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Item Autonomia e financiamento das IFES: desafios e ações(2008-11) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe purpose of this study is to dicuss the autonomy and financing process of the Federal Higher Education Institutions (IFES) in recent years, especially in the period 1995-2006, which comprises Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s two governments and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s first government. It analyzes the origins of the IFES financing, the paths followed by the proposals to define the autonomy of the institutions, the limits imposed by social inequality on the expansion of the private sector, the financing sources of higher education, the existing challenges in this field, and the possible actions to be implemented in this important set of institutions that play a fundamental role in correcting Brazilian regional inequalities.Item Avaliação da educação: por um sistema nacional(2013-06) Assis, Lúcia Maria de; Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe study analyzes the contradictions of assessment in Brazil and shows that large-scale tests have had side effects for the systems in terms of rankings, awards or punishments for school net- works, managers and teachers. The analysis proposes a National System of Education Assessment, based on the principles and guidelines of the National Forum on Education, the Reference Document for the 2014 National Conference on Education (CONAE).Item Avaliação e financiamento de Instituições de Educação Superior: uma comparação dos governos FHC e LULA(2009-12) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThis study makes an analysis of the actions related to the evaluation and financing process of the Higher Education Institutions (IES) implemented in Brazil in the governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva (Lula). It can be affirmed that the two governments used the two sources, evaluation and financing, sometimes tightly connecting them, as a strategy to reach their objectives. It was sought, in both periods: to promote an expansion in the quantity of students registered in higher education, with a proportional reduction in the public sector; to institute an environment of competition between private IES and also within the public IES; to lead the public IES to search for sources of non government funding; to sign management contracts with public IES; and to promote a ranking of the IES by means of the National Examination of Courses (ENC-provão) - and, later, of the National Examination of Students Performance (ENADE).Item Avaliação, desenvolvimento institucional e qualidade do trabalho acadêmico(2006) Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Fonseca, Marília; Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe article tries to render policies, concept and practices problematic, as well as evaluation of high education that have been introduced in Brazil, especially from 1990 decades on. The different modalities and evaluation mechanisms mean significant changes in academic culture, in teaching, in institutions administration, in curricular definitions, and mainly in the structure of high education. The study has evaluated the policy and ethical meaning that support theorical-conceptual guidelines of evaluation that has been introduced in the country. It presumes that the appraised estimate proposal, in real qualitative outlook should make clear the answer to the nuclear question: “What is evaluation good for?” In this sense, it is argued that evaluation should perform the proposal for contributing to conceive well-turned judgement and to make decisions that will fall upon improvement of development process of the IES, that is, to follow a methodological way to allow changes in its construction process and even in the systematic institutional evolution itself, considering the quality of academic work and IES administration.Item O Banco Mundial revisa posições: quem há de pagar a conta?(2000-06) Sguissardi, Valdemar; Amaral, Nelson CardosoRecently the World Bank has published (March/2000) a new document about higher education entitled "Higher Education in Developing Countries- Peril and Promise", In this document the Bank reviews some of its previous positions concerning this area, Among other initiatives, the Bank now advises developing countries governments to apply their resources preferably on basic education ratherthan on higher education. This article analyses the World Bank recent policies for higher education, lhe eventuallosses faced by countries that followed its previous orientation, such as Brazil, and put the question: Who shall pay the bill?Item Constrangimentos socioecômicos no acesso à educação superior no Brasil(2012) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThis study presents the quantitative of the financial resources of the Brazilian Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the period of 1999-2009, put that in perspective in relation to the resources of the GDP and sizing the Brazilian higher education in the year of 2023, the possible final decade of the new National Education Plan (PNE) in discussion on the National Congress. Beside to sizing the resources amount needed in 2023, the study analyzes the social economic profile of the Brazilian population, manly of the young with ages from 18 to 29, and discuss where is the limit established by the reality of the social inequality existing in Brazil, that is imposing constraints to families to keep their children in the HEI, even in the public ones, without the payment of fees. In this way, set up challenges to be faced in order to achieve a gross rate of 50% and a net rate of 33% in Brazilian higher education at the end of the decade of the PNE.Item A educação superior no Brasil: insumos, indicadores e comparações com países da OCDE e do BRICS(José Paulo Pietrafesa, 2013-08) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe study presents a number of indicators related to higher education and compares the data from Brazil with those of OECD members and BRICS. The results of the analysis show