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Item SEDAÇÃO EM ODONTOPEDIATRIA: PERCEPÇÕES DE ACOMPANHANTES E EQUIPE PROFISSIONAL(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-16) LIMA, Alessandra Rodrigues de Almeida; COSTA, Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da; management of a child s behavior in a dental setting is routinely accomplished by a good communicative technique known as basic methods. Advanced me thods (protective stabilization, sedation, and general anesthesia) have been indicated for resistant children. When the basics methods are not enough to provide a safe and effective treatment, Brazilian dentists seem to prefer the protective stabilization to restrain a child. After the establishment of rules for nitrous oxide sedation in Brazil, a change in practice can be expected. In minimal and moderate sedation, patient can respond to every dental treatment s stimulus with cry and struggle. The purpose of this study was to known the perceptions of sedation by accompanying adults and a sedation team. This was a qualitative research, based on three in-depth interviews with two groups of accompanying adults groups and one group of a dental sedation team. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and independently analyzed by three investigators through the thematic content method. The first analysis explored the ACCOMPANYING ADULTS SATISFACTION; two categories emerged: the good side (conscious, safety, satisfaction, behavior management) and the bad side (suffering, adverse effects) of pediatric dental sedation. The second analysis regarding the MEANINGS OF SEDATIONFOR ACCOMPANYING ADULTS generated FOUR categories: Protective stabilization (to bind, to protect on sedation), sedation (positive and negative side) , general anesthesia (positive point of a view) and mothers feelings (aversion peace, fair, security, motivation). Three categories emerged from the third interview about DENTAL TEAM PERCEPTIONS: knowledge (technique, indication, aim, amnesia, unexpected), disappointment (hopes, disappointment, depreciation), and difficulties (expense, accompanying adults and care team s opposition, tendency to be better). Accompanying adults did not accept physical restraint, but were satisfied with dental sedation despite its limitations and saw general anesthesia as an alternative method. The dental sedation team was aware of the sedation s advantages and flaws, but was pessimist about the methodItem Metabolização da quercetina e produção de quercetina 2,3-dioxigenase por Beauverias bassianas isoladas da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-25) COSTA, Eula Maria de Melo Barcelos; OLIVEIRA, Valeria de; the vast biotechnological applicability described for Beauveria bassiana, the versatility microbial biotransformation exhibits, the important biological activities attributed to the flavonoid quercetin, the therapeutic perspectives of its use, and the activity the enzyme quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase has on quercetin, we intended to evaluate quercetin biotransformation by B. bassiana ATCC 7159 and isolates of B. bassiana collected in the Midwestern Region of Brazil. The objectives of this study were: evaluate the potential of B. bassiana isolates and B. bassiana ATCC 7159 to produce metabolites of quercetin; investigate quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase production by the isolates and B. bassiana ATCC 7159; determine the genetic variability among the isolates of B. bassiana and establish possible correlations between molecular data and quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase production. All isolates and B. bassiana ATCC 7159 were capable of metabolizing quercetin and form compounds described in mammalian quercetin biotransformation studies and isolate IP 94 produced a higher number of metabolites compared with the others. B. bassiana ATCC 7159 and isolates IP 94, IP 98, IP 129, IP 147 produced methylated metabolites, while isolates IP 8, IP 11, and IP 94 produced glucuronidated metabolites. All the isolates produced sulphated metabolites and methylated and glucuronidated metabolites simultaneously and were capable to synthesize quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase. Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase synthesis on PDSM, used in its biotransformation process was higher than on basic medium. B. bassiana ATCC 7159 and the isolates IP 11 and IP 132 presented the highest quercetin 2,3-dioxigenase activity, whereas the isolates IP 153 and IP 3a presented the lowest ones. Quercetin metabolites formation and quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase production were not correlated with the geographic origin of the isolates. Genetic variability analysis by RAPD allowed the separation of the isolates into three distinct groups and showed high genetic diversity among them; however, the RFLP-PCR of ITS region did not provide characteristic markers to differentiate the isolates. The ITS region sequencing confirmed the identity of the isolates as B. bassiana. The results obtained can lead to the following conclusions: B. bassiana constitutes an interesting alternative to the use of chemical methods and biological systems to produce quercetin metabolites, but is necessary to optimize the biotransformation process in order to obtain a more expressive amount of metabolites; B. bassiana is able to produce quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase, although more detailed studies are needed to explain its production pathway, regulation, and mechanism of action.Item Quedas e fatores multidimensionais associados: estudo longitudinal de idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência em Goiânia(GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-27) MENEZES, Ruth Losada de; BACHION, Maria Marcia; xvii ABSTRACT Falling is a geriatric syndrome with multifactorial causes. Several studies confirm that fallings are frequent among institutionalized elders. The main objective of this study was to analyze the multidimensional factors associated with the falling episodes among elderly living at long-term care institutions in Goiania (GO) during the time of 2005-2007. A prospective longitudinal clinical trial was carried out at five philanthropic long-term care institutions for the elderly (LTCEI) in the city of Goiânia. The sample of the investigation included 59 elderly that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was used a questionnaire containing socio-demographic data; information about falling episodes in the previous twelve months before the study and during may/august 2005 and may/august 2007 and the context of their