Programa de Pós-graduação em História
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Item As lutas anticoloniais em Guiné-Bissau e Cabo-Verde sob a perspectiva ideológica e a trajetória política de Amílcar Cabral (1960-1974)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-14) Abadia, Danúbia Mendes; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa;; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa; Monteiro, Artemisa Odila Candé; Barbosa, Pedro; Garcia, Alysson Fernandes; Maciel, DavidThe following aim of this dissertation is to discuss the process of anticolonial liberation struggle in Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde from the political and ideological trajectory of PAIGC leader Amilcar Cabral. Thus, we address the impact of Portuguese colonialism in Guinea and Cape Verde to trace the particularities of each one of the former colonies that, although under the same exploitation regime, present different formations, which will be reflected in the entire process of anticolonial struggle. In this sense, in denying assimilation to the colonial culture, the 'Cabral Generation' developed the epistemological breakdown that made possible the anticolonial struggles in Africa. After completing the Agricultural Engineering degree in Lisbon, Cabral returned to Guinea-Bissau determined to mobilize the fight against colonialism. The experience of Amílcar Cabral as an agricultural engineer became important in the work of mobilization and in the knowledge of the various peoples and their realities. Also called "engineer of consciences", we consider the intellectual framework that was bequeathed by Amilcar Cabral, as an African theorist of armed struggle who also used theory as an efficient weapon against colonialism. For Cabral, to study was important for every revolutionary. Beyond the economic and political liberation of colonialism, it was fundamental the liberation of consciences. Hence, Cabral's thoughts highlights the maintenance of traditional practices, to the same extent that hold science and knowledge; the party's schools functioned in the liberated areas of Portuguese domain, as well as the health centers and the people’s warehouses, where the community participated in the guerrilla deployments; women also formed the army of liberation, and the fight for the liberation of women was one of the axes of the party. The PAIGC guerrilla created a state within the colony from the practices of self-organization and self-management of armed struggle. Amílcar Cabral was cowardly murdered before seeing Independence materialize, however many of his thoughts remain a landmark for political decolonization, of minds and hearts, as the liberation of the African people.Item Do paraíso terrestre à Nova Akhetaton: misticismo e política na construção de Brasília (1955 – 1990)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-20) Afiune, Pepita de Souza; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Caes, André Luiz; Reis, Marcelo Rodrigues dos; Silveira, João Paulo de Paula; Capel, Heloísa Selma FernandesThis study attempts to solve multiple and intricate phenomens that, historically, have been making Brasilia a mystical city. In it, it is possible to see how elements of a mystical nature engendered the policial plot of the history of the new Brazilian capital, with the writings of Dom Bosco, considered prophetic, the starting point of such mystical representations. A project considered audacious for its time, such as the construction of a new capital of an extensive country, migrating it to the interior of the territory, needed to legitimize itself. In this sense, the prophetic character of Don Bosco’s writings was preponderant, since Brazil in the fifties had a mostly catholic population, wich is whay the city had its spiritual baptism in 1957 under the mantle of the Catholic Church. During the research, it was possible to see that Juscelino Kubitschek maintained close relationships with several groups called mystics or esoterics, wich leads me to infer that the president outlined a more plural religious tendency than historiography has been able to show. To investigate this and other mystical phenomena involved in the construction of Brasilia, I concentrated my field research within four institutions present in the Federal District: Vale do Amanhecer, Legião da Boa Vontade, Maçonaria e Eubiose. These institutions, in particular, from the beginnings of the construction of Brasilia, continued to give materiality to the mystical character of the capital, also becoming importante tourist centers. Seeking to understand the mystical representations and images present in Brasilia from the sociological approach called “multiple modernities”, I recognize the religious character of modernity, less as an inhibitory factor of religious opportunities and more as a mechanism of potentiation and promotion of dialogues between tradition and new religiosities. Thus, this research seeks to trace, between the years 1955 to 1990, the contiguous presence of four historical landscapes in Brasilia: The first named Earthly Paradise; the second, the Promised Land; the third, the Capital of the Third Millennium; and the fourth, the New Akhetaton.Item O Hospital Real Militar: saúde e enfermidade em Villa Boa de Goyaz (1746-1827)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-12) Age, Mônica de Paula Pereira da Silva; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Anzai, Leny Caselli; Mendonça , Manuela; Salomon, Marlon JoisonThis study aimed at reconst ruct ing the history of the Hospi tal Real Mi l i ta r de Vi l la Boa de Goyaz from 1746 to 1827. It is a new theme in the historiography produced in Goiás and as such i t wi l l certainly be frui t ful to the comprehension of the history of Medicine in this state. I star t f rom the principle that inst i tut