Mestrado em Sociologia (FCS)

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    Entre Mães, Filhas, Casas e Autismo: uma etnografia autista da cena da cultura de Baile/Ballroom em Goiânia/GO, sob o olhar de uma socióloga no Espectro Autista
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-08) Januário, Brendaly Santos de Freitas; Fernandes , Luis Antonio Bitante;; Henning, Carlos Eduardo;; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; Fernandes, Luis Antonio Bitante; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Lizama, Pablo Andrés Astudillo
    Esta tesis está basada en una etnografía que presenta diversos análisis y vivencias de varios participantes de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom en la ciudad de Goiânia, capital del estado de Goiás. Además de mostrar mis análisis sobre el trabajo de campo, también aportaré al mismo, mi punto de vista a lo largo del campo como investigadora diagnosticada con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. El objetivo general de esta investigación es: describir y analizar las sociabilidades, las performances, los marcadores sociales de la diferencia, intercalados con los diálogos etnográficos sobre mis experiencias como socióloga autista en la escena de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom. En términos metodológicos utilice: la observación participante, conversaciones informales y entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas interlocutoras en el campo, además de análisis de mis diarios de campo, describiendo los circuitos recorridos, así como mis sensaciones y vivencias durante mi trabajo de campo. De igual manera, desenvolví los siguientes objetivos específicos: describir y analizar las categorías estéticos-performáticas en la escena de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom y sus relaciones con las nociones locales de familia. Examinar las dinámicas de las relaciones de género y sexualidad, así como la descripción y análisis de las redes de apoyo que son creadas en el campo analizado, sobre todo juntos a las personas de la comunidad LGBTQIAPN+ (Lésbicas, Gays, bisexuales, transexuales, trasvertí, entre otras. Teniendo en cuenta mi participación como socióloga autista en esta investigación, por medio del acercamiento a las sensaciones y vivencias en el campo, está tesis también expone una descripción y problematización de mis momentos vulnerables, angustias, ansiedad y crisis durante el desarrollo del trabajo de campo, aunque me gustaría resaltar el acogimiento recibido por parte de las interlocutoras en campo, una vez que yo misma pasé a integrar las redes de apoyo social.
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    Cultura do trabalho de desenvolvedores de software livre
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-07) Mello, Matheus Guimarães; Nunes, Jordão Horta;; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Bridi, Maria Aparecida da Cruz
    This research aims to understand the possible relationship between hacker ethics and its sociability (a continuous product of socialization and life trajectories) with organizational culture (or culture du travail in French sociology literature) of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) developers. It is based on the assumption that the expansion of the Information Technologies (IT) in the last two decades should not be de-contextualized from recent capitalism’s restructuring of and its consequences. The increase of precarity in labour relations is a major ongoing process, by which companies throughout the world emphasizes flexible work contracts, short-term projects and outsourcing. In this context, IT organizations play labour relations a pivotal role, as they handle the information for the new forms of work managing. At the same time, working in IT is, since its emergence, adapted to the flexibility scheme. Nevertheless, the development of FOSS is inseparable from its original hacker ethics. The hypothesis is that the values of sharing knowledge and peer working of the hacker culture is significant to understand the relationship between developers’ continuous processes of socialisation (identities formation) and the organizational culture of the company/foundation. The study will focus whether there are conflicts, negotiations and adaptations between the developers’ previous values and the manner they arrange their collective work. Thereby, the goal is to understand technology, culture and work as a whole. To this end, semi-structured interviews (during an exploratory and a complementary stages) and a virtual survey among Brazilian FOSS developers will be conducted. These will consider the life course (and socialisation) as the main analytical unit, since it highlights the people who embody a culture of sharing and also stands behind the technique.
