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Item Beleza que põe mesa : a relação de trabalhadoras domésticas com mídia, beleza e consumo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-18) JORDÃO, Janaína Vieira de Paula; MENDONÇA, Maria Luiza Martins de; dissertation analyzes the relationship between popular segments of society - especially the category of domestic workers - with the media, consumerism and beauty. The reason for our choice of domestic workers is because this profession has, simultaneously, many characteristics that allow it to be considered as subaltern: its undervaluation due to hybridizations that come from the times of legal slavery; the current labor laws, very different from the ones regarding other professions; the low income and the mainly feminine character of the profession. Our idea, therefore, is to look at consumers culture - especially the part of it connected to beauty, which comprehends fashion, body and beautifying strategies in general, all of those concepts intimately intertwined with women s history - from the viewpoint of a subaltern group. One of the ways through which consumers culture and hegemonic concepts such as the need for beauty are spread through society is the media, nowadays practically ubiquitous, due to its great accessibility through TV, radio, movies, newspapers, internet, cellphones, graffiti, billboards, waiting rooms etc. Wherever there is a potential consumer to be found, there will be at least one media vehicle. Its ability for content coverage and repetition allows media to be considered a very important intermediator between individuals and the world, becoming a relevant builder and repeater of cultural concepts, which will influence the subjectifying processes in people. In order to investigate this influence, 31 domestic workers in Goiânia were interviewed, with questions about their beauty concepts and their favorite mediatic programs. Both discourses were related to the objective of understanding whether there is a beauty concept carried out by the media, how the domestic workers perceive it, and what are their strategies to comply (or not) to them, assuming that domestic workers may relate to these contents in different ways: by making them their own, by negotiating with them, or even by denying them. That is because it is understood that lower segments of society are in constant relationship with the hegemonic contents, and are therefore co-participants in the forces that build culture day by day.Item A saga do herói mendigo : o riso e a neopicaresca no progama chaves(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-26) CARDOSO, Ludimila Stival; NOGUEIRA, Lisandro Magalhães; laugh is a human phenomenon, that has different faces depends on the historical period and how the intellectuals see it. It can be morality s instrument and deviation s punishment; element of be extinct; way of release, since it would produce a new world s vision, based in a nom-official popular true ; or a way to economize the psychic energy necessary to keep an inhibition; or still, it can be answer of the nothing the existence, what award it, in the contemporarily, moment of provisionals truths, a deep presence in the society, so to say that the laugh became present in all of the places, show that the reality is, at the same time, liquid and humoristic and confirming the importance of to study this human skill. So, it opted to work with the humor, specifically in the television, principal mass media in the Brazil and, particularly, the Chaves program, since it is considered a greater success Brazilian mass media, as proves the audience. However, this program presents a difference: it is being televised too much than 20 years, almost without stop, what make it a case to be studied, but in a different way: associated it with the picaresque literature, because believes that it main character is a nom-hero, as the picaresque hero (with home, work and swindler) and the program, itself, is a picaresque romance, because the others characters are ways to make a social criticism that is, specifically here, conservative, like the parody, since doesn t try to change the poverty s situation of the main character or of any others characters life, but only to let see these life s conditions. At the same time, Chaves presents a series of aspects that explain, in a certain way, it success, since the innocence; the type of humor, founded in everyday and simple plots; the textuality ; the theatrality ; a persuasition s grammar; the use of concrete and primary thought; and still, the proximity with the italian commedia dell art, elements confirmed from the analyses of ten histories on, when tables about many scenes and about the characteristics of the characters were built. But, it s still necessary to say that not even all these elements together are capable to justify the success of this humoristic. Due to see Chaves as a cultural product of Latin America, that goes besides of technical questions, and so it gets to keep itself for many years, wining, always, new publics, overItem Comunidades gays do ORKUT : encontros, confrontos e (re)construção de identidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-27) SANTOS, Andréa Pereira dos; GOMES, Suely Henrique de Aquino; present world is symbolic and ephemeral. It is called Post-Modern by the majority of theoretical studies in this search. Considering the concepts evident in post-modernism such as fragmented identities, sociality, presenteism, vitalism, on line communities and globalization, try in this study reflect how these concepts are present in the life of the individual users from on line communities, especially the gay person. So, theoretical studies