ions, which are not and have never been stat ic real i t ies, have thei r histories and roles properly establ ished, and this is one of the reasons that make them subject to analys is. Based on this research object , i t is possible to reveal : the social imaginary that was p resent in Goiás about the hospi tal ; the intervent ions of the Kingdom, wi th reference to Medicine , in the Brazi l ian colony; the Portuguese -Brazi l ian medical theories and pract ices about the body, heal th, cure, and disease; the structure of the Portuguese - Brazi l ian medical assistance in that period; the hospi tal treatment of fered to soldiers; the most recurrent diseases in the captaincy of Goiás; the therapeut ic and prophylact ic resources known and used in that period, both in the Kingdom and in the Colony; among other aspects. The main sources used in the study are: the Regulat ions for the Mi l i tary Hospi tals; the Regulat ions for the Physician-Major and the Surgeon-Major; the announcements of contract for the tasks needed in the hospi tal operat ion; the books about diet and medical prescript ions, as wel l as the l ist of medicines requested and received to fi l l up the drugstore of the hospi tal ; and the medical guides and manuals that ci rculated in the Kingdom and in i ts domains. We emphasized that the increase of mi l i tary members in the captaincy of Goiás was preponderant in the const ruct ion of a mi l i tary hospi tal before the construct ion of a civi l one in the region. Af ter al l , the soldiers were also those who cont ributed to keeping the assets of the Kingdom in Goiás, rest raining the cont raband of gold, helping in the col lect ion of the quinto, and imposing the order in the region. The hospi tals reveal , through their historical t rajectories, thei r ut i l i ty wi th regards to the heal th and the infi rmi ty of a part icular s ociety.Item As relações entre o Brasil e o Oriente Médio na fase inicial da Guerra Fria (1947-1957)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-15) Alarcon, Danillo; Patti, Carlo;; Patti , Carlo; Moreli, Alexandre; Nazareno , Elias; Melis, Nicola; Farias, Rogério de SouzaThis thesis aims to investigate and comprehend the factors that constrained and motivated Brazil-Middle East relations - particularly with Israel, Iran, and Egypt - between 1947 and 1957. The central assumption is that the context of the Cold War was fundamental to guide and shape the Brazilian understanding of the region during those ten years. The Cold War is defined based on three elements: the ideological dispute between the capitalist and the communist models for development; bipolarity; and the fight against European colonialism, that reached its peak between the 1950s and 1960s. These elements characterize the specificities of international politics between the years 1946/47 to 1990. The study shows that the context and agendas of the period channeled the way in which a share of Brazilian political and economic elites, including the diplomatic apparatus, perceived the anti-colonial struggle in the Middle East, as they saw communist subversion in nationalism, reflecting Brazilian domestic issues. Other social groups associated the anti-imperialist struggle in those countries to what was going on in Brazil itself. Themes such as nationalization and the use of natural resources and economic development were familiar to Brazil, Egypt, Iran, and Israel, despite geographical distances. The research also reveals that, in addition to the importance of the Cold War, Brazilian Catholic religiosity and cultural considerations, often discriminatory in relation to Islam, were constant components that permeated the interpretations about the events in the Middle East. Those reflected more than just stereotypes about the countries and cultures of the region, but a diplomatic attitude that demonstrated a partial and biased knowledge of Brazil itself. This thesis seeks to fill a gap in the bibliography on Brazil's relations with the Middle East in the time frame that goes from the approval of the Palestinian Partition Plan in 1947, to the deployment of the forces of the “Batalhão Suez” in 1957. For that purpose, different sources were exploited. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (MRE) in the Brasília archive, the official and confidential letters, and telegrams of the Brazilian legations in Cairo, Tel Aviv and Tehran are specially considered. From the country's printed media, material from “Tribuna da Imprensa”, “Ultima Hora”, “Imprensa Popular” and “Correio da Manhã”, among others, are used, appraising their ideological representativeness and historical importance. The latter are digitalized and made available by the “Hemeroteca Digital”, of “Fundação da Biblioteca Nacional”. Other documents available on-line are also used, including material from the series “Diário do Congresso Nacional”. The work is divided into six chapters, in addition to the Introduction and Conclusion.Item Rompendo os vínculos, os caminhos do divórcio no Brasil: 1951-1977(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-26) ALMEIDA, Maria Isabel de Moura; SANDES, Noé Freire; SANDES, N. F.Cette enquête se propose d analyser les 26 années (1951-1977), qui ont témoigné du grand affrontement entre les opposants de l institution du divorce au Brésil, parmi lesquels l Eglise Catholique et les défenseurs de sa législation, parmi eux Nelson de Souza Carneiro. Celui-ci a pris toutes les initiatives nécéssaires pour retirer le príncipe de l indissolubilité du mariage de la Constitution Fédérale de 1951 a 1977, année pendant laquelle fut aprouvée la loi nº 6.515/77, appelée Loi du Divorce ou Loi Carneiro. Pendant trois décades (1950, 1960 et 1970), pour lutter éfficacement contre le divorce, l Eglise Catholique à reagi contre les idées modernes qui faisaient en sorte que le mariage