PRPG - Pró-reitoria de Pós-graduação
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Item Dinâmica de competição agropecuária pelo uso do solo e implicações para a sustentabilidade dos recursos hídricos e remanescentes florestais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-21) Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira; Lee, Francis;; Ribeiro, Francis Lee; Ferreira Júnior, Laerte Guimarães; Miziara, Fausto; Oliveira, Gilca Garcia de; Nogueira, Jorge MadeiraAccording to the IBGE is possible to identify four main complexes: cattle, soybeans, corn and sugar cane, responsible for the use and occupancy of approximately 97% of the soils. This thesis presents a survey of impacts on consumptive use of water resources, soils and forest remnants, from the dynamics of land use and specialization of municipalities in the state of Goiás in the complexes: Cane sugar, soybeans, corn and cattle.The results confirmed the hypothesis worked and indicated that municipal specialization in these complexes is the result of the comparative advantages of regions and that this specialization locate geographically environmental impacts analyzed.Therefore, working with the hypothesis that this specialization is the result of the exploitation of municipalities comparative advantages by competitive advantages of complexes in question.In response to questions for investigation, it was possible to identify the comparative advantages of the municipalities and the main competitive advantage of the complexes. In addition, indicators were generated from environmental risks to agriculture and a location model of these complexes as a function of the comparative advantages of the municipalities, which constitute subsidies to the establishment of institutions and public policies for regional development, the economic ecological and agro-ecological zoning and coordination between agricultural and environmental policies.Item A semântica da família no jogo democrático brasileiro: uma análise da concepção de entidade familiar proposta pelo estatuto da família à luz dos direitos humanos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-31) Abreu, Daniel Albuquerque de; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello;; Reis, Helena Esser dos;; Reis, Helena Esser dos; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello; Leal, Maria Virgínia; Pinheiro, Douglas Antônio Rocha; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello deThis thesis aims to verify, by means of an interdisciplinary approach, if the concept of familial entity suggested by the Family Statute (Brazilian Law Project 6,583/2013) maintains compatibility with the Brazilian democracy and with the constitutional and international principles of Human Rights. In order to accomplish this work, it was necessary to evidence the text of the Law Project and its two Opinions, and also to examine in detail the arguments that have been used by the Federal Representatives when voting on the second Opinion at the Special Commission of the House of Representatives. This study was developed through investigations on the semantic construction of familial entity in Brazil, and through a historical and social about which we elected as significant four marks: 1) the religious actions of the Constituent Representatives in 1987-1988 which, ultimately, contributed to the final wording of the Brazilian Federal Constitution’s article 226; 2) the interpretation of the Brazilian legal order through the neo-constitutionalist lenses; 3) the position of supra-legality that the international treaties of Human Rights occupy in the post-1988 Brazilian legal order, according to the positioning of most of the Brazilian Supreme Court members; and 4) the arguments that have been used by the Brazilian Supreme Court members when voting on the equalization of the homo-affective and hetero-affective unions (ADPF 132-RJ and ADI 4.277-DF), in addition to the Resolution 175/2013 edited by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, which facilitates the conversion of homo-affective unions into marriages. Also, the interdisciplinary trajectory was proven fundamental to the reflections on the plurality of constructive and interpretative possibilities of familial entity identified by the contemporary literature. Moreover, this thesis dealt with the characterization of the Brazilian democracy based on the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 as its normative mark, and also on conceptions of democracy by both Norberto Bobbio’s procedural democracy (the rules of the democratic game) and Luís Roberto Barroso’s substantive democracy as theory guidelines for the work. Furthermore, the constitutional and international principiology of Human Rights received a special focus on this thesis, since, in addition to their supra-legal status, they are also essential instruments to the fulfillment of the conventionality control – a system of vertical compatibility according to which all the infra-constitutional legislation to be produced by Brazil must be necessarily and previously submitted to an analysis of compatibility with the Brazilian Constitution and the Human Rights treaties, in order not to suffer from unconstitutionality or inefficiency, respectively. Finally, this research endeavors the analysis of the semantic of family in Brazil based on the consideration of three central arguments that permeate the discourse of the Federal Representatives and the Supreme Court Ministries, concerning the discussion of and confrontations between the Family State, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Human Rights and democracy, which are: the family as a naturalized institution; the primacy of the world view conferred by the evangelical Christians over all the others; and the understanding that democracy cannot be fulfilled by the merely satisfaction of the “will of the majority”.Item Entre a singularidade e a complexidade da construção de saberes docentes na formação Inicial de professores de matemática no contexto do Pibid(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-14) Abreu, Iury Sparctton Melchior de; Rosa, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves;; Rosa, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves;; Magalhães, Solange Martins Oliveira; Chaves, Sandramara MatiasThe goal of this work, whose