuáles son los beneficios de la ALCS para perfeccionar la comprensión lectora de la Lengua Española y analizar las percepciones de los participantes sobre la propuesta. En este sentido, demostrar las posibles contribuciones para la Educación Básica y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de LE. La ALCS se desarrolla en contexto híbrido, o sea, en contexto que posibilita unir actividades en el aula y fuera del aula. La ALCS fue desarrollada durante un bimestre, con los alumnos del tercer año de la EM de una escuela pública Federal, en 2014. Los instrumentos utilizados para colectar los datos fueron cuestionarios, entrevistas, la interacción comunicativa entre los participantes, las producciones de los alumnos (orales y escritas) y los apuntes de campo de la profesora participante. Los resultados obtenidos fueron positivos, pues la ALCS favoreció el perfeccionamiento de la comprensión lectora, de los alumnos, en Lengua Española, al mismo tiempo que integró las demás habilidades (oral, escrita, auditiva). Para los alumnos, la ALCS les posibilitó el contacto con la realidad sociocultural de otros países, además de momentos de interacción y de colaboración. La ALCS permitió desarrollar la criticidad y el pensamiento metacognitivo de los alumnos que demostraron responsabilidad con su proceso de aprendizaje y una participación más activa, por lo tanto, un ASC del conocimiento.Item Formação colaborativa na perspectiva sócio-histórico cultural: a dialética da inclusão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-05-04) Miranda , Vera Kran Gomes; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro; Silva, Regis Henrique dos Reis; Freire, Silvana MatiasThis dissertation is the result of a collaborative teacher training project developed with primary and elementary educators who work at Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Rialma, in Goiás. In an inclusive dialectical perspective, this actionresearch highlights the learning process of students with special educational needs. It is divided in four chapters in which all the theoretical and practical aspects are enlaced and completed by one another. The first chapter describes all methodological paths, which began with an Opening Seminar and ended with an Empirical Study. The second chapter deals with the organization of the collaborative study group, which was formed by six (6) educators who agreed to participate. In the third chapter the conclusions of the studies are described, and show how they guided a new way of planning lessons which is based on the tenets of the historical-critical pedagogy and the historical-cultural theory (LEONTIEV, A.N. 2004, 2012, 2012a; SAVIANI, D. 1991, 2012; VIGOTSKII, L. S. 1994, 2001, 2012). The fourth and last chapter concludes the research with the description and the analysis of the empirical study developed in the classroom of one of the teachers/participants of the Primeiro Ano 1 (First Degree 1). All the work aimed at explaining how, in each phase of the research, the teachers assimilated the critical theories of education, untied their practices from some old concepts and created lesson plans that, through practice founded theoretically, served as base for the organization, application and reelaboration of literacy activities. Mediated by the teachers, in an inclusive dialectical process, collaborative tasks were developed in small groups of students, thus creating a positive interdependent teaching and learning process among the less and the more experienced peers.Item Coordenação pedagógica e a mediação da formação docente na educação de jovens e adultos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-05-12) Corrêa, Wilian Cândido; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo; Rodrigues, Maria Emília de Castro; Costa, Sônia Santana daThis study aims to know and describe the areas of functions of the Pedagogical Coordination in the face of teacher training in the workplace. This is a qualitative research, with use of ethnographic instruments, based on referential of criticalreflective conception, in order to know and identify the main aspects to the continuous training of teachers, in view of the forms of mediation given by the Pedagogical Coordinators and the reasons why the teacher development is produced and legitimized in the public schools of education of youth people and adults in the Anápolis-GO. In view of the methodological procedures, the study is divided in three chapters based in documentary/literature research and in field research. The data were collected through questionnaires, observations, interviews and practical intervention (training workshop). The field research was delimited to a group of fifteen teachers and four teachers who are in position of Pedagogical Coordination of in Municipal Basic Education for youth people and adults. To carry out the analysis and interpretation of the collated corpus were fundamental some studies of Barcelos (2007), Bolzan (2002), Bruno (2009), Conceição (2010), Demailly (1997), Libâneo (2010-2008), Nóvoa (2007), Paiva (2003), Perrenoud (2002), Tardif (2005), Vasconcelos (2005), among others. First, it was possible to understand that the definition of parameters based on the concern to establish communicative links with the Pedagogical Coordination can contribute to the