occurrence; clinical data related to health/disease conditions; psycho-emotional data depression; assessment of the ability to perform Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL) and the assessment of balance and gait. Simple frequencies of all the variables of the study were used for the data analysis. The comparisons among the variables were carried out using the McNemar test, the test of Marginal Homogeneity and the Chi-square test. Multi and univariate logistic regression analysis were performed in order to estimate the relative weight of each factor on the occurrence of fallings. The level of significance used for the statistic tests was 5%. The findings showed that there was a statistically significant increase of stroke (p=0,031) and other diseases (p=0,031) among the study population. There was an unfavorable evolution of the health for both groups (falling and non-falling elderly). The variable number of chronic diseases referred presented statistically significant difference among falling elderly, evidencing the unfavorable evolution (p=0,048). The variable other diseases presented statistically significant unfavorable evolution (p=0,021) for the non-falling elderly. Considering the study population, 54,2% of the elderly referred falling episodes, 22 (68,8%) elderly referred one episode, 06 (18,8%) referred two episodes and 04 (12,5%) referred three episodes. The context of occurrence of the falling episodes demonstrates that theses incidents took place mainly during day time, out of the indoor institution environment, during walking, on concrete floors, on dry surfaces, when they stumbled on something and when they were wearing flip-flops. The falls related for the study population were statistically associated to the female sex (p=0,015); cataract (p=0,007); lower score on the POMABrazil (p=0,038); altered performance of POMA-Balance on the following maneuvers 5th maneuver balance with eyes closed (p=0,024) and 10th maneuver perform spine extension (p=0,026); abnormal performance of POMA-Gait on the following maneuvers 15th maneuver step height Abstract xviii (p=0,047) and the 21st maneuver base of support during gait (p=0,047). The following variables were indicated as protection factors for falls by means of the univariate logistic regression analysis: male sex (OR 0,26), having cataract (OR 0,22), higher total score on POMA-Brazil (OR 0,04), normal performance on the 5th maneuver POMA-Brazil balance with closed eyes (OR 0,11), normal performance on the 6th maneuver POMA-Brazil balance when turning 360° (OR 0,29) and normal performance on the 10th maneuver POMA-Brazil spine extension (OR 0,19). By means of the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the following factors associated to falls were identified: protection variables associated to falls - male sex (OR 0,028) and the presence of cataract (OR 0,158); variable associated to risk of falls worse self-perception of health when compared to other people (OR 23,25). Because of this study it was possible to verify the decline of the elderly health during the two years investigated, characterizing the situation of functional vulnerability. Fallings cannot be underestimated and through this study it was possible to verify that the incident is present at the LTCEI of the city of Goiânia. With the dada obtained, we are able to point out the need of interventions directed to the health of the elderly, starting with a multidimensional approach that is only possible with the existence of an interdisciplinary health professional team, focusing on health promotion and health maintenance.Item MIDAZOLAM ORAL NA SEDAÇÃO MODERADA DE CRIANÇAS DE UM A TRÊS ANOS DURANTE O TRATAMENTO ODONTOLÓGICO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-15) FRANÇA, Cristiana Marinho de Jesus; COSTA, Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da; is known about the sedatives effectiveness for dental treatment in children under 3 years. The efficacy of oral midazolam sedation associated with protective stabilization was evaluated. In this randomized clinical trial, healthy children younger than 36 months were randomly allocated in groups: 1- protective stabilization; 2-protective stabilization associated with midazolam 1.0 mg/kg. The treatment was performed by an operator in a total of 55 sessions. A total of 26 children, 15 boys and 11 girls, were analysed: Group 1 (n = 12) - age (mean ± standard deviation) 27.50 ± 6.87, Group 2 (n = 14) - age (mean ± standard deviation) 26.86 ± 5.32. Child´s behavior was assessed using the Ohio State University Behavior Rating Scale (OSUBRS) and the heart rate record. A trained dentist recorded both behavior and physiological parameters. No difference in behaviors was found between groups on child initial examination carried out without sedation. In treatment sessions, only group 2 showed negative correlation between performance and the number of invasive Abstract procedures (Spearman rho = 0.469, P = 0.049). No significant differences between groups 1 and 2 OSUBRS scores were found in treatment sessions. The boys (77.50 ± 16.69) in group 2 showed higher percentage of negative scores (OSUBRS) than girls (26.67 ± 27.33). Statistically significant differences (Mann Whitney U test) between groups 1 and 2 were observed in heart rate during the forceps or low / high rotation use (1 = 139.67 ± 29.37 beats per minute, 2 = 164.97 ± 25.84; P = 0.003) and when the suture or rubber dam was placed (1=142,94 ± 23,19; 2=164,18 ± 23,69; P=0.005). A global analysis of children behavior during dental care was made overlooking the intervention groups (Friedman test). No associations were observed between the percentage of negative scores (OSUBRS) and several treatment sessions sequences. The percentage of negative scores (OSUBRS) was correlated with child's age (Spearman s rho =- 0.522, P = 0.006) and the percentage of negative scores in treatment the sessions (Spearman s rho = 0.405, P = 0.040). It was concluded that oral midazolam was not effective for sedation in up to 3 years old children for dental treatment purposes, and that this group of children did not change their negative behavior in the next sessions required for finishing the dental treatment plannedItem Práticas e crenças maternas relacionadas à alimentação complementar de crianças no primeiro ano de vida(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-18) Correia, Márcia Helena Sacchi; Bachion, Maria Márcia;; Bachion, Maria Márcia;; Nakano, Ana Márcia Spano; Medeiros, Marcelo; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Marcelo, Vânia CristinaThe appropriate nutrition plays a fundamental role in child development. Breast milk is the ideal food for the