central theme evidences the training of mathematics teachers, is to understand the influence of the environment provided by the Institutional Program Initiation of Scholarships for Initiation in Teaching - Pibid for the construction of the essential knowledge for initial teacher training. As it is the study of a specific group, in an institution of higher education, this research is characterized as a quali-quantitative case study, with the dialectical historical materialism method, which seeks to establish the relationship between the singularity and the complexity of teacher training in the Pibid. We addressed several aspects of the theme: History of teacher training in Brazil; National Education Guidelines and Framework Law; Teacher training in Federal institutes; Curriculum and profile of the student of the Teaching Degree in Mathematics; Essential knowledge for teacher training and the influence of Pibid in the construction of knowledge. The theoretical framework that supported these discussions consisted of contributions from various national and international researchers, in addition to official documents that structure and standardize the Brazilian education and Pibid. From literature in Education: Libâneo (1992); Nóvoa et al. (1995); Freire (1996); Alarcão (1996); Pimenta (1996); Masetto (1998); Demo (2006); Gatti (2008); Saviani (2009); Frigotto (2011). From literature specific to Mathematics education: Fiorentini and Miorim (1990); Grando (2000). From literature relative to Pibid: André (2012); Fetzner and Souza (2012); Jardilino and Oliveri (2014). From official documents: Law 9394/96 – LDB; Law 11892, of December 29th, 2008; Ordinance 096, of July 18th, 2013. Empirical data were obtained by direct observation of the researcher in the research environment and semistructured questionnaires, answered by the scholarship students of the subproject PibidMathematics of the Federal Institute of the state of Goiás, Campus Urutaí. The categories used for data analysis were: Knowledge of the Specific Scientific Field, Knowledge of the Pedagogical-Didactic Field, Knowledge of the Experiential Field and Knowledge of the Political Field. These categories were constructed through the analysis of initial teacher training and an intensive and delicate examination of the questionnaires, using data triangulation as the analysis technique. The data obtained showed elements which enabled the analysis of some aspects of initial teacher training, specifically those related to the construction of teaching knowledge. We understand the Pibid as a program that contributes greatly to the development of the Knowledge of the Specific Scientific Field, Knowledge of the Pedagogical-Didactic Field, Knowledge of the Political Field and Knowledge of the Experiential Field. Furthermore, we found that the relationship between the theory of Higher Education and professional practice in Basic Education contributes to both the initial training of scholarship students, and for the continuing education of supervisor teachers of Pibid. This training occurs by means of exchange of knowledge and experience of both, teamwork, suggestions, teaching practices and methodologies proposed by the group.Item Práticas de manejo pecuário na microrregião de São Miguel do Araguaia, Goiás: uma análise a partir de dados de campo e de sensoriamento remoto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-03) Aguado, Oscar Ivan De Oro; Araújo, Fernando Moreira de;; Ferreira, Laerte Guimarães;; Miziara, Fausto; Couto, Victor Rezende MoreiraPasture degradation is a process in the tropical region and in Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 100 million hectares under poor conservation and management conditions. This work aims to understand, in an exploratory way, the quality of the Brachiaria Brizantha and Andropogon Gayanus species, evaluating the seasonal and trend characteristics in relation to the conditioning factors of the degradation in the microregion of São Miguel do Araguaia. The methodology consisted in the selection of pastures in three levels of degradation for the species mentioned above; historical management for the last 15 years; and estimated vegetative vigor analysis using satellite images from the MODIS sensor, i.e. product MOD13Q1 - NDVI, for the period 2000 to 2015. The time series was analyzed using seasonal metrics and the algorithms Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) for trend analysis and identification of the degradation factors for the three levels of degradation of both species. The results demonstrated the differentiation between the three categories of pasture management (optimal, reasonable and poor) for the two grass species using data collected in the field and orbital. According to the seasonal metrics, statistically, the species presented differentiated vegetative vigor behaviors (t = 2,083, gl = 375, p <0.001), and the discrimination is higher using the amplitude and maximum metrics of the NDVI index. The optimal pastures (t = 2.876, gl = 375, p <0.001) and poor (t = 4,142, gl = 375, p <0.001) differed according to seasonal behavior, while reasonable pastures did not (t = 0.745; = 375, p> 0.05). The optimal and reasonable pastures of B. Brizantha presented similar behaviors over the analysis period, whereas the poor pasture presented differentiated behaviors for the amplitude and average metrics. However, the optimal, reasonable and poor pastures of the A. Gayanus species, despite having differentiated qualities and management in the field, the NDVI values throughout the temporal series presented similar behaviors for both qualities. The Trends analysis showed that the high temperatures of 2007 and 2010 generated negative breaks points for both species, while the years of 2009 and 2013 were points of positive breaks due to the increase in rainfall records. As a conclusion, moderate resolution orbital data, particularly NDVI, allow the differentiation of pasture species and their respective qualities through the analysis of time series and, on the other hand, trend analysis showed that both species of grass showed high Sensitivity to the climatic factors, as El Niño and La Niña, in relation to the management used.Item A proteção dos direitos humanos dos refugiados em Goiás: uma análise sobre a formulação de políticas públicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-13) Aguiar, Rafaella Ribeiro de; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander;; Joo , Carlos Ugo Santander; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; Silva, Alessandro Rezende daThis research analyzes the influence of the formulation of a public policy for migrants, refugees and stateless persons in the State of Goiás on the local integration of refugees from a qualitative study, emphasizing the formulation process carried out from 2016 to 2018 and the actors involved in it. Believes that public policy design should involve implementers in the formulation process (Howlett, 2013; Ansell & Sorensen, 2017). It analyzes the context based on two fronts of technical and methodological exploration: i) a documentary analysis, involving the revision of the norms of international Human Rights, International Refugee Law and the national laws about migration; and the meeting records of the Thematic Committee of the Intersectoral Committee of Public Policies for Migration in the State of Goiás (in portuguese, CIPEMIGRA); and ii) the interviews with the members of CIPEMIGRA, the ones responsible for the formulation. Finally, it seeks to understand and analyze the policy-making process and its content in the light of human rights in an attempt to understand its relationship to refugee protection and local integration.Item Educação ambiental e meio ambiente no contexto de Palmas Capital Ecológica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-14) AIRES, Berenice Feitosa da Costa; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; the representations of the Environment and Environmental Education of teachers and students of basic education Palmas (TO) was the main goal of our investigat ion. The focus of research is centered on representations because we think they reveal the world of the subject and open spaces both for reflection and for action. Through literature review and rescued some forms of environmental education has been practiced and how the environment has been conceived, trying to show how the place and everyday relationships are constructive representations and relevance to the development of formal education, especially by experiments that occurs at the local level, but are not disconnected from global experiences. Thus, the study focuses on the pedagogical practices of teachers in the EA of private education, city and state and graphical representations of students in elementary and secondary education about the environment. For the realization of this theoretical research using sources from different areas of knowledge and empirical research, using the analysis of questionnaires, documents, maps, observations, records, photographs and statistical analysis (Chi-square and Fischer's exact test). From the data collected, the practice of EA was revealed as a variety of representations of students and teachers about the environment. The results offer a view as has been the practice in environmental education in the area surveyed, mainly in relation to the activities of EA developed in basic education. From the elaborate framework of representations and pedagogical practices found and the end of the investigation, it was possible to formulate some guidelines for programs of continuing education of teachers in EA, and some principles for the construction of meaningful practice of EA considering the context of basic education Palmas (TO). It is emphasized that the importance of this research area is to contribute to the reflection on the values that can permeate the environmental education and also by providing assistance, not just getting in dealing conceptual.Item Fortalecimento da ouvidoria do SUS a partir da Comissão Intergestores Regional – experiência na região de saúde Rio Vermelho-Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-11-27) Alarcao, Jonas Carlos Berquo; Lima, Alessandra Rodrigues de Almeida;; Lima, Alessandra Rodrigues de Almeida; Soares, Meire Incarnação Ribeiro; Lemos, Cristiane Lopes Simão; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes deThe SUS Ombudsman is a channel of qualified citizens hearing, capable of guaranteeing them the fundamental right to health, insofar as it presents to the system management instances, the needs or weaknesses identified by citizens or users. For the perfect operation of the SUS Ombudsman, it must be configured on network with software deployment demands management : SUS Ombudsman system. In Goiás state , till the beginning of 2014, the number of municipalities with the implanted system was extremely low. The state network is organized to the level of Regional Health, located in the municipalities of each region headquarters, with the existence of Ombudsman regional dialogues . In Rio Vermelho Health Region , we observed a number of issues regarding the Ombudsman work that were impeding the advance of the network to the municipal level. This study intended to raise awareness of the local health managers in the region, under the Inter-Regional Commission - CIR, on the role of the SUS Ombudsman and its importance and thereby to get achieving maximum response time to citizens, to institute the responsible staff for the Municipal Ombudsman Health and to deploy SUS Ombudman System in 100% of the municipalities in the region. For this, we used an Intervention Project, based on the assumptions of action research. The intervention was structured in the form of an action plan and implemented through strategies developed by the Department of Rio Vermelho Goiás Health Region in partnership with the Management of the Ombudsman, both organs of the State Office of Health. As results, we have obtained: a. pact of maximum response to ombudsman demands directed to municipalities, the setting of the responsible ones by Municipal Ombudsman in 16 municipalities in Rio Vermelho Region and the expansion of the network state Ombudsman with the implementation of SUS Ombudsman system in 15 municipalities. We have noted that in a Health Region, it is fundamental the integration of Regional Health with municipalities under their geographical jurisdiction, in particular, within the CIR space, since this integration when directed to building or strengthening the process regionalization of health always results in advances in the Regional System. Using the space of CIR