improvement of the action plan of the training guidelines that guide the teaching of professionals from the youth people and adults education. Although the results observed in this study have pointed out that the Pedagogical Coordination should have the observation of teaching practice, the functional progression and the constant updating and training strategies, we note that to date there were no effective actions of this nature in that demarcation of this analysis. Therefore, the need to seek understanding from the direction of criticalreflexive education, going thus beyond the simple analysis of the teaching practices but to give visibility to both the collective work about the experiences resulting from this work.Item O ensino do judô como possibilidade de minimização da violência física entre alunos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-05-29) Cordeiro Junior, Orozimbo; Costa, Sônia Santana da;; Costa, Sônia Santana; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Silva, Alcir Horácio daThis dissertation links to the research line “Theoretical-methodological conceptions and teaching practices” of the Professional Master Program in Teaching in Basic Education of the Center of Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). By means of the pedagogical practice by the teaching of judo, can one develop practices to diagnose, prevent and reduce violence among students? This question instigated us to make the research, having the teaching of judo as mediator object and element between conflicted relations among students. The general goal of the research was to realize an investigation into the pedagogical possibilities which the teaching of judo has to diagnose, prevent and reduce the physical violence among students. In specific goals we tried to: (a) investigate physical violence situations in the school context, in order to understand how this dynamics settles in interpersonal relationships among students, and check the perception and reaction of the teachers and staff in regard to the assaults practiced by students; (b) use judo teaching in class, adapting the constitutive elements of martial arts from an educational and preventive point of view, in order to hinder aggression among peers; (c) evaluate the use of pedagogical practice of the teaching of judo to adjust interpersonal relationships among students; (d) develop teaching material that may benefit other teachers to understand the meaning and the significance that judo practice may reach in the educational process. The main hypothesis is that, by means of judo practice, it may be possible to develop preventive action, reducing physical violence among school children. The theoretical-methodological framework used in this research was based upon the method of the Historical-Dialectical Materialism, which stands by a view of the world, as well as of the human being, that overrules the naturalization of physical violence. It understands this phenomenum as a manifestation of conflict among varying economic interests within class structure, and in interpersonal relationships. This paper follows a qualitative-quantitative logics, according to Santos Filho and Gamboa (2001). It uses critical-action research, based upon the studies of Tripp (2005), in a socio-historical perspective, on the grounds of the work of Marx ang Engels (1998), Vygotsky (1998), Saviani (2008, 20120), and Collective Authorship (2009). The research was carried out in CEPAE, in two seventh-grade groups. Judo classes video recordings and pictures, as well as a questionnaire to identify physical violence among students, and interviews with teachers and staff, recorded in audio, were employed as tools to investigate the presented reality. It was possible to measure through the graphics, the data about the physical violence by understanding of the students, teachers and school staff, aiming to link this data to publications about the theme. We develop a teaching material as synthesis of our work. At the end of work we consider the use of judo as purposeful discipline to develop reducers and preventive teaching works against the physical violence among students.Item A prática da leitura de poesia para a formação humana e crítica do aluno no ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-15) Ribeiro, Cleunice Terezinha da Silva; Silva, Célia Sebastiana;; Silva, Célia Sebastiana; Cruvinel, Maria de Fátima; Assumpção, Albertina VicentiniThis dissertation is a study about the poetry reading contribution to human and critical development of high school’s students. The research subject is poetry reading of two modern poets and two contemporary writers, as follows: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira, José Paulo Paes and Paul Leminski. This research discusses the role of poetry in the classroom, considering the educational process of literary reading, as wells as it investigates how the poetry of these poets can contribute to human development and critical students in high school. The implementation of the work follows the guidances of Bordini and Aguiar Recepcional Method (1993), with questionnaires, poetry analysis (didactic sequence), essay productions and a reading memorial construction. The research questions include the investigation of theoretical texts and official documents that