newborn, and exclusive breastfeeding is encouraged until the sixth month. From that age on, the introduction of other foods to attend nutritional needs which are no longer supplied by breast milk is encouraged. The introduction of complementary feeding involves biological, social, economical and cultural aspects. This study aimed to analyze the practices and beliefs related to complementary feeding of children in their first year of life from a group of mothers living in the Northwestern Region of Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, who gave birth at Nascer Cidadão Maternity Hospital. lt is a qualitative research, based on Social Psychology, seeking to understand how personal beliefs influence the maternal behavior related to the complementary feeding. The data were collected by means of individual sernistructured interviews with fifteen mothers, after free and clarified consent. Data analysis comprised two-stage. lnitially, the interviews were transcribed and then analyzed using the content analysis technique (BARDIN, 2008), and after the establishment of the thematic categorias proceeds to discuss the beliefs, according to the Rokeach Model (1981). Four thematic categories were identified: "The complementary feeding", "Child's sensibility", "Quotidian's contingencies" and "Sources of references". The mothers' testimonies showed that the process of introducing complementary feeding is built from a web of information confronted with the beliefs of every one of those mothers. lt is a period when the mother sees herself under great responsibility. ln this process, there are severa! situations which demand decision-making based upon their beliefs. The observed reality, in the present work, evidences the necessity of a closer maternal accompaniment in the complementary feeding introduction stage, to value the positive aspects and try to discuss the practices that must be revised. The identified belief system structure reveals that maternal beliefs play a crucial role in the choices and practices that guide the introduction of the complementary feeding. The information is provided by different sources and each one of them contributes in the construction of maternal beliefs references. Acknowledging the belief system is an alternative for the heatth professionals to approach this group and act effectively in health care promotion.Item Fatores de virulência de isolados de Candida de pacientes imunocomprometidos. Caracterização molecular de Candida albicans suscetíveis e resistentes ao fluconazol(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-02) COSTA, Carolina Rodrigues; SILVA, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues; to host tissues, production of hydrolytic enzymes, the resistance to antifungals and ability to production hyphal interfere in the infectious process caused by Candida. Resistance to azole antifungal agents, used to treatment of candidiasis, has been observed to immunocompromised patients. Molecular typing based on RAPD-PCR has been used to discriminate between susceptible and resistant isolates to antifungal agents. In this work, were evaluated the virulence factors and molecular characteristics of Candida isolates obtained of samples from blood, catheter of nosocomial patients and from oral cavity of HIV positive patients. The isolates were identified as: Candida albicans (59) Candida parapsilosis (22), Candida tropicalis (14) Candida guilliermondii (07), Candida. famata (05), Candida krusei (03), Candid. lusitaniae (01) and Candida kefyr (01). The proteinase and phospholipase production and the adherence ability were determined for these yeasts. The effect of fluconazole and itraconazole antifungal agents on hyphal formation were studied to 5 isolates previously classified as either susceptible or resistant. The characterization genotypic of resistant and susceptible isolates to fluconazole was carried out for 13 isolates of C. albicans by RAPD-PCR method. The results showed that proteinase activity was detected in 88.1% of C. albicans isolates and in 69.8% of non C. albicans, while phospholipase was produced in 55.9% of C. albicans isolates and in 37.7% of non C. albicans. Isolates of blood were more proteolitic than catheter and oral cavity, while for phospholipase, there was more production of this enzyme in the oral cavity. The ability of adherence to buccal epithelial cell was higher in C. albicans than non C. albicans, however there was not behavior difference between the isolates from different sources studied. The hyphal formation was higher in resistant isolates than susceptible isolates when used the both drugs. In RAPD-PCR method the formation of two different groups was verified for susceptible and resistant isolates being that only one resistant isolate was clustered in the susceptible group. Thus, in this work, it was verified that the exoenzymes activity and adherence ability depend not only of the specie of Candida, but too of the source from host; the resistant isolates produced more hyphal than susceptible isolates under the antifungal action and the molecular characteristics of the resistant isolates did not suggest unique DNA fingerprints did not predicting their susceptibility to fluconazoleItem Qualidade de vida das mães de crianças com paralisia cerebral em reabilitação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-17) PRUDENTE, Cejane Oliveira Martins; BARBOSA, Maria Alves;; PORTO, Celmo Celeno; thesis follows the scientific article model. The first article, Quality of life of primary caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy: integrative review of the literature was submitted to the Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem . In this article, which used the descriptors Quality of Life , Mothers , Parents , Caregivers and Cerebral Palsy , a integrative review of the literature was undertaken which included scientific articles published between 1997 and 2008. Of the 28 articles found, 5 formed part of this sample, which despite their considerable methodological limitations, made it clear that certain aspects of the quality of life of caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy are lower than those of caregivers of healthy children. In some of these studies, the possibility of a correlation between the level of the children s motor disability and the quality of life of the caregivers was investigated. However, the authors did not agree on this correlation, which showed the need for further investigation. So to answer this need, a second article, entitled The quality of life of mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy: the impact of motor disability , was forwarded to the periodical