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Item A cooperativa de jornalistas de Goiás – Projornal (1978-1988): narrativas de memórias midiáticas e culturais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-02) Souza, Kalyne Menezes; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro;; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro; Dias, André Bonsanto; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Palacio Montiel, Celia del; Sousa, Jorge Pedro Almeida Silva eThe research approaches the narratives of memories of the Cooperative of Journalists of Goiás (Projornal), a Journalism experience in the final period of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil. The research had as its main objectives to identify, to understand and narrate the history of the Cooperative, which even being of great relevance to the History of Journalism in Goiás and in Brazil, it didn’t have academic and scientific records, remaining silenced. It is understood that Projornal is situated in a specific space and time and, therefore, it was based on a Cultural Analysis based on Cultural History, specifically in the History of Press and Cultural Studies. The research has dialogued mainly with authors such as Halbwachs and Le Goff, who approach the studies of memory and collective memory; Thompson, who presents the development of Communication and the different media and Barbosa, who deals with the development of the Press in Brazil. The research has a qualitative approach, and its methods are Historical Research and the Oral History. As methodological instruments, it used the Bibliographical Survey, the Documentary Research, the Analysis of Narratives and the In-Depth Interview. The thesis reveals that Projornal can be considered an alternative and independent project of journalism in Goiás, moved mainly by a need of generating a job market and by the execution of a journalistic work according to what the professionals that participated in Projornal believed in.Item Cartografando o discurso de Jair Bolsonaro acerca da pandemia da Covid-19: entre comunicação, desinformação e negação da cidadania no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-21) Leal, Maiara Raquel Campos; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates;; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates; Oliveira, Tiago Mainieri de; Mundim, Pedro Santos; Albuquerque, Afonso de; Alberto da Silva Moreira, Alberto da Silva MoreiraThis research proposes an analysis of the speeches released by President Jair Bolsonaro about the COVID-19 pandemic, during the year 2020, using his official page on the social network Twitter, which was widely used, as a source of observation and data collection. by the president of the republic during the pandemic period. We carry out a multi-method approach, with the interweaving of methodologies known as netnography (Amaral et al. 2008), content analysis (Bardin, 1977, 2000, 2010) and controversy cartography (Venturini, 2009; Latour, 2012; Lemos, 2013) , seeking to identify the regularities, discrepancies and intensities published by Bolsonaro on the topic, focusing on the concepts of communication, disinformation and citizenship. We collected 498 tweets on the topic during 2020, in which economic issues and misinformation represented the biggest regularities identified in their publications, with emphasis on the billion-dollar figures spent by the federal government to control and combat the virus. The main controversies fomented by the president were related to the misinformation spread about the virus and its forms of treatment, with emphasis on issues involving chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, in addition to conflicts surrounding state social isolation decrees and the controversy with the STF, highlighting a problematic relationship with such entities. We conclude that Bolsonaro relied heavily on a discourse of authority to foment controversies surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, driving the denial of citizenship to Brazilians, where necropolitics emerges as a type of public policy, since preserving people's lives was a concern secondary role in the management of the health crisis by the federal government under the responsibility of President Jair Bolsonaro, who preferred to focus almost exclusively on matters involving the economy.Item Comunicação comunitária e sociomuseologia: mídias colaborativas produzidas para a preservação e difusão das culturas e memórias das comunidades LGBT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-25) Boita, Tony Willian; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro;; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro; Cordeiro, Douglas Farias; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Peruzzo, Cicilia Maria Krohling; Primo, Judite SantosLos medios colaborativos producidos por la comunidad LGBT son fundamentales para la preservación y difusión de sus propias memorias y culturas. Juntos, contribuir a la superación de las fobias a la diversidad sexual. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las estrategias colaborativas que producen estos medios, en especial la Revista Memorias LGBT (RMLGBT), vehículo que nació de la necesidad de pensar la relación de la Museología en diálogo con la Comunicación frente a poblaciones sexualmente disidentes. Así, la tesis propone un diálogo entre los medios colaborativos y la Sociomuseología, y la pregunta principal se centra en el potencial de los usos de los medios colaborativos como soportes para la preservación y difusión de las memorias comunitarias en las comunidades, así como los puntos de convergencia para la construcción de medios donde la museología hecha por sujetos minoritarios pueda encontrar espacio. La hipótesis entiende que los medios colaborativos producidos por comunidades sexualmente disidentes y entrecruzadas contribuyen a la preservación y difusión de la cultura y la memoria de grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad y/o históricamente excluidos, y tales medios, aliados a la Sociomuseología, gozan de una función transformadora. energía. La justificación está en garantizar derechos básicos a estas comunidades, aún perseguidas y brutalmente asesinadas. De forma interdisciplinar, el estudio apunta a la centralidad en las categorías de Comunicación, Medios Colaborativos, Memoria, Sociomuseología y Cultura y, por tanto, el cuerpo teórico principal engloba a autores que dialogan en esos campos. Desde un enfoque cualitativo descriptivo y exploratorio, la investigación utiliza como método el estudio de caso etnográfico, y triangula los instrumentos de recolección, sistematización y análisis de datos provenientes del levantamiento bibliográfico, la investigación documental y la etnografía de las narrativas. Finalmente, esta investigación verificó la importancia de los medios colaborativos producidos por comunidades históricamente excluidas, cuando se combinan con el derecho a la memoria y la comunicación en favor de su dignidad humana.Item Comunicação organizacional inclusiva: o pertencimento dos surdos às organizações(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-20) Veronezi, Daniela Priscila de Oliveira; Oliveira, Tiago Mainieri de;; Oliveira, Tiago Mainieri de; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de; Barbosa, Diego Maurício; Baldissera, RudimarThis investigation has as its object organizational communication, focusing on the inclusion of Deaf employees in the corporate environment. According to some scholars, based on the understanding of the Deaf community itself, the use of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) is the differentiating