deal with themes about poetry and humanization, poetry and criticism. In order to achieve this, it was recruited as a theoretical approach Jorge Larrosa (2000), Antonio Candido (2004), Todorov (2009), Octavio Paz (1993); and documents Education Law (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional LDBEN, 1996); Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs, 1999); Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio (OCPEM, 2006), among others. The conclusions of this study point to the poetry reading mediation in the classroom and the critical and human development.Item O uso da calculadora como recurso de tecnologia assistiva no ensino de aritmética para os alunos com deficiência intelectual inseridos na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-22) Rodrigues, Lis Borges; Civardi, Jaqueline Araújo;; Civardi, Jaqueline Araújo; Peixoto, Joana; Kranz, Cláudia RosanaBy acting in the pedagogical coordination and follow up the difficulties presented by some teachers to teach mathematical concepts to adult learners, especially those with intellectual disabilities, the Elementary School entered in the Youth and Adult Education, became interested in investigating: How calculator is sets as an Assistive Technology for numeracy teaching for students with Intellectual Disabilities in Elementary Education of EJA and what are the possible impacts of using these technologies in the learning of these students? From that context began the research that is object is numeracy teaching for students with intellectual disabilities through the use of the calculator as an Assistive Technology feature. This question gave rise to this work, carried out through a qualitative research, the method is a method of educational intervention research, whose main objective is to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention with the use of Assistive Technology. It was used as a theoretical contribution of authors who address and discuss topics: Mathematics Education, Youth and Adult Education, Inclusive Education and Intellectual Disability whose understandings and theoretical concepts run counter to established to carry out this work. Some authors have referred to us were Freire (1987), D'Ambrósio (1990); Fonseca (2012); Ponte (1989; 1992; 2014); Vygotsky (1994, 2001, 2004, 2014); Moysés (2012); Machado (2013); Mantoan (2003, 2006a; 2006b); Vargas; Maia (2011); Paulon; Freitas; Pinho (2005) and Vasconcellos (1995). Mediation has emerged based on theoretical assumptions and Vygotsky through speeches and records of educators and students, divided into two subcategories: pedagogical mediations and the use of the calculator articulated to other mediators resources, which helped to unveil the initial research problem and objectives, directing the search for possible answers. The result of the analysis allowed us to assess that the objectives regarding the use of the calculator as an assistive technology resource, were included as contributed to the students could have more independence and autonomy in school activities involving mathematical concepts, offered new possibilities for learning and generated results for the students that went beyond the school walls.Item (Re) conhecer a cultura cigana: uma proposta de inclusão ao currículo escolar em Trindade-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-23) Mota, Maria Lúcia Rodrigues; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues;; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues; Rabelo, Danilo; Teixeira, Rafael SaddiThis paper refers to the study of a gypsy community in the city of Trindade-GO, whose members reside in the sectors Vila Pai Eterno, Samarah and Serra Dourada. The objective of this study was to (re) learn the culture of this community, recording the by observing their customs, reports and interviews. Our main purpose is the formalization and the inclusion of the culture of Trinity Roma to resume the Field School, located in Vila Pai Eterno and a significant portion of gypsy pupils. Initially, we present the gypsy, its history, origin and identity. Following, we carry on about the gypsy in Brazil and Trindade, reflecting about their culture, traditions and the relationship with the field school. When considering the inclusion relevant factor and from the perspective of cultural diversity, we realize that despite the school not refuse to effect the registration of gypsy either favors its culture, creating a partial character of inclusion. We elect the methodologies of participant research and Ethnography, as both prioritize techniques that allow to know the object through unwritten testimonies, dialogue with other written sources. To make an effective teaching practice and promotes socialization and dialogue with the cultural diversity present in school, we analyze the new Curriculum Guidelines National General for Basic Education (BRASIL, 2010a), the National Curricular Parameters (PCN), the School Rules and the political-pedagogical project of the school field, as well as other documents such as the Law of Directives and Bases (LDB), which allow the school to build their curriculum to meet local specificities, prioritizing multiculturalism. As immediate educational products linked to our studies, we propose texts that present the origin of the Roma, teaching