Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem e Saúde
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Item Risco biológico para o circulante de sala operatória(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-07) ALMEIDA, André Nunes Gomes de; TIPPLE, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga; of nursing during their work activities in the Surgical Center (SC), are exposed to various occupational hazards, among them biological. The objectives of this study were: to characterize vulnerabilities points to accidents involving biological material for the transient of the operating room (OR), in the trans-operative period and preparation of the Operating Room; to identify the adoption of universal precaution measures, identifying the occurrence of accidents with biological material and to determine the profile of accidents with biological material among circulating OR. Transversal descriptive study conducted with employees of nursing staff engaged in the activity of OR in the SC of a public teaching hospital in the city of Goiânia - GO. Data collection was performed using two instruments: a check list and application of a questionnaire both evaluated and tested. Filling out the checklist was it the first time of data collection that was done by direct observation of the activities of transients in the trans-operative care and dismantling the operating room, including the delivery of the material in the purge of the Centre of Material and Sterilization. Subsequently, a questionnaire was subject to the same observation. We met all the ethical issues for the consideration provided for in resolution 196 of the National Health Council. Data were grouped in tables and figures and descriptive statistics were used for frequency measurements. The data on the perception of transients regarding the observed behaviors were targeted on groups by hierarchical method, cluster analysis. Of the 37 eligible professionals, 30 participated. The majority (93.4%) female, working time in SC, for more than six years (56.6%) and half has another employment relationship, 40.0% with weekly working hours equal or above 60 hours. It was found that 56.6% of circulating never participates in training on biological risk and 34.0% learned the service following colleagues. The vaccine for hepatitis B was referred by 80.0% of workers, 40.0% had anti-HBs. No transient used protection goggles and 53.3% did not use closed shoes while working. Were reported several risk behaviors for exposure to biological material, among which stands out the use of procedure gloves to collect the instruments after surgery, the use of auxiliary table for carrying items such as: instrumental, glass suction, chamber using sharps; collected manually suture needles used in surgery. Disposal of sharps in the OR was predominantly inadequate and no review of the field after surgery occurred in 86.7%. Accidents with biological material were reported by 40.0% of transients, predominantly from percutaneous exposure to blood and only half have been informed about. Behavior characterized in this study, as risk of exposure to biological material, were recognized by circulating OR as present in the daily work, it was possible to observe concordance between both events (high-frequency behavior and high alert as a gift) and disagreement ( high frequency of observation with low alert) with the predominance of agreement. For all behaviors considered as risk of exposure to biological material there was recognition that this occurs. Some behaviors of transient increase the risk to workers from other units of the hospital. The results indicate the need for organizational and administrative changes to the confrontation of the biological risk inherent in the work of the transient of the operating room. Highlighted the need to intensify educational measures regarding the promotion of a safe environment for workers to be frequently reminded that their work exposes them to risks, and risks can be minimized through adherence to standard precautionsItem O Serviço de Triagem do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás- promotovendo o acolhimento e a reorganização institucional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-12-17) AZEVEDO, Jane Mary Rosa; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; As interfaces do reprocessamento de endoscópios pelo uso de glutaraldéido em serviços de endoscopia de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-24) BARBOSA, Jackeline Maciel; PIMENTA, Fabiana Cristina;; SOUZA, Adenicia Custodia Silva e; This is a descriptive research carried out in twenty digestive endoscopy services at the municipality of Goiânia. We aimed at characterizing the endoscope reprocessing through the use of glutaraldeide in upper digestive endoscopy services. The sample was constituted by endoscopes used for upper digestive endoscopy and professionals performing these endoscope reprocessing. We observed ethical legal aspects of human research. Data was collected through direct observation of the physical structure of the place used for endoscope reprocessing and the individuals performing such reprocessing and recorded in a check list. In each service we obtained samples of three endoscopes, able to be chosen the first, the second, and the last endoscope used in that period. Samples were collected in the border, biopsy channel, and aspiration channel of each endoscope right after the use and at the end of reprocessing. Samples were processed in the Laboratório de Bacteriologia Médica of the Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Microorganisms were identified concerning the form through Gram coloring technique. For isolated bacteria we performed the susceptibility profile. We carried out twenty observations regarding physical structure, one in each service. Sixty endoscope reprocessing were observed, three in each service. The outcomes showed that reprocessing is carried out in the same screening room without proper flow of service. All reprocessing stages showed failure. Errors were observed during the cleansing stage due to the use of enzyme detergent and brushing only the biopsy tubes. Disinfection was identified in all reprocessing, however it was not observed at 2 % concentration of germicide, there was no aspiration of the product in the internal channels and total immersion of the endoscopes, and exposure time to glutaraldeide was lower than the recommended one. Rinsing was most of the time with unfiltered water. The internal channels drying was improper due to the nonuse of compressed air. Adequate conditions to endoscope storage were identified. Microbial range of contaminated endoscopes was low, between 101 a 104 ufc/mL. Performing the precleansing stage, the use of enzyme detergent, cleansing of internal endoscope tubes, and the filling of these tubes with glutaraldeide were the significant