perdait de sa rigidité devant l escalade de l individualisme et l apparition de la subjectivité qui de fait, peu à peu avaient um impact dans la vie quotidiénne et les expériences personnelles, réduisant á rien les notions traditionnelles de la famille et du mariage. Les signes des nouveaux comportements et des idées nouvelles peuvent être observés dans des proportions inédites de mobilisation em faveur du divorce, dans la deuxième moitié des anées soixante-dix, a travers des manifestations publiques débats dans la presse écrite et orale. L impact de cette polemique est arrivée jusqu au Parlement qui en pleine dictature militaire a vécu avec la question du divorce, des moments rares de présence et de participation populaire massive dans les couloirs. C était la première fois, depuis l édition de l Acte Constitutionnelle nº 5 que le Congrès votait librement, sens pression, ni imposition du Palais du Planalto. Le gouvernement autoritaire du Président Ernesto Geisel a laissé ouverte la question à la conscience des parlementaires. Ainsi il a crée les conditions nécéssaires pour l approbation du divorce. L Église Catholique a été dans l obligation d accepter, malgré de véhémentes protestations, le dur coup qui a détruit la cohabitation politique qui pendant longtemps avait mis à l écart le divorce de la société brésiliénneItem A colonização militar no sertão de Amaro Leite: presídio de Santa Cruz, 1854-1864(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-08) Almeida, Maria Juliana de Freitas; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Almeida, Maria Regina Celestino de; Kodama, Kaori; Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves; Magalhães, Sônia Maria deThis thesis addresses the theme of the Military Colonization Project. The study of this project, implemented in several Brazilian provinces, including the province of Goiás, from the second half of the 19th century, aims to contribute to the historical knowledge of territorial and human conquest undertaken in Brazilian inland regions where colonization was incomplete or not yet established. The research focuses on the Santa Cruz Prison in the Sertão de Amaro Leite, with a timeframe that covers the years 1854 to 1864. This period encompasses the foundation of the prison until its transfer to the Jurupensen Port, on the banks of the Rio Vermelho, near the City of Goiás. The research aims to examine the Military Colonization Project, contextualizing its political and economic motivations, as well as analyzing its implementation in the province of Goiás, including the strategies and challenges faced. It seeks to investigate the social, political, and economic transformations resulting from the project's implementation in the Sertão de Amaro Leite region, considering its impact on the social structure and regional economy. The understanding of the relationships between the military settlers and the local population, especially the Indigenous peoples, as well as the analysis of the living conditions of the colonial prison's inhabitants, are also highlighted. The research addresses the emerging social dynamics and the strategies of coexistence and resistance adopted by the various groups involved, and the impacts of this territorial occupation policy on the Avá-Canoeiro Indigenous people, in the face of the changes caused by the colonization project. With this investigation, we hope to reflect on the history of Goiás from the perspective of the prison's inhabitants, who were both victims and protagonists of the historical scene. Our research adopted an approach that combines documentary analysis and literature review. The records were examined through quantitative analysis, including statistical data treatment. Simultaneously, we conducted a qualitative analysis aiming to understand the daily life of the colonizing institution through a process of reconstruction, representation, and comparison. The establishment of military prisons in the Sertão de Amaro Leite allowed the imperial government to have greater control over the region, as well as enabling the expansion of the non-Indigenous population in the area. The analysis of the Santa Cruz Prison reveals the multiple facets of the Military Colonization Project. While the imperial government achieved its objectives due to the increase in the non-Indigenous population and the implementation of roads and paths, the residents also experienced benefits such as strengthened security and stimulated trade. However, for the Indigenous peoples, especially the Avá-Canoeiro, the consequences were disastrous, resulting in drastic changes in their way of life and the loss of lives and territories. Through the study of the Santa Cruz Prison, we can understand the complexity and varied impacts of the military colonization project for Brazil. This deeper understanding not only enriches our knowledge of the past but also allows us to reflect on current issues related to colonization, Indigenous rights, and regional development.Item A constituição disciplinar da história global e a superação de uma dicotomia no debate entre modernidade e pósmodernidade (1990-2010)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-05-26) Alves, Frederick Gomes; Carvalho, Eugênio Rezende de;; Carvalho, Eugênio Rezende de;; Klemi, Albene Miriam Menezes; Moreli , Alexandre; Patti, Carlo; Valle, Ulisses doThis work aims to present global history as a subfield of history. It constituted itself in the three last decades incorporating the great issues of the final years of the twentieth century, and seeking to understand also the significance of the events of the 2000s. Therefore, the object of analysis is the global historiography produced between 1990 and 2010. The first chapter will seek to analyze a set of works of this trend in order to present his outlines: tasks, sources, methods, periodization