that, in general, Brazil faces great challenges when its indicators are compared with those of OECD countries. It could be concluded that it will only be possible to reach OECD parameters when three effects occur simultaneously: population stability with a reduction in the number of children and young people of school going age; growth of the country and its GDP, in the context of global capitalism, and a reduction in existing social inequalities.Item A educação superior no Brasil: os desafios da expansão e do financiamento e comparações com outros países(2015-04) Chaves, Vera Lúcia Jacob; Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe article discusses the challenges that exist in Brazilian higher education to achieve more than 30% of their young people, aged between 18 and 24 years, enrolled in this educational level. We use financial data from the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira Inep, among other sources. The data indicates that there is a huge privatization of this educational level and a great diversity of institutions and courses. The financial resources invested in public education reaches 5.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which results in a low value per person on education age when comparisons are performed between Brazil and several selected countries.Item Financiamento da educação básica e o PNE 2011- 2020(2010-06) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe study highlights projections to the financing of basic education until the year of 2020, the last year for the validity of the Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) [Education National Plan]. It establishes conditions to the qualities and expansions to be achieved during 2008 to 2020. In this scenario, it asks if Brazil has the conditions to the educational development as it was projected. It considers that in 2020 will be necessary audacious decisions from the executive and legislative Power, in different spheres, besides the support to all Brazilian society to implement these conditions, which are pointed in this studyItem Financiamento da educação básica e o PNE: ainda e sempre, muitos desafios(2014-12) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe study presents those goals of the National Education Plan (PNE) related to basic education for the period 2014-2024, examining them from the perspective of financing. There are many challenges to be faced so that these goals are met and financial resources will be a major impediment to achieving them. We can establish that some features from the private sector may be counted upon to ensure 10% of GDP, However it is estimated that, in fact, public resources for public education will be reduced to 8.5% of GDP. In addition, it can be concluded that obtaining more resources for education will require an intense review of the Brazilian tax structure, which will mean adopting changes that affect the most powerful sectors of society.Item O financiamento da educação dos jovens com idade entre 18 e 24 anos: os desafios para um novo PNE(2013-10) Amaral, Nelson CardosoItem O financiamento das IES brasileiras em 2005: recursos públicos, privados e custo dos alunos(2010-12) Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Pinto, José Marcelino de RezendeThis paper analyses the funding of Brazilian higher education institutions in the year of 2005, on Higher Education Census database. Information about receipts and expenditures as percentage of GDP was used. It also presents a methodological approach that allows the calculation of per pupil costs in the undergraduate courses for different kinds of institutions: federal, state, municipal, private (profit & non profit). Results show that in private schools the most of funding comes from families, comparing with public resources. Data also show no high differences in the per pupil costs between public and private institutions, when one takes account the research expenditures. Therefore, one myth fall: the myth witch says that private higher education institutions are more efficient than public ones on graduating students.Item O financiamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior brasileiras: a chegada ao "quase-mercado"(2002-11) Amaral, Nelson CardosoItem Financiamento do EM e a EP: questões para o PNE 2011/2020(2011-06) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe article discusses educational funding for 15 to 17 year-olds in the context of the 2011- 2020 National Education Plan, in the light of the federal government proposal presented in the 2010 Law 8035. Considering that by 2020, the country will be applying funding to the tune of 10% of the GDP, a National Educational Conference target, it can be concluded that the financial investment per student still of educational age would be lower than that invested by other countries, selected according to the methodology presented in this study. Brazil must, therefore, make the education of its children, young peopleItem O financiamento do ensino médio no Brasil: de uma escola boa para poucos à massificação barata da rede pública(2011-09) Pinto, José Marcelino de Rezende; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Castro, Jorge Abrahão deThis paper surveys the amount of public funds allocated to secondary schools in Brazil. It analyzes more particularly state expenditures, which account for 82% of enrolments (95% of the public network). It also explores federal spending for its vocational technical school network, which, albeit small, actually offers quality education. The authors also estimate the public funds spent in vocational training via system S. Finally, in the framework of the discussions of the 2011-2020 National Education Plan, they try to calculate the resources needed to finance quality, integrated secondary education.Item O financiamento do ensino superior brasileiro: a ida ao quase-mercado educacional(2003-12) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe Brazilian Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) suffered, after the promulgation of the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, and especially during Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s (FHC) governments (1994 to 1998 and 1998 to 2002), the impact of measures related to the crisis of the european welfare state. In the economy sector, reforms were implemented to privatize state owned enterprises, wages were frozen, measures to protect the financial system were taken and the national market was open to foreign goods. Regarding the Higher Education sector, what was seen was a preaching in favor of efficientism and the search for alternative sources of financing. During the two FHC’s mandates, the IFES were left with no alternative other than heading for the educational quasi-market in search for survival resources, which happened as a result of the real impossibility to generate their own resources in the financial market.Item O Fundeb em uma perspectiva comparada com o financiamento da educação básica nos países da OCDE e do BRICS(2015-06) Amaral, Nelson CardosoIndicators associated with basic education are presented, including data from the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and for the Appreciation of Education Professionals (Fundeb), especially those related to specified investments per student and teacher’s salaries, and compared to those of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the group of countries, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa: the BRICS. The figures presented by the OECD are generally very high and can be used as a reference to be reached by the countries that constitute the BRICS. In terms of comparing the indicators of these countries to those of OECD member countries, there are huge challenges. A problem to be solved is in relation to the obtaining of indicators (when they are available), since there is no database to access them. In the Brazilian case – and perhaps this is also applicable to some BRICS countries, such as India and South Africa –, it can be concluded that achieving the OECD parameters will be possible as long as three conditions occur simultaneously: stabilization of the total population, with the decrease in the number of school-aged children and youth; growth, which includes the gross domestic product (GDP), in the context of global capitalism as it is structured; and the consequent reduction of social inequalityItem Os muitos perfumes do mestre: depoimentos(2011-06) Marinelli, Célia Regina Gonçalves; Carvalho, Elma Júlia Gonçalves de; Taimo, Jamisse; Rothen, José Carlos; Loureiro, Robson; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Fonte, Sandra Soares Della; Mazzilli, Sueli; Pires, ValdemirThe organizing committee of this Dossier Valdemar Sguissardi requested from some of his former Graduate students to give testimonies about his work as a Professor and an Advisor. Sandra Soares Della Fonte and Robson Loureiro (both from UFES, Vitória, ES), with a Masters degree from Unimep (1996); Sueli Mazzilli (Santos, SP), PhD from UFSCar (1996); Nelson Cardoso Amaral (UFG, Goiânia, GO), PhD from Unimep (2002); Valdemir Pires (Unesp/Araraquara, SP), PhD from Unimep (2003); José Carlos Rothen (UFSCar/São Carlos, SP), PhD from Unimep (2004); Elma Júlia Gonçalves de Carvalho (UEM, Maringá, PR), PhD from Unimep (2005); Célia Regina Gonçalves Marinelli (Campinas, SP), PhD from Unimep (2010); and Jamisse Uilson Taimo (Maputo, Moçambique), PhD from Unimep (2010) – they all felt honored by the invitation and accepted it. The following manifestations express their recognition and gratitude to this unforgettable master.Item Um novo Fundef? As idéias de Anísio Teixeira(2001-08) Amaral, Nelson CardosoProfessor Anísio Teixeira in the sixties, concerned with the financing of the education, presented a proposal of how to define and implement a fund to guarantee permanent resources for the primary teaching. In his methodological aspects, the fund now created by the Government, called “Fund for the Maintenance and Development of the Fundamental Teaching and of Valorization of the Teaching (Fundef )”, resembles the original proposal presented by Anísio Teixeira. There exist, however, important and fundamental differences, due to the fact that in Teixeira’s proposal the total volume of resources is calculated from the establishment of the teachers’ wage. In this study it is presented the similarities and differences between the two Funds and a simulation is performed, resulting in what one could call “A new Fundef”, based on Teixeira’s ideas. As a result it is obtained values perfectly viable to be financed by an economy of the dimension of the Brazilian’s as pointed out by in the study presented by Anísio Teixeira in the book Educação é um direito.Item Política de financiamento da educação superior – análise dos planos nacionais de educação pós-constituição/1988(2014) Chaves, Vera Lúcia Jacob; Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe purpose of this article is to analyze the Brazilian public higher education funding policy, as it appears in the I National Education Plan (PNE) post-Federal Constitution of 1988 and the content of proposed legislation (PL) 8.035/2010. The study arises from the thesis that the public higher education funding is directly related to the federal fiscal adjustment policy, implemented in Brazil in the 90’s, as part of the neoliberal reforms adopted in capitalist countries, particularly in Latin America. These reforms follow the guidelines of international organizations, in particular the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for economic cooperation and development. Documental sources and data collected in Anísio Teixeira Study and Research Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira - INEP), National Congress, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were used. The text reflects on the financing policy of Brazilian public higher education, establishing an interface between expansion targets proposed in National Education Plans and the percentage of GDP needed. On the final considerations, a comparison of the values applied throughout Brazil and other OCDE countries per person in educational age in higher education is made, identifying the existing distance between Brazil and the other countries.