by Post-Modernity and identity is possible by the authors: Hall (2001), Giddens (2002), Bauman (2005, 2003) and Ortiz (2006) for identify the assumptions that mean living in a cultural and globalized world. It examines the issues of gender and attempts to relate it with homosexuality / homoaffectivity. For this it considering the studies of authors such as Scott (1991) and Butler (2001, 2003). It is also theorized about the history of homosexuality / homoaffectivity identifying social relations that marginalized gay and locate where the knowledge studies of homoerotic are included. It done by Trevisan (2002), Louro (2001, 2004), Foucault (1988, 1979), Fry and MacRae (1984) and Butler again (2001, 2000). Then, the authors like Levy (1999), Bauman (2003, 2001), Maffesoli (2006) and Lemos (2004, 2008, 2002), discusses the cyberculture and cyberspace and identify the concepts of aesthetic communities , tribalism, presenteism, vitalism, hedonism and formism in on line communities surveyed. For the theoretical contributions aims to: identify the constructed identities gays in on line communities hosted on ORKUT by speech analysis; understand if the gay communities have become ghettos and / or spaces of emancipation; know the concepts of what is to be gay from the participants speeches analysis, identify the issues that prevail in most discourses promoted by forum; know what the gays say to you in these communities; understand if the speeches were found in gay communities contribute to the construction of speech against; identifying the construction of the speeches and if there is space in on line power relationships that make the people positions. For these goals were possible, two ORKUT communities were select with the following characteristics: public gay male, Brazil, active communities in present day, with more existence years, that containing material (speeches) large enough for analysis and the sufficient participants number. Finally it is concluded that gays were different identities, So, identities are also in constant transformation. However, the gays speeches in many cases negative, are reflections of the suffering caused by the society prejudice present today. The gay prejudice is over only when the society deconstruction this prejudice through educationItem Possibilidades contra-hegemônicas da cidadania na construção do HGPE(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-03) Fernandes, Luiz Carlos do Carmo; FREITAS, Luiz Antonio Signates; on qualitative researches done by political marketing group during the elective period aimed the legitimacy of political discourse on the free tv elective program, this work verifies the not hegemonic possibilities of civil society in building the agenda of that discourse and, as a result, empowering the democracy and the citizenship. The political rationality of the poor citizens was investigated by comparing it to the dominant classes. this study also investigated the subjects and perceptions raised in the qualitative researches and its match to the public interest to the political citizenship, besides its reflection in the tv program. The methodology was the same suggested by palacios (2007) in digital journalism. first, a literature review was done considering democracy and citizenship concepts. after that, the research object was delimited- the elective discourse on free tv elective program, followed by the citizen agenda hypothesis. then, analysis categories to do the empirical study seen in here as a case study was created by using qualitative researches done during municipal election in 2008 in Goiânia. It was done in two moments. in the first (pre-elective, 45 days before the propaganda ruled by elective justice court) the collected material was analyzed according to oliveira´s interactive methodology (2007). in the second moment, the results were compared to the free tv elective program conducted by the winner candidate.The conclusion is that citizenship is not a factor of influence in the political discourse agenda. it is not due to other discourses such as the media , negative propaganda or interferences in political field, but because there is a consolidate idea among poor citizens against political discussions in primary communicative spaces, where micro or alternative public spheres could exist. there were not agreements or understandings among those citizens which could convince the politicians to include them in their discoursesItem Corporeidades em tempos de biopoder: o discurso midiático sobre o cuidado com o corpo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-14) COSTA, Deyvisson Pereira da; MENDONÇA, Maria Luiza Martins de; le monde contemporain, le corps est devenu l'objet du désir, de culte, et en particulier de soins. Les pratiques de soins du corps pour des raisons de santé, d'hygiène, de médecine et d'esthétique se multiplient par les médias. En particulier, la santé du corps, chaque jour devient une préoccupation sociale et individuelle. Il est proposé dans cette recherche pour comprendre les soins du corps dans le but d'obtenir et de maintenir la santé par la recherche à la production discursive des organismes et des subjectivités dans la presse écrite. Il s'agit d'une recherche qualitative de l'étude de cas guidée par des concepts de la construction sociale du corps et de l'objet dans la culture. L'étude des médias qui suit utilise comme référence théorique et méthodologique d'analyse de discours (AD) de Foucaultian perspective. Par conséquent, les notions telles que les connaissances, le pouvoir, la subjectivité et de la parole sont prises à partir de la littérature pour affronter le terrain. La collection de six numéros de la revue mensuelle a été de bon entre