to discuss the strengthening of the Ombudsman allowed us to comprehend the need for it in a network structure and to include municipalities on network. As the new structure and workflow established in the region, it will be possible to achieve new breakthroughs in the management of the Ombudsman demands such as: to reduce further the response time, to decrease the number of unanswered demands and to use the information in the management system, both in regional and municipal levelsItem Prevalência e fatores associados à hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorreferida entre trabalhadores da prefeitura de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-03-08) Aleixo, Lidia Morais Santos Barreira; Turchi, Marília Dalva;; Turchi, Marília Dalva; Souza, Ana Luiza Lima; Pereira, Edsaura MariaPrevalence and factors associated with self-reported high blood pressure among public workers of Goiania Municipality Worldwide, high blood pressure (HBP) is considered the most prevalent chronic disease and is associated with high cardiovascular and brain morbidity. Prevention, early diagnosis and proper treatment are essential to reduce the damage from HBP. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with high blood pressure, hypertension (HBP) among municipal public service workers. A cross-sectional study was conducted with data of the survey administered to all public workers of Goiania municipality in 2009. The survey was conducted electronically by the Human Resources of the municipality. The workers answered a structured questionnaire covering administrative, personal and health data. Logistic regression was used to investigate the association between HBP and sociodemographic and occupational variables, lifestyle and co morbidities. We calculated crude and adjusted Odds Ratio (OR). A value of p ≤ 0.05 was used for the analysis. We analyzed data from 30,566 workers who responded to the survey hypertension issues. The workers age ranged from 18 to 74 years, with a median of 41 years; 48.8% had a university degree; 34.8% were blue-collar workers; family income up to 3 minimum wage (50.4%) and 64.6% were women. The prevalence of self-reported HBP was 13.0% (95% CI 12.7 to 13.4). In multivariate analysis, hypertension was associated with female gender, age, middle education attainment, income above three minimum wages, occupation, self-report diabetes, fatigue report after working hours and emotional disorders history. These findings demonstrate the importance of psychosocial and occupational factors in the prevalence of hypertension in the civil service. The results may support HBP prevention programs aimed at improving the quality of life in the workplace, prioritizing the most vulnerable groups.Item A inclusão da Educação Ambiental nas escolas públicas do Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-13) ALMEIDA, Adriana Seabra Vasconcelos; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Gonçalves; is unquestionable the importance of Environmental Education (EE) in the educational process for the students´ education who are able to make based decisions and to participate on discussions in their community as far as environmental issues. Before the problems lived in our society, the social-environmental problem treatment in the formal teaching is one of the conditions which contributes for the capitalist model changes and transformations, that stimulates the overboard consume and reinforces the social inequalities. However, the insertion of EE in the school environment facer many challenges which go through, including, the lack of structure itself of the educational system that still works in a traditional way. Implementing EE in the school context requires a posture and attitude change for a participative debate about the environmental issues where the community is inserted. Thus, considering that it is needed to discuss the different ways in which the EE is treated in the school day to day basis, this research has for objective to analyze the EE approach through Complementary Educational Activity Projects (PRAECs), developed in Goias state schools, from three Regional Sub-Secretaries of Education: SRE-Aparecida de Goiania, SRE-Goiania and SREAnapolis. Thus, we used questionnaires and interviews to obtain the data. These revealed that the teachers still present an EE conservational conception, with a dichotomous idea of the relationship between man-nature and they have a fragmented vision of the aspects that involve the socio-environmental problems. Although they have used different methodologies, these are punctual and limited, according with their conceptions, and if they are not contextualized and with a participative character they will not obtain the expected results for an EE that may promote changes for the education of individuals with capacity of making based decisions. We cannot leave out to highlight the presence of activities that come closer to the PRAEC proposal and to enrich and to diversify the curriculum through dynamic activities. In relation to PNEA, we have verified that at some moments the project gets closer to recommendations of this document; however, at other moments it becomes distant. We have verified that PRAEC can be characterized as a public policy as we consider that it appeared from the demand of a social group, however, documents that may regularize within the Secretary of Education of the State of Goias (SEE-GO) were not found, and therefore, we understand it as a mascaraed public policy. We have concluded that EE is present in the day to day school and that PRAEC is constituted a strong instrument for its consolidation, despite this, the attributed principles to EE in the formal teaching must be better understood and applied, in the sense of producing pedagogical practices that may provoke changes in the way of seeing and thinking about the world. It is fundamental the investment in the educational system as a whole, especially on the bachelor´s degree courses, so that they raise their quality bringing down the knowledge fragmentation barriers and the limitation imposed by the discipline of it. It is also important the investment from the SEE-GO in the PRAEC institutionalization, establishing more specific guidelines to elaborate and to develop activities with quality, meaning, that they may be able to call