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    A contribuição do ensino das artes visuais para o desenvolvimento de pessoas neurodivergentes
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-18) Fernandes, Mariana Martins Teixeira; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva
    Teaching visual arts is an important tool that offers great benefits for education. Some people have neurocognitive functioning that differs from the expected average. In this course conclusion work I present reflections on neurodivergences and the aim is to understand how the teaching of visual arts contributes to the development of neurodivergent people. Based on my own experiences as a neurodivergent person, I seek, through bibliographical research, to build reflections on the relationship between the teaching of visual arts and neurodivergence, in addition to mapping practices that were and are carried out and that contribute to the development of neurodivergent people.
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    Reflexões acerca da formação para uma docência inclusiva em artes visuais: um relato de experiência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-17) Rodrigues, Camila Fernandes; Santos, Noeli Batista; Santos, Noeli Batista; Martins, Alice Fátima; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva
    This study aimed to promote possible changes in teaching practices and attitudes of equity in the teaching of visual arts through an inclusive methodological experience from the perspective of a Visual Arts undergraduate student with physical disabilities. The goal is also to deconstruct ideas and prejudices taught and systematized about people with disabilities, questioning the need for these individuals to conform to standardized norms. The objective is to demystify inclusion to generate reflections on the behaviors reproduced in education, with a focus on the training of graduates in higher education.As a methodology, the Experience Report (ER) of an artistic and methodological process was used, triggering the development of a tactile translation of the work "Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird" (1940) by Frida Kahlo. From the analysis of this experience, as a suggestion for a more inclusive didactic approach, we conclude the flexibility of possibilities by interconnecting education, art, and culture simultaneously within inclusive and accessible educational spaces, reaffirming the urgency of addressing this topic.
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    Desafios na construção de laços afetivos com a prática artística na escola
    (2024-01-17) Chaves, Carolina Moreira; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo
    This study aimed to comprehend the underlying reasons for students’ lack of emotional connection with artistic production in the Art discipline at school. Employing bibliographic research methods, previous investigations on the subject were examined, interwoven with materials and personal accounts through an autobiographical approach. It was evidenced that students’ disinterest in the Art discipline is largely linked to a lack of meaning, being approached in a disconnected manner from the student’s context and without the proper appreciation for their visual baggage. It is a complex and significant theme that, despite being extensively explored, remains a challenge to be addressed currently and likely in the future.
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    Das coisas que ainda não sei. Percursos pessoais de formação em arte, ensino e pesquisa
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-06-02) Silva, Matheus Martins da; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Santos, Noeli Batista; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva
    This research discusses my training trajectory in the visual arts degree course through three axes that played an important part in my process and that go hand in hand within the course's curricular plan. They are art, teaching and research. I start from personal experience, firstly, because the discussion is directly related to my undergraduate career, secondly, because I consider the importance of reporting the impact that art, teaching and research have on society, given the protagonism that these areas have in my professional and human training. To do this, I use the mechanisms of autobiography, so that I can bring subjective aspects into the discussion, and artography, so that I can relate the three axes of art, teaching and research combined with my experiences. I seek to explore the issue of my lack of knowledge, exposing the things I still don't know within these three fronts of knowledge construction, especially because I consider ignorance a fuel for learning, and I also propose the exercise of reflecting on the things I still don't know on my own. that they were veiled from us, knowing that Brazil was a colonized country for centuries.
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    Cultura Furry e ensino de artes visuais: contextos preocupados com a inclusão de referenciais acolhedores
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-16) Oliveira, Lucas Silveira de; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Santos, Noeli Batista; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo
    This work aims to address furry culture. It was born from its author's empathy with this contemporary cultural practice, and perceived as a research possibility during training in the Bachelor of Visual Arts. Born in the context of the 1970s, in the United States, and widely spread with the arrival of the global computer network, Furries are present from drawn forms to representations as costumes; In all these representations the cute and graceful forms stand out, however, beyond this, there is a lot of work and mobilization of derived forms of expression. An essayistic character was adopted in this work, as it was understood as the best way to tell this experience.