and the strategies of narrative construction that capture and explain globalization; thus exposing thematic preferences of the authors. The second chapter asks about historiographical antecedents that led to the formation of this trend, and traces the history of the tension between cosmopolitanism and parochialism in several historiographical traditions, underlining the first’s suppression since the nineteenth century and its return in the second half of the twentieth century in the current of world history, from where global history emerges. The third chapter addresses the modernity/postmodernity debate documenting how it was present in the formation of global studies in the 1980s and of global history itself in the 1990s. By exposing the debate and analyzing its constitutive role in the trend of global history, it will be possible to show how the latter overcame the dichotomies of the first, incorporating: the critique of eurocentrism and of the nation-state – from postmodern thought; and fundamentally the metanarrative as the mode of writing the history of humanity – from modern thought. Thus this subfield of history recovers and actualizes a modern element through postmodern experience, the result of which is a global metanarrative, more prepared to face the dangers of Eurocentric and nation-state discourse, and more adequate to provide historical meaning in a globalized world.Item Os usos políticos da narrativa mítica em Luciano de Samósata: aspectos do regime de memória romano (séc. II D. C)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-10-09) Arantes Junior, Edson; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques;; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Maruqes; Brandão, Jacyntho José Lins; Rossi, Andrea Lúcia Dorini de Oliveira Carvalho; Sandes, Noé Freire; Vidotte, AdrianaLucian of Samosat was an important interpreter of the Roman Empire, his writings were about a varied of topics. People who study about this writer focused on two possibilities for understanding his political stance: on one hand, there are authors who consider he is disconnected from his time and sociopolitical context; on the other hand, there are those who see him as a political activist opposed to Rome. In this Thesis, we consider that Lucian has an ambiguous position, since he identifies himself as Syrian, underscores his entire Hellenic education and criticizes aspects of Roman political culture. However, we believe that he was aware of the benefits that the empire brought all dominated peoples. Thus, we can say that he was a writer who collaborated with the maintenance of the imperial system. To prove this hypothesis, we analyze his famous satirical dialogues, which were often disregarded by his interpreters. Known for combining the dour philosophical dialogue with sarcastic comedy, we understand that the writer intended to produce laughter, which would turn to the mobilization of thought. We restrict our investigation to the dialogues that use mythology as subject. The myths were thought as components of a cultural memory and thus are presented within the limits of the Roman memory system. This selection was formally organized on topics related to political power and its everyday manifestations. Thus, we are concerned with the Lucianic representation of assemblies, tyrants and the relations of the deities among them and especially with Zeus. We understand that Lucian did a thorough exegesis of his reality, highlighting and criticizing abusive postures. In his dialogues, we can see other possible dimensions of interpretation of political power in the Roman Empire.Item Entre-jornadas: coolies e negros nas plantations de trinidad, 1845 – 1890(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-05-15) Araujo, Alexandre Martins de; Garcia, Olga Rosa Cabrera;; Garcia, Olga Rosa Cabrera; Ganem, Eliane; Ferreira, Jo-Anne Sharon; Mello, Maria Therezinha Ferraz Negrão de; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte daThis study is on the relationship between Indian and African Descendant Community in Trinidad during the nineteenth century. Theses two populations coexisted under the tense atmosphere involving all kinds of stereotypes, dispersion policies and interest wars from local gazettes playing in defense of each involved group. Thus arises the following question: how was it possible for the two groups to work together, that is, in the same space of plantation, without serious conflicts? A probable response to this question is found on perception of existence of cultural negotiation spaces, built up by circumstance of “liminal stage”, into the “journeys”, in which people from different cultures can temporally seeing each other without social status.Item Um estudo sobre o fenômeno migratório enquanto dínamo do programa de contrarreforma agrária no Brasil (1974-1985)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-10) Araújo, Marco Aurélio Corrêa de; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa;; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa; Maciel, David; Maia, Cláudio Lopes; Barbosa, Walmir; Duarte, Pedro HenriqueThis doctoral thesis is focused on an investigation of part of the historical trajectory of the Superintendence for Development of the Midwest Region (SUDECO), aiming to understand the actions of the Brazilian State - through both names linked to institutional management and the actions of the various responsible bodies for the control of internal migrations in the national territory -, aimed at the regional territory, during the context of action of the so-called “special programs”. In this scenario, the State's search, allied with the owners of capital, for the control of social layers that are “threatening” to the current political and economic system can be seen. In this context, the aim is, fundamentally, to verify how