the attention of the students for a based debate on socioenvironmental problems that are around them in a critical way. Thus, this project can contribute to the EE rooting in the schools in a way to involve the whole community and its surroundings to a renewal of the educational process, with visions of improvement in the quality of life of such and for the future generations.Item Eu empregada doméstica: narrativas, sentidos e significados na luta pela efetivação de direitos das trabalhadoras domésticas no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-27) Almeida, Lyzyê Inácio; Dias , Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Botelho, Denise Maria; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista deThe present dissertation resulted in a qualitative and interdisciplinary research that selects narratives of lute by working directors of domestic enterprises, especially by black women who perform and perform this function as the case of Laudelina de Campos Mello. Besides this methodological inverse, were added to these narratives of fights an analysis gives initiative of creation gives page of Facebook: Eu Empregada Doméstica, which presents stories of domestic servants, constituting the data that were analyzed in search for their meanings. Therefore, revelations have been extracted from the virtual space of the internet, where the fanpage Eu Empregada Doméstica has its impact and diversification of two records of domestic workers, who expose their daily lives in the employers' house. These workers were stimulated by actions previous not virtual world such as those of Joyce Fernandes, also known as Preta Rara, who denounced offenses and prejudices suffered in environment of domestic work. Or I have studied the made it possible or scope of the central objective of the research, which is to be followed more closely with the fact that these are stories, more than any other day or day of work, but supplications for the realization of a more contextual objective than é a effectiveness of their fundamental rights. In this way, it is possible to confirm the hypothesis that, in a context that has been incorporated into a broadening of domestic workers' rights, at the present time, it can be ascertained an updated perpetuity of the escravagista past.Item Diversidade e vulnerabilidade de insetos aquáticos em paisagens produtivas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-05-30) Almeida, Mirian Cristina de; Marco Junior, Paulo de; and habitat fragmentation at the landscape scale, the land use and local integrity of habitats (e.g. riparian forests), associated with the social structure of rural lands are factors that can determine the loss of species. These could be greater where of landscapes is homogenized by the same type of land use, such as in agricultural areas. This has important consequences and could be determine that Conservation Biology practices are not based only on Protected Areas. These approaches applied to aquatic insects occurring in Cerrado of Goiás state show that endangered species of Odonata, distributed in the central and south region presented a historical habitat loss of 76%. Regional assessment according to the criteria of the IUCN, a total of 34.8% of species would be in some category of threat, these 71.5% were Critically Endangered, 22,8% Endangered and 4.9% would be vulnerable. Local environmental variables, spatial structure of habitat and matrix in buffers of 250 meters and habitat spatial structure and matrix in the landscapes of 25 by 25 kilometers explained the local richness of Odonata adults in streams. Richness decreases with increase in pasture in the 250 meters buffers and crop in the landscape and increases with the opening canopy. For Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) immature, richness increases with increasing riparian forest 250 meters buffers, with the opening of canopy and the average conductivity of the water. When we consider the habitat integrity (riparian) associated with the structure of rural property around protected areas, the integrity of riparian vegetation as measured by NDVI was lower in the Buffer Zone of sustainable protect areas associated with small farms. The area of the property dedicated to the cultivation and cattle size has direct impacts to lower NDVI values.Item A educação através dos agogôs, atabaques e pandeiros: o samba de roda goiano e questões de direitos humanos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-11-03) Almeida, Natália Rita de; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Avelar, Antonio Carrillo; Campos, Cerise de Castro; Macedo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Correia, Paulo PetronílioThe present dissertation presents the results of a research that had as objective to investigate the samba de roda in Goiânia, in particular the samba de roda that happens in the Sector Serrinha. The samba de roda is a manifestation of Afro-Brazilian culture and represents the resistance of blacks in Brazil. The research reveals principles of an education that is grounded in the African worldview. We realize that the samba de roda transmits in its practice human rights education. The samba de roda is a manifestation that in its execution transmits education and the masters of the Afro-Brazilian traditions, holders of the knowledge about these cultures are the idealizers of the sambas de roda that happen in Goiânia-GO. It was from the reports of the subjects next to the bibliography about the samba de roda, intercultural education, popular education and human rights that we recorded the manifestation.Item Morfometria e uso da terra da bacia hidrográfica do Rio do Coco e suas implicações sobre a produção e transporte de sedimentos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-31) Almeida, Rejane Freitas Benevides; Bayer, Maximiliano;; Ferreira Júnior, Laerte Guimarães;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Zancopé, Márcio Henrique de Campos; Silva Júnior, José Luiz CabralThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of morphometric aspects and land use in the areas of permanent preservation of watercourses on the production and transport of sediments in the Rio do Coco watershed. It is located on the right bank of the Araguaia River basin, in the state of Tocantins, between the municipalities of