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Item Efeito de micronutrientes e calcário na cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-09) Valladares, Luiz Carlos; Carvalho, Yvo de; Almeida Neto, José Xavier deABSTRACT Since the growing season oi 1966-67, there have been abnormalities appearing in the rice planta cultivated in the "cerrado" in various regiona oi the State oi Goiás. One oi abnormalities is brown coloring on the leal biades which worsens as the life cycle progresses, eventually leaving green pigmentation only along the edges snd the principal vein oi the leal. Generally, this sympton appears more intensely in spotty areos where lhe plants are stunted and can die, causing an appreciable loss in production. When the planta don't die, their life cycle is retarted. Has been observed that these caracteriotic frequently appear in rice fields that have been with lime. ln the present research project, the cause oi these symptons has been studied, by observing the effect oi lime and micronutrients which were added to the soil. The research design was composed oi random plots with four replications. The experiment was instatted near Goiânia in red latosol in an area of natural vegetation typical of the "campo-cerrado". The variety of rice used was 1. A. C. 12/ 46. alter it had been disinfected with dry neantina at 0,3%. Dry brush country with stunted vegetation. The treataments were as follows:Item Competição entre quatro variedades alemãs de batatinha(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-09) Abbud, Nelson Salim; Sonnenberg, Peter Ernst; Kratz, Fernando Luiz; Centeno, Alberto JoséA competition experiment was performed at lhe Federal Unlversity of Goiás, among four German varieties of potato. The results show signiticant advantages of lhe varieties Olympia and Maritta over Delta-A and Anco.Item Efeito de produtos químicos no controle de meloidogyne sp. sobre quiabeiro (hibiscus sculentum l.)(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Carvalho, Yvo de; Zica, Lincoln FonsecaThe Effect of chemical products on lhe contrai of Meloidogyne sp. in the okra plant (Hybiscus sculentum L.J. The nematicide power of Shell-DD. vapan, granulated nemagon, methyl bromide and soluble neantina, were tested by applying them to soil affected by Meloidogyne sp. The okra plant (Hibíscus esculentum L.l was used as lhe hosting agent, to measure the amount of worms alter treatment. The results showed that Shell-DD (40 ml/22) controll ed the worms well, but that vapan, granulated nemagon and the soluble neantina were statistically equal to the contrai plot. The plots treated with methyl bromide were not included in the results because of the toxic effect of lhe product on the plants.Item Influência dos adubos amoniacais na ramificação da raiz principal da cenoura (Daucus carota L.)(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Sonnenberg, Peter ErnstMísshap of carrot roots can be incited by soil agents, like badly prepared soil and nematodes or by ammonium fertilizers. RALEIGH (Knott), cited by SILVA, found that ammonium fertilizers can kill the root and consequently cause malformation. The preference ot sodlum nitrate ar other non-ammonium fertilizers is widely spread in Brazilian literatura about carrot. MALAVOLTA (1967) even recomends only small quantities of manure to preveni root dammageREGINA (1964), advises against use of ammonium sulphate and other ammonium fertilizers for the sarne reason. CAMARGO (1963) also prefers sodlum nitrate but mentlons the possibllity of substitution by ammonium sulphate, too. Although, it was imposslble to find any origi· na\ experimental information about, in Brazilian literaure. The sodium nitrate is imported by Brazil from Chile and is therefore almost five times more expensive than ammonium sulphate, in spite oi its \ower nitrogen content. Thls triai investigated four sources of nitrogen: ammonium sulphate, sodium nitrate, urea and manure. The quantities applied were higher than MALAVOLTA recomends for carrot. The results don't show any significant difference between treatments, neither in ramification frequence nor in yield. The varlety used was a cone-shaped carrot, named London. Other varieties possibly are•susceptible to malformation of root by ammonium fertilizers. This will be investigated in further experiments.Item Observações feitas no sistema genital de vacas azebuadas abatidas em matadouros(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Lazzeri, Lourenço; Carneiro, Mauro InácioExamining part of the genital system (ováries, Fallopian tubes. uterus and cervix) o! 3. 