this issue of internal migration is of paramount importance for understanding the consolidation of monopoly capital in the region in focus and, consequently, for the achievement of a counter-agrarian reform program.Item Os Javaé e o protestantismo: salvação e resistência (1896-1937)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-04-30) Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Brighenti, Clovis Antônio; Silva, Sandro Dutra e; Moura, Noêmia dos Santos Pereira; Silva, Maria do Socorro Pimentel daThis research seeks to analyze the decolonial posture of the Berò Biawa Mahadu (Javaé) people of the Araguaia Valley, then North of Goiás, present state of Tocantins, facing the processes of salvation and civilization proposed by the Protestant missionaries, between 1896 and 1937, through of attitudes of resistance concerning the project in question, whose results were the small result on the part of the protestant missionary projects to the time. It is a decolonial investigation, anchored in the recent debates carried out by the Collective of Modernity-Coloniality-Decoloniality researchers (M/C/D), a group of intellectuals from diverse areas of knowledge who guide their theoretical perspectives in function of the critique of modernity from categories such as transdisciplinarity, coloniality of power, of being and of knowledge and critical interculturality, among others (CASTRO-GOMEZ, 2005; ESCOBAR, 2005; MALDONADO-TORRES, 2016; MIGNOLO, 2010; NAZARENO, 2017a; 2017b; WALSH, 2009; 2010; 2013). We have as basic premises the non-methodologies of ethnohistory (NAZARENO, 2017b), proximity (SUÁREZ-KRABBER, 2011) and the conversation (HABER, 2011). Through them we conjecture that the Protestant missionaries executed, in the First Republic, travels of knowledge in the region of the Valley of the Araguaia like observer agents allegedly placed in a neutral place. Although immersion (engagement) in the indigenous environment (way of life, cosmology, food, mother tongue) led to contradictory perceptions of indigenous peoples, indigenous people influenced more than they were influenced. Besides that, due to the experience of attempted evangelization, indigenous peoples such as the Javaé resisted the intentions of Protestant missionaries, taking refuge in the interior of Bananal Island, leaving this isolationist position already in the middle of the twentieth century.Item Metamorfoseando a vida: a escrita autobiográfica de Herculine/Abel Barbin (1838-1868)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-20) Araujo, Patrícia Simone de; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Pereira, Robson Mendonça; Silva, Leicy Francisca da; Abreu, Jean Luiz NevesThis research intention to analyze the autobiographical memories of Herculine/ Abel Barbin (1838-1868). The history of this personality draws attention for being born as a hemaphrodite inthe middle of France, in the middle of the 19 th century.In this sense, the central objective of this investigation is to examine how she or him interpreted her body and sexuality through intimate writing in face of the moral and medical concepts of her time.For this, the autobiographical method was used, mainly drinking inthe contributions of Loriga (2011), Dosse (2009), Vilas-Boas (2014) and Lejune (2008). In addition, to reflect on the issue of the body from the perspective of the normal dichotomy versus pathological, the contributions of Canguilhem (2009) and Foucault. To portray the hermaphrodite’s conceptions, the studies by Leite Júnior (2011) and Dreger (1998) were fundamental.Regarding the issue of sex, gender and sexualities, it is mostly supported by the studies of Laqueur (2001) , Foucault (1998) and Butler. Whit this theoretical contribution as a subsidy, it was observed that Barbin expressed an interpretative originality in relation to the pejorative vision that his era him, destabilizing the stage of certainties created by western societies about sex and sexuality. He decided to reconstruct himself by meand of a narrative identity unrelated to the deem of blame, but linked to an unjust person. It subvert the ignoble conception that the social had on this body, absent himself from any condemnation. For she or him, the big mistake was in the social standars formulated about sex and sexuality, and not in her or him. Thus, Barbin, through his text, made it possible to envision a being marked not only by pain, but above all, a courageous person who did not sumit to the standards of his time in the way of conceiving his body and place in the world, having thus, in his writing, a way to challenge the rules and morality in force at the time.Item A sociedade luso-africana do Rio de Janeiro (1930-1939): uma vertente do colonialismo português em terras brasileiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-09) Assunção, Marcello Felisberto Morais de; Paulo, Heloisa Helena de Jesus;; Serpa, Elio Cantalicio;; Serpa, Elio Cantalicio;; Thomaz, Omar Ribeiro; Gonçalves, Leandro Pereira; Sandes, Noé Freire; Maciel, DavidThe aim of this study is to analyze the colonial project of the Portuguese-African Society in Rio de Janeiro through the analysis of the twenty editions of its Bulletin (1931-1939), as well as books, booklets and other types of publication made by the members of the Society. In order to do so, we initially investigate the conditions from which the “imperial nationalism”, of which the Bulletin is a strong expression, emerged. In the following chapters, we seek to understand the many peculiarities of the Bulletin by evidencing the trajectory of the Portuguese-African Society in Rio de Janeiro in its two main moments: from the veiled criticism to the Salazar government and the search for a strong “panluso coalition” (1931-1934), to the rejection of the Estado Novo in the final years of the Bulletin (1935-1939). We grasp these