les mois de Mai et Juin. Tout au long de la description de la publication, l'attention s'est tournée vers la surveillance de la hiérarchie des discours sur le corps en bonne santé, la standardisation des modèles physiques et biologiques de l'organisme d'examen et le sujet lui-même en tant que mode de subjectivité produite par les medias dominantsItem Empresas Responsáveis e Comunidades Cidadãs: Responsabilidade Social sob o Crivo da Comunicação Pública(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-23) BRITO, Walderes Lima de; FREITAS, Luiz Antonio Signates;; GARBELINI, Maria de Fátima; communication between companies and communities can be a tool to the strengthening of citizenship and a way to prove the social responsibility of an economical organization. The possibilities and limits of this process are the theme of this study and the research refers to the relationship between Petrobras and the population of Jardim Nova Goiânia, a neighborhood in Senador Canedo, GO which stands between two pipelines. During the research, local residents and leaders of the community were elected to work as interlocutors and were interviewed about their memories and points of view concerning how the neighborhood was populated, the infrastructure and their perception about the interaction between the company and the local residents. The investigation showed evidence that there were processes of institution of active citizenship, such as social practices that were not meant to make the residents dependent on them and the respect to the right of these residents to information. Those social practices were present in the mobilization and organization of the local residents and Petrobras contributed to this process. On the other hand, the research indicated the lack of evidence of the company s contribution to the sustainable development of the community which is still fragile in relation to the ability of acting as an association what would make the community capable of demanding moral responsibility from public systemic structures.Item O suspeito na cobertura jornalística a presunção da inocência no jornalismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-24) SILVA, Welliton Carlos da; TEMER, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa; dissertation has an objective to analyze how the suspect (person accused of a crime) is mentioned in press. This study is about mass communication, its content and sociability. Using many excerpts from the papers themselves, this study shows us how the language of a newspaper can produce a symbolic violence. Some newspaper editors and publishers experience the liberty of expression and freedom of press, but frequently they are not cautious enough when describing the information a question that can offend the human rights. Factors of the order of economical and social influence this practice. Editors treat the suspect like an author because this is a tradition in news about crime. The globalization has created more competition and newspaper needs to deliverer the news everyday faster than their rival. In particular, many editors ignore definitions of specific words and even create narratives to meet their needs they did not hesitate to accuse and to label the suspectItem A participação política, entre o debate e a visibilidade: um estudo de mídia e cidadania, a partir de Hannah Arendt e Habermas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-07) BOARATTI, André; FREITAS, Luiz Antonio Signates; issue of political participation, usually used in Political Science, acquires a new approach from the Social Comunication point of view. Its important to point that the theoretical reference used in the study, were the contributions of Habermas and Arendt concepts about public sphere. According to this sense, political participation is located in the communicative action in public spaces of speaks for free and equal citizens. The agents start to became equal in the moment that all arguments are provided, so it can be say that citizenship is a dialogical process of construction of public spaces, that the main function is not only the social function of pressing the representative power, but mainly to serve as a basis for democratic institutions. The concept of power according to Arendt replaces the importance of political participation as a sufficient condition for democracy. The question now is to know what is the real paper of the media in the build process of democracy guided by citizen participation. First its important to mention that the term "means" of communication had been replaced by the term "communication institutions" because they do not behave as mere transmitters of content, but they are actors in social relations, first of all. The atomistic effects of communication institutions reporting about people are relativized in the moment that it takes into account the importance of the interpretation of media messages in the receiving reception. This process occurs often times in family environments homes, in private atmosphere. The passive citizenship according to this sense, occurs in the private space, in the moment that these people have born , they are able to receive from the Estate the condition of citizens. The only citizenship goes beyond the normative assumption when people have possession of the information responsible for mobilizing public opinion. The formation of the general opinion not only occurs in public places, but mainly in the private sphere in which the television media is still the main source of information for citizens. The condition for the citizenship becomes active in the public space of speech, is the reception. However, the citizens as audience, influence the production of the