Disability & Rehabilitation . This was a crosssectional study, which set out to correlate the quality of life of 146 mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy with that of 30 mothers of children with normal development, all evaluated by the Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). In addition, the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) was used to characterize the motor disability of the children with Cerebral Palsy. This study proved that the quality of life of mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy is lower than that of mothers with children with normal development in terms of Functioning Capacity and Vitality domains, but the children s motor disability did not influence it. A third article, entitled Relationship between the quality of life of mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy and the children s motor functioning, after ten months of rehabilitation was submitted to the periodical Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem . In this article, 100 mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy were studied, in an effort to assess the quality of life of these mothers after their children s rehabilitation, over a period of ten months. The abovementioned tools were also used and the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). However, this was a longitudinal study which sought to correlate the quality of life of the mothers with the development of their children s gross motor function. The results show that after ten months of rehabilitation, the gross motor function of the children with Cerebral Palsy had improved significantly, while the mothers of these children showed an improvement in life quality in the pain domain; in addition, the improvement in the children s motor function did not influence the changes which occurred in the mothers quality of life, including the pain domain. On considering the complexity of quality of life and the clinical condition which Cerebral Palsy represents, one is led to believe that other factors could have a greater influence than motor functioning disability, since this factor alone does not interfere with the quality of life of the mothers.Item BEVACIZUMABE INTRA-VÍTREO: ANÁLISE DA TOXICIDADE RETINIANA APÓS 3 MESES EM OLHOS DE COELHOS NÃO ALBINOS(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-19) ARRAES, João Carlos Diniz; ÁVILA, Marcos Pereira de; therapy has become a first-line treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Bevacizumab has proven to be efficient and cost effective, however its use in AMD is still off-label. PURPOSES: Evaluating the histological toxicity of bevacizumab on the neurosensorial retina (NSR) and the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) in pigmented rabbit eyes; evaluating if a fast increase in vitreous volume after a 0.1 ml balanced saline solution (BSS) intravitreal injection (IVI) in a rabbit eye will lead to histological damages in the NSR and RPE; and evaluating postoperative clinical complications after an IVI in rabbits eyes. METHODS: Eighteen pigmented rabbits (36 eyes) were divided into 4 groups a Control Group (3 rabbits - 6 eyes), which did not receive any IVI; the rabbits were sacrificed at the beginning of the study. Thirty eyes of the fifteen remaining rabbits were distributed to three groups: a sham group (S), that received a 0.1 ml balanced saline solution (BSS) IVI (ten eyes); group 1, that received a 1.25 mg (0.1 ml) bevacizumab IVI (ten eyes); and group 2, that received a 2.5 mg (0.1 ml) bevacizumab IVI (ten eyes). Postoperative clinical evaluation included inspection of the anterior segment and indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy. The rabbits were sacrificed 90 days after the procedure and both eyes of all the rabbits were enucleated. Histological examination of the NSR and RPE were performed and their morphological features and layer thickness were analyzed. RESULTS: No significant postoperative clinical complications were observed either in the neurossensorial retina or in the RPE. Histological morphology and thickness of the NSR and RPE layers did not differ significantly between BBS-injected eyes and bevacizumab-injected eyes. CONCLUSIONS: A rapid increase in vitreous volume, after 0.1 ml BSS IVI did not lead to any histological damage in the NSR and RPE in rabbit eyes. After a 90-day follow-up period, a single Bevacizumab 1.25 and 2.5 mg intravitreal injection did not lead any toxic damage in the NSR and RPE. No important postoperative complications in pigmented rabbit eyes were observed and it appears to be a safe procedure for the treatment of retinal neovascular diseasesItem O efeito da musicoterapia na qualidade de vida e na pressão arterial do paciente hipertenso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-22) ZANINI, Claudia Regina de Oliveira; JARDIM, Paulo César Brandão Veiga; Arterial Hypertension (AH) is a mass disease, with consequences for the cardiocirculatory system. It may result in an increase in morbidity and mortality rates. Controlling blood pressure (BP) lessens complications and helps preserve quality of life (QL). Studies have shown the positive effects of music as a coadjuvant in the treatment of various pathologies. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of music therapy on QL and in the control of BP in hypertensive patients. METHODS: This project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the UFG Clinical Hospital. A controlled clinical trial evaluated patients of both sexes, over 50 years old, AH stage 1, under medication and enrolled in a multidisciplinary AH treatment program. They were divided into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups. In addition to conventional treatment, the EG participated in weekly music therapy sessions over 12 weeks. The CG continued with the program‟s regular treatment. Before and after the intervention, two QL-evaluation instruments, the SF-36 and Bulpitt and Fletcher questionnaires, were administered to the two groups. Change in BP was also measured. The voice, an important element in communication and a reflection of physical, psychological and emotional state, was the main therapeutic resource used. The t-student, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Chi-Squared and Fisher tests were used for statistical analysis. The Pearson or Spearman correlations were used to analyze the correlation between the QL instruments. Data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: The groups were initially homogeneous as regards sex, age, education level, QL. In the before-and-after comparison, the EG patients showed a significant improvement in BP control