transformations by inspecting varied sources, mainly the editorials of the Bulletin. Next, we explore the political senses of the “pan-lusitanism” within the larger logic of the “pan-ethinicisms”, also discussing the pan-lusitan discourse shown in the “Cartilha Colonial” by Augusto Casimiro and in the Bulletin. After that, we analyze the colonial project of the republican military-administrators and correspondent members of the Society, emphasizing the criticism these people made to the colonial practices of the Salazarism and the idealized mirroring in the “Norton de Matos model”. Finally, we investigate the relationship between the historiography of colonialism and the Africanist studies with the ideology of “imperial vocation”, present in the hegemonic colonial knowledge in the 30s. All in all, the careful examination of the discourse of the Bulletin and other publications by the Society allow us to visualize the particularities of the republican colonialism in the middle of the Salazarist political hegemony in the 30s. This discourse can be considered a vanguard of the colonial reformism, which will become stronger in the 50s. The defeat of the project of the colonial reformism in the 30s is an expression of the fact that, in times of Estados Novos, the “democratic” rhetoric (even if restricted to discourse) has no place.Item Morte e poder: o Mosteiro da Batalha e a construção da memória funerária de Avis no contexto Ibérico (Século XV)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-25) Azevedo, Hugo Rincon; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Gomes, Saul António; Rincón, David Nogáles; Nascimento, Renata Cristina de Sousa; Oliveira, TerezinhaThe Dynasty of Aviz established in the government of King John I as the ruler of Portugal in 1385, had throughout the 15th and early 16th centuries an intense concern with the construction and preservation of the royalty memory. Be it the crystallization of memory produced through written documents, such as royal chronicles or through monuments, such as the Santa Maria da Vitória Monastery. Built on the outskirts of Aljubarrota (1385), the monastery became a royal pantheon, a place of memory and symbol of power when it withheld the remains of kings and members of the reigning house. In this way, the medieval period saw the old conception of "good death" transformed into a Christianized death at different rates, which shaped the customs of dying in an attempt to control it by the individual, with the mediation of the Church, through the necessary rituals for the guarantee to the salvation of the soul. The cult of the dead has become the main mechanism for celebrating the memory of death, which, along the adoption of these practices by the aristocracy, has become a great manifestation of power. In the last centuries of the Middle Ages, monarchies appropriated those conceptions, resulting in the production of dynastic and secular histories destined to legitimize the power of princes. In Portugal between the 15th and 16th centuries, the chroniclers of the House of Aviz built speeches idealizing the passing of the monarchs of the dynasty. We analyzed the narratives about the kings of Aviz (John I, Edward I, Afonso V and John II) and the members of the royal family (Queen Philippa of Lancaster and the princes of the "Illustrious Generation") buried in Batalha Monastery. We problematize the relations between the idealization of the death of these kings present in the narratives and in the ceremonial produced in memory of their deaths. To understand this process, we resort to the Comparative History method. We chose as comparative analysis objects the chronistic speeches of the death of the kings of Aviz in Portugal and of Trastámara in Castile in the 15th century, along with the construction of funerary monuments as symbols of legitimation and dynastic propagandaItem Entretempos do corpo e da voz na escrita de artista como história: testemunho e (des)construção de representações na escritura biográfica de Estércio Marquez Cunha (Goiânia, dos anos 1965 a 2013)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-26) Barbaresco Filho, Eduardo; Noronha, Márcio Pizarro;; Noronha, Márcio Pizarro; Fuão , Fernando Delfino de Freitas; Gadelha, Rosa Cristina Primo; Climaco, Magda de Miranda; Ribeiro, Luciana GomesThe writing about an artist’s life permeates the universes of creation that reflects places from memory, affections, sensations, dimensions that are interpolated and unveiled by the historian in the construction of a biographical history narrative. We are going to course here, the just space, interstice, between music and history, having the composer Estércio Marquez Cunha (1941 - ), from Goiás, as a reference of thinking about these relations, the life and the work (vidobra – Dosse), the deed (Derrida) and the own testimony (Ricoeur). Therefore, we have two ways of research: interviews with the composer and sources from dissertations, tasks, work (precisely from 1965 to 2013), personal book reports. Estércio’s ´ production is marked by diversified pieces, with formation to solo instruments, orchestra, choir, chamber music groups. His creation process is strongly connected with the other arts, considering his songs with poems made by himself, or yet a highlighted genre, the theater music. Every sound, rhythm, move, can become material for a composition, since it is organized and thought artistically. In his pieces the image of silence, of the extended time, broaden, is outstanding, with preference for slow tempos, that stimulate the process of perception – the way the artist utilizes for aesthetic reflections, besides the exploration of the timbre, rhythmic, melodic – from the space of the criticism, and the positioning of the human being before the dimensions of solitude, anguish. Such questions are still little studied