Caseara, Marianópolis do Tocantins, Divinópolis do Tocantins, Monte Santo, Paraíso do Tocantins, Chapada de Areia, Pium and Barrolândia. The first phase of the study consisted of compartmentalization and morphometric analysis of the basin, where it was verified the existence of regions (high basin) with natural characteristics indicative of greater susceptibilities that may potentiate sediment supply, pointing out the need of more effective planning of the use activities. The second phase was dedicated to evaluating the cover and the soil use of the Rio do Coco basin, in addition to identifying and quantifying the percentage of areas with land use conflicts in the areas of permanent preservation of water courses. For this purpose, the mapping of land cover and land use was carried out using images from Landsat 8 (2015) satellite. For the identification of PPAs buffers with buffer strips were created according to the limits defined in the legislation. The conflicts of land use in APP were measured after the overlap of the map generated in the classification and the PPA map, being verified for the entire basin 32.8% of areas with conflicts of use along the bodies of water and, although the sub-basins belonging to the region of the high basin are the regions with greater irregularities. The third and last phase of the thesis evaluated the production and transport of sediments in the Rio do Coco basin and its most representative sub-basins. This analysis was carried out by means of measurements of liquid and solid discharges in the Coco River and in the mouth of the channels of the main sub-basins. Measurements were initiated in November 2014 extending through April 2016 from bimonthly collections. The quantification of the solids load obeyed the methodology defined by Carvalho (2000b), and the flow measurements are performed using the following flow meters: ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter) FlowTracker and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler). The total discharge followed the method of Colby (1957) in Carvalho (2000a) and the specific production of sediments was analyzed based on the methodology of Carvalho (2008). From these analyzes it was possible to measure the volume of material transported by the main drainage channels of the basin, being proved that the region of the high basin is responsible for most of the sediments produced and transported in the water bodies. It should be noted, therefore, that this material has not arrived fully in the Araguaia River, part is being deposited along the canal, it is evident that in the basin there is an environment where production and transportation predominate and in another the accumulation. The results found in this phase of the research only reinforce the evidence observed in previous phases, where it was verified that the morphometric aspects are determinant in the sedimentological discharge of the basin, being the use and coverage of the soil considered maximizer of the whole process.Item A prática como componente curricular nos cursos de formação de professores de química no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-28) Almeida, Sara de; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva;; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da SilvaPractice as Curricular Component (CPC) was established initially in Resolution (CNE / CP 2/2002) and remains in the recent Resolution (CNE / CP 2/2015) that defines the National Curriculum Guidelines for initial training at higher level and the continuing education of teachers. Despite having been legally established to fourteen years, 400 hours of PCC in teacher training courses, today many questions arise about the subject, because despite the existence of the legal directions is plural understanding of what will be to this curricular component by the IES. This study aimed to understand how the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) insert the 400 hours of PCC in training courses of Chemistry teachers of Goiás state with the main focus on the pedagogical projects Course (PPC). This is a qualitative research that uses as a method to Text Analysis Discourse (ATD). The corpus of the research was constituted by eighteen educational projects of Chemistry Degree courses offered in the state of Goiás. The analytical process according to ATD, is through the unitarization corpus of texts, categorization and capture the emerging new. The analysis allowed us to establish two categories, the first "Effectiveness of the PCC in the pedagogical proposals of courses" and the other called "Practice Conceptions as Component Curriculum of educational projects of Degree courses in Goiás State Chemistry". As analytical framework for public policy context, we used the approach of Stephen Ball Policy Cycle. From the analysis performed, it was observed that 400 hours of PCC are not exploited in the same way by different courses, and some proposals, we note that these hours are not considered for development activities related to teacher training. The insertion of the CCP promoted and continues to promote a restructuring of the educational proposal of teacher training courses across the country, including the state of Goiás. This research, taking into account the current context of undergraduate and advances in this scenario intends together with the other research conducted since the 1980s, a glimpse of the road ahead and not a return, a setback in training of teachers, in view of the use and design of HEIs offer degree courses in Chemistry in the state of Goiás on Practice as Curricular component for teacher training.Item Degradação de fenol por bactérias de dois biomas brasileiros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-14) Almeida-Rotta, Anna Paula Santos; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves;; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Souza, Keili Maria Cardoso deIn recent decades, the growth of industrial activity and agriculture has been responsible for environmental contamination due to the presence of organic and inorganic substances. Phenol and its derivatives are an important class of environmental contaminants by their presence in many industrial effluents. The seeking of biological alternatives to mitigate the environmental pollution has motivated researches to find