308 cross-bred Brahama cows, slaughtered in slaughterhouses, the authors, among other findings, registered tho following observations: Pregnant: Normal: 2.024 (94.1%) with alter: 129 ( 5,9%) total: 2 .153 non-pregnant: Normal: 446 (39,0%) with alter: 709 (61,0%) Total: 1.155 Total: Normal: 2. 470 (75.0% ) with alter: 838 (25,0%) Total: 3.308 They also found that in the pregnant cows the majority of lesions were in the avaries (4.5%) and likewise with the non-pregnant cows (44,0%). We would like state that the corpora lutea mentioned on table IV were, aparently active.Item Notas preliminares sobre conservação de forragens em silos do tipo trincheira(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-11) Kravchenko, Anatoly; Teixeira, Aécio LeoniItem Controle químico ao ácaro tetranychus urticae (Koch 1836) Bordeaux & Dosse 1963, em tomateiros(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-11) Silva, Antônio Lopes daSUMMARY An experiment to test chemical contrai oi the mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch 1836) Bordeaux & Desse 1963, was carried out tomato plants, at the college of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the University oi Golas. The following insecticides were tested: - Diazinon E-60 (Thiophosphate-0-0-diethyl-0-2-isopropyl-4-methyl-pirimidyl) at 0,06%; Foi ido\ 60 (Thiophosphate-0-0-dimethyl-O-p-nitrophenil) at 0,06%; Kumulus (80% coloidal sulfur) at 0,03%; Metasystox-i. (Thiophosphate-0-0- dimethyl-0-3-methylmercapto-ethyl) at 0,025%; Lebaycid-50 (Thiophosphaté-0-0-dimethyl-S-ethyl-mercaptoethyl) at 0,065% and granulated Disyston at 2,5% (Dithiophosphate-O-O-Oiethyl-S-2(Thioethyl) - ethyl· at 2,5 g/plant. Disyston, Metasystox-i, Lebaycid and Folidol-60, were statistically superior to the others in controlling the mite. The highest percentage os contrai was reachead by Disyston. Next in arder carne Metasystox-i, Lebaycid-50. and Folidol-60. Diazinon-E-60 and sulfur cannot be recommended for controlling Tetranychus urticae.Item Competição de atratividade entre iscas tóxicas empregadas no controle à formiga cortadeira atta sexdens rubropilosa(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-08) Silva, Antônio Lopes daWith the objective oi studying the attractiveness oi eleven different commercial insecticides, in form of bait, to the sauva ants Alta sexdens rubropilosa Farei 1908, two experiments were carriea on in the school oi Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, in the state oi Goiás Brazil. The bait Mirex was compared in the first test with Dinatox-A Agr<>ceres, Tatuzinho, Lantox and Essa. ln the second test, Mirex was compared with Colonial, Nitrosin, Piragy, E.A. V.-041-A and Blitz super. ln the analyses, Mirex was significantly superior to Lantox, Piragy and Colonial. E. A. V .-041-A was significantly superior to Colonial and Piragy.Item Comportamento do fungo colletotrichum gossypll south. var. cephalosporioides Costa em substrato'com diferentes fontes de carbono(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-11) Carvalho, Yvo de; Carvalho, Carluce Gomes de Sá eHE BEHAVIOR OF THE FUNGUS Colletotrichum gossypii South. var. cephalosporioides Costa IN SUBSTRATE CONTAINING DIFFERENT SOURCES OF CARBON. ln this experiment. the behavior of Colletotrichum gossypii South. var. cephalosporioides Costa. in a solid substrate containing different sources of carbon, was attempted to be determined, the vegetativa growth, intensity ot sporulation, size of the conidia, were measured and the morphological characteristics of the colony were described. A sinthetic substrate was used as the basic medium, and to this, the source of carbon, according to the treatment (maltose, dextrose, lactose, starch, saccharose and galactose), was added. lt was concluded that the dextrose produced a greater vegetative growth in the colonies, but the starch produced greater intensity of sporulation. The galactose seemed to have exercised a harmfull effect on the development of the fungus, stimulating the formation of small colonies, atypical and the tew conidia produced exhibited shorter length than the conidia tormed in the other tested substances. There was no correlation between the intensity of sporulation and the size of conidia, nor between the vegetativa growth and intensity of sporulation. The composition of the substrate aftected profoundly the colar, the shape, the aspect, the periphery and the topography of the colony.Item Levantamento brucélico da bacia leiteira de Goiânia