variables, < 0.005 for the efficiency of endoscope reprocessing. These stages were crucial to reduce microbial burden. Chemical disinfection through the use of glutaraldeide was efficient in the endoscope reprocessing in eight services which is evidenced through the elimination of initial microbial range, however failures in the reprocessing of those were identified. We isolated from decontaminated endoscope: S. aureus, Staphylococcus coagulase negative, Enterobacter agglomerans, Enterobacter sp., E. coli. These microorganisms were susceptible to antimicrobials tested, except for azitromycin-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. This study shows that despite the low microbial range of contaminated endoscopes, disinfection has not been achieved in all services due to reprocessing failures, mainly in the cleaning stage. We consider adherence to endoscopes reprocessing protocols eliminates the major failures identified in the reprocessingItem RESÍDUOS BIOLÓGICOS NOS INSTITUTOS DE MEDICINA LEGAL DE GOIÁS: IMPLICAÇÕES PARA OS TRABALHADORES(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-03) BARROS, Izildinha Pedreira; SOUZA, Adenicia Custodia Silva e;; TIPPLE, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga; of Forensic Medicine (IFM) perform exams and forensic studies implying in the generation of biological, chemical, radioactive, and common wastes. Thus, the workers can be exposed to biohazardous materials, mainly, due to the non-adherence to recommended practices in their management. Aiming at decreasing such risks, the Health Ministry has established rules defining guidelines to be undertaken by all institutions which generate Health Hazardous Wastes (HHW), including Institutes of Forensic Medicine. This paper had the following goals: diagnosing the management of biological waste generated by IFMs in Goiás as well as their implications to the workers; identifying them, in accordance with different stages as established in the current national legislation; verifying the situation of occupational biohazards for the workers of such institutions in Goiás. Data was collected through questionnaires, check lists, and interviews. Questionnaires were applied to 10 directors, and 81 workers were interviewed. The observation outcomes were recorded in a check list. Despite the fact that such facilities generate wastes similarly to any other health care facility, the first ones are non-segregated, non-conditioned and disposed in accordance with current legal rules. Sharp instruments management is shown as a main hazard to workers, which can be evidenced by the records of percutaneous injuries, while discarding. However, there is some awareness among workers concerning biohazards involved in the activities they perform. There is low adherence to protective measures. Most workers do not use protective individual barriers as recommended, and do not show a complete vaccination plan against tetanus and Hepatites B virus. The outcomes show the lack of a policy towards biohazards, and the need of continuing education concerning biosafety measures in such facilities.Item Avaliação de ações educativas em saúde com grupos de gestantes: estudo comparativo entre Unidade Saúde da Fa- mília e Unidade Básica de Saúde(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-03-30) BORGES, Cristiane Jose; SOUSA, Ana Luiza Lima; main goal of this study is to evaluate the implementation of educational activity within a pregnant women group developed at the Family Health Unit and Basic Unit of Health Health education groups such as: pregnant women educators auxiliaries accompanying people were adopted as target population; and the environment where the meetings took place was contextualized as well For data collection were used a spreadsheet forms and a camp diary The methodology was divided into six phases: documental analysis of the programmed context identification of the pregnant women identification of the educators educational technologies record educational-pedagogical methodologies and group dynamics subjects oral evaluations record and results categorization On the results were described: the subjects of study (who are the pregnant women? Who are the educators?) the dynamics of work of the group dynamics of interpersonal relations the team s participation on health education and records of oral evaluations from all subjects involved on the educational activity on group structure. The study made it possible to consider that the educational actions developed in groups of pregnant women at the Family Health Unit and Basic Unit of Health has shown significant differences what drives us to the conclusion that professional specially from the Family Health Unit which is a model of health system reorientation need to review their educational practice developed within groups of pregnant womenItem Representações sociais de DST/AIDS para adolescentes de uma instituição abrigo com experiência pregressa de vida nas ruas da cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-12-13) BORGES, Ida Kuroki; MEDEIROS, MarceloAdolescents in street situation likely exposed to STD/AIDS because the street world is favorable for violence use and traffic of drugs sexual exploration and also they had difficulties to assimilate information about this subject and to access health services These aspects had been discussed from the knowledge produced by health and social sciences about the sexuality vulnerability and exposition for the STD/AIDS of sheltered adolescents with previous life experience in the streets In this study we sough to identify and to analyze the social representations of prevention DST/AIDS for a group of adolescents with experience of life in the streets living in a shelter institution in Goiânia Goiás Brazil This inquiry has been based on social approach of qualitative research in health which social representations as methodological principle The data was collected by in-depth interview with a group of sheltered adolescents of both genres and diary-field notes from participant observations and analyzed by thematic modality of the content analysis As results we identified three thematic categories: omnipotence and finite prevention and risks bodies changes the knowledge of STD/AIDS to the adolescents prevention and sexuality in order to we verify that AIDS is better known among them than other STD In their understanding AIDS appears as incurable disease leading to death Although they know about risks they do not adopt a prevention behavior The risk factors are linked to their own powerful beliefs ignorance use of inject able drugs or others and difficulties to get condoms makes that diminishes the risks perceptions threshold and consequently also their protection attitudes The knowledge about sexuality is restricted to the physical and biological modifications not knowing exactly what is happening with