sequence and glossary of terms and expressions Roma. For socializing the results, it is proposed to present the final work to other public schools in Trindade.Item Literatura e história em quadrinhos (HQ) na educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-07-08) Santos, Wanderley Alves dos; Cruvinel, Maria de Fátima;; Cruvinel, Maria de Fátima;; Silva, Célia Sebastiana da; Suanno, João HenriqueThe reading training in basic education has been a challenge in contemporary society, characterized by digital practices and by the abundance of visual elements, which requires expanding the possibilities of discursive genres approach, among which the literary genre is included. The literature - as well as many other art expressions - is understood as a right of the human being, as it is vital and transformative (CANDIDO, 2010), and because of that, it needs to become, effectively an object of practices mediated by school where, according to, many children and young people, it is a place of unique access to literary reading. The present research is about the possibility of ensuring that young students can experience aesthetic experiences, by investigating and proposing the interdisciplinary dialog between literature, especially the classic ones and the arts, in the form of comics. The access to many artistic languages, interacting with the visual culture must be a school concern (BARBOSA, 2010). Immersed in a broad universe of visual culture to which the contemporary people are exposed, the comics as a subject can be addressed in the school as a possibility of approximating the visual arts, in dialog with the literature. Based on assumptions that guide the pedagogical action in teaching visual arts and literature, the concept of literary literacy (PAULINO; COSSON, 2009), and by the notion of semiosis (SANTAELLA, 2012), this research presents a reading project involving the novel Dom Casmurro written by Machado de Assis, and two versions of the same literary work in a comic version, developed with students from high school. The project implementation, developed in the form of didactic sequence, indicates the confirmation of the hypothesis that the association between the subjects; literature and visual arts can draw young students attention to the literary readings, and it also leads students to artistic appreciation, adding to the effective aesthetic experience in the educational field and to the reading training. This mentioned production in comic of formatted, presented as an appendix in this paper, and represents the didactics sequence research product.Item Numa fôrma seriada o conteúdo é “ciclo”: territorialidades de escolares migrantes, do texto ao contexto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-28) Costa, Liliane Tosta; Silva, Rusvênia Luiza Batista Rodrigues da;; Silva, Rusvênia Luiza Batista Rodrigues da; Rabelo, Danilo; Costa , Sônia Santana daUna búsqueda de "un contenido de mohos de serie es" ciclo ": territorialidades escuela migrante, del texto al contexto" vino de mi práctica docente en una escuela periférica Escuela Municipal en Goiania. Durante mi experiencia como profesor y coordinador de educación, señaló que los niños de otras regiones del país, especialmente el noreste, tuvieron un comportamiento peculiar. Tímido, generalmente no participan en clase y cuando hablaban, recibió críticas por parte de otros estudiantes debido al acento distintivo de la región de la que proceden. Es muy difícil la inserción de estos niños a la nueva cultura a la que están expuestos. Por lo tanto, el objeto de esta investigación son los migrantes del noreste en el contexto escolar. El principal objetivo es discutir el lugar de los migrantes en los documentos oficiales y en el contexto escolar. Dentro del enfoque cualitativo, nos dirigimos a el estudio de caso como metodología. Hicimos observaciones, entrevistas y cuestionarios con los profesores y los estudiantes migrantes. La encuesta encontró que uno de los retos, la (re) territorialización de la escuela, se refiere a la organización de ciclos de Formación y Desarrollo Humano que se hayan presentado las escuelas municipales de Goiania. Los estudiantes procedentes de otros sistemas escolares han faltado el respeto a su vida escolar y están matriculados por edad en las escuelas en Goiania, esto puede causar una brecha currículo teniendo en cuenta los estudiantes migrantes que iniciaron sus estudios estudiado tarde o nunca. Las cuestiones relacionadas con los proyectos relativos a la diversidad cultural pueden contribuir a la enseñanza de las prácticas se desarrollan acciones dirigidas a la tolerancia cultural. Un proyecto educativo que se da cuenta de que las identidades regionales son fluidas, híbrido y que el intercambio cultural es la mejor manera de ayudar al estudiante migrante en el proceso de aprendizaje de la negociación, conocimientos y experiencias es necesario.Item Lili inventa o mundo onde não falta poesia: a mediação da leitura literária nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-07) Souza, Andréa Alves da Silva; Silva, Célia Sebastiana;; Silva, Célia Sebastiana; Ribeiro, Renata Rocha; Carvalho, Maria Alice de SousaThis dissertation aims to analyze and discuss the mediation process of literary reading, with an emphasis on poetry reading, within the family context