microorganisms that combine the capacity to degrade phenol with a sustainable focus. Therefore, bacteras capable of degrading xenobiotics are been used in soil, sediment and water treatment. This study has aimed to evaluate the biodegradation of phenol by bacterial isolates isolated from two Brazilian biomes (Cerrado Goiano and Mangrove of Guarapary, ES), whereupon the influence of pre-adaptation of the bacteria was checked, as well as the effects of growth parameters in different concentrations and the tolerance to this chemical compound. One isolated from Cerrado was identified as Staphylococcus aureus (BF 2.5), and the other one as a gram-positive rod (\BF 2.3.2), and the mangrove bacteria were identified as Bacillus circulans (MF-2) and Bacillus sp. (MF-1). All of the isolates consumed phenol in the approximated of 500mg.L-1 when cultivated in liquid Busnell-Hass (BH) medium and 1.500mg.L-1 in Nutrient Agar medium (NA). The consumption of phenol as carbon source by BF-2.5 isolated was 2,78; 4;79 and 0,35% for concentrations of 100, 200 and 300 mg.L-1 of phenol, respectively. The isolated BF-2.3.2 results were 11, 04; 19,13 and 16,02%, respectively. For the mangrove isolated the results were 22,43; 11,52 and 3.33% to 21,54; 20;54 and 28.85% for the MF-1 and MF-2 isolates, respectively in the same phenol concentrations tested. These results suggest a higher phenol consumption capacity of MF-2 isolated from mangrove.Item Avaliação da satisfação profissional de enfermeiros de um Hospital Universitário da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-03-11) Alvarenga, Giane Cristina; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de;; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de; Almeida , Nilza Alves Marques; Siqueira, Karina MachadoTransversal, descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach, performed in a university hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil, involving 91 nurses gazetted by the institution. We sought to evaluate job satisfaction of these and to describe the demographic profile and professional partner thereof and to identify factors that influence job satisfaction. Two instruments for data collection were used: being a questionnaire for sociodemographic data and other professionals and to assess job satisfaction, the S20 / 23. The collection occurred during the months of November and December 2013. The study nurses are in most cases, female (90.1%); mean age, 47 years; 60.4% were married or in a stable relationship; have an average of two children; have a family income of 10 minimum wages and more (71.4%); are experts (59.3%), teachers (30.8%) and doctors (4.4%). Just over half have other employment; working on average 60 hours a week. As for job satisfaction, there is a mixture of satisfaction and professional dissatisfaction among nurses in the research institution. We conclude that nurses are fully satisfied with the opportunities to perform activities that stand out and also about the objectives and goals to achieve. A partial job satisfaction related to the act of doing things they enjoy, as well as the possibilities of decision and autonomy. Though fully satisfied with relations with positions of power, nurses are partially satisfied with the possibilities of decision and autonomy. More than half of the professionals are dissatisfied with the work environment. The variables: time of graduation, family income and other employment relations do not appear to interfere with the satisfaction of nurses in this study. With this research, there were simple interventions measures that can enhance job satisfaction, aiming to better quality of care delivered to customers, reflecting the characteristics of the institution, which is part of the Unified Health System (SUS), and strengthening the Legitimizing humanization of service to the community, extended to individuals that do so.Item A efetividade dos direitos humanos diante das limitações do saber jurídico: uma reflexão sobre o diálogo judicial e interdisciplinar a partir do julgamento do caso das células-tronco embrionárias (adi nº. 3.510/2005)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-11-25) Alves Neto, Josias Ferreira; Pinheiro, Douglas Antônio Rocha;; Pinheiro, Douglas Antônio Rocha; Costa, Alexandre Bernardino; Machado, Vilma de FátimaJudgments about human rights require democratic environments to be incurred. The dialogue between the various stakeholders proves to be essential to overcome the limits of legal cognition so that judicial decision will be more effective as the addressed participate to it. In this sense, the unconstitutionality lawsuit n. 3.510 from 2005 shows an interesting example of operation of the dialog field since admitted in its decision making process, the presence of civil society through the amicus curiae institute and the public hearings. The mainstreaming of research on embryonic stem cells has awakened interest of several organizations that would volunteer themselves to expand the legal cognition about the beginning of life. It has been presented arguments of medical, biological, sociological, historical ordinations and some others arguments to uncover the web of bonds involving the constitutional subject matter. The judges interacted with such argumentative space in order to make the final decision about the constitutionality of scientific research from the influence of the miscellaneous views that were presented about the subject. Thus, there was an interaction field between juridical and extrajuridical knowledge in the human rights treatment that, from the perspective of this study, contributed to the construction of the final text of the judgment.Item Análise de tendência da mortalidade prematura por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis nas unidades federadas - Brasil 2000 a 2011(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-05-14) Alves, Carla Guimarães; Morais Neto, Otaliba Libânio de;; Morais Neto, Otaliba Libânio de; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de; Siqueira Junior, João Bosco; Minamisava, RuthChronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have the highest mortality rate worldwide, with an increase in middle-income and low-income countries. The main groups are circulatory diseases (CAD), chronic respiratory diseases (CRD), cancer and diabetes. In