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    O parto além do gênero: a violência obstétrica contra mulheres negras em uma perspectiva interseccional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Miranda, Rafaela Del Castanhel; Gonçalves, Eliane; Amaral, Marcela Correa Martins;; Amaral, Marcela Correa Martins; Gonçalves, Eliane; Delfino, Cristiane Cordeiro da Silva
    This dissertation proposes to reflect on obstetric violence against Black women in Brazil, from the perspective of intersectionality between gender and race. By investigating this complex relationship, we seek to understand how power dynamics and discrimination manifest in specific ways for Black women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. The research aims to demonstrate that obstetric violence is not just a gender issue but is also profoundly marked by racism. The main objective is to analyze how obstetric violence disproportionately affects Black women. In the research, intersectionality is used as a category of analysis to highlight how gender and race identities interact and overlap, resulting in unique experiences of oppression, as evidenced in the accounts collected through questionnaires, where black women share their experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Additionally, the study will seek to historically contextualize obstetric violence, exploring how discriminatory practices have deep roots in the history of medicine and society, perpetuating inequalities to this day. By bringing these issues to light, we hope to contribute to awareness and the promotion of more fair and humane obstetric practices that respect the dignity and rights of Black women
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    O trabalho de técnicos/as em eletrotécnica: identidade e trajetória profissional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-13) Borges, Daiane Raila Parrião; Nunes, Jordão Horta;; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Marques, Rogério dos Santos Bueno; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira
    This dissertation analyzes the work of technicians in electrotechnics and the elements that allowed the construction of their identities and their professional trajectories, considering how the first contact with the profession was made until their professionalization from the training in the subsequent technical course in Electrotechnical. The relationship between training, professionalization in the technical course in electrotechnics at IFG, Campi Goiânia and the labor market in Goiania. The methodology comprises the use of various research techniques, quantitative and qualitative, on the same research object, which is the construction of identity and the professional trajectory of the electrical technician. The following were used in this sense: 1) literature review relevant to the object of study, sociology of professions, sociology of work, identity and professional trajectory, analyzing gender, race and class issues that circumscribe the world of work and operate in the professional trajectory of electrical technicians; 2) quantitative analysis of governmental databases on the socioeconomic profile of professionals in electrotechnics, through the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) of the labor and employment department of the Ministry of Economy (ME), the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); 3) construction of the script for the interview, starting with the identification of the people who collaborated with the research; 4) creation of the interview script and a survey, to carry out the interviews. The "snowball" method of selection of respondents was used, which consists of indicating other people by the first respondent. I constructed an intentional sample to subsidize a qualitative analysis, based on semi-structured interviews, until reaching saturation. The world of work has undergone numerous transformations over the decades that have enabled the emergence of new professions and consequently new challenges for professionals. Commonly, electrical technician professions are associated with the profile of an autonomous and untrained professional who works through experience. In this sense, the research addresses the professional trajectory of the electrical technician, how this professional's professionalization occurs; It is a profession that requires at least technical training to work. Electrotechnical technicians must have at least the training in the technical course on the profession in question, the expertise, the specialized knowledge of the field of action and the authorization of the jurisdictions and institutions responsible for regulating the profession. As a highlight of jurisdiction related to this profession, we have Decree nº 90.922, of February 6, 1985, which dealt in the 4th article with the attributions of 2nd degree industrial technicians, exercise of the profession and inspection. Federal institutions play an important role in training young people for the job market through the subsequent technical course in electrical engineering. However, even after training and entering the job market, individuals intend to continue studying by enrolling in higher education courses for female engineers
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    Roniwalter Jatobá e a rememoração da vida operária
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-30) Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Pereira de; Viana, Nildo Silva;; Viana, Nildo Silva; Souza, Renato Dias de; Silva, Edmilson Borges da
    This thesis is the result of a research on Roniwalter Jatobá and the remembrance of working- class life. It consists of a study on memory, the working-class condition, and the universalization of issues related to labor. The research problem used as the starting point for our investigation was “how does Jatobá remember working-class life in the outskirts of São Paulo?”. This problem was explored through the relationships between Roniwalter Jatobá’s chronicles and theoretical analyses of working-class life, alienated labor, and proletarian everyday life. In this sense, the central objective of this work was to identify how Roniwalter Jatobá remembers working-class life in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo. Our specific objectives were to understand the process of remembrance and its identification in other works. With this theme, we aimed to conduct an analysis of migrant workers in the 1970s and how they related to the city amidst its expansion and emerging job opportunities. This also included the living conditions and remembrance of these events by the workers. All these elements were based on theoretical production on the subject, the reading of the work, and the historical perception of that moment. Regarding the theoretical foundation, the thesis relied on Marxist concepts from a critical perspective, drawing from the views of Nildo Viana, Terry Eagleton, Marx, Cardoso, among others. The methodological basis consisted of reading Roniwalter Jatobá’s work and the bibliographical research used to understand it, as well as the use of other works that directed an answer to the problem. Finally, the dissertation’s main result was the realization of the impact of Jatobá in inaugurating proletarian literature. It also highlighted the author's importance in analyzing and understanding the working class of the 1970s.