element between people with hearing impairment (who do not use it) and the Deaf, who communicate through it. However, this distinction often does not reach the legislative scope, which generally uses the expression “person with disabilities” and includes the Deaf among these subjects. It starts from the idea that inclusion, as a social practice, has as a prerequisite the transposition of communication barriers and the feasibility of interactions between subjects in their diversity. In Brazil, the great milestone in the achievement of Deaf rights is Law nº 10.436/2002, regulated by Decree nº 5.626/2005, which recognizes Libras as a legal means of communication and expression. Law nº 8.213/1991 is also worth mentioning, which establishes quotas for people with disabilities in organizations and contributes to a continuous, albeit incipient, movement of the Deaf towards these spaces of sociability. However, being in organizations, by legal obligation, does not automatically mean feeling belonging and included in them. In this sense, this investigation proposes the constitution of an inclusive organizational communication, which presupposes the recognition of the Deaf as subjects that must be known in their specificities and for which communication professionals need to devise strategies capable of reaching them, awakening in the Deaf the feeling of belonging to the corporate environment. Bearing in mind the importance of communication for social inclusion to become a reality, the Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities brings with it barriers in communication and information that make the implementation of this process difficult. Furthermore, these mishaps related to communication are addressed by renowned researchers who are dedicated to the studies of inclusion, even in other areas of knowledge. With this, this research presents the following problem question: How can the communication professional contribute to the Deaf to feel part of organizations? This question, in turn, unfolds into: What procedures should be adopted to implement inclusive organizational communication? What difficulties do Deaf people face daily to develop their work? What measures have been effectively taken by organizations towards inclusive communication? Regarding the methodological aspects, it is an exploratory study, with the aim of deepening knowledge or making new discoveries. In order for the desired results to be, in fact, achieved, this investigation uses bibliographic and documentary research, as well as interviews, through semi-structured scripts, and the application of questionnaires, which are scrutinized based on the method of analysis of content. As a result, the study demonstrates that the inclusion of the Deaf, as a social practice, is permeated in its essence by communication and, in this context, it emerges as a promising field of research for studies developed in the context of organizational communication.Item A constituição do jornalismo nas televisões universitárias brasileiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-25) Maia, Kamyla Faria; Del Bianco, Nélia Rodrigues;; Del Bianco, Nélia Rodrigues; Coutinho, Iluska Maria da Silva; Lopez, Debora Cristina; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha PessoaThe research seeks to identify how the television journalism of university television, which operate in broadcasting concessions and pay TV, is constituted and how it relates to the principles of public broadcasting, listed by Unesco (2001). For that, three daily news programs were analyzed, UESB Notícias, from TV UESB, Jornal da UFU; from TV Universitária de Uberlândia, and Camera Aberta; from Unisul TV (UniTV); and three debate programs, the series Brasil em Questão, from UnbTV; the wekly Em Pauta, from TV Unesp; and the daily Opinião Pernambuco, from TVU Recife. The analysis was carried out through the creation of indicators of telejournalism on university television based on the principles of public broadcasting (UNESCO, 2001; CIFUENTES, 2002; MENDEL, 2012) and the concept of public interest journalism (COUTINHO, 2013), by through the method of analysis and critical reading of audiovisual journalistic narratives (BECKER, 2012). Through this analysis, it was possible to point out that each of the stations, in its own way, has sought to complement the informative content offered by commercial stations through the promotion of diversity and content that helps in the understanding of reality, either through in-depth debates, or through the dissemination of local information in cities in the interior of the country. However, there is little investment in innovation of genres and formats and little space for the effective participation of people from the community in general, external to the educational institutions that manage the televisions. And, above all, the content of most broadcasters is not universal, because it is not on a free viewing platform or because it does not have accessibility features.Item A construção do telejornalismo de vizinhança da Rede Globo: um estudo comparativo de três emissoras afiliadas no Centro-Oeste(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-30) Sousa, Bernadete Coelho de; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessôa;; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessôa; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Pereira Júnior, Alfredo Eurico Vizeu; Rebouças, José Edgard; Santos, Marli dosIn this research work it is proposed to present a reflection on the subject of telejournalism self-styled 'community' of Rede Globo from its development in broadcasters that are part of Rede Globo's affiliate network in the Midwest Region, specifically journalistic material that involves issues related to the promotion of citizenship in these newscasts. The observation has a comparative character and, depending on the current situation, the period chosen was that of June and July 2020, which corresponded (albeit unintentionally) to the period of Covid-19 pandemic. It should be noted that, even with the serious situation of the coronavirus, in that period the local broadcasters kept the space for the so-called 'community journalism', although adapting to new productive routines, since the pandemic affected the structures, agendas and contents of journalism. The object of analysis was the news broadcast at lunchtime/midday on broadcasters: TV Anhanguera - Goiânia/GO, TV Morena Campo Grande/MT and TV Centro América/MS. sought verify/compare how stations belonging to the same network effectively carry out/interpret the proposal of community telejournalism in their local products and how they seek to highlight the demands of the community. The methodology used is base content analysis; It is a research method and technique that has been present since the first studies of communication research where the investigation of phenomena is sought symbolic collecting data that lead to understanding and/or inference that facilitate the understanding of the context. The investigation shows how the term 'community' associated with ‘citizenship’ is used differently on each broadcaster, but prevails as a strategy to strengthen the ties of affinity with the viewer and create symbolic value with the court hearing. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that citizen participation prevails as someone who is in a subordinate position, a social actor with demands for health services. infrastructure that are the responsibility of the State.The conclusion points out that journalism self-styled 'community' journalism is primarily a neighborhood journalism, in which individuals from the same locality, without organic or organizational ties, unite in sporadic way to claim a service to the public power. It was noted that the way this journalism is presented on broadcasters in the Midwest and seeks to foster the notion that the interviewees share values, interests and beliefs and, therefore, belong to a community. It was also observed that there is no single formula to be followed, but that each of the stations surveyed sought, in their own way, to give visibility to the problems of infrastructure of peripheral neighborhoods, thus following the determination of Rede Globo.Item Corpografias: comunicação dialógica entre corpos cuir e memória cultural(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-15) Cruz, João Lúcio Mariano; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Vidica, Ana Rita; Jesus, Jaqueline Gomes de; Bruno, Fabiana; Martins, Alice FátimaNuestra tesis grafa las huellas de la memoria cultural presentes en fotografías y textos escritos, que actúan como archivo para nosotros, en sus relaciones con las performances artísticas, que escenifican nuestro repertorio de actos encarnados. A través de estas grafías de la memoria - fotos, textos escritos y performances -, navegamos por la información social e histórica que comunicamos en/a través de nuestros cuerpos. Nuestro objetivo fue pensar imágenes textuales e iconográficas sobre las normas de género y sexualidad inscritas en nuestros cuerpos para mapear contra-visualidades. El cuerpo, en el sentido que estamos proponiendo en esta tesis, se sitúa en la médula ósea del campo comunicativo, como célula originaria de todo proceso comunicativo. El cuerpo es tomado aquí como lugar de eventos culturales, como territorio de conocimiento, herramienta y símbolo de comunicación. Es un cuerpo construido sobre el espacio y el tiempo y ocupado por inscripciones. Adoptamos la corpografía como metodología que mapea archivos y repertorios inscritos en el cuerpo. A través de una estrategia de lenguaje polifónico, accedemos a un contenido visual anacrónico para encarnar la memoria cultural. Utilizamos elementos gráficos a lo largo de la tesis para desencadenar grietas y buscar desbordamientos. Como resultado, encontramos marcas de invisibilidad corporal y epistémica cuando hablamos de sujetos cuir. Encontramos que los cuerpos cuir, en su multiplicidad, y otros cuerpos plurales, cuando acceden al derecho a mirar y al derecho a ser visto, actúan como mediadores que tensionan la performance corporal dominante y promueven aperturas.Item Corpos que gingam: comunicação e persistência cultural na capoeira Angola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Gomes, Elisângela; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Borges, Rosane da Silva; Vaz, Gláucia Aparecida; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica; Cirqueira, Diogo MarçalCorporeality in the African diaspora establishes new territories, albeit impermanently. It is transformed, but it also modifies the geography of cities by disputing meanings and constructions of identity. The body’s existence is based on a continuous movement to stay alive, so black corporeality can be understood as the driving force behind communication. It affirms itself through its culture, which in turn finds in the body the possibility of remaining. In this way, I seek to understand how communication is established through corporeality and presents African civilizational values in the Black Diaspora. At the beginning of each chapter, a short story presents stories heard and lived that dialog with the understanding of evaristian writing, bringing to this great circle the ginga present between theory and practice. Capoeira Angola, chosen for analysis, manifests itself centrally in the body and its reactions. Therefore, corporeality not only constitutes culture, but is also a fundamental part of its existence. The type of research was participant-based, understanding the importance of theory and practice combined. As data collection instruments, I used a script of semi-structured questions that were applied with Mestre Guaraná, Mestra Ana Maria, Ceiça Ferreira, Andresa Moreno and Juliana Cordeiro; associated with photographic, sound and audiovisual records. The composition of images was contributed by Goiás photographers and capoeiristas Juliana Cordeiro and Andresa Moreno. The search is for the possibility of seeing portraits of Capoeira Angola from Goiás made from an inside look at the experience in a movement to claim the “right to look”. I use the articulation between the body, communication and black identity elaborated by Muniz Sodré (1998; 2017), who, based on the analysis of cultural aspects such as samba and musicality, perceives the body as an affirmation of an African cultural universe. My understanding of communication is based on the contributions of Fabien Eboussi Boulaga (1977), who states that the original communication with the world lies in the act of feeling; and Ciro Marcondes Filho (2007; 2019), who interprets it as a process, an event that can occur between people or between people and objects, but even so, a rare event. The discursive practice that claims the right to look has its own techniques, and has been disseminated as a counter-visuality by Nicholas Mirzoeff (2016), a visual culture theorist. The data resulting from the collection stage was analyzed in convergence with the theoretical-methodological framework adopted. In constant dialog with communication, I bring up references based on cultural studies, covering concepts from African philosophy and sociology, black literature and visual culture. To encompass the complexity of the body, I brought in the Yoruba world concept of Cosmosensation (OYĚWÙMÍ, 2021), which understands that, in a sensory and cognitive dimension, we are integrated with nature, with the cosmos. To conceptualize culture, the perspective presented is based on an African cultural unity (DIOP, 2014), supported by the existence of a common trunk founded on African civilizational values that accompanied the African people in the Black Diaspora. I enter cultural studies from the perspective of Stuart Hall (2009), who, when scrutinizing the migration process in the Caribbean, states that there is a reunion with Afro-Caribbean traditions due to the need to make sense of the interpretative matrix and cultural self-images. With this research, it was possible to affirm that black cultural manifestations have the potential to bring together the construction of collectivities, a sense of belonging and the creation of bonds of affection, making it possible to learn and remember teachings that were “forgotten” as a survival strategy in the face of the politics of death. Its foundations present African civilizational values, which in turn are under constant threat considering the presence of structural racism, the lack of institutional recognition of the figure of Mestras and Mestres and acts of cultural appropriation and intolerance. The analysis of the images resulted in the understanding that Capoeira Angola is a space for identity formation and recognition of corporeality and has the potential to transform the gaze of its practitioners, so the images recorded by the photographers reconstitute historical images, generating an imagetic representation based on respect, affection, dignity and protagonism of black people. I conclude that black corporeality is not at the service of visuality, and by proposing other possibilities for recording, they provide an opportunity to create new memories of black corporeality.Item Do limão à caipirinha: o humor e as linhas de fuga nas vivências gays de Baia Bahia e Raymundinho Furacão no