and QL. The CG registered no significant change. We find good correlation between the instruments of QL evaluation. CONCLUSION: Music therapy contributed to better BP control and QL improvement. The two QL evaluation instruments correlated well, with the possibility of a more holistic view of the patient. This therapeutic modality may represent an important contribution to multidisciplinary programs serving hypertensive patientsItem Análise do desempenho da revisão rápida de 100% na detecção de resultados falso-negativos dos exames citopatológicos cervicais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-30) MANRIQUE, Edna Joana Cláudio; AMARAL, Rita Goreti; analyze the performance of the 100% rapid re-screening in detecting falsenegative results of cervical screening cervical, in quality control, after routine screening, using the average time of one and two minutes, according to final diagnosis. Methodology: a total 5,235 smears, classified as negative and unsatisfactory by routine screening, were submitted to 100% rapid re-screening method, using the time average of one and two minutes. In these reviews, the smears classified as unsatisfactory or suspects were subjected to detailed review. The concordant results were considered final diagnosis; the differences were meeting for a consensus that defined the final diagnosis. Results: of 5,235 smears submitted rapid re-screening method, of using the time of one minute and two minutes there was sensitivity and specificity of the final method of 64.3% and 99.2% for the time of one minute and two minutes was 63.8% and 99.5%. In smears, with satisfy adequacy for analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of this method, using the time of one and two minutes, were 64.2%, 98.9%, 61.5% and 99.4% respectively. The smears, with the adequacy of the smears presented for analysis limits, the sensitivity and specificity, using the time of one minute, was 64.7%, 99.9% and for two minutes were 70.6% and 99.8%. Of the total of 5,121 cervical smears, had 958 (18.7%) clinical information, after being submitted to rapid rescreening, using the time of one minute, 18 of those were suspects, of which ten were confirmed by final diagnosis as abnormal. When submitted to rapid re-screening using the time of two minutes, 13 were suspects, nine of these were confirmed by final diagnosis as abnormal. A total 4,163 (81.3%) smears had no clinical information, after being submitted to rapid re-screening, using the time of one minute were 70 suspects, of which 35 were classified as abnormal. When submitted to rapid re-screening using the time of two minutes were 54 suspects, of which 35 were confirmed by final diagnosis as abnormal. A rapid re-screening showed a sensitivity to smear with clinical information, using the time of one minute of 83.3% and for two minutes of 75%. Conclusions: the rapid re-screening method of 100% showed no difference in the detection of falsenegative results using the time of a minute or two. The adequacy of the sample does not influence the detection of false-negative results, using both a time as two minutes, and there was no difference in the detection of false-negative smears with and without clinical information using a time-two minutes and finally, in smears with clinical informationItem USO DE DROGAS PSICOTRÓPICAS POR POLICIAIS MILITARES DE GOIÂNIA E APARECIDA DE GOIÂNIA, GOIÁS, BRASIL(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-01) COSTA, Sérgio Henrique Nascente; CUNHA, Luiz Carlos da; drugs like alcohol, and illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opioids and amphetamines, are used by millions of people worldwide. The damage to health occurring due to the acute or chronic, and also due to psychomotor and behavioral changes that these substances cause the users. A situation that deserves special attention is the use of drugs in the workplace, especially in enterprises and institutions in need of constant concentration and emotional balance in labor activities. Thus the objective of this study was to determine the survey of psychotropic drug use among Military Police members in the state of Goiás, Brazil, and correlate it with the frequency in society in general. This study was done by the application of a questionnaire and toxicological analysis of urine samples collected at the beginning of the work day, for the detection of cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, opiates and benzodiazepines. Study carried out from March to October 2008 in 12 Military Police units in the municipalities of Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia. Voluntary participants (n = 221) were interviewed about drug use employing a questionnaire especially designed by the Centro Brasileiro de Informações sobre Drogas Psicotrópicas (CEBRID). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to determine the frequency of licit and illicit drug use. The frequency of use was: lifetime tobacco 39.9%; alcohol 87.8%; cannabis 8.1%; cocaine 1.8%; stimulants 7.2%; solvents 10.0%; sedatives, anxiolytics, antidepressants 6.8%; LSD 0.5%; Bentyl® 0.5%; anabolic steroids 5.4%; last year use tobacco 15.4%; alcohol 72.9%; stimulants 6.3%; solvents 0.5%; sedatives, anxiolytics, antidepressants 3.7%; use in the past 30 days tobacco 14.5%; alcohol 57.5%; stimulants 5.0%; solvents 0.5; sedatives, Abstract xvii anxiolytics, antidepressants 3.7%. The prevalence of psychotropic drug use found for Military Police members in the state of Goiás, Brazil, is similar to the results of national and international surveys with civilians, showing that the former are at similar risk to become users of legal and illegal drugs. Moreover, 299 samples of urine was submitted to toxicological analysis by immunochromatographic screening tests; whose positive results for cannabinoids and amphetamines, were referred for confirmation by GC / MS. Thus, the results were as follows: 0.33% of samples positive for amphetamine, 0.67% of samples positive for cannabinoids, 1.34% for benzodiazepines and 97.66% negative. Thus the total percentage of positive samples were 2.34%. The research carried out by military police with voluntary form showed that military and civil community in general, are subject to similar risks of abuse of licit and illicit drugs and it is an alert to development of testing drugs in the workplace, to avoid the consequences arising from the consumption of psychoactive substancesItem Ensaio clínica controlado e randomizado para avaliar a imunogenicidade e reatogenicidade da vacina contra hepatite B (butang(R)) aplicada em recém-nascidos na região glútea ou vasto lateral da cocha(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-13) JUNQUEIRA, Ana