their body in each phase of their physical affective sexual and social development Considering the irregularity that initiates their sexual life time some limitations to preventing their selves against STD appears These results allow us to consider about our responsibility to extending our activities beyond the limits of Academy and thus contributing to Public Policy elaboration through accords with governmental and non-governmental organizations by a community effort to propose effective projects of interventions for this population still unknown for great part of the society inside of its historical contextItem Diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA identificados em pessoas com lesão medular mediante abordagem baseada na teoria do déficit de autocuidado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-02-23) BRITO, Maria Auxiliadora Gomes de Mello; BACHION, Maria Marcia; nursery role next to people with acute spinal cord injury is of great reaching, and it requires knowledge from the professionals faced to the features of that population. The nursing diagnosis (ND) knowledge that occurs on that group of people can help on more efficient introducing of nursing systems. Facing the exposed above, it emerges the need of knowing the diagnosis profile of that population. It is about a descriptive study of the quantitative approaching and aims: 1 - to analyze the nursing diagnosis profile of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), identified next to acute spinal cord injury carriers using Orem Model. 2 To analyze the relation of identified nursing diagnosis numbers with the variables: age, sex, income, marital status and level of scholarship of the person with acute spinal cord injury, etiology, level and extent of the injury, lead time of the injury, existence of a daycare, sex and degree of kinship of the daycare. 3 to analyze the relation of the identified nursing diagnosis with those variables. To the data collection, it was made interviews, physical exam and consulting to the patient files. In the ND developing it was realized the process of rational thought process proposed by Helland and the Taxonomy II of NANDA. 30 patients with acute spinal cord injury participated on the sample, independent from the gender, attended in the ambulatory of triage of a rehabilitation center of Goiás state, from November 2005 to December 2006, who agreed to take part in the research signing the informed consent , 73.3% of the patients were male, the medium age was 32.6 years old (± 10,29). The average time of the injury was 162 days (±369,9), 28 of the cases presented traumatic injury, and 16 presented complete spinal cord injury. From these ones, 16.7% were not literate. The familiar income varied from 0 to 5 minimum wages. 61 different nursing diagnoses were found, with a sum of 734 happenings, and the average was 24.46 ND per person. The most affected requirement of universal long term care was the one about prevention of dangerous to the life function and to the well- being of humans, with 20 ND and 318 happenings. The number of identified nursing diagnosis didn t present any link with the variables age, sex, income, marital status and scholarship of the person with acute spinal cord injury, etiology, level and extent of the injury, lead time of the injury, existence of the daycare, sex and degree of kinship of the daycare, to the studied sample. The variables with highest number of association with ND were: level of the injury that presented association statistically meaningful with ND impaired walking (p = 0.009); useless control of the therapeutic regime (p = 0.034); lack of care about feeding (p = 0.0006); lack of care about oral hygiene (p = 0.004); impaired physical mobility (p = 0.034); ineffective protection (p = 0.014); and risk for impaired home maintenance (p = 0.015), and the variable extent of the injury that presented association statistically meaningful with ND impaired walking (p = 0.007); sexual dysfunction (p = 0.005), intestinal incontinent (p = 0.033); total urinary incontinent (p = 0.0006); infection (p= 0.024); tissue integrity impaired (p = 0.16); ineffective protection (p = 0.0004); risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction (p = 0.002) and risk for musculoskeletal inactivity (p = 0.015). We hope the results of this research can contribute to the grounding of professional practice and to a better nursing assistance to acute spinal cord injury patients.Item Estudo soroepidemiológico da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana em mulheres profissionais do sexo em Goiânia-Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-02) CAETANO, Karlla Antonieta Amorim; TELES, Sheila Araújo; biological and behavioral surveillance survey was carried out employing the Respondent Driven Sampling methodology, between May 2009 and June 2010, to estimate the prevalence and risk factors/risk behaviors for HIV among female sex workers (FSW) in Goiânia city, Goiás, as well as their knowledge about this disease. The participants were interviewed and blood samples were taken and tested for antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2, and confirmed by Western blot. All women enrolled were counseled on HIV and safer sex practices. Behavioral survey and biological testing data were analyzed using RDSAT 5.6. Of the 395 women, most (67.1%) were single, half (56.9%) had between 21 and 30 years old, and 10 to 12 years of education (47.4%). Some women (14.3%) reported to recruit their clients in more than one type of venue, being nightclubs (41%), bars (27.7%) and streets (25%) predominant. Regarding the last day of work, 52.7% of women reported two or more clients. Daily income ranged from US$ 8,00 to US$ 833,00. Of the women, 87.1% reported regular condom use with clients in the last 30 days. However, condom use with non-paying partners in last one year was reported by 20.9% of women. Regarding the thirty days prior to interview, 85.2% of FSW reported having drunk alcohol and 34.1% reported having used illicit drugs. Only 26.7% of FSW obtained condom in health services. Vaginal discharge and genital ulcer in last year was reported by 49% and 8.6% of FSW, respectively. Of the total, 37.4% of FSW mentioned midge bites as a form of viral transmission, and 17.4% sharing utensils with infected persons. Virtually all women (99%) acknowledged the transmission of the virus by sharing needles contaminated. Also, 90.6% of FSW are aware that pregnant women can transmit the HIV to their babies, but almost half (45.5%), unaware of the measures to prevent vertical transmission of HIV in the pregnancy. It was estimated that 1.8% of women were HIV positive. In addition, most anti-HIV positive (5/6) was found in women working in the streets. The findings of this study suggest the risk for HIV infection among FSW in Goiânia, highlighting the need of health