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    Ações afirmativas para pessoas negras nos concursos públicos para TAEs do IFMT: possibilidades e limites da Lei n.º 12.990/2014
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-25) Santos, Lirian Keli dos; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de;; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Guimarães, Maristela Abadia
    The present study aimed to analyze the possibilities and limits of the affirmative action policy, based on racial criteria, implemented by Law n.º 12,990, of June 9, 2014, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso (IFMT), for the position of Educational Administrative Technician (TAE), in the period from June 9, 2014, date of approval of the law, to December 31, 2022. we opted for a case study and a methodology that is in the field of qualitative and quantitative research due to the need to apprehend the subjectivity that exists in social relations. Since these are intertwined with existing values and rules in their social organization, through documental analysis and bibliographical research. The information was collected in the tender selection system (WEB Selection), made available by the IFMT on its online page. As well as on the website of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), an institution that examines some IFMT competitions. Laws, Decrees and Resolutions were also consulted, which support the legitimacy of the vacancy reservation process adopted by the institution. When carrying out the research, the data were organized and grouped into different categories, later, we carried out analyzes on the number of black candidates approved to fill the racial quotas in comparison to the number of people summoned for the broad competition to understand the limits and shortcomings of the Quota Law for TAEs within the scope of the IFMT. The results show that the IFMT used devices contained in the selection notices to prevent the creation of vacancies reserved for black people, specifically those with greater prestige and remuneration. In this way, the implementation of Law 12.990/2014, with the main purpose of promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for black people, was compromised.
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    Intermediação de mão de obra: análise do perfil e da experiência dos trabalhadores no Sistema Nacional de Emprego (SINE)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Santos, Yara Nunes dos; Tosta, Tânia Ludmila Dias;; Tosta, Tania Ludmila Dias; Santos, Neville Julio de Vilasboas e; Nunes, Jordão Horta
    This research aims to investigate the experiences of individuals seeking job opportunities through the National Employment System (SINE). To achieve this objective, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies was employed, utilizing data extracted from government systems to comprehend prevalent job vacancies and the characteristics of individuals utilizing the public labor intermediation service. Additionally, interviews were conducted with individuals present at SINE locations to gain insight into their personal experiences during the job search process. The study evaluates the effectiveness of SINE in worker (re)placement within the labor market, considering the societal reorganization and economic phenomena influencing employment patterns and living conditions of the population. Data analysis revealed the most frequent job vacancies, offering valuable insights into the local labor market and areas of high demand. Moreover, the interviews provided a qualitative perspective on the experiences, challenges, and expectations of individuals concerning the SINE service. The results obtained from this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the requirements and preferences of those utilizing public labor intermediation services in their employment search.
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    Nós negros: a literatura da diáspora africana nas Américas e seus elementos em comum
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Pereira, Gilberto Gomes; Vettorassi, Andréa;; Vettorassi, Andréa; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Silva, Mário Augusto Medeiros da
    Literature can help us to understand the world. In this case, the novels are in a privileged place to accomplish it. As art, the brightness of the novels come from the aesthetic, but the whole body of the narrative brings out the load of feelings and actions that pulse right in the social relations as well, exploring spaces which sociology knows how to scrutinize. When it is about the afro-descendant literature, no matter where in the Americas the fiction is from, it will always communicate with another fiction created by any other black author in any other place of the Americas, just because of the forced African diaspora aftermaths. Based on this hypothesis, this research proposes an analysis of novels of four black authors from four countries: The Underground Railroad, by the American writer Colson Whitehead, At the full and change of the moon, by the Canadian-Trinidadian Dionne Brand, A brief history of seven killings, by the Jamaican Marlon James, and Alleys of memory, by Brazilian Conceição Evaristo. The aim of it is not to elucidate the complexity of the world of the Americas, built up by the exploitation of the black people in the slavery system, but to problematize sociologically the literature of black voice.