media contents, through a process of awareness undertaken by social actors, for example, the campaign "Who is financing the plummet is against citizenship", provide by the Commission Human Rights and Minorities of the Chamber of Deputies. Through the action of these social organizations, the passive citizens , inside their home,start to get a selective criterion to guide the process of reception. Therefore, the political participation it starts not only in public sphere, but in private atmosphere of the home, during the reception of media content. Acording to this line of tought, the political participation can do the function of the key central to think about the relationship between media and citizenship, that is, how far does the limit of one and another, and how both of them contribute to a democracy not only as a political power, but as a form of social lifeItem A criança, o jovem e sua permanente busca de identidades em tempos de novos meios e pós-modernidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-22) PRADO, Luiz Alberto Serenini; SANTOS, Goiamérico Felício Carneiro dos; work analyses the path that has been delimited and illustrated by the terms "culture", "communication", and "consumption", considering their superposition through the ages and the influences caused over the society behavior. Since the origins of "culture" and its multiple meanings, the transit from the manuscript to the typographic man, until we get the worship of transience, presenteeism and globalization which are peculiarities of postmodernism, it is willed to verify, from the theoretical base point of view, how these phenomena have contributed for the formation of the identity in the general society and in the specific public, circumscript between childhood and adolescencItem A cobertura do caso Calabresi na mídia impressa e o conflito entre o infante exposto e o sujeito de direitos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-28) SOUZA, Lillian Bento de; SILVA, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; torture case that had as victim a 12 year-old girl is denounced by some neighbors of the aggressor, the entrepreneur of high middle class who lived in a noble quarter of Goiânia (GO), Silvia Calabresi, became subject of analysis in the Brazilian media, in special, the provincial press since March 17th of 2008, when the case was denounced to the Police. This work searches to identify the Discursive Formation that leads the speech of the media about the relation of the violence with childhood from the Analysis of Speech (AD) proposed by Michel Pêcheux, Michel Foucault and, finally, from the analysis of the Archaeological Method, argued by Freda Indursky (2007). The path of the representation of childhood, since the displayed child, represented by indigenous children of the Brazil Colony, passing by the notion of minor and marginalized child, legally consolidated with the Codes of Minor, until the citizenship in development age starred from the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (Law 8,069/90), appears as the first conducting wire to identify the Discursive Formation that leads the media s speech in this specific police covering case. The notion of violence and the acceptance of the torture misinterpreted during many decades as educational process present on the parentschildren relation also come up at the aggressor s speech, who justifies the torture sessions as she was educating the child-victim. Finally, the notion of citizen of rights seems more consolidated when the torture is faced as something unacceptable in the vein of the contemporary society, considering strange the fact that the violent act had occurred in the heart of the middle class. There is some strangeness in this fact witch comes from the consolidated notion in the common sense that violence is a characteristic of poorer classes. Ally to this trajectory of the notion of childhood, violence and torture is the process of the news production, witch, with its own characteristics, redirects the journalistic text, without however, turn aside itself from the Discursive Formation where it is inserted.Item Barravento, Orí e Santo Forte: representação das religiões afrobrasileiras no cinema(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-16) SILVA, Conceição de Maria Ferreira; MENDONÇA, Maria Luiza Martins de; travail enquête les processus de représentation des religions afro-brésiliennes, spécialement du Candomblé et de l'Umbanda dans le cinéma, avec les films : "Barravento" (Glauber Rocha, 1962), "Ôrí" (Raquel Gerber,1989) et "Santo Forte (Eduardo Coutinho, 1999). Considérant le rôle de les médias et du cinéma comme principale matrice culturelle des sociétés contemporains, et ainsi aussi un significatif espace de lutte pour l'hégémonie, se cherche comprendre ce lequel et comme ces représentations cinématographiques ils "parlent" de cet univers religieux dans leurs récits, et identifier aussi les possibilités d'expression de ce groupe social subalterne. Ainsi, cette recherche utilise deux perspectives complémentaires, de la Communication comme élément prépondérant dans la construction de l'imaginaire, de la subjectivité et des représentations sociales; et aussi de la Théorie du Cinéma, comme véhicule de représentation de valeurs et conceptions, avec lesquelles les personnes s'identifient. Pour atteindre les objectifs proposés, s'utilise la méthodologie d'analyse des films, élaborée à partir de contributions de divers auteurs et aussi du choix d'aspects de la langue cinématographique et de l'univers culturel abordé, considérés plus importants pour l'étude des processus de représentation des religions afro-brésiliennes construites dans chaque film.Item Mídia e cultura: um estudo da televisão e da identidade cultural no quilombo de Itamatatiua(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-19) GRIJÓ, Wesley Pereira; BERARDO, Rosa Maria; research addresses how communication and culture are related in the black community of Itamatatiua. It examines the mediation from the process of reception of television. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between cultural identity Itamatatiua, manifested in certain practices and cultural values, and the process of receiving the TV, increasing knowledge about the mediation of culture in the reception of media content. The research was guided by theoretical and methodological thinking of cultural studies, with contributions follow the same path in relation to identity and communication. For this, the research was conducted in a qualitative way, using a variety of technical tools such as individual interviews and family groups, with themes focusing on the mediation of TV reception and the constitution of cultural identity. Data collection occurred through field work, conducted with eight families and their relationship with telev ision, so the study focused on the mediation of cultural identity and family life. Field work combine some techniques such as consumption questionnaire, ethnographic observation, semi -structured interviews, group interviews with families. They were supplemented by visits in the community of Itamatatiua since 2007 and complemented with visits during the year 2009/2010. The second step was the processing of data, developed through the following steps: transcription of data contained in all instruments of data collection, tabulation and analysis of such data, which resulted in a descriptive and interpretive. In research conducted for the analysis of ancient communication context, the oral tradition, he was explicit that there is a specific system of communication between that traditional community. Oral tradition has fulfilled the role of informing and print opinions of those people. What helped to establish over the years, their cultural identity. Finally, research on the reception of TV, found that the cultural identity that maroons operate mediations significant telev ision reception, which acts as reference systems, from which the television message is consumed and interpreted. Thus, the content of this medium can be interpreted by the audience as their cultural competence.Item A crítica da ideologia no cinema brasileiro: desengano, pragmatismo, cinismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-29) OLIVEIRA, Rodrigo Cássio; NOGUEIRA, Lisandro Magalhães; the 1960 s, the New Brazilian Cinema questioned the import of the production model of the classic narrative movies. The rejection of the classical conventions accompanied the statement of an ideological fight against the status quo. In relationship with the nationalist left, the films thought about the critical intervention in the society. When begin the military government (1964), against the expectations of the left, the aesthetic-political project of the New Cinema have a decisive reversion. This moment is a cause of the 'disappointment films'. They revised the purposes and the difficulty of a criticism of the ideology: the conservative modernization would found the late capitalism in the Brazilian society. This work analyzes two films of the recent Brazilian cinema, O Príncipe (Ugo Giorgetti, 2002) and Cronicamente Inviável (Sérgio Bianchi, 1999), and relate them to the moment of the 'disappointment'. Reflecting the present conditions of the Brazilian social experience, the two films expose the criticism of the ideology in face of new problems: the exhausting control of the cultural industry and the cynicism of the contemporary ideology. The films discourse about the transformation of the criticism of the ideology in the Brazilian movies between the 1960's and the recent decades. Step by step, the rejection of the dominant conventions, affirmed by the New Cinema, find new conditions in the analysis of each one of the filmsItem Programas femininos na TV: cidadania e consumo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-31) NORMANDO, Jullena Santos de Alencar; TEMER, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa; research paper is conceptually based on the consumer society, attended by the mass media in building social relationships and the imagination of individuals. It is centered on the principle that the appeal to the consumption happens to all those who can obtain messages from the media, i.e., mostly all citizens. In this society, the links with political parties, unions and other social actions are not enough to respond to citizens' claims and requirements. The right to consumption is also requested by those included in this context in which consuming seems to be a matter of rights and duties of citizens. Our study carries out the construction process of consumption as part of citizenship. We present a quantitative and qualitative study of the TV show, Mais Você, during the year 2009 which aimed to identify how consumption is presented.Item Educomunicação-Tensões e aproximações nos discursos e práticas de professores e alunos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-01) KRAN, Riva Blanche; ROCHA, Maria Elisa França; médias, leurs productions culturelles et les technologies d'information et communication sont presentes d'une façon de plus en plus intense dans la vie des jeunes de toutes les classes sociaux. Cette recherche met en question la manière comme l'école répond aux demandes des ces jeunes qui développent avec beaucoup de facilité et vitesse les nouvelles compétences pour la communication, les formes d'interaction, de comprendre