and at school. It is intended to be investigated whether children who enter the first grade of elementary school, whit more systematic practices of literary reading with and within family, are able to have better reading skills at school. Based on authors like Azevedo (2004 e 2005), Bakhtin (2003 e 2006), Candido (2004), Cosson (2014), Faria (2004), Souza (2004), Spiegel (2001), Vygotsky (1987), Zilberman (1986 e 1987), Huizinga (2012) and others, this research initially presents a reflection on the formation of literary readers and the reading mediation to demonstrate how literary reading favors the child’s transit through the world of invention and fantasy. This process not only results in creative, cognitive, social, and cultural development but also contributes to a more humanized education. In sequence, it is discussed the role of poetry in the construction of the children’s universe of play. Therefore, the books Lili inventa o mundo, Sapato furado and O sapo amarelo, written by Mario Quintana, but these last two used as supplements, were selected as the corpus of analysis of this dissertation. The main goal is to demonstrate how the world of play, fantasy and imagination presented by the poems, effectively contributes to the formation of the child as a reader. Associated with this, some research tools, such as the questionnaire and the interview, were applied. In addition to these, some actions were performed, as part of a field research, as a way to debate how family and school’s mediation (in the early grades) contributes to the child’s education as a reader. The results indicate the importance of the family as the first mediator in the reader’s education process and the continuity of this mediation in the early stages of schooling. However, it is also evident that the school environment is the main guide of the education process of the literary reader, especially the poetry reader. It is believed that the work with this text genre with the student inside classroom can overcome the stage of schooling and allow the adult to keep reading. After all, the teacher is also provocative, conductor of paths for reading, so that the child can, in another phase, venture out alone.Item Representações docentes sobre educação para as relações étnico-raciais em um CMEI de Goiânia: entre a teoria e práxis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-21) Alvarenga, Hilda Maria de; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo;; Siqueira, Romilson Martins; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria DiasThis study, enrolled in the search line School Practice and Knowledge Application, had as its central objective: to understand the professionals of teaching representations of early childhood education in relation to the educational process of ethnic and race relations, in a Municipal Center of Goiania. We treat both analyze how to propose growth alternatives in the discussion regarding the effectiveness of teaching practices possibilities involving ethnic-racial relations in kindergarten. This study was based on the following specific objectives: approach the discussions for the education of ethnic-racial relations in early childhood education from the perspective of human rights; understand the fundamentals of education for racial ethnic relations in the context of research; investigate how the elements that constitute the identity of reverberate professionals in their pedagogical practices with respect to education for ethnicracial relations of children in its educational context. This case study has provided us with the all of the elements that constitute the identities of professions as well as possibilities in the perception of the senses and meanings that involve teaching practice from the perspective of the subjects participating in the research. These senses and meanings were linked articulately to the historical and socio-cultural context which they operate. As for the instruments and procedures we use, they document, analyze, and carry out observations, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to listen to the professionals. Our theoretical perspective for the Education of Racial-Ethnic Relations is based on contributions from Nilma Lino Gomes (2003.2005, 2006b, 2007, 2011), Kabengele Munanga (1999, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010) and Petronilla Beatriz Gonçalves and Silva (2003a, 2006, 2007, 2008). In the field of human rights contributed studies of authors such as Santos (2009) and Candau (2012). For Early Childhood Education were utilized Gomes's studies (2006a), Cerisara (2004), Kramer (2003), Rosenberg (2012) and Sarmento (2003), which also address the training. In this way the systematization of the results of this work is among of one the purposes we contribute to discussions about the effectiveness of teaching practices based on the thematic approach covering education for ethnic-racial relations in everyday childhood education institution, as it is from a systematic work that ensures they feel actually represented in context and they promise a right to know the cultural elements from every forming hues of Brazilian culture.Item História das religiões: uma alternativa curricular para o ensino religioso em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-23) Lopes, Évely Adriana