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    Ressignificar as selfies no contexto do ensino das artes visuais: um estudo bibliográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-25) Lamounier, Maria Clara Negreto; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva
    This academic work consists of a bibliographical study with the analysis of five academic works by Brazilian professors and researchers whose aim is to resignify the contemporary sef-portrait, the selfie, in visual arts classes, in formal education and in workshops. Sought to investigate, firstly, the general context of contemporary self-portraits, populary known as selfies, and their particularities, such as being an object produced almost exclusively for posting on social media, considering all the problems that relate to this exercise, such as the objectification of the individuals involved and the countless psychological problems caused. Initially, we started with Nicholas Mirzoeff‟s concepts and reflections on the relationships and differences between selfies and self-portraits; then we discussed the sociometer, presented by Max Fisher and the neuronal paradigm proposed by Byung-Chul Han. In the second section, it was necessary to analyze and problematize the possible use of this practice as a methodological resource in visual arts classes for final years elementary and high school classes. For that, we used researches and practical activities as examples. We identified that there are researches being carried out on the subject in at least three different regions of the country: northeast, midwest and south. In addiction, we noticed two common approaches, one that directly seeks to problematize selfies, and another that uses selfies to work on subjects such as self-portraiture. This research sought to think about a current problem, which has been identified as a recurring theme among several Brazilian researches, and hopes to contribute to similar future researches.
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    Do tradicional ao estilizado: as visualidades da cultura das quadrilhas juninas e a educação em artes visuais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Silva, Aleksander Sousa da; Andrade, Rita Morais de; Andrade, Rita Morais de; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva
    The research work on the visualities of the Square Dance culture arises from the need to identify elements that are part of the June culture within educational spaces through cultural transformations. Given this, the interest in research aims to understand the visualities of the Square Dance culture in the past and present (from traditional to stylized) and the ways of working with the elements of the June festival in Visual Arts classes and in education spaces. To do this, we will identify the main visualities that make up the June festivals through documentary research, experiences lived during my career as a June square dancer and the pedagogical residency program carried out during my degree in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Visual Arts of the University Federal of Goiás (2022-2024)
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    Histórias de vida de professores de artes visuais da educação básica e os impactos do currículo oficial no exercício da docência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-17) Barboza, Isabela Silva; Santos, Noeli Batista; Santos, Noeli Batista; Martins, Alice Fátima; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo
    This study was developed as a Course Completion Work (TCC) of the Visual Arts course - Teaching Degree, at the Faculdade de Artes Visuais at UFG, and aimed to analyze the paths of two Visual Arts teachers working in the Basic Education in Goiás State ― State Education of Goiás and the Federal Education of Professional, Scientific and Technological ―, investigating how the official curriculum impacts your teaching practices, as well as understanding the impact of the official curriculum on your training and professional development. Life Stories were used as a qualitative research method, through interviews, observations and analysis of official documents, such as the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) and the Diretrizes Curriculares para Goiás (DCGO). The research results can provide relevance and significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of teaching practice in this area, such as understanding the impacts of the official curriculum when investigating how it affects the teaching practice of visual arts teachers, providing insights into the limitations, challenges and opportunities that these professionals face in the current educational context. This will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the quality of visual arts teaching in basic education.
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    Proposta didático-pedagógica para o ensino de artes visuais na educação infantil: diálogo com a exposição Lavras e Louvores
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-18) Menezes, Lorena Santos de; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga Ferreira; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga Ferreira; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Perotto, Lilian Ucker
    This research uses bibliographic sources and presents the formulation of a didactic-pedagogical proposal for teaching visual arts in Early Childhood Education. The proposal is articulated in the three axes of the Triangular Approach, enabling a dialogue on cultural identity through the Lavras (work) and Praises (religiosity and festivals) Exhibition at the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). From the elaboration of this proposal, I intend to reflect on the importance of art/educators always seeking to create proposals through their ideas to make the visual arts discipline a protagonist in the construction of knowledge. Being in a non-formal education environment can awaken interest in art, developing skills, stimulating creativity and expanding the cultural repertoire. Considering that art teaching is essential for the social, emotional and intellectual development of human beings, as it stimulates creative, critical and sensitive thinking. When developing this didactic-pedagogical proposal for early childhood education, in partnership with non-formal education, I consider that it can contribute to the creation of other proposals and can be adapted for other stages of basic education.
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    Autorretrato e arte visionária: caminhos de um processo artístico, espiritual e humano
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Garibalde, Hugo Henrique Yoshiki Togo; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes
    The main purpose of this Final Paper is to demonstrate the path I have taken as a visual artist and visionary, through self-portraits. In the same way, we enter into the concept of visionary art, visiting visionary artists throughout history (mainly myself, since the work is autobiographical), as well as the self-portrait as a path to self-knowledge. Finally, my creative process in this Final Paper is a mirror of how my story had been until then, being the same, also a self-portrait, like my paintings, a reflection of the investigative process of a human being, about himself.