et s'exprimer pour le monde. Dans ce cadre, la figure du professeur devient un élément très important dans les possibilités que l'école peut développer. Il s'agit d'une recherche qualitative de caractère exploratoire, basée sur les entretiens demi-structurés faits avec les élèves et les professeurs qui travaillent dans les laboratoires de radio, télévision, et l'Internet de deux écoles publiques de Goiás. L'analyse de contennu et le concept d'Éducommunication ont fait partie du référentiel théorique et ils orientent le regard de cette recherche sur l'école, ses expériences et l'influence que les technologies de l'information et de la communication exercent sur l'actualité. C'est à partir du rendez-vous de ce que les professeurs et les étudiants ont dit sur le changement qui se produit dans l'espace pédagogique l'introduction des technologies de l'information et de la communication que cette recherche veut comprendre la façon comment l'école réagit et s'adapte à cette réalité.Item Do segundo corpo: reflexões sobre os investimentos na imaterialidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-07-05) SANTOS, Flávia Martins dos; GOMES, Suely Henrique de Aquino; the act of making the body more competitive in the market for appearances and more consistent with the subjectivity of individuals, two trends are evident: the expenditure of time, money and pain in an attempt to enhance the body by processes such as fitness, cosmetics and surgical interventions, and the desire to overcome the physical reality by means of scanning processes of the body, exemplified by the various moving avatars in virtual worlds third dimension such as Second Life. This study aims to identify the projection of contemporary subjectivities in the construction of virtual bodies, spurred by a supposedly imaginary post-human as well as reflect on the nature of the avatar, to identify investments for the construction and improvement of virtual bodies, and analyze the experiences bodily and everyday communication in cyberspace. For this purpose it is necessary for theoretical covering the body, subjectivity and cyberspace, composed by authors such as Foucault (1977, 2000, 2003, 2007), Le Breton (2007), Sibilia (2003, 2004), Deleuze (1988, 1991 ), Rüdiger (2002, 2007), Levy (1996, 1999, 2003), Baudrillard (1991, 1995, 2003), Guattari (1996, 2006), Maffesoli (1996, 1998, 2005), Lipovetsky (2004, 2005, 2007 ), among others. Through virtual ethnographic research technique, proposed by Hine (2004) and Kozinets (1997), was created avatar researcher Lia Olifone, which spent six months in interaction with other avatars within Second Life. In conclusion of this ethnographic experience, we establish the thesis that the avatar in that environment appears to be far beyond a mere representation body, but a locus of free trial, a marker of presence and status, which appears to be closely linked to individual that controls for subjective process. In its construction process, the avatar still has a strong influence of consumer society. It was observed that despite the numerous opportunities offered by reconfiguring the metaverse, there is a tendency to reproduce the social structures and patterns present in the body "first life". However, this reproduction features a one body sociality and aseptic, seeking to root out the negative traits considered, especially with regard to the embodiment, showing some influence of the imaginary post-human.Item Notícia como Discurso: a cidadania representada pela mídia impressa no acidente radiativo de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-20) FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Arnaldo Alves; GARBELINI, Maria de Fátima; research on the interrelationship of the field of Critical Discourse Studies at the possibilities of construction of citizenship from the ideals Arendt of action and speech. To this end, we sought, from these theories, examine the processes of construction of citizenship from speeches about the accident with a capsule containing cesium-137 chloride in Goiania in 1987. Since the analysis focused on the speech conveyed by the print media in major newspapers printed at the time. The research was structured after a literature review about the historical events of the accident, for this part of the work on the methodological procedures that guided the research were provided by the Content Analysis - AC, which in turn is configured in methodology and technique appropriate to the analysis of communication because the content analysis is a research technique that aims to describe objectively, systematically and quantitatively the manifest content of communication. For studies of minority groups, the methodology CA was important because it allowed the deconstruction of the discourse units of analysis and their reconstruction in order to identify the assumptions of discursive emitting nucleus of media messages. In preparation of inferences about the data, they were analyzed theoretically, as units of analysis arising from Critical Discourse Studies, and the perspective of citizenship that emphasizes that this category exists when the individual is able to act without the intervention of others and yet is able to advertise themselves using the discourse, ensuring there for you and others like him from the same shared reality. The context in which this research took place is set in what is called in literature in Peripheral Societies, where the elements you have to build citizenship do not emphasize human factors listed at the beginning, which in turn produces social situations of subordination and building the subcidadão, ie people who are below what one would consider the minimum for the status of citizen was present. Therefore