promotion and prevention for this population, mainly among those who recruit their clients in the streets.Item Morbi-Mortalidade Juvenil por Acidentes de Transporte em Goiânia Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-27) CAIXETA, Carlos Roberto; BRASIL, Virginia Visconde; accidents are currently one of the world s main public health problems. The aim of this investigation is to describe the profile of transport injury victims attended at Hospital de Urgências de Goiânia (HUGO) and of victims who deceased in these accidents, with age 15 to 24 years, residents in Goiânia, Goiás - Brazil. It also describes the circumstances involved in these accidents. This descriptive transversal study was carried out in the city of Goiânia from August 2005 to August 2006 with systematic sampling, considering the day of the week and the time of the day. At that period were interviewed 301 victims attended at HUGO, the main Emergency Service Center of the city, and the family of 62 cases of death occurred in the municipality. The data were treated by descriptive statistics. Most victims attended at HUGO and most of those who died were male, mean age 19.94 ± 2.73 years. The main transport used by the victims attended at HUGO was the motorcycle (67.33%), followed by the bicycle (16.67%). The motorcycle was the most used by fatal victims (66.67%) as well. The accidents usually occurred at night, especially around 6 pm to 9 pm and at weekends (fridays and sundays). The victims were generally on the way to do physical, sportive, school, leisure or entertaining activities at that time. Those who were doing paid work had the accident between 6 am and 9 am. Suspicion of alcohol use was confirmed in 15.16% of the cases attended at HUGO and by 26.31% of the family of fatal victims. The victims attended at HUGO were the drivers in 77.11% of the motorcycle accidents and 92.00% of bicycle accidents, as well as in 76.92% of the fatal victims. There were victims under 18 years of age identified as drivers of automobiles and motorcycles. In proportion (p<0.05), more motorcyclists (66.48%) believed that there was imprudence/ negligence than the cyclists (47.72%) attended at HUGO. Security equipment was not used by 8.58% of motorcyclists, by 95.45% of cyclists attended at HUGO and by 12.5% of the motorcyclists who died. The safety belt was not used by 50.00% of the attended at HUGO and by 60.00% of who died. The results indicate a need for a differentiated look at motorcyclists, which justifies a specific approach to this group, as well as measures of inspection, giving priority to the periods of night and weekends. The service of attending victims must be planned, adjusting the amount of human, material and equipment resources, and the seasonality of accidents. The epidemiologic profile of the victims provides important information for administrators to implement politics of promoting health and preventing injury transport, which takes intersectional and multiprofessional actions to confront the problem. Keywords: Transport accidents are currently one of the world s main public health problems. The aim of this investigation is to describe the profile of transport injury victims attended at Hospital de Urgências de Goiânia (HUGO) and of victims who deceased in these accidents, with age 15 to 24 years, residents in Goiânia, Goiás - Brazil. It also describes the circumstances involved in these accidents. This descriptive transversal study was carried out in the city of Goiânia from August 2005 to August 2006 with systematic sampling, considering the day of the week and the time of the day. At that period were interviewed 301 victims attended at HUGO, the main Emergency Service Center of the city, and the family of 62 cases of death occurred in the municipality. The data were treated by descriptive statistics. Most victims attended at HUGO and most of those who died were male, mean age 19.94 ± 2.73 years. The main transport used by the victims attended at HUGO was the motorcycle (67.33%), followed by the bicycle (16.67%). The motorcycle was the most used by fatal victims (66.67%) as well. The accidents usually occurred at night, especially around 6 pm to 9 pm and at weekends (fridays and sundays). The victims were generally on the way to do physical, sportive, school, leisure or entertaining activities at that time. Those who were doing paid work had the accident between 6 am and 9 am. Suspicion of alcohol use was confirmed in 15.16% of the cases attended at HUGO and by 26.31% of the family of fatal victims. The victims attended at HUGO were the drivers in 77.11% of the motorcycle accidents and 92.00% of bicycle accidents, as well as in 76.92% of the fatal victims. There were victims under 18 years of age identified as drivers of automobiles and motorcycles. In proportion (p<0.05), more motorcyclists (66.48%) believed that there was imprudence/ negligence than the cyclists (47.72%) attended at HUGO. Security equipment was not used by 8.58% of motorcyclists, by 95.45% of cyclists attended at HUGO and by 12.5% of the motorcyclists who died. The safety belt was not used by 50.00% of the attended at HUGO and by 60.00% of who died. The results indicate a need for a differentiated look at motorcyclists, which justifies a specific approach to this group, as well as measures of inspection, giving priority to the periods of night and weekends. The service of attending victims must be planned, adjusting the amount of human, material and equipment resources, and the seasonality of accidents. The epidemiologic profile of the victims provides important information for administrators to implement politics of promoting health and preventing injury transport, which takes intersectional and multiprofessional actions to confront the problem.Item A Empregabilidade de um Grupo de Egressos do Curso de Graduação da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-02-22) CARRIJO, Clarissa Irineu de Sousa; BEZERRA, Ana Lucia Queiroz; growth of Nursing Graduation Courses and consequently of egresses makes the nurses to be experiencing a fully and particularly critical period as much in the field of the professional background as in the working market This study had as aims: to analyze the determining factors on the employability of the egresses group of the Nursing school from the Federal University of Goiás (FEN/UFG) from the year 2002; distinguish these professionals; verify the insertion of the group aforesaid in the working market and identify the search for the permanent education of this group to reach its employability Descriptive Research The data were obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire sent to the 44 egresses who concluded the graduation course in the year 2002 and that disposed themselves to participate by the means of the warranty of the ethic principles by the researches part The sample of the study was composed