youtube(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-18) Dias, Weberson Ferreira; Costa, Deyvisson Pereira da;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Cavalcante, Diego Frank Marques; Fernandes, Luís Antonio Bitante; Siqueira, Aline Wendpap Nunes deThis doctoral thesis deals with humor and lines of flight in narrative videos of the experiences of gay men Baia Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão posted on the YouTube platform. Based on the work of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, we follow the problem question: “How do Ray and Baia deterritorialize the normative devices of sexuality, establishing new singular arrangements of life, escaping the sad powers invoked by the hegemonic structures of sexuality and desire?” To write the thesis we appropriated the concepts of event, difference, communication, humor and homosexuality. The materialities were observed with a view to the methodology of Deleuzian cartography, following the lines of forces (molar, molecular and escape), through two themes: family access and street violence. Based on these concepts, the thesis aimed to map the movements of transfiguration of gay experiences produced by humor counter-effects on the Laranjas Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão channels. This research was divided into four parts, which included four chapters: in the first, we explained the event, the difference and the cartography in terms of communication; in the second, we expose the relationship between humor in general, humor in Deleuze and the role of communication in this plot; in the third, we address the path of homosexuality, from identity/representation to the affirmation of desire and the power of becoming; and, in the fourth, we proceeded to cartography the videos themselves, seeking to capture the lines visible in them. From the cartographies, we observed that when they talk about family, Baia and Ray get emotional and do not express their humor directly, although they use their narratives to break with the traumas. When dealing with street violence, both amplify the humor and make it work in their favor, jumping from a report of violence in various areas to a narrative permeated with good humor. In Deleuzian terms, the cartographic videos demonstrate that the selected homosexuals are crossed by two events: coming out of the closet and insult. Even so, Baia Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão, through humor, provide the fruits of everyday complaints, transforming any bad encounter into an engine that enhances their joys and gives new meaning to their experiences, enabling the emergence of new ways of being and existing.Item Entre fluxos e comportas: tensões comunicacionais e cidadania no licenciamento ambiental da UHE Estreito(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Clemente, Lígia Regina Guimarães; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates;; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates; Oliveira, Tiago Mainieiri de; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Baldissera, Rudimar; Costa, Luciana MirandaFrom the context of the installation of large-scale projects causing socio-environmental impacts, this thesis aimed to understand the communicational tensions within the Environmental Licensing process of the hydroelectric power plant Usina Hidrelétrica Estreito, in Maranhão, Brazil. It focused on the effectiveness of citizenship amidst the diverse interests of the State, Economy, and Civil Society systems. It is worth noting that the installation phases of the Usina Hidrelétrica Estreito(2008-2012), located in the municipality of Estreito, Maranhão, with direct impact on 12 municipalities in the states of Maranhão and Tocantins, were marked by conflicts, negotiations, and disputes. The communicational flows and access gates from the periphery to the centers of political decisions are addressed. The issue was discussed through the lens of Communicative Action, the duality of Systems/ Lifeworld, and exchanges (input/output) between the State and Economy with the Lifeworld (HABERMAS, 1981, 1984, 1997, 2003). The understanding of the subject matter was also built upon theoretical contributions from perspectives on citizenship, Public Communication, environmental governance, and the Theory of Controversies. A case study was conducted using a multiple-evidence protocol, which included: a) documentary analysis (covering the current environmental legislation in Brazil); b) analysis of the 35 programs of the Basic Environmental Plan (with emphasis on the Social Communication Program and its alignment with other programs); c) in-depth interviews with subjects from the State system, as well as Civil Society; and d) media analysis of the main tensions on the subject in Folha de S. Paulo newspaper (2008-2012). Through the set of analyses, it was possible to identify the categories through which the notions of citizenship/communication are established and how tensions manifest themselves. From the analysis of the legislation governing environmental licensing in Brazil, categories such as access to information, publicity, consultation, and environmental education were identified. Among the 35 programs outlined in the Basic Environmental Plan, 29 of them propose communication actions as part of environmental mitigation. The Social Communication Program expresses the consortium's concern with information about the power plant but does not encompass negotiations or other forms of participation. The Social Communication Program is a specific aspect within a broader communicational context, considering the interests of diverse audiences. Spaces for social participation are limited and formalized. It was observed that tensions originating from other fields (such as economic, environmental, and social) also become symbolic disputes and take the form of communicational tensions. The work also contributes theoretically to the notion of Environmental Citizenship, which is inherently communicational from the outset.Item A experiência total no romance-reportagem: uma estratégia ético-estética(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-12) Borges, Luana Silva; Lima, Angelita Pereira de;; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos;; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Borges, Rogério Pereira; Lima, Angelita Pereira de; Martinez, MonicaThis research, carried out in the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Goiás, brought two distinct and complementary fields into dialogue: Journalism and Literature. In this hybridism, the practice of in-depth reporting was analyzed in the light of the Theory of Novel. It was shown that neither the novelistic text nor the journalistic text is sustained without the truth and, therefore, contrary to the fear about the imbrication between the genres, it was understood that both have more similarities than divergences. The novel is usually made of intimate contact with unfinished reality; an approach to the reader's psyche; a staging of the plurality of voices expressed in everyday life; of a vivification of the bewilderment of sometimes silent characters. The novelized reportage, in turn, is also made up of the same terms: there is an intimacy with what is to come today and, moreover, an ability to approach the minds that devour it. From these biases, the thesis expressed here was that the novelization of the report is constituted as a strategy not only related to textual architecture or the arrangement of language. More than a writing technique, this thesis argued that novelization refers to an ethics of journalistic coverage, especially when the investigation concerns themes that are