in the musicology in Goiás, or in the regional classical music scene, where Estércio is reference. Many sound desire become reverberated in a multiple temporal relation and superimposed from inspiration, intention, from deed and performance. With the purpose to talk, and unveil, the creator in his sound narratives, between the work and the discourse, we consisted a deployment of the historical and musicological thinking: Estércio in the history of music, his singularities and exemplarities. The aim is to register and present an intellectual biography (Dosse), a biographical writing, reaffirm an establisher moment of art in time-space dimension in Goiás, having Estércio as character of the action, of the historical plot, an unfinished tissue, contribute to the studies about art/music in the national scene, highlighting the directory group of CNPq INTERARTES. The life and the work of the artist align in the formulation of a historiography, with sights to the relations between archives, texts, contexts, institutions and aspects of the configuration of I, subject-composer. An evidentiary trajectory ensures the analysis, the interpretation, an hermeneutic vision of the structure in his fractures: the polyphonic field, that life and history mix, identity, creation, consciousness and liberty.Item Muito além das telas douradas: cidade e tradição em Goiandira do Couto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-04-12) Barbosa, Raquel Miranda; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes;; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Silva, Ademir Luiz da; Quadros , Eduardo Gusmão de; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Magalhães , Sônia Maria deIn representing the urban landscape of the City of Goiás, Goiandira do Couto (1915-2011) privileges a pictorial narrative based on the myths and landmarks built during Portuguese colonization, along the axis that is structured between the Largo do Rosário (Rosary Square) and the Largo do Chafariz (Fountain Square). As an heiress of a cultural and family traditions, the artist establishes a relationship with Guardian-of-the-past Institutions, such as the Organization of Arts and Traditions of the City of Goiás (Organização Vilaboense de Artes e Tradições - OVAT), reinventing the city and its cultural identity. In her paintings, the valorization of the symbols of the official memory inspired the creation of an ideal city which would later become a heritage city, proclaiming the plot of officialdom, as seen in the Dossier of Goiás, the document that formalized the candidature of the City of Goiás to the title of World Heritage, homologated in 2001. Because it is a complex process, the institutional power of the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage) is highlighted, which was dedicated to the survey, recognition and promulgation of the cultural heritage of the City of Goiás, between the decades of 1950 and 1990. From the 1960s onwards, this process is established in a fruitful dialogue with the cultural elite (OVAT) and with the local and regional political authorities which, in turn, have glimpsed the preservation of the past as an attribute to project the City of Goias to the future. Meanwhile, the golden canvas travelled around the world, stating the existence of an ideal city in the interior of Brazil, endowed with "universal exceptional value". We hypothesized that, in delimiting the perimeter of the historical listed patrimony, in the 1980s, the IPHAN has considered the relationship of the built heritage with the list of traditions visually and immaterially constructed by Goiandira do Couto. We suspect that these approaches have converged to the delimitation and normalization of the limits, symbols and characters which would represent the birthplace of the local (State of Goiás) culture along with UNESCO. Through the specificities of this process, the traces of Goiandira do Couto were legitimized, in the advent of the 21st century, among the memory places of the heritage city with the foundation of the Cultural Space Goiandira do Couto, a place intended to the ‘musealization’ of the public and private trajectories of this remarkable artist and guardian of the memories of the City of Goiás, when she was still alive.Item Biblioteconomia é coisa de mulher? Relações de gênero e estereótipos na região Centro-Oeste (1962-2021)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-10) Basilio, Esdra; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Ribeiro, Maria do Espírito Santo Rosa Cavalcante; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Carneiro, MaristelaThis thesis exposes an investigation into the area of Librarianship from the perspective of gender relations studies. I present an analysis of the librarian profession with the purpose of historically showing that the profession went through a process of feminization and, in this sense, I point out the implications that this feminization entailed for the field of knowledge. The proposal is to discuss the connections between the low valuation of the profession and the connection with the fact that the profession is mostly exercised by women. I used feminist epistemologies and the theory of gender relations studies based on the contributions of Perrot (2005), Rago (1998) and Scott (2012), among other authors, to understand the dynamics of power relations that circumscribe the profession. The methodology used was a thematic oral history, from the perspective of Alberti (2013), Meihy (1996) and Portelli (2001). The narratives of five librarians, who work in the Midwest region, were the main sources of the research, characterizing this region as the locus of analysis, more specifically the federal universities that offer the undergraduate course in Librarianship, namely: the University of Brasília, the Federal University of Goiás