de Lima; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Ferreira, Evandson Paiva; Vreewijk, Anna Maria DiasThis work is a reflection on the religious education in public schools in Goiás. We looked in on the concept of secularism as a fundamental principle of democratic governments and Re-publicans on the relationship of this principle within the Brazilian public school and all de-rived implications there. Religion is an integral element in building the identity of a people and understood as a sym-bolic system practices and beliefs relating to the invisible world of supernatural beings. Therefore, the History of Religions is also the result of social, political and economic estab-lished in a society. Faced with a series of thematic alternative, we made the deliberate choice to meet more fully the guiding material for religious education classes in public schools: the curriculum. Also examine the set of pageants, cultural, social and policies that guided the presence of religious education in public schools in Brazil. Understand the religious culture of a people is key to understanding its history. We seek to investigate the school's relationship with their social environment and social contradictions that manifest themselves in the strug-gle for a democratic school for all. The initial conflict presented in the subject of questioning part of a hypothetical-deductive reasoning. With its commitment to work is to help the Religious Education teachers from public schools in the state of Goiás can expand their benchmarks for the recognition of cultural diversity, ethnic-racial and religious that compose the Brazilian society through the curriculum. The suggested educational product is a proposed curriculum for religious education in high school under a new nomenclature: History of Religions, with input from other areas of knowledge such as history, sociology, philosophy, art, geography and language.Item Formação de professores em atendimento educacional especializado: experiência de um curso semipresencial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-17) Vieira, Andrea Hayasaki; Peixoto, Joana;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro; Peixoto, Joana; Toschi, Mirza Seabra; Freire, Silvana MatiasThis study focuses on the ongoing formation of the Atendimento Educacional Especializado - AEE (Specialized Educational Services), in the blended mode, using Tecnologia da Informação e da Comunicação – TICs (Information and Communication Technology) resources. To answer the question, “Can a blended ongoing education course using TICs, with a dialectical perspective, contribute to transforming the practice of teachers working in the AEE?”, a pilot project called Curso de Extensão em Educação Especial: inclusão e letramento (Extension Course in Special Education: inclusion and literacy) was carried out with a group of seven AEE Municipal teachers from the Goiânia Secretariat for Education, using the Moodle Platform in the site The general aim of this study was to identify a structure of ongoing education courses which cooperates with teacher self-transformation practices, in multi-functional resource rooms. Thus, the planning of activities set out to: recognize the problem experienced by teachers in their multi-functional resource rooms; design theoretical studies related to their teaching practice; and, (re)organize their Planos de Atendimento Educacional Especializado - PAEE (Specialized Educational Service Plans), using TICs resources. Each step was designed according to Vygotsky’s Fundamentals of Defectology (1995), which states that the disabled person is not less capable, but, on the contrary, has cognitive skills which provide for a broader organization of their way of learning. This demands that the educator identifies and understands teaching strategies which facilitate their development. The thinking of Nóvoa (1995), Demo (2000), Mantoan (2006) and Freitas (2007) also contributed to this organization, in their defense of an ever self-generating formation for change; as did discussions by Pretto (2009) on the interactive and formative use of TICs; and official documents (BRASIL 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2015) dealing with national public policies for specialized education from the perspective of inclusion. The data presented and analyzed in this dissertation are the result of the shared experiences of the group throughout the course, which ran from April to November, 2015. Finally, teachers and researcher together concluded that it is essential that the proponent takes into account the different socio-historical-cultural realities that permeate the educational contexts, so that a blended course offered to AEE teachers can effectively contribute to their ongoing and permanent self-formation.Item Planejamento, registro e avaliação: instrumentos que ressignificam a prática docente na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-19) Ramos, Rafaela de Morais; Costa, Sônia Santana da;; Costa, Sônia Santana da; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Silva, Alcir Horácio daThe research “Planning, registration and evaluation: instruments that resignify teaching practice in children education” was developed in Pos-Graduation Program of the Master degree course in Education in Early Childhood