situated on the limit of language. In order to defend this point of view, an essay analysis of two reports was constructed: Los suicidas del fin del mundo – chronicles of a patagónico pueblo (2005), by the Argentine journalist Leila Guerriero; and Every day the same night – the untold story of Nightclub Kiss (2018), by Brazilian Daniela Arbex. Guerriero went to Las Heras, a small town in Argentine Patagonia, to investigate a wave of suicides that, between 1997 and 1999, devastated dozens of young people who lived there. Arbex went to Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul, facing mothers and fathers who lost their children to the fire at the Kiss nightclub. These investigations tried to reach the silence of the abrupt loss, at first, and then the attempt, on the part of the family and friends of those who passed away, to understand the totality of life with its setbacks. Thus, as the factual domain is insufficient to deal with these themes, it was found that the reporters romanticized their narratives. As verified in this research, the novel was constituted as the genre most used to this kind of supply, at the same time, of a total experience and of a bewilderment – silent and wandering. It was concluded that, in the face of such complex themes, the authors put the novel into action to vivify, in the reader's eye, and via formal realism, space, time and the progressive, felt discoveries of the characters. The novel-report amalgam composed an ethics based on respect for otherness, since, through the novel-form, the reader had the possibility of diving into the world of others, living it closely and, for that very reason, recognizing it in Himself, without judging him or without transforming the events of this alien life into mere fait divers. Methodologically, the novels-reports were considered not as simple objects of study, but as articulators of experiences that carry times and places full of the tensions of historical reality. Finally, in the movement of the journalistic fabric towards the novelistic possibilities, it was noticed that the coverage can, in fact, be enhanced: they will amplify towards themes that, without the possibilities of the Romance, would be inaudible or taboos in the routines of the press traditional.Item Fundamentos para uma ética do horizonte: o jornalismo construtivo como elo entre cidadania e futuro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-04) Pereira, Guilherme Lucian; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de;; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de; Sousa, Jorge Pedro; Santos, Vanessa Matos dos; Freitas, Luiz Antonio Signates; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros daThis thesis proposes to investigate a variation of journalistic discourse that acts in the composition of constructive enunciation, and its purpose is to reassemble, as far as possible, the scripts of History that authorized for journalism a particular type of knowledge based on semantic chains and in the logical con-nections necessary for the formation of a repertoire of transformative evocations. The speculations that will be presented are articulated with emerging public values, and serve both to understand the discursive phenomena investigated and the search for a communicational centrality that gives epistemological cohe-sion to the symbolic arrangement of the evocations of this configuration of journalism. The approach we adopt is that of Foucault’s archeology — insofar as the statements of a constructive journalistic activity are associated with the socio-historical positions occupied by the plots of its discourse, considering the fundamental values for reviewing your responsibility and your system of ideas. It is, therefore, about de-fining the sayable limits of an enunciative extension common to the ethical exercise of the profession, which is capable of reflecting in the daily life the project of words that are oriented to the protection of life. Foucault’s discourse theory allowed us to associate the normative character of the Horizon Ethics and the pronunciations that are oriented towards the conservation of human destiny; and the tendency of our deconstruction of words and meanings points to the consolidation of an emancipatory repertoire. As for the empirical anchoring, the linguistic-symbolic aspects of the content of 3258 textual segments from the articles published by the “Muda Tudo”, Positive News and Reset websites were observed, which gave rise to twelve thematic classes that are correlated to constructive enunciation. The results of this work, after all, can make clear the open possibilities of pronunciations that condition journalism to change collective attitudes towards the future.Item “Não dá pra fugir dessa coisa de pele”: imagens e afetos de mulheres negras em telenovelas brasileiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-14) Conceição, Juara Castro da; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Satler, Lara Lima; Rezende, Tânia Ferreira; Martins, Alice de Fátima; Valério, Erinaldo DiasThis thesis proposes to investigate the affections of black women in images produced in Brazilian soap operas on TV Globo. The analyzes are based on the characters played by actress Taís Araújo between the years 1997 and 2022. They are: Vivian from “Anjo Mau” (1997), Edivânia from “Meu Bem Quer” (1998), Selminha Aluada from “Porto dos Milagres” (2001), Preta from “Da Cor do Pecado” (2004), Ellen from “Cobras e Lagartos” (2006), Alicia from “A Favorita” (2008), Helena from “Viver a Vida” (2009), Maria da Penha from “Cheias de Charme” (2012), Verônica from “Geração Brasil” (2014), Michele from “Mister Brau” (2015), Vitória from “Amor de Mãe” (2019) and Clarice from “Cara e Coragem” (2022). A study is carried out based on the cultural analysis of the images, taking into account their aesthetic elements and their intersections, considering the production of the meaning of affection. Recognizing the soap opera narrative, there are also discussions about fictional series and television narratives. In addition to Latin American Cultural Studies as a theoretical-methodological contribution and analysis spatiality. The images used in this work are electronic, the result of an imagery field driven by the presence of digital technologies. The search for images was intermediated by Google, which in addition of being a search device is also software and a multinational advertising company. In view of this, the virtualization of the memory of these fictional narratives based on their images is also discussed. Affectivity comes as an object of analysis from the thematic axes of: motherhood, affective-sexual relationships and friendship. When talking about the affectivity of black women, from television characters elements such as race, gender and class are touched. In addition to the generational and also aesthetic discussions of the characters presented. Based on a cultural analysis of the images, this research presents a possibility of understanding soap operas and their characters, through the imagery field that makes up their memory. We are talking about images beyond a technological line, guided by racialized affection as a possibility of understanding communication from the bond.Item Prevenção em controvérsias: as disputas em torno da PrEP no Youtube(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-29) Oliveira, Mayllon Lyggon de Sousa; Costa, Deyvisson Pereira da;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Costa, Deyvisson Pereira da; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; D'Andréa, Carlos Frederico de Brito; Cardoso, Janine MirandaPrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a