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    Centro de convivência para idosos: desenho universal aplicado ao paisagismo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-30) Costa, Danielly Alves da; Pires, Larissa Leandro; Pires, Larissa Leandro; Aguiar, Renata Alves de; Lanutti, Jamille Noretza de Lima
    With the demographic growth of the elderly population, discussions began about the needs to guarantee the health and quality of life of this portion of the population, what to do with the free time that the elderly have after retirement and how this can be used time actively, ensuring sociability, entertainment, leisure, satisfaction and well-being. Another important point that addresses these issues is the elderly person's relationship with their surroundings and how this influences them, how space limitations, which begin to be observed as a result of aging, can be compensated in order to prevent damage and guarantee the quality of life. In this way, the objective is to understand what the individual's physical losses are due to aging, how this affects the relationship and use of spaces and how universal design can be used as a means to compensate for these losses. This work is divided into two stages, being a thorough literature review, seeking to understand the fundamentals of environmental psychology and gerontology and how these can be applied to a landscaping project for a community center for the elderly. As design needs a way to apply concepts, landscaping was defined as a tool to work on concepts and guidelines for ambience, universal design and social design. In stage two, the landscape design methodology adapted to the objective of the work, the needs of users and limitations of the space of the Institution in which the project will be proposed is presented and the results achieved with the project proposal respecting the defined guidelines, where it is demonstrated If it is possible to develop a project for an accessible and aesthetically pleasing garden.
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    Entre linhas e vidas: o bordado como linguagem da memória
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Rocha, Priscila Tolentino; Crillanovick, Quéfren Trindade de Mesquita; Crillanovick, Quéfren Trindade de Mesquita; Novaes, Maristela Abadia Fernandes; Medeiros, Dorivalda Santos
    Handmade embroidery, in addition to being a surface design technique, is, particularly, a form of contemporary personal expression. Over the centuries, embroidery has undergone important historical changes, presented technical evolutions, adapting to the style of each era. The object of study of this work was the handmade embroidery and its relationship with the construction of the feminine, as well as its use as a surface for the creation of narratives of memories and stories. This research aimed to explore how contemporary freestyle embroidery incorporates and reflects personal and collective experiences. The methodology adopted was based on a qualitative approach that directed, in an exploratory manner, the understanding of human experiences, behaviors, emotions and the way in which people interpret and make sense of their lives and how this influences individual creative expression. In this way, the result was an embroidered textile piece that reflects the author's personal experiences, the historical and contemporary context of embroidery, as well as its use in the construction of a decentralized narrative, according to Ursula K. Le Guin’s carrier bag theory of fiction.
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    Do ato fotográfico ao ato autobiográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Carvalho, Thais Torres de; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Ospina Álvarez, Juan Sebastián; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa
    In this work, I investigate my artistic practice in photography as part of a liberation process, considering my daily experience since childhood, as a girl, teenager, and woman outside the norm. With a lot of hair spread across my body, I always faced people's judgement, my appearance was a reason for exclusion in the classroom groups of girls, to be accepted you had to be beautiful, your appearance was a reason for criticism, and since a long time I soon discovered this. In an autobiographical and self-representation approach to my own body, I seek in photography to break the bonds that have been imposed by society and at the same time encourage other women to free themselves from cycles of oppression. Thus, I make the photographic act an autobiographical act that seeks to emancipate my self-image.
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    Transformando espaços: o uso do design biofílico em ambientes corporativos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-01) Sousa, Polyana Lima de; Pires, Larissa Leandro; Pires, Larissa Leandro; Silva, Viviane Cruz e; Silva, Matheus Lima da
    The present study is research for the development of an mterior project. applying biophilic design in a work environment. with the purpose of integrating nature into the corporate world. The incorporation of biophilia m the corporate environment emerges as an alternative strategy to improve the mental health and well-bemg of employees, im order to mitigate stress levels, increase productivity and transform it into an environment conducive to creatimity. Through bibliographical research, we sought to understand the importance of psychological well-bemg, in work environments, the influence of nature on mental health and how the application of biophilic design in space can improve quality of hfe. Next, two case studies are shown, in which biophilic design was applied through organic shapes, materials and textures similar to those intended for the development of this project. After this, an inrtial analysis of the environment was carried out, aiming to identify potential areas of intervention, and the survey of the users profile, whose understanding guided the choices to meet their needs and preferences. Thus, a renovation and expansion project was developed for a design and architecture office m Goiâma, GO, whose integration of natural elements, light andvvegetation, was essential to transform the space into a balanced and inspiring ecosvstem, acting as a development tool. transformation of the environment.