and the Federal University of Rondonópolis in the period between 1962-2021. The research confirmed that disputes and power games make up the field of Librarianship, in a comprehensive way where gender hierarchies are reaffirmed.Item Cultura histórica e questão nacional na primeira república: o sentido da formação entre o ensaio e os escritos educacionais de Manoel Bomfim (1897- 1930)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-04) Bento, Luiz Carlos; Sandes, Noé Freire;; Sandes, Noé Freire; Gontijo, Rebeca; Gontijo, Diva do Couto; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Silva, Luiz Sergio Duarte daThis thesis reflects on the historical thinking of ManoelBomfim, placing him in the social dynamics of its time. Along the research sought to contextualize the thinking of the author through a horizontal analysis of intellectual production, which is configured as multiple and diverse, having as leitmotiv the pursuit of analytical understanding of the way in his texts, both focused on education and in the historic trials it was thought a national history writing project that seeks to put under other bases the understanding of national training. In this way, we seek to demonstrate how the national question and the discussions on the national education merge in the mind of the author, giving a certain identity that characterises his thinking history that emerges in the first decades of the twentieth century as a historic speech against dominant produced and disseminated by the IHGB. In this sense, his writings, especially his essays of the twenty dialogue critically with the project of writing the history of Brazil produced by institutes, placing itself as an antithesis of this historiographical culture and pointing to new possibilities of production of sense from a dialogue with other elements and symbols, to some extent marginalized, but available on the historical culture of the period. Methodologically seek to interpret a great part of his writings, produced in different times and places from a question problem was understanding: how he thought the national training and the staff of this process? The answer to that question is the element that gives analytical identity for this thesis.Item Memória e sacralização de Dom Fernando Gomes dos Santos: O “Arcebispo da Providência”(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-07-01) Borges, Lindsay; Salomon, Marlon Jeison;; Salomon, Marlon Jeison; Martins , Estevão de Rezende; Quadros, Eduardo Gusmão de; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Sandes, Noé FreireThis study investigates the process by which Don Fernando Gomes dos Santos, the first Archbishop of Goiânia (1957-1985), was represented - by the means of communication of the archdiocese, particularly by the Journal of the Archdiocese - as sent by God to act in this Region in the period when the church faced, in Goiás and Brazil, complex challenges. Studies indicate that the Archbishop, imbued with his mission, sought to become a model of religious who devoted his life to the Church‟s cause, besides concerning about how he would be remembered by archiving his memory and also the archdiocese‟s one. From this perspective, the group formed around the Archbishop has operated a selection of aspects and stages of the life of the prelate, considered significant, seeking to represent him as a Christian model capable of facing the challenges brought to the Church in that period, projecting his memory to continue guiding the actions of the archdiocese in the future. This effort has basis on the archbishop's actions since he seemed to take up the task of making of Goiás a model of church in Brazil, signaling through words and deed that goal. By building these representations, and designing the memory of Don Fernando, the group aimed at defending the model of Church adopted by the prelate, against the social sectors and also to groups who fought, within the institution, his pastoral line or did not accept its consequences. This process has been in force during the management of the archbishop and more than a decade after his death, having as special moments for this discursive construction the events in honor of him, recorded in the Journal of the Archdiocese. However, the work of continued memory during the administration of his successor was stopped when the current Archbishop of Goiânia took up office, giving rise to a dispute of memory during the centenary of Don Fernando‟s birth in 2010.Item Como o Oeste se perdeu: representação, nação e modernidade no Novo Western (1969-2012)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-02-27) Borges, Rafael; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Ávila, Arthur Lima de; Mendonça , Paulo Knauss de; Silva , Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Abdala Junior, RobertoThis work starts from the questioning of changes perceived in filmic representations in film genre of the US Western, intending to offer an interpretation to them. Assuming that the Western deals with fundamental issues for the construction of the US nation's image - as the Manifest Destiny and the frontier thesis - it is proposed that these identified changes suggest reviewing and a desconstruction of the nation image elaborate by Americans themselves. However, in addition to the discussion about the deconstruction of this image, it is assumed the western as Eurocentric image, a myth that manifests in the United States the same myth of progress that legitimizes the Western modern project. Therefore, defends the thesis that the new cinematic representations that have gotten repercussion from the main prize of the US cinema over the years, indicate, ultimately, a critique of modernity itself, as discourse and historical process, allowing that glimpse a new time and a new project synthesized in idea of transmodernity.