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    Catástrofe e utopia: a crítica à ideologia do progresso em Benjamin e Bloch e a iconoclastia das lutas contemporâneas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-14) Oliveira, Francisco das Chagas de; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Coelho, Allan da Silva; Martins, Lucineia Scremin
    This dissertation examines the concepts of Catastrophe and Utopia, as developed by Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) and Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), in the context of the ascendancy of destructive technics between the outbreak of World War I (1914-1918) and the unfolding of World War II (1939-1945). Conceived as fundamental elements of the Marxist romantic critique of the Ideology of Progress, the concepts of Catastrophe and Utopia are analyzed in a dialogical manner, drawing from the works of Benjamin and Bloch, to achieve a deeper understanding of contemporary social reality. In this regard, the present research investigates the construction and perpetuation of a religious mentality, characterized by a certain "redemptive romantic violence," manifested in the actions of marginalized groups involved in the destruction of historical heritage during the early 21st century. Consequently, the research demonstrates the ongoing existence of this worldview in the discourse of resistance against capitalist modernity, which is reflected in acts of depredation targeting historical monuments associated with the Brazilian colonial era. Throughout the study, we employed documentary analysis, giving priority to traditional Brazilian and international media outlets with a strong digital presence. The incident of the fire at the monument in honor of Borba Gato was used as a poignant example in the context of critically perceiving Brazilian reality. This event resonates with the new contemporary iconoclastic wave and highlights how social movements absorbed the wave of destruction while also taking action. We found that the demands of these movements challenge socioeconomic projects and hegemonic historical-social narratives. Moreover, this contestation is imbued with utopian power, as it recognizes that capitalism poses a threat to the world of life.
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    Educação não-formal: lives de músicas em tempos de pandemia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-09) Carvalho, Mateus Reis de; Benevides, Rubens de Freitas;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Benevides, Rubens de Freitas; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Silva, Guilherme Borges da
    The purpose of this research is to analyze non-formal education actions, through the musical “lives” movement, during the Covid-19 pandemic, from March 2020 to July 2021. In this pandemic context, one of the health recommendations for to contain the spread of the disease was social distancing, boosting leisure practices and of culture based on virtual products and events from streaming platforms for the transmission of recorded and/or live content. This research proposes to investigate “Lives” of a counter-hegemonic character, passing through national pop, rap, rock and PBM, in a dialectical relationship with those that are part of the great dominant hegemonic mass, mainly the country music. As well as identifying the aspects of non-formal education, presented in the transmission, whether in their calls/invitations, where there is a direction of thought, or in their compositions of actions/activities, to identify the behavior in the expression and in the representation of artists' performances and/or the composition of their musics.
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    Representações, memórias e percepções de direitos humanos partilhadas por estudantes imigrantes haitianos: um estudo de caso no Cieja Perus/SP
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Carvalho, Yuri Valladão; Vettorassi, Andréa;; Vettorassi, Andréa; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Carneiro, Cynthia Soares; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de
    It is exposed that Human Rights are conceptualized as universal, inalienable and essential rights for the exercise of citizenship and the dignity of the being. Formally, such Rights are foreseen both in conventions, treaties, and international agreements. However, current society recreates its own perceptions of Human Rights and its normative social representations, as well as being able to influence the behavior of its individuals, making the universality of human rights complex. It is also known that Brazil has become a recipient of immigrants over the last few decades, especially Haitians who, when they land here, seek to adapt to a new reality in the face of the numerous violations of human rights present in their daily lives. Due to these acts of violence, memories about the theme are fixed in the social imaginary of these immigrants throughout their lives and can lead them to the said and unsaid, which remain hidden in their memories so as not to bring up all the violations experienced. The present work proposes the accomplishment of a qualitative research with theoretical reference in the theory of the social representations and of the theory of the central core with intention to know the social representations about human rights that have been shared by Haitian immigrants. It was also proposed, supported by Michael Pollak, to understand the said and unspoken caught in the memories of these immigrants about the Human Rights that have been experienced throughout their lives. It was possible to identify the existence of a consolidated knowledge on the part of these immigrants about human rights that are commonly learned in Haiti, but which were in fact fixed in Brazil. Interpretations of human rights vary according to the thinking being directed: human rights in Brazil or human rights in Haiti? It was also found that these immigrants anchor human rights in the social crisis, in the social normative aspects and in the existing difficulties rooted in their history as Haitian citizens, precisely because of the lack and disrespect of these basic rights for the development of any human being.