Luiza Neto; TELES, Sheila Araújo; study is the first randomized controlled clinical trial for assessing the immunogenicity and reatogenicity of the Butang® vaccine in full term newborns, who were given the first vaccine dose within the first 12 hours of life, comparing two regions of application for the vaccine: anterolateral thigh (ALT) and ventrogluteal (VG). Butang® response was assessed in 224 newborns who were given the vaccine in the VG region and 250 in the ALT one. Both groups were similar regarding gender, weight, timing interval between doses of the vaccine and maternal characteristics. When comparing Butang® immunogenicity, we verified that the proportion of babies who developed anti-HBs protecting titres after three vaccine doses in the VG region was of 97.8% (IC 95%: 94.8 99.3) with geometric mean titer (GMT) of 427.5 mUI/mL (IC 95%: 344.9 530.0), similar to those who were given in the ALT region (97.6%; IC 95%: 94.8 99.1; GMT: 572.0 mUI/mL; IC 95%: 471.1 694.6), which provides evidence that this place is appropriate for hepatitis B vaccination. Eleven newborns did not respond to Butang®, being six of them vaccinated in the VG region and five in the ALT. The most of them were male, one factor which seems to interfere with hepatitis B vaccine response. We verified an increasing proportion of local reactions and fever according to the number of doses given. In addition, after the third dose the proportion of induration (4.0 vs. 11.4) was higher among babies who were given the vaccine in the ALT region when compared to those who were given in the VG region (p < 0,05). No association was observed concerning maternal anti-HBs titres and newborn vaccine response. The evidences of this study showed that the VG region is a safe and immunogenic site to hepatitis B vaccine administration in newborns.Item Perfil profissional de cirurgiões-dentistas e seu desempenho acadêmico durante a graduação: um estudo com egressos da Universidade Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-17) NUNES, Maria de Fátima; LELES, Claudio Rodrigues; of follow-up studies of former students is an efficient way to supervise the entire process of professional training and curriculum evaluation and guide representative councils on policies for the dental profession. The aim of this study was to identify professional profiles subgroups based on job-related variables and perception about profession in a sample of former students of a Brazilian public dental school the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Goias, who graduated between 1988 and 2007. Academic and professional data were gathered from obtained from the University Registrar s Office and the Federal Council of Dentistry, respectively. A web-based password protected questionnaire about job-related variables and perception about profession was sent individually by e-mail to the former students using a software manager. Descriptive and cluster analysis (Two-step cluster), between-groups comparison and multiple logistic regression were used for data analysis. Answer rate was 53.0, predominantly female (64.9%) and mean age was 34-years (SD=6.0). Automatic selection of optimal number of clusters included 289 cases (89.8%) in 3 natural clusters. Clusters 1, 2 and 3 included 52.2, 30.8 and 17.0% of the sample, respectively. Interpretation of within-group rank of variable importance for cluster segmentation make the following characterization of clusters: Cluster 1 specialty dentists with higher profits and positive views of profession; Cluster 2 general dental practitioners in small cities; Cluster 3 underpaid and less motivated dentists with negative views of profession. Male dentists were predominant in cluster 1 and female in cluster 3. One-way Anova showed that age and time since graduation were significantly lower in Cluster 2 (p<0.001) and academic performance was lower in cluster 1a. Alternative solution with 4 and 5 clusters showed specific discrimination of cluster 1 by gender and dental education professionals. Logistic regression showed that dissatisfaction with profession was associated to lower workload (OR= 4.06; p=0.012) and lower profits (OR=3.99; p=0.006) and overall negative views of professional performance (OR=6.04; p=0.016) and success (OR=8.18; p≤0.001). It was concluded that characteristics of this sample are similar to others in Brazil: predominance of women, tendency towards specialization, concentration in larger cities and high weekly workload. Cluster analysis was a valuable method for identifying natural grouping with relative homogeneous cases, providing information potentially meaningful for professional orientation in Dentistry in a variety of professional situations and environments. Dissatisfaction with profession was associated to negative views of profession, which may decrease job engagement and affect working efficacy and efficiencyItem Aspectos Inflamatórios e Imunológicos de Pulpites Dentárias Humanas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-18) BRUNO, Kely Firmino; ESTRELA, Carlos; and inflammatory cells may contribute to host defense and microenvironmental changes during the pathogenesis of dental pulpitis. This study evaluated the microscopic characteristics and densities (per mm2) of tryptase+ mast cells, CD4+ T helper lymphocytes, CD45RO+ memory T lymphocytes, foxp3+ T regulatory lymphocytes, CD20+ B lymphocytes, CD68+ macrophages, and CD31+ blood vessels in human dental pulpitis (n = 38). Methods: Tryptase, CD4, CD45RO, foxp3, CD20, CD68, and CD31 expressions were analyzed using immunohistochemistry; other microscopic features, such as intensity of inflammatory infiltrate and collagen deposition, were evaluated after staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Results: Two microscopic patterns of dental pulpitis were found: group 1 (G1) (n = 15) showed intense inflammatory infiltrate and mild collagen deposition; conversely, group 2 (G2) (n = 23) showed scarce inflammatory infiltrate and intense collagen deposition. The numbers of CD68+ and CD20+ cells and the density of blood vessels were higher in G1 than in G2. However, there were no differences in CD4+ and CD45RO+ cell densities between groups. When present, mast cells were equally distributed in G1 and G2, whereas foxp3+ cells were detected in 58.82% and 14.28% of the samples of G1 and G2. Conclusions: Immune and inflammatory cell infiltration have different patterns in human dental pulpitis, which might reflect distinct microscopic characteristics and particular local defense capabilities.Item Desenvolvimento, caracterização e avaliação da permeação cutânea da isoflavona genisteína em nanocápsulas