ring-test(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-11) Tôrres, Aníbal José Alves; Carvalho, Augusto Silva de; Tôrres, Roberto Augusto de Almeida1346 milk samples from 960 farms, which provide milk for Goiânia, have been analysed during the dry season, and 2548 samples from 1186 farms, during the rainy season, by the Ring -Test. The statistic analysis of the Brucellosis rate results found during the two periods have shown a significant diference between them. The bibliographic revision has not presented any reference to results gotten by the Ring -Test which might enable the presentation oi significant differences between the dry and rainy seasons. These results can be interpreted under two points of víew: 1st. -The introduction of new milk productor animais, which have not been employed for this purpose during the rainy season. This is due to severa[ economic factors which lead the milk furnishers to this procedure. 2nd. -Experimental errors inherent to the colection and examination methods due to changes ln procedure during the work, as well as errors in the analysls method employed, caused by the condictions mentioned under the 1 st item.Item Utilização da mandioca (manihot utilíssima, pohl), crua num estudo comparativo de três dietas para suínos em crescimento-engorda(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Mello, Roberto Pereira de; Galvão, Francisco EduardoAn experltnent was carried out at the Escola Média de Agricultura de Florestal, Minas Gerais, ln order to verlfy the víablllty of cassava roots usa (Manlhot utlllssima, PohlJ ªin natu·ra· in growlng and fattenlng swlne dlets. Three treatments were used, containing commercial mixture for fattenlngswlllé (8), ground corn (CJ and ali recelvlng para grass (Brachlarla mutlca Stapfl "ad llbitum·. ln each treatment were used ten crossbred animais of 133,5 dally gains was 0,451; 0,452 and 0,178 kg for treatments A, B and C, respeotively. The analysls of varlance revealed that for livre gains and lard's thickness there was no statistically significant diference among litters and treatments A and 8, havlng, however, (P < 0,01) among treatments C against A + B. The treatment containing cassava • in natura" revealed to be the most economic.Item Efeito da embalagem com sacos de polietileno no comportamento do amido na polpa de banana do cultivar "prata" (musa sp ) no período de conservação e maturação(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Brune, Walterln this experlment, the behavior oi starch in the pulp of banana "Prata" (Musa sp.J, was studied under the following treatments: bananas without packing, perforated plastic, perforated plastic with an absorbent, unperforated plastic, unperforated plastic contaíníng an absorbent. The treated bananas, were shalved at 22 ± 1<>C and a relativa humidity of 90 ± 3%. Every 2 days, samples of each treatment were collected and analysis were mode. With the help of statistical analyses of the data, the following conclusions were reached: a. The packaging with polyethylene delays the starch breakdown, but does not impedeits transtormation. b. The percentage of starch of the pulp remains constant until a given moment, which varies with each treatment, when its variation begins. c. The use om the ethylene, absorbente, in the unpertorated plastic packaging, delays more the ouset of the starch breakdown, but doesn't preveni the fruits from becoming spoiled and unsuitable for consumption.Item Observações sobre degenerescência e comportamento em diferentes épocas de plantio de quatro variedades de batata (Solanum Tuberosum L.)(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Sonnenberg, Peter ErnstSUMMARY The four potato varieties DELTA-A, HANSA, HYDRA and TONDRA were tested in lhe dry and in the rainy season of 1971, at Goiânia. lmported certified seed potatoes were used for lhe first planting and the harvested tubers, for lhe second. Ali varieties, except DELTA-A, yielded more in lhe rainy than in the dry season. This difference was found to be caused by the better water supply during the rainy seasOn. There was no significant influence of the season on the production of DELTA-A. HANSA produced in both seasons significantly more in total weight than the other varieties and more marketable potatoes (over 33 mm) in the rainy season. But the large tubers (over 40 mm) harvested in this season became nearly worthless because of the ir.tensive occurrance of internai dark and scattered spots, associated to enlarged lentice Is. HYDRA was the best variety in producing large