Education of Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação/CEPAE in the Universidade Federal de Goiás, in the research area “Theoretical and methodological conceptions and teaching practices”. The question that instigates the research was: Does the teacher critically linked what plans, registrate and evaluate in order to use them as tools of analysis and reflection of their pedagogical practice? This study had as object the interrelation between planning, registration and evaluation. The locus chosen for this research was the DEI/CEPAE/UFG. The research had as general objective understand if the teacher plan, execute and do the registration articulately, critically and if use this pedagogical instruments in order to analyze and evaluate their pedagogical do. The specific objectives were: a) verify in what way theses three instruments are developed; b) indentify if the registrations allows the analysis and evaluation of their pedagogical do; c) verify if the planning is based on registrations and evaluations made; d) substantiate theoretically the knowledge about planning, registration and evaluation. Defined the historical materialist dialectical method to fundament all the way of this research, understanding that this method is configured as a philosophical basis of analysis and comprehension of the world and reality. About the method, the theoreticals basis that supports the research were: Marx and Engels (1982); Vigostki (1987); Luria (1988); Triviños (2006). The methodology used was action-research (Severino, 2007), which favored different types of interactions for a dynamic reality apprehension process in order to change it. In the theoretical reference that addresses the didactic, early childhood education and childhood in historical dialectical perspective we use the following authors: Libâneo (1991); Ostetto (2000); Corsino (2009); Vigostski (1998), Luria (2012) and Leontiev (2012). The chapters of the data analysis are based on the sociohistorical authors, who also support the pedagogical proposal of DEI/CEPAE. The teaching practices of the Department of Early Childhood Education guide the learning development in the Historic-cultural approach, whose representatives are Vygotsky (1998), Wallon (2012), Leontiev (2012) and Luria (2012). Their studies conceive the child development as a historical phenomenon not determined by universal natural laws. From the analysis of the plans, registrations and evaluations of the three participating teachers of the research, it was understood that the interrelation between the three instruments needs common categories as the theoretical conception that guides the work of the teachers - the historical cultural. Explain the complexity of this dialectic triad is a challenge, however we attempted to face it during the research and, at the end of it realized that the interrelation between planning, registration and evaluation requires the teacher a critical and reflexive posture capable of resignify their own practice appropriating the knowledge and promoting the pedagogical praxis.Item A organização do trabalho pedagógico e o trato com o conhecimento das lutas na educação física escolar no município de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-26) Gonçalves, Leonardo Conceição; Silva, Alcir Horácio da;; Carvalho, Ana Carla Dias; Ventura, Paulo Roberto VelosoThe struggles are expressions of the body culture historically produced by humanity and, therefore, indispensable to be socialized as content pertinent to the Physical Education classes in the school. In their original or adapted forms fights are present in clubs, academies and currently in the school environment, being treated as pedagogical content. However, we can see the precarious teaching of this content in public schools in Goiania or its application in a similar way to what happens in non-school spaces. In this way, this research had as problematic to recognize which elements make difficult or impossible the teaching of the struggles in the context of the Physical School education in municipal public schools Goianienses, being object of investigation the organization of the pedagogical work and the deal with the knowledge of the struggles of the teachers of Physical Education that work in this educational context. The theoretical references used in this study are Brazil (1997), Collective of Authors (1992), Gasparin (2011), Olivier (2000), Pistrak (2000), Saviani (2003), among others. The objective was to contribute with the construction of theoretical methodological elements for the teaching of the struggles in the School Physical Education. The actions that we developed during the research motivated the construction of na educational product that made possible the overcoming of outdated teaching practices still present in the Brazilian educational system. In the context of body culture, this research consolidated ways of teaching about the struggles that, by problematizing the competition, the record and the hierarchy, made evident the playfulness, the instability, and the other possibilities of teaching. We hope that this work can serve as a reference for the construction of didactic-pedagogical possibilities for dealing with the knowledge of struggles and appreciation of what is essential in this process: pedagogical practice.