poliméricas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-16) ZAMPIERI, Ana Lúcia Teixeira de Carvalho; LIMA, Eliana Martins; are phytoestrogens that have biological activities such as estrogenic and inhibiting enzymes that regulate the cell cycle, and for topic application it is highlighted antioxidant and anticancer activities. Amongst isoflavones, genistein shows the greatest biological activity, however, its low hydrosolubility damages incorporation in topic vehicles and passive permeation. Therefore, development of particulated nanocarrier systems, such as nanocapsules, aiming to increase genistein biological activities and make topic administration possible, became this work s objective. To do so, PLA nanocapsules containing genistein were prepared by interfacial polymer deposition method, then characterized, and their 90 days stability was evaluated. Later, free and nanoencapsulated genistein were incorporated into semi-solid formulations (gel and emulsion) and evaluated by in vitro models using classical Franz-type diffusion cells, to measure its ability to modulate swine skin and synthetic membranes penetration. Nanocapsules average diameter was 138,5 nm (DP± 2,95) and PDI found was 0,126 (DP± 0.03). After separation of free genistein, the drug was quantified by HPLC and showed 89,63% (DP±2,27) encapsulation efficiency, followed by loss by leaking to 63,80% (DP±11,26) in 90 days. Permeation tests demonstrated that gel formulation containing nanoencapsulated genistein presented the greatest permeated concentration, and there was significant difference for all tested formulations and similarity only between genistein quantity reminiscent in the dosage form of formulations containing gel and emulsion, as well as drug quantities retained in the skin of gel and emulsion formulations containing genistein. Nanoencapsulated forms kinetic parameters showed the greatest correlation coefficient for kinetic of zero order model, indicating that flow didn t depend on its concentration. Nanoencapsulated genistein concentrations permeation across synthetic and swine skin presented significant difference depending on time. Thus, the study performed showed that the polymeric system developed presents great potential for application as genistein nanocarrier in biological systemsItem Pesquisa de autoanticorpos contra antígenos intracelulares, em células HEp-2, em Goiânia Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-17) RÊGO, Jozelia; SILVA, Nilzio Antonio da; diseases are a clinical syndrome caused by the activation of T and/or B cells. They are multifactorial in nature and characterized by the presence of autoantibodies directed against cellular components. These autoantibodies can act as diagnostic markers or as predictors for these diseases. The ANA test is a very useful tool in the investigation of autoimmune diseases. OBJECTIVES: a) establishing a correlation between clinical diagnoses and fluorescence patterns in ANA tests on HEp-2 cells; b) determining the frequency of fluorescence patterns; c) establishing a correlation between clinical diagnosis and fluorescence titers; d) establishing possible correlations of changes in fluorescence patterns. CASES AND METHODS: All the ANA requests sent to the Immunorheumatology Laboratory of the Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Goias, from January / 2000 to December / 2007 were analyzed and those with positive results were selected. For the ANA research, the investigator used the IFI technique and HEp-2 cells as substrate. To classify the fluorescence patterns decision trees proposed by the Brazilian Consensus for Standardization of ANA in HEp-2 cells were used. RESULTS: Among the 8,631 ANA requests, 1,167 presented positive results (13,52%). These positive tests were divided into two groups: Group I (tests requested in one occasion) and Group II (tests requested in more than one occasion). In Group I, nuclear patterns were more prevalent (89,41%). Speckled nuclear patterns were seen more frequently (78,81%), with special notice to fine speckled nuclear patterns (32,74%), coarse speckled nuclear patterns (29,86%) and fine dense speckled nuclear patterns (9,79%). Among the clinical diagnoses, rheumatic autoimmune diseases were the most prevalent (59,87%) and they correlated mostly with speckled nuclear patterns. A positive ANA was noted in 216 cases (34,67%) of non-immune conditions and in 22 cases (3,53%) of undetermined diagnosis. Cases with moderate (1:160) and high (1:640 and > 1:640) titers presented a high association with autoimmune diseases (54,25%; 73,23%; 83,91%, respectively). In Group II, the analytic clinical diagnosis and fluorescence titer factors showed a significant association with the change in the fluorescence pattern. CONCLUSIONS: 1) ANA was found to be positive in autoimmune (61,80%) and in non-autoimmune diseases (34,67%). 2) The most frequently found positive ANA correlation was seen with a diagnosis of lupus erythematosus (38,04%), mainly with coarse speckled nuclear pattern (32,91%), fine speckled nuclear pattern (25,73%), homogeneous nuclear pattern (19,40%) and fine dense speckled nuclear pattern (10,12%). 3) Nuclear patterns were more frequently found (89,41%), and among them, speckled patterns were prevalent (78,81%). 4) Low titers can be found in rheumatic autoimmune diseases and, therefore, can not be interpreted as an exclusion criteria for autoimmune disease, as long as there are clinical indications. 5) High titers can be found in non-autoimmune diseases and, therefore, can not be interpreted as specific to autoimmune diseases. 6) When the ANA test was requested in more than one occasion for the same patient, the clinical diagnosis (especially SLE) and the fluorescence titer (1:40 and 1:160) showed an association with the change of the fluorescence pattern. 