through the acquisition of 41 (93, 2%) questionnaires The answers were examined with the aid of a software that allowed us to identify frequencies and percentiles of the variables The open questions were categorized as the context of the employability of the egresses from the year 2002 and disposed in: group definition; the professional background procedure; the insertion into the working market; the professional s reality and the working market as well The data allowed us to confirm that: it is a young population in their twenties (68,3%); the majority 40 (97,6%) is of females and 28 (68,3%) are single; had concluded the graduation in five years; 61% consider the good background and 39% consider it pretty good; 85,4% had participated in the researches and in the extension projects besides the extracurricular activities and diverse events 63,4% attended a post-graduation course and the introduction on the market happened one to three months after graduated 79,5% work at a municipal public area, in the Family Health Program through indication or public contest with a predominant base income of nine minimal wages As for the preparation for the working market: 80,5% felt themselves prepared due to their academic background and the opportunities of a permanent education; 19,5% felt themselves unprepared imputing their lack to the conflict of realities between either the school world and the working world in addition to the no updating in specific nursing areas As for the contributions they suggest post-graduation courses opportunities of a lasting upbringing and researches as well It was possible to consider that in the opinion of the egresses from the year 2002 the graduation course offered by FEN/UFG contributed in the professional background of such egresses However it needs to converge a little more towards the reality of the working market The survey presented subsidies about the reality of the employability of the nurses in Goiânia to be discussed among the academician and the excellence of the teaching on FEN/UFG as well as in the other universitiesItem Intervenções de enfermagem para o padrão respiratório ineficaz em idosos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-19) CAVALCANTE, Agueda Maria Ruiz Zimmer; NAKATANI, Adélia Yaeko Kyosen; the multiple ilnesses that aflict the elderly, respiratory problems stand out as cause of hospital admitance and re-admitance, and consequent worsening of funtional capacity. The nursing interventions directed to the human responses in evidence allow clinical improvement, visibility, and quality of nursing assistance to elderly patients with respiratory problems. The goal was to analyse the nursing interventions performed by the nursing staff to the nursing diagnosis ineffective breathing pattern in elderly patients. It is a descriptive study, developed in the internal medicine section of a scholl hospital in Goiânia, done in three stages, from July to December of 2008. The first stage consisted in the search of activities performed by the nursing staff to the ineffective breathing pattern in the elderly. The second consisted in the crossed mapping between the quoted activities and the interventions and activities priorized by the NIC to the ineffective breathing pattern diagnosis. And the third stage consisted in the new collection of data analyse the priorized NIC activities to ineffective breathing pattern in the elderly. If was adapted the descriptive statistic with distribution of the activities in simple frequence. 43 nursing workers took part in the study, after having read andsigned the form of free consent and understanding. Of the participants, 83,7% were women and 16,3% were men; 23,8% were between 36 and 40 years-old; 46,6% refered having completed high school, 11,6% had college education and 18,6% were in college, but not yet graduated; 18,6% had some complementary study after college and 2,3% had master degree; 60,5% were 1 to 5 years in the institution and 74,4% were 1 to 5 years in the same hospital section. From the 62 activities referred and mapped as NIC s interventions and activities, the ones witch presented a frequency higher than 50% were: Positioning (99,9%), Oxygen Therapy (99,8%) e Medication Administrantion (65,8%). Lower than 50%: Airway Manegement (45,0%), Anxiety Reduction (42,9%), Ventilation Assistance (40,8%), Respiratory Monitoring (36,8%), Vital Signs Monitoring (36,2%), Energy Management (31,6%), Emotional Support (27,2%), Pain Management (24,9%) e Surveillance (20,4%). Lower than 20%: Chest Physiotherapy (13,6%), Neurologic Monitoring (9,09%), Intravenous Therapy (6,8%), Airway Suctioning (6,8%), Intravenous Insertion (4,5%), Smoking Cessation Assistance (2,2%), Medication Management (2,2%), Fluid Monitoring (2,2%), Emergency Care (2,2%), Aspiration Precautions (2,2%) e Tube Care: Chest (2,2%).The drug administration activity present accordance as of the necessity of medical prescription; there was no accordance of the activities that are exclusive of the nurse. The activities concerning positioning, drug, administration, oxygen administration, aerosol administration and vital signs monitoring were referred as being frequently perfomed. The concerning monitoring of values of pulmonary function, fisioterapy and the ones that demanded, a physical exam evaluation were referred as not performed, and the main reason was being performed by another professional . The study made it possible to identify: the need to consider the interdisciplinarity in the interventions, the gaps in the assistance provided by the nursing staff, the abilities and skills required from the nurse to the assistance of the elderly patients that present ineffective breathing pattern , with focus a the prevention of disorders and on the integrality of the assistance,Item A temática sexualidade no contexto escolar:diagnóstico situacional da região leste de Goiânia, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-30) CHAVEIRO, Laine Gomes; SOUZA, Márcia Maria de; study with directors and teachers in public schools, municipal and state institutions in the Eastern Region of Goiânia-GO, conducted between April/May 2009 in order to investigate the insertion of the sexuality issue in the school context. Participants were interviewed and the Political Pedagogical Projects (PPP) analyzed. Data were analyzed using Epi-info 6.04. The results showed that every PPP are current and topics covered, but not in cross-sectional way, as recommended by the National Curricular Parameters (NCP), the majority of content worked exclusively in the discipline of biology. Of the 79 teachers interviewed 35.4% were from municipal and 64.6% state network. Of these 50% were under 35 years, 68.4% were female and 40.5% were married. Many have reported having no background in dealing with the theme (75%) in municipal (86.3%) in the state schools, the same as (39.3%) and (27.4%) respectively