compound of tenofovir and emtricitabine that, taken daily, has the potential to reduce the number of new HIV infections significantly. It was implemented as a public policy in Brazil in 2017, and its use is recommended for gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers, trans people, and injecting drug users (BRASIL, 2018), key populations experiencing a concentrated epidemic (UNAIDS, 2007). In Brazil, from 2007 to 2019, the number of reported cases increased by 530%, with the most significant increase being among young people and adults aged 15 to 24 years. These numbers, especially among MSM, reveal the limitations and failures of prevention policies (CALAZANS, PINHEIRO, AYRES, 2018), and come from the dismantling of HIV and AIDS care, prevention and treatment policies that have plagued the country since 2012. Since the beginning, AIDS and HIV have been carved out as a biopolitical device (PELÚCIO; MISKOLCI, 2009) for the control of populations, which involves a heterogeneous set of elements, such as NGOs and OSCIPS, the media, the scientific, moral and religious discourse, the pharmaceutical industry, the scientific disputes of laboratories, the government of oneself and others. In this context, science reduces the body and sexuality to what they have as the latest and operates through the biological and somatic, seeking global results of balance and regularity (FOUCUALT, 1979, 2010). This dynamic establishes a process of biomedicalization of sexualities and neoliberal prevention, where Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is spotted. It is located in a field of dispute between the forms of HIV prevention because it raises a complex series of agencies and controversies about science, the State, risk management, sexualities, and people. From this point, what we intend to answer is which controversies are generated from PrEP on Youtube?. To ensure that, we used the Cartography of Controversies proposed by Tomaso Venturini (2009, 2010) and anchored in the Actor-Network Theory proposed by Latour (2012). We collected Youtube videos published by actors from the LGTBTQIA+ community, using Youtube Data Tools tool, and analyzed the amount of 69 videos published in Portuguese between 2017 (the year of implementation of PrEP) and 2021. In the PrEP case, we glimpse cosmologies whose disputes are established, above all, in the context of recommendations for the use of prophylaxis (how and who can have access to prophylaxis), in the dynamics of a public health protocol, and the moralization of dissident sexual practices. People mainly settle between the new vs old prevention paradigm; education and respect for human rights vs drug prevention; condoms vs PrEP; individual responsibility vs population security; absence and cut off funds for treatment with HIV and AIDS vs investment in prevention; key populations vs prophylaxis coverage. Around these disputes, a network is formed from the interaction of digital platforms, experts, influencers, NGOs and OSCIPS, public and private institutions, prophylaxis users, scientific disseminators, people living with HIV, laws and norms, diseases, and preventive technologies.Item A produção partilhada do conhecimento na vivência com a comunidade indígena Bororo: princípios para uma ciência cidadã(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-21) Ribeiro, Geisa Müller de Campos; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues; Albagli, Sarita; Santanna, Sérgio Bairon Blanco; Costa, Deyvisson Pereira daThe research aims to raise, together with the Bororo indigenous peoples and researchers who carry out research/teaching in the Meruri village, the principles present in the dynamics of the shared construction of scientific knowledge. It is intended to identify the dynamics established for the shared production of knowledge; punctuate institutional and territorial tensions and ruptures and what they reveal in the scope of production, legitimation/verification and sharing of the produced knowledge; discuss the communication that is set or that is demanded in the relationship with this group; reflect on the concept and foundations that Citizen Science demands. From a methodological point of view, the research is influenced by decolonial methodologies where the community does not act as an object, but as a subject of knowledge production sharing. It is a context in which there is no single model and normative uses of types of research, as it is an instrument within popular action that takes place in another dimension of time and space, and uses the shared production of knowledge as its foundations. This indigenous group has been demanding cognitive justice and epistemic diversity in science, breaking with scientific endeavors that commit epistemicide. They fight for autonomy to fully exercise their capacities to use, share and create knowledge. In the research, we sought to develop the dialogues in 3 ways: 1. The reception of the community. 2. Sharing of knowledge in loco based on the objectives. 3. Data evaluation: return of knowledge. These steps were the foundations of the research for 14 months (2021/2023). Long individual and group conversations were held. The aim was to overcome some of the limitations of the traditional survey format and let the sharing group tell its own story. That is, who was spoken, assumes the speech in the process. These long conversations are taken as testimony, a broad narrative that considers a person as the bearer of the dimension of their collectivity. Developing the research in a way ofsharing provided the creation of the Bororo indigenous expression “Panure Paeruduwa Maku Puibagi” which is the living/experience itself; communication base between researchers and the Boe and which hasits own sharing economy guided by the idea of exchange. The reflectionsshowed the need to form a language capable of giving meaning to certain abstractions that are part of the local context and that citizen science must pay attention to this activation. In this, there is a withdrawal from the claim of scientific language as unique, universal, towards the understanding that there are “languages” and particular logics, the result of the local context. The concepts presented give us clues to reflect on the construction of the basis of a Citizen Science that breaks with hegemonic universalism and this is a political and emancipatory act; it produces situated knowledge, which comes from a reconstruction of objectivity; brings to the centrality the tension of talking about the object, to talk and produce knowledge With; it does not have ready-made methods, but they are built on the go, together and consistent with situated knowledge; suspends linear time to establish a coexistence with local time; it is intercultural because it allows the coexistence of logics of ethnicity and citizenship in the same social and territorial space; it tensions the locus of knowledge production, but at the same time seeks to create objective conditions for these groups to appropriate the University; and it is not a proprietary science, but one that follows collective criteria and norms. These questions indicate that the citizenship of science finds its maximum expression in the relationship of otherness that requires overcoming the limited and ethnocentric notion of the concept of citizenship. It manifests itself, then, in the recognition of oneself and the other so that there is cognitive justice and the full exercise of citizenship in the scientific field, which for the Boe is to have the autonomy to speak about oneself without the tutelage of anyone. Being a citizen is to be a subject and not an object of research, it