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    Gênero e identidade(s) na contemporaneidade: os desafios do não-binário
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-30) Costa, Márcia Sardinha da; Gonçalves, Eliane;; Gonçalves, Eliane; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Fernandes, Luís Antônio Bitantes
    Throughout this dissertation, I introduce concepts and analyze non-binary gender identities in current times. The formation of the identity in this scenario happens through political and social organization of representative minorities who take ownership of the means of production of knowledge/power to validate their existences and address their demands. Therefore, movements like feminism and the LGBTQIA+ movement, with the questionings from their social analysis categories – gender, sexuality and queer – are fundamental in order to understand the process of subjectivity formation and subject agency, making possible the existence of “dissident” identities and life experiences. By developing a qualitative investigation on digital media using content analysis, I was able to reflect on non-binary gender identities in Sociology as a relevant theme, as it brings to the debate changes that are already in course regarding the notion of identity and the structures of language. The fragmentation of identities and the structural changes proposed by non-binary people, much more than an act of rebellion, show that we do not need to necessarily abandon the core of the traditional identity intelligibility, but to understand that existences go very much beyond the alleged binary gender truth.
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    Djamila Ribeiro e a agenda subjetivista
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-16) Rodrigues, Thiago William Santos; Viana, Nildo Silva;; Viana, Nildo Silva; Braga, Lisandro Rodrigues de Almeida; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz
    The theme of our research comprises the production of ideology in what refers to its origin and purpose. Thus, our work starts with the analysis of the historical development of ideology, where we intend to ascertain the emergence of subjectivism – arising from social and productive relations inherent in a class society –, and its manifestation in the work of Djamila Ribeiro. In any case, we will depart from the Marxist theoretical framework to understand the historical and concrete factors that allow the development of intellectual expressions, as well as revealing their roots linked to the interests and conceptions of a certain class. Thus, through bibliographical analysis, we consider Ribeiro production seeking to apprehend it from its connection with the totality of relations that constitute real life, observing his work as a product of determined social relations. Therefore, Ribeiro work is seen from the point of view of its correspondence with the interests of the ruling class, since it is subject to the bourgeois episteme and the set of ideologies that emerged during the late 20th century, having as a starting point the subjectivist paradigm.
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    Da inação legislativa à criminalização: um olhar sociológico sobre a equiparação da LGBTIfobia a racismo pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-23) Ribeiro, Paulo Thiago Carvalho Soares; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de;; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Gonçalves, Eliane; Rios, Roger Raupp
    In June of 2019, with 8 positive votes out of 11, the Supreme Federal Court (SFC) agreed that the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality by Omission (DAUO) n.º 26/DF is partially precedent, judged alongside the Injunction Warrant (IW) n.º 4.733/2019 to recognize that the National Congress was in delay when it decided to not criminalize sexual orientation and gender identity prejudice conducts. The ministers agreed that there was negative commandment in the Constitution in the way to criminalize said conducts. And, after more than thirty years, there was no law for that. The SFC then, judged that as long as the Congress don’t legislate about it, the discrimination resulted on LGBTphobic actions is now a racism crime, aware of the social-historical character of the race category in which the LGBTI people would fall on. This equivalence and the criminalization via the judiciary have no precedents in the world. So, the following paper had the intention of contribute to the understanding of the social and political dynamics which resulted in the SFC criminalizing LGBTphobic conducts as racist acts. In order to do this research, there was a bibliographical exploration to understand what is racism and racialization, and what is the meaning and fundaments of the “social races” concept, understanding also the theories about gender and sexuality and the influence of constitutional segmentation on the democracy. Also, processual documents of the verdict, like Minister votes and the initial petition were analyzed. From what was researched, it was noted a constancy in the tendency of judicialization LGBTI people in Brazil. And the country is even becoming a highlight among others because of the fact that the assurance of rights always comes from judicial decisions. About social race, it’s agreed that every race is social. So, there was no innovation when it comes to the concept or scientific understanding. What happened was a provisional strategic racialization to protect the LGBTI people under the main anti-discriminatory law of the country, the Law n.º 7.716/89, which punish the resulting crimes of discrimination or prejudice by race, ethnicity, color of the skin, religion or national procendency.