said they had no experience in this area. More than half reported that the age for discussing the issue is before 12 years (62%) and primary responsibility is the mother (86%). The pregnancy was identified by teachers as a topic of interest for continuing education, and least discussed with the students (35.7%) in municipal and (15.7%) in state schools, (p=0.04). Regarding the method of instruction, reading texts and lecture were the most used. Virtually all students have an interest in the topic sexuality. For teachers, students of the municipal schools (80%) know more about prevention and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), compared with the state school (52.2%), (p=0.02) and there is a higher prevalence of pregnancy among students of the state (92.1%) to municipal schools (71.4%) (p=0.03). The theme is present in the PPP for 78.6% of teachers of municipal and 51% of the state, (p=0.01). Recourse available to teachers of the municipal educational was educative material (53.6%) and internet (35.3%) for the state system (p=0.05).To meet the identified needs in this study, was held the First Training Course on Sex Education in the School Context for teachers and delivery of education kits (Reproductive health and sex education). These materials will serve as input for future work on the advice of nurses from the Family Health Strategy (FHS), attached to these educational institutions. The study showed the importance of continuing education for these teachers, as well as benefiting from investments in continuing education teachers in other areas of the city and state. This research has enabled the strengthening of partnerships between government organizations, through the Departments of State and Municipal Education and Health and Higher Education Institution, with a commitment to continuity of government programs such as SPE and SPE.Item Planejamento de enfermagem em hospital da rede pública de ensino e assistência em Goiânia - Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-02-02) COELHO, Maria Alice; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; planning is an important administrative function and its execution makes possible the reach of the objectives established in the organization. In the nursing, to plan and to execute activities are essential to guarantee assistance with quality. Descriptive study, with qualitative boarding, carried through in a hospital of great size, it had as general purpose to analyze the perceptions of the managers about the planning and execution of the nursing activities in a hospital of the public net of assistance and education of Goiânia - Goiás. The study considered as individuals 17 (seventeen) nursing managers of the ambulatorial units and internment units. The data had been collected using half-structuralized interviews and they were analyzed as what Bardin praises (1979). The results had shown that the managers elaborate the planning better than they execute and there are factors that interfere with the planning and execution of the activities. It was concluded that the managers adopt the participative planning, indicating change of paradigm in the administration. Between the factors that make things easier, they are the adoption of the work in team, the proximity between management and servers, incentive to the creativity and interest in the execution of the planned actions. The factors that make things difficult include the scarcity of human, material and financial resources; factors related to the components of the team, such as: motivation, lack of time, absence of training, difficulties in managing; insufficiency of support of the institution and of the other services of the hospital; inadequate physical structure; and the unexpected of everyday. The origin of these factors was attributed to the proper people, to the fact that the hospital belongs to the public net, the institution and the system used for the management of the support services.Item Qualidade de vida e tratamento hemodialítico: avali- ação do portador de insuficiência renal crônica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-02-24) CORDEIRO, Jacqueline Andréia Bernardes Leão; BRASIL, Virginia Visconde; is the most frequently renal substitutive therapy used by patients with chronic renal failure. However, continuation with this kind of treatment had demonstrated to provoke disarranging and changes on daily routine, affecting patient s quality of life. Present study main objective was evaluate the quality of life in chronic renal failure patients receiving hemodialysis treatment, by means of the instrument called Kidney Disease and Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SF). Were interviewed 72 chronic kidney failure patients under hemodialysis treatment in Goiânia / GO, Brazil. For statistical data analysis, a significance level of 5% and a 95% of confidence interval were used. The majority of patients are male, with mean age of 51.1 ± 16,6 years (20 to 80 yr), catholics, and they just know how to read and write as education level. The time of hemodialysis treatment was 12 - 60 months for most of them, as well as the family income is 01 or 02 salaries. The majority doesn t work and live with their family or spouse. The results evidenced that the quality of life of chronic renal failure patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is impaired in some aspects. The Dimensions Physical Role, Work Status, Burden of Kidney Disease and Emotional Role had the lowest scores (20.49, 22.2, 34.55, 36,57 respectively). The highest values were obtained in the Dimensions Dialysis Staff Encouragement (88.37), Quality of Social Interaction (80.83), Patient Satisfaction (80.09), Sexual Function (73.86) and Cognitive Function (80.74). The individual s perception in each Dimension was significantly interfered by advanced age, gender, time of treatment, family support, religious choices, level of instruction and by work. Present study indicates that quality of life in chronic renal failure patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is affected and justifies a professional involvement to care of these people, just the way they deserve to be cared of.Item A experiência da adesão ao tratamento pela mulher com HIV/aids(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-24) COSTA, Dalva Aparecida Marques da; MEDEIROS, MarceloThe high effectiveness of the combined antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS is wellknown, but it depends on the efficient adhesion of the patient to the treatment. The efficient adhesion to the treatment guarantees its effectiveness because increasing the patient s adherence to the antiretroviral treatment constitutes a global goal to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This study aimed to understand the adhesion to the treatment the HIV/AIDS in the experience of the