is to produce and have your data recognized in the debate and in society's major development strategies.Item A proximidade além do território: a configuração do radiojornalismo sul-mato-grossense num cenário de multiplataformas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-22) Lima, Hélder Samuel dos Santos; Del Bianco, Nelia Rodrigues;; Del Bianco, Nelia Rodrigues; Lopez, Debora Cristina; Moreira, Sonia Virgínia; Ota, Daniela Cristiane; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha PessôaConsidering the importance that proximity information represents for the exercise of citizenship in the respective territory, this thesis sought to uncover the configuration of local and regional journalism practiced in radio stations in Mato Grosso do Sul. In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, this research was anchored in the theoretical contributions of the Geography of Communication, in an interdisciplinary perspective, in order to understand the communicational phenomenon of proximity from the relations between territory, journalism and citizenship. Therefore, the notion of proximity proposed by Camponez (2002, 2012) and which unfolds in the studies of cyber journalism by Jerónimo (2015) and in Portuguese local radio by Bonixe (2011, 2017, 2019) is adopted, since it is a approaches that unite the local and the regional in the same conception. The mobilization of Geography concepts, such as territory, region and location, made it possible to understand that the territorial dynamics, strongly marked by diversity in the social, economic and political dimensions, directly affects the configuration of radio journalism in proximity to Mato Grosso do Sul in terms of business structure, performance in the multiplatform environment and production of journalistic content. In the methodological aspect, resorted to methodological triangulation from the articulation between the cartography method associated with Content Analysis, and interview in structured and semi-structured modalities. The cartography method made it possible to construct a map of Mato Grosso do Sul sound broadcasting in terms of spatial distribution, predominant programming models, and to identify stations belonging to political and religious groups and members of regional networks. In the qualitative stage, in which interview techniques and Content Analysis were used, commercial broadcasters representative of the municipalities belonging to the urban planning regions of Mato Grosso do Sul were investigated: Campo Grande, Grande Dourados, Bolsão and Pantanal, located in the central northern, south, east and west of the state territory. The findings demonstrate that Mato Grosso do Sul radio journalism is marked by diversity and heterogeneity, and its configuration is associated with the characteristics of the territory in which the stations are located. In general, the journalistic content conveyed is oriented towards the territory of proximity by contemplating the local, regional and state spheres, minimally meeting the information needs of the locality, however it is not always capable of effectively mobilizing the audiences for the full exercise of the citizenship in their respective territories. Even in the midst of this complex and dynamic scenario, this research defines Mato Grosso do Sul proximity radio journalism as resilient, a catalyst for the demands of the territory, capable of feeding democracies at the grassroots level with essential information for their backyards, but considered analog in the multiplatform environment, operating in a rudimentary way, without taking advantage of the potential of these channels in production, circulation and interaction with audiences.Item Tecnologias inclusivas e leitura entre pessoas com deficiência: a realidade das bibliotecas públicas da região metropolitana de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-28) Faria, Keyla Rosa de; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Valério, Erinaldo Dias; Dumont, Lígia Maria MoreiraIt discusses the use of inclusive technology in public libraries in the Metropolitan Region of the city of Goiânia/Goiás in training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities. Among the inclusive technologies, priority is given to social and assistive technologies Social Technology produces, in a dialogical way with the community, methods and techniques that aim to change a given social reality in the search for quality of life. These movements enhance and value the knowledge of each individual in favor of the collective. Over time, and with changes in society, people with disabilities have managed to occupy previously inaccessible spaces and territories, since including the other is a process that encourages us to accept the different. Art, culture and knowledge welcome these differences by developing inclusive activities through cultural equipment, such as the public library. Therefore, inclusive technologies are an important part of promoting inclusive cultural activities. Therefore, this research sought to answer the following problem: Do public libraries located in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia have some kind of Social Technology for training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities? This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The instrument used in data collection was the questionnaire, however, when continuing the research, the interview through phone calls and simple observation helped to understand the minutiae contained in the questionnaire responses. The Metropolitan Region of Goiânia has 20 municipalities, but only 11 have public libraries, the other 9 cities do not have libraries or were recently closed with no forecast for reopening. The eleven municipalities make up a total of 17 libraries. The invitation was sent to 17 libraries, but only 11 answered the questionnaire. The results show that people with disabilities attend the spaces, but the frequency is low, this factor may be connected to the sense of belonging. It is concluded that public libraries in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia walk without structure and support. At other times, it is believed that the factor that paralyzes them in time is the lack of motivation and knowledge of the innovations that arise within the library area, such as Inclusive Technologies, since these techniques can help the public library to get out of inertia with low-cost methods and techniques for training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities. Involving the community is, therefore, essential for the initiation of successful practices in these innovative undertakings of social transformation.Item Teorias do jornalismo e o ensino nos cursos do Centro-Oeste: democracia e cidadania como fundamentos obliterados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-09) Santana, Mayara Jordana Sousa; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de;; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de; Silva, Marcos Paulo da; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Borges, Rogério Pereira; Moura, Dione OliveiraThis study aims to investigate how citizenship and democracy are established as foundational elements of graduate programs in journalism in Brazil. The study involves an analysis of the official documentation of the mentioned programs and the bibliographic references used in Journalism Theory courses offered by journalism programs at federal universities in the Central-West region of Brazil. The general topics of the study are journalism education in Brazil and the institutionalization of journalism as an academic discipline in Brazil. Scientific