Brazil, the first two groups are showing a decrease trend in the last decade and the others remain stable. The strategic action plan for dealing with chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil, from 2011-2022, sets a target to reduce premature mortality by 2% per year until 2022. Therefore the purpose of this article is to identify the trend in mortality rates and the scenarios of meeting the goals for reducing premature mortality rates by 2% per year by the states. It was performed a time series analysis of the standardized mortality rates for NCDs, corrected for underreporting deaths and ill defined causes of death in each of the four causes groups in the period from 2000 to 2011 in males and females. The autoregressive linear regression of the Prais-Winsten was the model of choice. There were estimated the average annual increment rates of mortality and the confidence intervals in 95%. The states was defined with favorable and unfavorable scenarios for achieving the goal of the plan from the states that showed significant average annual of increment rate of reduction (p <0.05) and upper limit of 95% CI <= -2.0%. For the CAD group, both genders, the states have showed that a favorable scenario were: Distrito Federal, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Paraná. For the DRC group the states were Amazonas, Distrito Federal, e Paraná. For groups of cancer and Diabetes Mellitus all the states had unfavorable scenarios upper limit of 95% of the annual average increment rate greater than two. The conclusion was that the states, with the support of the Ministry of Health in conjunction with other Federal Agencies, together with state and municipal governments should strengthen interventions focused on modifiable risk factors for NCDs and ensure comprehensive integrated care to diagnosed users to reduce premature mortality in the four groups of causes.Item Os professores de ciências e matemática em Goiás (1991 a 2006): demandas e dilemas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-09) ALVES, Deuel Bernardes; BARRIO, Juan Bernardino Marques; dissertation is a documentary research diagnosis of character you want to enlarge the perception of the "alleged needs of the market" and teacher training courses in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in both the elementary school and in high school, and has some of the dilemmas related to science and mathematics teachers in the state of Goiás Begins with a discussion that relates education, demand and structure, then do a historical retrospective of the consolidation of Higher Education in Brazil trying to make in parallel, the process of building Law of Guidelines and Bases and the National Plan of Education, within the period f rom 1991 to 2006, which is marked by a major range of LDB/96 approval, which probably inf luenced the expansion of the number of IES in the country, but specif ically in Goiás, where was the focus of this dissertation, we tried to get data cataloged by INEP, IBGE, SEEGo, and others in an attempt to elucidate issues concerning the training of teachers of Science and Mathematics in the State. Finally, f rom the dif ferent elements worked until now, realized the necessity of explanation of some dilemmas that are presented, more clearly, depending on the characteristic look of this dissertation. Such dilemmas are: Rejection, Occupation, Training and Survival. The f irst dilemma is characterized by denial that society has shown how the demand for courses in Science. This refusal may be the original work (dilemma 2) that are available and that, consequently, have undergone a training (dilemma 3) very specif ic. This training has enabled the existence of people, through the survival (dilemma 4) occupation, have been shown in some cases almost exclusively, as a reference positive or negative for societyItem Análise da Sustentabilidade Ambiental em Estabelecimentos Agrícolas em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-18) ALVES, Luiz Batista; MIZIARA, Fausto;; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; this work are presented and discussed other forms of studies related to analysis of environmental sustainability with the use of methods that permit the human environment to demonstrate its environmental impacts on rural properties in the town of Silvânia, State of Goiás. The choice of the municipality of Silvânia occurred because of present permanent preservation areas susceptible to exploitation by various activities in the city, allowing checking the environmental sustainability in land reform settlements in comparison with other rural property. The Project for Sustainable Development (PDS), established in 1999 comes meet the new brazilian environmental laws, seeking the durability and perpetuity of the settlements (family farm) in order to provide less environmental impact. On the other hand, has been observed that in large farms (agricultural employer) occurs deforestation to expand the area explored, giving rise to a particular crop, in seeking increases in production. Studies have shown the link between deforestation and biodiversity conservation consequences that hinder sustainable development. Still, the methodology of the indices applied to the settlement of São Sebastião da Garganta and João de Deus, the results showed considerable levels of sustainability. Analyzing the settlements in comparison with the Farm Silvânia through satellite images, it appears that the agrarian reform, there were minor differences of deforestation between periods and a greater difference occurred in the Farm Silvânia as favoring extensive livestock farming. But we can not say that the settlements have a higher level of environmental sustainability, where by means of observation of annual averages, there are almost identical proportions of deforestation, and that the settlements, deforestation occurred in a more fragmented than in Farm Silvânia and may cause a greater reduction of species in the environment, reducing the potential for environmental sustainability. Finally, the results may serve as guidance in formulating environmental policy to keep families in agrarian reform settlements, contributing to sustainable development of rural properties in the region, coupled with supervision to allow continuity in the production process in a sustainable manner.