woman. Ethnographic study based on Geertz theoretical presuppositions. The data collection occurred by semistructuralized interviews and participant observation ith eight women of a Public Hospital Group of Adhesion in Goiás, Brazil, from 2007 January to December. The first moment of data analysis started as soon as it was initiate the interviews and where we sought to find the units of meanings. The second moment occurred in an inference process and findings theorization and its interrelation with our subject, but always searching answers to the study objectives and the theoretical concepts. From data analysis process emerged four meaning units, as known, confrontation of the cultural values in the experience of the adhesion; the rite of the experience in the adhesion to the treatment; practical customs and in the experience of the adhesion and taking care of in the interpersonal relations. Results allow an understanding that adhesion to the treatment for HIV/AIDS is ruled in the aspects of the local culture, in spite of the biomedical deductions and reducing imposed by professionals with a large scientific and technological knowledge. Also allow to understand that the experience of the adhesion to the treatment for the HIV/AIDS in the woman perceptions consists in a wire of meanings built inside a popular culture. And the culture where these women are inserted, keeps its controlling mechanisms for the person living with the HIV/AIDS survival.Item Atividades grupais na atenção à saúde da mulher: revisão integrativa de 1980 a 2009(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-04) CRISPIM, Zeile da Mota; MUNARI, Denize Bouttelet; technology group constitutes in the assistance instruments of health, to give opportunity to the development in the autonomy of the subjects and value the human s relationship. Considering your wide use in the context of the attention in woman s health, this study had as its principal goal to synthesize the scientific production of the nursing nationals periodic about the use of the group activities in the importance of woman s health in the period of 1980 to 2009. For this study, it had been used an integrative review of the national literature publications in 15 nursing periodic, with minimum indexing in the LILACS. The gathering of data was fulfilled in July 2208 to January 2010. It was identified 183 articles, which after analyzed by a specific protocol, allowed 68 of these articles in this research. The analysis identified a biggest publication of these studies in the Nursing Brazilian Magazine (20.05%) and Texts & Contexts Nursing (16, 17%). As to the type of the articles, 61.76% were originals researches, desenvolved in the women presences, standing out the health promotion. The regional provenances of the authors are 45.59% Southeast region, 23.53% Northeast and South, 4.41% Midwest and 2.94% from North. Among the nursing authors that had a significant number of publications, (36.32%) were PhD, master (8.42%) were masters, concluding their master and PhD (15.79%) and undergraduate nursing students (14.21%). It s important to consider the number of the contributions in publications that comes from Ribeirão Preto/ USP Nursing School (20.59%) and from Ceará University (22.94%), although studies from 28 universities in the country had been identified and researched. Most studies had as authors nursing professionals (92.68%) and (7.32%) had had partnership with professionals from others categories, especially doctors and psychology. The most used relation themes in this research were health education and health promotion. The bibliographical references of the specific groups were mentioned in 70.58% of the articles and the focus of the group s techniques showed a bigger use of the groups educational activities and support groups. The descriptive analysis of the studies, led to the grouping of the groups interventions, giving visibility to understand the use of the group technology as a help in the intervention in woman s health, resulting in three categories: Groups activities for the health promotion; Groups activities in the attention of the woman s health in the gravitico puerperal cycle and Groups activities that gives support to woman with chronic diseases. The study identified mistakes in the priority area of the woman s health assistance, between them the black woman, Indian, countryside, prisoner, drug user, woman that suffer sexual violence, violence at home, among others. It was conclude that the group strategy grew considerably, the researches contributed to the knowledge building; it has positive influences to the nurses assistance in the woman s life and health care, as how the nurse acquired skill using this technology, this actions cited here was relevant to the national program that guide the woman s assistance. This study suggests the use of this technology in the benefits of the population and to the professional category.Item Dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem da clínica cirúrgica de um hospital universitário da região Centro-Oeste(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-17) CUNHA, Claudia Cleinne Barcelos; BEZERRA, Ana Lucia Queiroz; descriptive quantitative study aimed to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the nurse staff in a surgery clinic unit at a school hospital in Brazilian Center West Region. Search subjects were all the inpatients of a surgery clinic unit in the period of data collecting. The project followed the terms of the Resolution 196/1996 and it was approved under Protocol nr. 032/2008. Data were collected from September to October 2009, during 30 consecutive days. One used the design method used was that proposed by Gaidzinski (1998). It includes an impatient classification stage concerning to nurse care dependence. Fugulin instrument (2002) was used. The parameters of COFEN Resolution 293/2004 were used for establishing assistance hours and percentage distribution of each professional category. Absenteeism rates were determined by Gaidzinski s definitions and equations (1998). The inpatients were daily classified in an amount of 1464 evaluations in that period. From them, 53.7% needed minimal care; 39.3% intermediate, 5.9% high dependence, 9.9% semi-intensive and 0.2% intensive care. The determined technical safety index in this study was 58% for nurses and 68% for middle level professionals. Among previewed absences, weekly holiday ones showed the highest rate, 40%. Among not previewed ones, the higher index was for medical licensees: 0.8% for nurses, 3.0% for technical nurse assistants and 1.5% for trainees. Technical nurse assistant showed the higher index for not planned absences (7.5%). The designed scale had 29 nurses and 62 technical assistants. It was noted that the number of nurses corresponds to 27.6% of the designed ones and the middle level professionals complete the table, which shows a deficit of 30.4% in the staff. The rate of registered nurses found in this study is far below what is recommended by COFEN and this may compromise assistance quality and improve adverse events occurrence as well length and costs of hospital stay. A reduced amount of professionals in the team may have negative consequences on nurse staff health, which could increase absenteeism. This search considered that is no denying the importance of design staff as a management instrument and indicator to consider the amount of nursing human resources. However, it cannot grantee alone attendance quality. One needs also actions concerning to planning and implementation of strategies of Continuing Education as well motivation work processes that may give to nurse team more satisfaction in work environment in order to get a continuum improvement in patient assistance.Item Acidentes ocupacionais com material biológico : a per- cepção do profissional acidentado.