potatoes, mainly in the dry season. ln both seasons, however, most of the potatoes were lost for the market, due to the strong attack of common scab (Streptomyces scabies). TONDRA showed the greatest difference between yields oi different seasons. Production of marketable tubers increased twice and that of large tubers, almost three times, in tre rainy season. This variety had no trouble similar to that of the other ones and in the rainy season, its yield of Jarge potatoes was not significantly lower than that of HANSA and HYDRA.Item Competição entre oito variedades gaúchas e alemãs de batata (solanum tuberosum l.) em Goiânia(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Sonnenberg, Peter Ernst; Zica, Lincoln FonsecaSUMMARY Eight potato varieties, Baronesa, Canguçu and Piratini, from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and the german varieties Achat, Echo, Fátima, Jetta and Porta were tested in this triai, during th dry season, at Goiânia, state ot Goiás. Baronesa resulted the best one in total yield and production of large tubers (over 60 grams) followed next by Piratini. However, there are doubts wether their pink skinned tubers would be accepted by the consumar of this region, accustomed to yellow potatoes. Among the german varieties, Porta and Fatima ranked best and even they yieldéd less than Baronesa and Piratini, there was no significant difference between the two groups.Item Disponibilidade hídrica e fórmula climática do município de Goiânia e municípios limítrofes(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Lobato, Olivar José da Silva MorãesThe present work was undertaken to inform interested persons oi the estimate oi hydric availability in lhe soil oi Goiânia county and suounding counties. The method used was C. W. Thornthwaite and Mather (1955), based on thermo-pluviometrics within the period 1961-1971. The geographic position of the county, in relation to the State of Goiás, is also presented. Finally the climate of Goiânia County, is described, using Thornthwait's 1948 classification.Item Competição entre variedades pluriloculares de tomate, em Goiânia, na estação chuvosa(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Sonnenberg, Peter Ernst; Filgueira, Fernando Antônio ReisPlurilocu/ar tomate varieties comparison in the rainy season. at Goiânia. Fifteen plurilocular tomato varieties were compared during the hot and rainy season of 1970/71, at Goiânia, state of Goiás, Brazil: Floradel F. M., Floradel L. B. T., Tropi-gro, Troplc, Fio ralou, Manalucie, 2003 D-2 DI-DBK, Híbrido Sekaiichi F-1, Maçã de lbirité, L-352, Porter·s· Pride, Foremost E-21, Firebird, Grand Prix e Royal Ace. lhe variety Tropi-gro was the only one with determinate habit of growing, ali the others were indeterminate, pruned to two stems and staked. ln yielding large, well shaped, marketable, fruits over 200 grams, the Sekaiichi F-1 Hybrid ranked flrst, followed by Tropic, without significant difference between them. Concerning Open Locule (Catface) Tropic is something more subject to that injury than Sekaiichi. Ather rather good varieties were: Floradel F. M., Floral ou, Floradel L.B.T. e L-352.Item Comportamento de quatro variedades alemãs de batata em relação à sarna comum (streptomyces scabies (thaxt) waks.)(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Carvalho, Yvo de; Sonnenberg, Peter Ernst; Barbosa, Raulino AntônioBEHAVIOR OF FOUR GERMAN POTATO VARIETIES IN RELATION TO COMMON SCAB (Streptomyces scabies (TaxtJ Waks. Henrici). For German potato varieties Delta-A, Hansa, Hydra and Tondra were tested on their resistence to common scab (Streptomyces scabies). This triai was carried out, at Goiânia, state of Goiás, with tubers harvested from the first planting of imported seed potatoes. in the so-called dry season (March to August). The four varieties differed significantly each other in resistence to common scab. Hansa was found to be the most resistent, followed by Tondra, Delta-A and Hydra. The last one showed a large number of tubers misshaded by scab infestion.Item Armazenamento e maturação de bananas do cultivar "prata" (musa sp ) em sacos de polietileno contendo absorvente de etileno(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1972-12) Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Brune, WalterSUMMARY This experiment had as its objective the study of an sdequate way to conserve the banana "Prata" (Musa sp). in order to meet conditions of the national market. Poliethylene packaging from the produ cer to the consumer. For this, the following treatments were used: no packaging, perforated plastic, inperforated plastic contai ning an absorvent, imperforated plastic, imperforated plastic containing an absorvent. The treated banana Were stored in a container with a constant temperatura of 22 ± 1 °c and a relativa humidity of 90 ± 3%. Once a day a reading was taKen of the skin calor and the room was ventilated. With the belp of statistical analysis of the obtained data the tollowing were concluded: 1. The use of the ethylene, absorbent, inside the unperforated plastic container delays the outset of maturation, but it does not prevent the fruits from becoming spoiled and therefore, unusable to the consumer. 