the conclusions drawn from this research go in that is by examining the ability of speech and access to means of production and reproduction discourse that we must seek the prospects for citizenship in the social context that was presented briefly, using the possible theoretical dialogue between the Critical Studies of Discourse Arendt and frames of action and speech, which, one hopes, can discern the consequences of media discourses to construct undercitizenship and naturalization of social injustices and inequalities.Item Comunicação e cidadania: a pesquisa qualitativa como mediação do conhecimento nos sistemas eleitorais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-09-17) FREITAS, Mariana Oliveira de; FREITAS, Luiz Antonio Signates;; SILVA, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; proposes an investigation about the possibility of uses of qualitative researches inserted in electoral context as an information source and/or a system of mediation of campaign interests and social demands in a city of Goiás state. It estimates that the relation between a research related to political marketing and citizenship doesn`t exist in a direct way, but, on the opposite, there are several processes and transversal elements that involve the spheres of production, reception and circulation of ideas originated on the research. For the data collection from the empirical research, it uses depth and half-structuralized interviews. It investigates, therefore, how the application of qualitative research in electoral context may serve for beyond the personal interests of the contractor, as a citizen mediation of knowledge into election systems, using Catalão as case to be studied. Some theoretical and methodological perspectives were elaborated to assist on the interpretation of the material collected on the empirical research, exposing heuristic hypotheses and questions to be done to the object, instead of explicative theories about it. After questioning the object, it presents the concepts of micro-public spheres in social context of research; of cyclic agenda system and; of in motion public image.Item O consumo e a representação da felicidade em 40 anos de propaganda brasileira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-10-05) CARVALHO, Camila da Silva; SANTOS, Goiamérico Felício Carneiro dos; research is born from the comment of that, the consumption culture if presents as basic space of the societies contemporaries and affects questions of the daily life directly, through material and symbolic structures. Supporting itself in the studies of Slater, Lipovetsky, Featherstone, Baudrillard and Bourdieu it will be tried to delimit the historical process of formation of what we call culture of the consumption placing in focus the forms as this culture articulates the questions relative to the forms of organization of the society having implications in the formation and negotiation of values, identities and felt central offices. This rank, will go to proceed itself to the inquiry from as the advertising, craftsman of this culture of consumption, has if busy, throughout the years in attributing to meanings and values to the goods and the experience of the consumption through the use of discursive strategies and symbolic elements coing-opt the speech of the happiness using it as substance cousin, reprocessing and constantly returning to this ideal of happiness under the form of campaigns and sensorial experiences of consumption. Another central point of this study, the delimitation of what emerges from there it is the happiness, for in such a way, will serve base the historical and philosophical studies of McMahon (2006), Bosh (1998), Bruckener (2002), Conte-Sponville (2006) among others in the attempt to perceive the ideal of the happiness as a subjective and cultural concept that reflects and refracts the values basic of the individuals and if it differentiates as the historical and social moment. The main point will be then, to analyze as the concept of happiness in last the 40 years of the Brazilian advertising (1968- 2008) was worked, and to understand as this ideal was translated by the narratives advertising executives.Item Caminhos para a comunicação pública: a Rádio Universitária como estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-10-15) Vieira, Pablo Kossa Galli; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates;; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates; Temer, Ana Carolina; Martins, LuizThis essay intends to reflect about concepts of public communication, noticing that they vary according to time and the conditions they were formulated. Based on Hannah Arendt’s and Jürgen Habermas’ concepts of public sphere, the work presents the different perceptions of public communications, defines a prospect which would be more appropriate for what is proposed here, demonstrates the way public vehicles could approach these principles of public sphere of the authors and suggests how citizenship would effectively be carried out in the communication field using public instruments. From this point, there is an analysis about constitutional rights regarding communication and how communication practices would or not make face to the “Carta Magna”. Finally, from the theorical support that evolves the public sphere, the citizenship concept, the public communication and communication right, the essay makes a case study on Radio Universitaria – Universidade Federal de Goias. Based on the radio’s history, one week’s records analysis and intense interviews with the audience – which were used to determine audience’s profile – and the staff, the text applies the concepts that guide this study of the radio’s praxix.