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-03-21) DAMACENO, Ariadna Pires; PEREIRA, Milca Severino; accidents involving biological materials may bring physical and psychological consequences to the injured professional Many workers commonly give less attention to such events not applying preventive steps as recommended for those procedures which represent risks to their health This paper aims at reporting the workers perception and undertanding on the context involving the accident with biological material including experimented feelings, reactions as well as actions taken The research has been done according to the presumptions of qualitative research and data was analysed in accordance with content analysis technique Data was collected by using questionnaires applied to health-care workers linked with a health care institution and later by an interview with the injured workers from an emergency and urgency reference unit in the city of Goiânia Firstly 382 health-care workers answered a questionnaire in order to identify those who had already suffered an accident 39 of those who had had an accident have participated in the interview concerning aspects related to the accidents The main causes to the accidents mentioned were: unattention non-adoption of preventive steps severity of injured patients hurry due to work overload and appliance structure and material-related deficiencies Among the feelings experimented we could highlight: insecurity fearing infection worries about the family rage and even calmness About half of the workers have reported that the accident had not brought any consequence into their lives The others reported that it had provided them with learning and growth All workers reported awareness of the risks related to the accident however we could note several inadequate conduct in their reports 18 professionals reported all the accidents they had 12 never reported any and 9 reported only those considered most serious Many manifested some difficulty in specifying the protective equipment used on the day of the accident mainly due to the amount of time from the day of the event to the research date The workers perception of such phenomenon is very different from one another regarding the same kind of accident Data shows the need of worker´s health self-valuing as well as programs aimed at improving the occupational safetyItem O enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos: contribuições da Dinâmica de Grupo.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-02-14) FERNANDES, Carla Natalina da Silva; MUNARI, Denize Bouttelet; Satisfação no trabalho de docentes de uma instituição pública de ensino superior : reflexos na qualidade de vida(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-04-07) FERREIRA, Ana Cássia Mendes; BRASIL, Virginia Visconde; satisfaction has been identified as a component of life satisfaction and it is an emotional state resulting from the professional interaction, personal characteristics, values and expectations about the environment and organization of work and can influence quality of life. The objective was to analyze job satisfaction and quality of life reflections of public university professors of the health area. A transversal, descriptive and exploratory study was conducted with public university professors of the health area in the city of Goiânia, Goiás - Brazil. Data collection was performed using the Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (S20/23). To analyze the data were used the simple descriptive analysis, the Pearson Chi-square test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. It was interviewed 108 professors, mostly women (68.5%), married (69.4%), with children (70.4%) and average age of 44.24 ± 9.3 years. The global satisfaction mean was 3.62 (five-point scale), and the average factor "Hierarchical Relation Satisfaction", "Work Environment Satisfaction and "Work Intrinsic Satisfaction and professional growth opportunities" were 3.66, 3.30, and 3.99, respectively. Among the items, stood out "work environment and physical space" with the lowest degree of satisfaction, and "work as contributing factor" to the greatest degree. The partial satisfaction / indifference to the work indicated by the professors indicate the need for an awakening of the institution and the need to conduct further research directed towards the subject. Selecting the entire faculty from two academic units, n = 66, most women (95.5%), married (66.7%), with children (63.6%), average age 43.64 ± 9.58 years, the global satisfaction mean was 3.64 and the factors average ranged between 3.45 and 3.93. In evaluation of the quality of life on this group, the scores of each domain ranged from 51.53 (Vitality) to 83.00 (Physical Functioning). The lowest score was mainly due to the overload of activities and fatigue reported by professors, especially those with a higher degree. The greater satisfaction was reported by the professors in the S20/23 item work as a contributing factor" and the biggest complaint was the "environment and physical space of work" item. The S20/23 factor "Work Intrinsic Satisfaction and professional growth opportunities" showed positive correlation with the domains " Role Limitations because of Physical Health Problems", " Social Functioning" and " Role Limitations because of Emotional Problems" of SF-36. We conclude that professors in these two units value their work as a contributing factor, because they are allowed to do things that they want and stand out. The dissatisfaction reinforces the need to search at the institution to identify what can be done to minimize this dissatisfaction. The equal distribution of activities may be an alternative to optimize the work of the group studied. The job satisfaction reflected in quality of life which, in turn, has an impact on job satisfaction again, consisting in a joint responsibility of managers and teachers.