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    Grupo Clamor e projeto Brasil nunca mais na defesa dos direitos humanos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-05) Oliveira, Fernando da Silva; Oliveira, Dijaci David de;; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Maciel, David; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz
    Between 1964 and 1985, the National Security Doctrine (DSN) established a civil-military dictatorship in Brazil through a coup that took power by storm. Equipped with its security organs, the dictatorship kidnapped, tortured and disappeared with hundreds of Brazilians. As a reaction, the group Clamor was born in 1978. Almost at the same time, the urgency arises to safeguard the military processes that the dictatorship maintained in the Superior Military Court (STM) in Brasília. A team formed by people imbued with solidarity formed the project Brazil: Never Again (PBNM) in mid-1979. Copies of these processes proved the crimes committed by the dictatorship. Twenty-three years later, another PBNM team took on the mission of guaranteeing the project's existence. The three teams we've addressed take the place of non-repetition and transitional justice devices.
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    A polícia goiana e o distrito zero: representações sobre a violência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-26) Lopes, Victor Hugo Gomes; Souza, Dalva Maria Borges de Lima Dias de;; Souza, Dalva Maria Borges de Lima Dias de; Porto, Maria Stela Grossi; Rabêlo, Francisco Chagas Evangelista
    Violence and public security are daily approached by mass communication vehicles. Considering violence a symbolic power, the journalists’ field can either meet or diverge from the public security operators’ field. The objective of this study is to identify the possible relations between those two fields concerning urban violence. This work also tries to investigate whether the information control about what is violence becomes an object of tension between the fields. In order to verify it, qualitative data were gathered through the analysis of texts from the column Distrito Zero, published on Diário da Manhã newspaper. The mentioned analysis was crossed with semi-structured interviews with civil and military policemen of Goiás, Brazil. This research identified similarities and differences in the way to represent violence and public security, proving that tension between the fields is due to the necessity of control about what should be considered violent.
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    A participação dos pracinhas de Anápolis e Corumbá de Goiás na II Guerra Mundial: entre a memória heroica e a memória traumática
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-08) Faria, Rafael Oliveira; Vettorassi, Andréa;; Vettorassi, Andréa; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de
    This present text have the goal to analyse the many different symbolic uses of memoirs about the “pracinhas” that their names are registered on the pracinhas’s monument of Anápolis and Corumbá de Goiás. And will be problematized about the relevance of memory as a social representation reasoned over time that represents the image of the brazilian soldiers that fought at World War II. We have the hypothesis that was formed a memory concept that have a winning and heroic narrative of these “pracinhas” by dominant social institutions, on what, it contrast with a traumatic memory of war. The justification of the search is think about the importance of the “pracinhas’s memory on historic and social context of Anápolis and Corumbá de Goiás. As methodology, will be analyse the symbolic power of the heroic memory of war, as a dominant character and the traumatic memory of the “pracinhas” through the theory of authors that debate about memory and his cultural representativeness. After the debate of theory apparatus, we will show the fragments of memory that report honorable and traumatic situations of the soldiers of Anápolis and Corumbá de Goiás.