2. The best packing found, to be used from producer to consume,, was perforated plastic without the ethylene, absorbent. lt allows a gain of approximately tive days for conservation at the 22° C temperature.Item Hipofosforose em bovinos no município de Contagem - Minas Gerais(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1973) Nunes, Lourival Pereira; Couto, Edalmo SouzaCases de nypophosphorose in dairy cattle were studied fn ContaPª m Country in the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil. The serum and calcium levels of six (6) sick animals, before and Twenty-one (21) days afther the treatment began, were determined. The treatment consisted of Phos-20 and bonemeal which were permanently ·ai1able in the feeder. lhe levéls of calciu11 and phosphosrous in the soil and in the "jaraguã" grass IHypahenia u&«I of the pasture of the two ranches were also determined. ln the first group, the parenteral treatment consisted of Phos-20, g1ven in a daily dose of 10 ml per 100 kg of animal weight for 10 days and bonemeal permanently available, in the feeder with salt (NaCL) alongside. ln the secund group, 1 mg of cobalt sulphate, diluted in 20 mlof water, was administered by mouth to each aminal daily for 10 days and salt was always 1 available to each. Afterwards, because of the negative result' of the cobalt treatment in this group, the treatment which had been administered the first group, was given to the second. Following this, the clinical picture of the cattle fn the second group showed det'inite i11provement. lhe third group was 91. ven no treatment for an equal perio of time. After the boneme salt, and Phos-20 treat11ent, the cattle recovered pa'rtially,but were left sterile, a side-effect of the treatment. ln the cattle of the first group the sympto•s disappeared after the first week of treatment with Phos-20 and bon meal. ln all of the animals treated with phosphorous sources , the phosphostemia returned to normal leveis, when the bonemeal and sart were furnished constantly in the fe_ed. Tnere was a close correlation between the phosphorous levels in the serum of the animals and the the phosphorous lev_Ts in the soil and the •jaraguã 11 grass (hypa.Jt.11.he.nia. Jtu6al. The clinical diagnosis of hipophosphorous was based on the analysis of the following clinicai data: symptoms, disease history, the level of phosphorous in the cattle serum the histopathological exam of bane tissue, and th phosphorti·1 s levels in the grazfng grass an soil of the two ranches where the experiment was carried out.Item Efeitos da radiação gama sobre os diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da broca do café hypothenemus hampei Ferr., 1867 (Coleoptera scolytidae(Manuel Passos de Castro, 1973-10) Silva, Antônio Lopes daAn experiment was conducted at the -cENTRO D ENER - GIA NUCLEAR NA AGRICULTURA" of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "'Luiz de Queiroz- - USP - Piracicaba, são Paulo'i'Brazil to study the control of the coffee berry borer Hipohenemuó hampei Ferr., 1867, using gamma irradiation from a source of Cobalt 60. The lethal dosage necessary for the adults outside nd inside the grafns were 475 an 525 krad, respectively. It was also evident that there was absorption of radiation by the grains. For 1arve the lethal dose was 350 krad an for pupas 4)0 krad. A mixed group of the coffee berry boere were treated w1th 15 krad. The 1arve lived for 21 days; the pupae·15 however the adults were the most resitant 1iving for 60 after treatment. Up to now we have not made efforts to observe the progeny, however steril dosage is greater tham 15 krad. According to the results obtained it is concludede ' that the best range of treatment for the coffee berry borer is between 25 an 50 krad. Using that range adults were controlled in 36 days. The phases which do the most damage, larval adult. stopped eating 3 days after treatment.