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    Representação da cultura piauiense através de um baralho de cartas de tarô
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Rodrigues, Emmanuel Jose de Alencar; Rodrigues, Lara Beatriz da Silva Resende; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da; Fraga, Joana; Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo
    This research proposes, through the areas of graphic design, illustration, packaging design and card design – by adapting the method of Joly (1994) and Penn (2002) – to create and illustrate a card game exposing folkloric, historical and cultural themes from Piauí. Based on this, a bibliographical research was carried out on tarot, its terminology, the Major Arcana and what each one represents with the theses of Nadolny (2022), Bartlett (2011) and Nichols (1988). Furthermore, the culture, customs and traditional stories of Piauí were researched, specifically the mythical repertoire – that is, of municipal tales and legends, by using Portelada's (2014) thesis – and developed the visual identity of the project – encompassing the color system and deck’s style– the illustrations, the typography, the front and back design of the cards and a printed prototype. With that, the project sought to combine card games and folklore as a tool for preserving and exporting Brazilian culture through its playful, educational nature and the evocation of the culture, memory and identity of the people of Piauí.
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    Mori: game design na construção de narrativas reflexivas, abordando a efemeridade e o cotidiano
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-16) Santos, Anna Gabriela Alves dos; Freitas, Luisa de Castro; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Gualtieri, Nícolás Andrés
    Games are means capable of transmitting messages and information, and through this, helping to solve problems and transform people’s visions and ideals. With the increasing development of technology, people have started to disconnect from the present, and forget how ephemeral life is. This game design project will propose an indie digital game for computer, as a means capable of solving problems and bringing reflections to the user. In adherence to philosophy concepts, the game aims to bring reflections through exploratory interactions, speeches and thoughts of five distinct characters. In the midst of this, the player will experience a calm and peaceful atmosphere, in addition to experimenting with different visual techniques throughout the chapters, in order to put themselves in the shoes of each character, and interact through puzzles and choices in the narrative. In this way, a bibliographical research was carried out related to game design, to the proposed theme and to the methodological approaches used. The result was a prototype and illustrated screens, based on the requirements established during the project.
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    Redesign da Petrobras: uma abordagem para reconstrução da confiança e da reputação da marca
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-15) Venâncio Filho, André Pereira; Rocha, Marcio Alves da; Rocha, Marcio Alves da; Oliveira, Flavio Gomes de; Canfield, Daniel de Salles
    This capstone project seeks to comprehend the pivotal role of a designer in a redesign initiative that is in harmony with crisis management, aiming to rejuvenate a brand’s reputation. The endeavor integrates the application of time-honored theories of brand design and participatory design techniques, intending to forge a bond with the target demographic, spanning millions of individuals in Brazil and beyond. In essence, this study advocates for the rebranding of Petrobras, the preeminent corporation in the oil and derivatives sector in Latin America.
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    Negritudes em foco: um fotolivro representativo da diversidade e identidade negras
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-15) Silva, Angelo Gomes Pinheiro; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da
    This work aims at developing a printed photobook about blackness, whose content was mainly based on the book “O negro visto por ele mesmo” (2023), by Beatriz Nascimento. The photos produced by the author highlight different black identities and their cultural manifestations from an autobiographical perspective, exploring personal family archives and photos taken by the camera of the cellphone, approaching different thematics that added to the construction of the editorial design project.
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    Design editorial e design de serviço como ferramentas de imersão turística
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-15) Brito, Gabriel Silva; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da
    This work, inserted in the fields of service design and editorial design, has as its main objective to contribute to the experience of tourists in Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the state of Goiás. To do sowe produce a detailed map of the area, from the kalunga people´s perspective, which will not only guide tourists, but will also highlight the beauty and uniqueness of this tourist destination. The map incorporates editorial design elements to make it visually appealing and informative, including illustrations of local landmarks, information about the region’s flora and fauna, and trekking safety tips.
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    Animação infantil como mecanismo de conscientização educacional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Sena, Maria Luiza Maciel Serva; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da
    The following project aims to create an animation bible for a children's animated series based on Maria Montessori's teaching methods and studies on the representation of Brazilian children in a changing scenario with the use of animals from brazilian native fauna, mutual respect between educator and student as a feasibility for new life experiences and the feasibility of a future pilot episode.