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    Interações tecnológicas e vivências educativas no Museu Casa de Cora Coralina: análise sociológica das intervenções na expografia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-22) Bessa, Rúbio Dorneles de; Oliveira, Dijaci David de;; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Benevides, Rubens de Freitas
    This dissertation develops sociological discussions about the two stages of technological interventions financed by Caixa Econômica Federal and installed by Media Lab UFG in the exhibition of the Casa de Cora Coralina Museum in the City of Goiás and the possibilities of expanding interactivity, experiences and formal educational practices and not formal with the use of contemporary technological innovations in Brazilian museums. It discusses the concept of an educating city and the relationship between the museum and its residents after the process of being listed as a World Heritage Site in 2001 by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). It analyzes the challenges to the economic survival of museums inserted in the scenario of hyperconnectivity and the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to attract and train audiences. The TIC Culture 2020 survey considers the scenario of worsening inequalities in access to the internet and the digitization of collections, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for public policies in the cultural area. The research methodology has a qualitative approach, applied nature, as to the objectives it has a descriptive characteristic; regarding the procedures, it is composed of three aspects: systemic observation as a member of the group of researchers who carried out the interventions at the Museu Casa de Cora Coralina; bibliographical research based on theorists in the field of sociology in a multidisciplinary dialogue with the field of museology and reflections on sociomuseology. It promotes the comparative study and analysis of contents in other projects with technological interventions at the Casa do Rio Vermelho – Zélia Gattai and Jorge Amado, at the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro (Project IRIS+) and the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (Projeto Voz da Art). It presents educational actions of the projects of the National Museum of the Republic. The results of this investigation refute the initial hypothesis, as it demonstrates that the high cost of implementing and maintaining technological interventions in museums aimed mainly at commercial purposes with the attraction of tourists rather than the development of educational actions through projects between schools. The Casa de Cora Coralina Museum does not have educational projects integrated into its permanent exhibition and the City of Goiás.
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    Reconhecendo a cidade: pichações feministas em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-18) Souza, Milena de; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Diógenes, Glória Maria dos Santos; Gonçalves, Eliane
    The following work is a sociological analysis of the insertion of feminism in the urban space through graffiti. Using the ethnographic experiment of observing the messages on the walls of some points in Goiânia, one can see the their alignment with guidelines evoked by the feminist movement. From hence, we seek to understand the phenomenon as a way of expressing feminism contemporary, especially youth feminism. The process of re-signification of the city, resulting from the interventions, has anchored to a proposal of visibility of the presence of women in spaces socially recognized as masculinized, especially the pichação,and which are the impacts that this presence is capable of generating. The observations are supported by Feminist theories that embrace subjectivity and the participation of emotion in the fieldas a possible and potent part of the research. The invitation is to travel through the city through the text, in dialogue with the images presented, in line with the bibliography of the field and parallel to them around concepts that involve the aesthetic productions themselves, the character of its messages and associated feminist themes.
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    “Queria ter horário para fazer tudo...” Trabalho, gênero e infância nos domicílios com atividade de confecções em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-03) Vieira, Débora Alves Lopes; Nunes, Jordão Horta;; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Tosta, Tânia Ludmila Dias; Oliveira, Roberto Veras de
    This research aims to analyze and understand child labor in confections in the city of Goiânia, focusing on work, childhood and gender issues. The motivation for carrying out this project stems from a personal trajectory related to the occupation in the sector considered, also for the involvement with the different themes of research on childhood, the world of work, gender relations and human rights. The research is justified by the importance of fighting for the rights of the child, also for discussing female and home work, often devalued and invizibilized. In this dissertation, authors discussing labor and gender relations, childhood and child labor, such as: Harvey, Marx, Kergoat, Hirata, Saffioti, Pisciteli, Abreu, Nunes, Oliveira, Marin, Heywood, Del Priore , Arroyo, among others in the area. Twenty-three people were interviewed, among them children, mothers and representatives of tutelary councils of the municipality. The results revealed that despite the gains in terms of legislation, child labor prevails when home work is carried out both when the child's work is naturalized and invisible, thus following a trajectory of discrimination and exploitation.