7) A correct valuation of the ANA test should associate information from positive results to the clinical history and the physical examination of the patient when they are suggestive of an autoimmune disease, most notably, of rheumatic autoimmune diseasesItem Avaliação da composição corporal de mulheres recém-diagnosticadas com câncer de mama(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-01-19) Martins, Karine Anusca; Monego, Estelamaris Tronco;; Freitas Júnior, Ruffo de; Body composition modification, mainly the increase in total body fat, which is related to a number of illnesses, is an important public health problem, is quite prevalent in breast cancer patents and is directly associated with a negative prognosis for the illness. Objective: To evaluate the body composition, of total body fat and its distribution and lipid profile of women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, at two referral centers in Goiânia, Goiás. Methodology: (Article 1) A cross-sectional, cohort nested study. (Article 2). A case-control study, with 1:1 pairing, carried out in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. The data were collected through interviews based on questionnaire, with 62 women, a socio-demographic characterization and an evaluation of body composition using anthropometry including skinfolds (SF) and circumferences, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and ultrasonography (USG), besides the evaluation of lipid profile. Were carried an data tabulation (Excel/2003) and analysis (SPSS program, version 8.0) and (STATA, Intercooled Stata 8) and were used descriptive statistics. Was used in the data analyses: the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, ??t?? test, chi-square for tendency, (Mann-Whitney U), Pearson??s chi-square, Fisher??s exact test, and Yates?? correction, odds ratio, Pearson??s correlation coefficient (r), concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and determination index (r2). The level of significance was: p < 0.05. Results: Compared with the controls, women with breast cancer (cases) had lower stature (1.56m±5.68) and (1.59m±6.92); greater body fat as measured by bioelectrical impedance (BIA) (39.87% ±8.26) and (36.00%±6.85) and (63.98%±6.87); and larger tricipital skinfolds (27.55mm±8.37) and (22.81mm±5.72), respectively. Seventeen (54.84%) cases and 19 (61.29%) controls presented increased abdominal adiposity and 20 (64.52%) of cases and 22 (70.97%) of controls were overweight (BMI ? 25.0 Kg/m2). A moderate concordance (CCC=0.59; r2=0.42; p<0.01) was identified between the methods (BIA and sum of skinfolds - ?SF) for determining body fat (%) and optimal concordance (r2=0.90; CCC=0.91; p<0.01) for body fat (Kg). The comparison between the methods of evaluation body fat distribuition (Waist Circumference (WC) and intra-abdominal thickness (IAT) for (USG) evidenced a moderate concordance (r2=0.49; p<0.01), between the methods. No association was found between the lipid profile and breast cancer occurrence. Conclusions: Women with breast cancer presented lower stature, a greater percentage of body fat and and larger tricipital skinfolds than women without cancer. A moderate concordance, between the methods used in determining total body fat (%) and a optimal concordance in determining body fat (Kg) were found. A moderate concordance were found between the methods in determining body fat distribution (IAT x WC).Item An€álise da resposta de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis a diferentes tipos de agentes estressores e osmoreguladores e express o heteró‚loga e localizaçムo de β-1.3-glicana sintase(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-26) TOMAZETT, Patrícia Kott; PEREIRA, Maristela; brasiliensis is a thermo-dimorphic human pathogenic fungus that lives at 23”C in the mycelium phase (infecting phase) and at 37”C in the yeast phase (parasite phase). In attempt to survive, the cell wall of fungi can change its composition and/or structure in response to environmental stress by compensatory mechanisms. The molecules involved in these mechanisms are possible target for the development of effective antifungal agents. In P. brasiliensis, the main components of the cell wall are glucans and chitin polymers. These polymers make a primary barrier that is responsible for the structural integrity and form of the cell wall. In this work the behavior of P. brasiliensis was evaluated against stress conditions with the aim of study, for the first time, the mechanisms used by this fungus in the maintenance of the cell wall integrity. Our results shown that P. brasiliensis yeast cells are sensitive to cell wall stressors calcofluor white (CFW), congo red (CR), SDS, KCl, NaCl and sorbitol. There was an increase in the PbFKS1 transcripts expression and in the content of cell wall β- 1,3-glicana after treatment with all stressor agents. After treatment with SDS and KCl the PbGFA1 transcripts expression and the cell wall GlcNAc residues also increased. The transcript expression of PbGEL3 was also evaluated being increased after treatment with CFW, NaCl and sorbitol. Thus we showed that these molecules are involved in the maintenance of the cell wall against stress conditions. Apart from these analyses we obtained the active recombinant protein PbFks1pc. Through the anti-PbFks1pc antibody we performed immunocitolocalization assays. These experiments revealed the localization of PbFks1p in regions of apical growth in the mycelium phase and in the cell surface in yeast phase.Item Ectasia ductal mamária e tabagismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-09) RAHAL, Rosemar Macedo Sousa; CUNHA, Luiz Carlos da;; FREITAS JÚNIOR, Ruffo de; Cádmio, chumbo e ferro em colostro e a relação com fatores socioeconômicos e de estilo de vida das puérperas em maternidade de Goiânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-14) GONÇALVES, Renata Moreira; FORNÉS, Nélida Schmid; considering the importance of iron to infant health, and knowing that, in addition to nutrients colostrum may contain contaminants (cadmium and lead) from exposure to environment and nutrition of pregnant women, the relationship between these factors and heavy metals from the colostrum got enhanced. Objectives: to assess the relationship of the concentration of cadmium, lead and iron in colostrum with socioeconomic, lifestyle and dietary intake of pregnant women and recent mothers. Methodology: cross-sectional study with 80 lactate mothers in a maternity hospital in Goiânia (GO/Brazil). Socioeconomic, demographic and food frequency consumption (FFQ) questionnaire was applied and heavy metals colostrum by flame atomic absorption spectrometry were quantified. Results: median cadmium was 0.93 μg/L, and lead 4.65 μg/L in colostrum. There was no significant difference between age and region where puerpera lived in and contaminants, but there was a positive correlation, and the averages were higher for women over age of 20 and that were living in the capital, Goiânia. Cholesterol (p = 0.041) and animal products (p = 0.020) correlated significantly with lead. Grains such as rice (p = 0.042) influenced the cadmium colostrum positively. Iron content of the median value was 128.94 μg/L, with no significant association with the supplement and food consumption. Conclusions: relationship was detected between cadmium and lead content in colostrum with food consumption. The iron did not correlate with dietary factor. Socioeconomic factors, smoking, alcohol consumption and food supplementation had no significantly association with concentrations of the metals studied. .