research on these topics was prompted by the implementation of the new national curricular guidelines (Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais – DCNs) for journalism programs in Brazil in 2013. These guidelines determined that journalism programs would be considered independent bachelor's degree programs instead of specializations within social communication programs. The problematization of the current context of journalism programs resulted in a theoretical and exploratory study that aims to investigate the foundations and theories of journalism as an academic discipline. This study also pertains to a larger group of studies that interrelate citizenship with democracy. The methodology consists of bibliographic research to build the theoretical framework on the correlation between citizenship, democracy, and journalism. It also includes a documentary analysis of the official documents published by the Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação – MEC) regarding undergraduate programs in journalism in Brazil. These documents include both basic curricula and DCNs. The analysis aimed to identify mentions of citizenship and democracy, as well as expressions related to these two concepts, in these documents. Finally, a bibliographic analysis was carried out to analyze five books that were listed in the bibliographic references of Journalism Theory courses offered by journalism programs at federal universities in the Central-West region in Brazil. The results demonstrate that citizenship and democracy are foundational elements of the regulations of undergraduate programs in journalism in Brazil since the establishment of the third minimum curriculum in 1969. The first mentions of these concepts were found in the curriculum established during the military dictatorship, a period when citizenship and democracy were not ensured by the Brazilian government. Therefore, these foundational concepts of journalism education in Brazil were not achievable when they were first mentioned. Citizenship and democracy are concepts that are considered ideal in the education of Brazilian journalists, which justifies the implementation of the DCNs in journalism programs in 2013. However, citizenship and democracy, as foundational concepts, are not integrally addressed by the bibliographic references of Journalism Theory courses offered by journalism programs at federal universities in the Central-West region of Brazil. The results of the bibliographic analysis reveal that these concepts are partially addressed in theoretical reflections that aim to explain journalism. Therefore, citizenship and democracy, as foundational elements of journalism theory, have been neglected by the bibliographic references of Journalism Theory courses.Item Território comunicacional, cidadania e identidade: cartografia de experiências sonoras e radiofônicas no semiárido baiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-28) Andrade, Pricilla de Souza; Bianco, Nélia Rodrigues Del;; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da;; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Bianco, Nélia Rodrigues Del; Freitas, Luiz Antônio Signates; Borges, Rosa Maria Ribeiro; Cardoso Filho, Jorge Luiz CunhaThe present thesis aims to raise reflections on the experiences and possibilities of sound products, radio broadcasts, and their communicational dynamics of citizenship in the municipality of Conceição do Coité, in the semi-arid region of Bahia. Therefore, the general objective is to investigate sound products and radio broadcasts and their communicational dynamics of citizenship, which favor the construction of the exercise of communicational citizenship, capable of constituting the municipality of Conceição do Coité as a Communicational Territory. To achieve this, the specific objectives are: to identify the characteristics of sound products, radio broadcasts, and communicational dynamics; to ascertain which experiences individuals involved with sound products, radio broadcasts, and communicational dynamics consider relevant for the development of their citizenship in the social, political, sustainable, and technological spheres of their locality; to list the characteristics of a Communicational Territory in its relation to sound products, radio broadcasts, and communicational dynamics for the exercise of communicational citizenship. Employing theoretical principles of Communication as a foundation (Braga, 2011; Martín-Barbero, 2003), Communicational Citizenship (Signates; Moraes, 2019), Communicational Territory (Haesbaert, 2006; Santos, 2004; Borges, 2013), especially the work of the Bahian geographer Milton Santos, which encompasses from the beginnings, in his studies, the peculiar characteristics of what would later become the political division of Bahia into Identity Territories, on Experience (Dewey, 1980, 2010; Cardoso Filho, 2011), this investigation is based on the contributions of qualitative research and a cartographic perspective (Deleuze, Guattari, 1995), with a temporal scope spanning from 2020 to 2024, considering historical aspects such as the arrival of the Social Communication course in 2005; the need presented by social movements and civil society, and especially due to the peculiarities of mediated orality (Silva, 1999) in the municipality. The methodology will involve the cartographic method, using bibliographic research, note-taking, and structured interviews as data collection instruments. The analysis of structured interviews will employ Experience Cartography, highlighting categories activated from Barberian Theory (Lopes, 2018) and the perspective of Empirical Reflexivity in Communication Research (Lopes, 2018), so that all experiences can reveal, confront, and raise awareness of the main relevant aspects and communicational dynamics that sound products and radio broadcasts enable or inhibit the municipality of Conceição do Coité to constitute itself as a Communicational Territory. Partial results indicated the potential of the communicational object of this study as a propeller of mediated orality and communicational dynamics, which in Conceição do Coité drive communicational citizenship. The final results obtained in empirical research confirmed the potential of mediated orality of the Sisal Territory and that the municipality of Conceição do Coité constitutes itself as a Communicational Territory. The municipality of Conceição do Coité is characterized by power struggles and declared political stances, with political polarity being structurally entrenched in the municipality, in addition to silenced symbolic struggles. Communicational dynamics, the closeness and distances of identity orders, promote the exercise of Communicational Citizenship. There is a hegemonic political control alongside movements of resistance, resignations, and persistences. The municipality of Coité presents a scenario of technological transformations, where traditional and modern elements interact. The leadership of women in the Bahian backlands and in Coité/BA is notable, although their presence in broadcasting activities remains limited. A significant portion of individuals who shared their experiences with sound products and radio broadcasts showed characteristics of communicational connection/bond with the locality and region during their participation in interviews and throughout the research. I emphasize the representativeness and influence of UNEB, Campus XIV, and the RTV Communication Course in the communicational field, in the formation of professionals, and in driving the development of Conceição do Coité/Ba municipality and the Sisal Territory in the Bahian semi-arid region.