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Item Acesso e expansão do ensino superior noturno em Goiás: perpectivas de democratização(2009) Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Lemos, Jandernaide ResendeThis paper analyzes the evolution of the supply of higher education, on the night shift, in Goias, based on the reforms implemented, particularly since the 1990s. We seek to understand, in particular, as has been structuring the provision of higher education in São Paulo and their relationship with the public policies of higher education in Brazil. The basic purpose is to ensure that the expansion of enrollment in night courses at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), public and private, has contributed to an effective democratization of access to that level of education.Item Adorno e a dialética do amor não-idêntico: barbárie ou humanização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-01) Zanolla, Sílvia Rosa da SilvaLove in Adorno goes beyond the subjectivist and romantic sense and considers the contradictions inherent to the theory of knowledge, constituting a source of ideological social representation, mediated by the relationship between subject and object. For this text, its contradictions amount to a cultural construction permeated by a negative dialectic. kindness, solidarity, justice and democracy. Such values, if demystified, postulate opposition to the coldness, totalitarianism and horror of Nazism and fascism; non-identical and formative experience with a view to a conscious, emancipated and humanist society, which recognizes risks of alienation and inversion of the whole into totalitarianism, democracy instead of pseudo-democracy. Conscious, true and critical loves are transposed into immanent social action.Item Afetar e sensibilizar na educação: uma proposta transdisciplinar(2011-04) Magalhães, Solange Martins OliveiraA complex and transdisciplinary proposal opens new perspectives in the educational field. Such perspectives seek to reconnect knowledge to life, by redirecting educational processes towards encouraging the creation of sensitive and emotional individuals. A transdisciplinary vocation establishes new pedagogical practices, forming an affective- sensitive-reason, capable of promoting a more integrated vision the human being. In this conception of education, the teaching-learning process surpasses the logical and intellectual process and becomes a dynamic, coherent, dialogic and creative process. To promote a transdisciplinary proposition in teacher training means experiencing the act of educating people, who will make our experience in the world more cooperative, loving and solidly understood.Item Agudización ultra neoliberal, educación y formación docente en Brasil y Argentina(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-15) Magalhães, Solange Martins Oliveira; Araújo, Sônia; Argüello, Susana BeatrizEl artículo analiza el devenir de las políticas neoliberales en el campo de la educación en general y de la formación docente en particular en Brasil y Argentina desde la década de 1990. En primer lugar se plantea el neoliberalismo como movimiento ideológico que a partir de las décadas de 1970 y 1980 deriva en un período de re-estructuración económica, de reajustes sociales y políticos, y nuevas decisiones gubernamentales de acuerdo con las directrices neoliberales. Se señala el papel de los organismos internacionales como la UNESCO, el BM y el BID como actores que tuvieron un lugar fundamental en la difusión de estas ideas orientadas a minimizar el papel del Estado y fortalecer la iniciativa privada, contribuyendo directamente al sostenimiento de la desigualdad social. El texto recorre legislaciones, programas y proyectos formulados y desarrollados en Brasil y Argentina que si bien dan cuenta de diferencias nacionales importantes derivadas de factores exógenos y endógenos de los propios países, al mismo tiempo expresan el poder de la influencia regulatoria de los organismos internacionales en la formación de profesoresItem Alfabetização de jovens e adultos: política pública e movimento popular(2007-04) Cunha, Alda Maria Borges; Rodrigues, Maria Emilia de Castro; Machado, Maria MargaridaThis text explores a literacy program directed to youth and adults, the AJA-Outreach Project of the Municipal Sec- retariat of Goiânia, developed in partnership with the civil society, universities and other institutions. Part of a municipal public policy to overcome situations of social exclusion, at both emergency and structural levels, it became a front to fight illiteracy in Goiânia. In addition to presenting the role of the State, which rules public policies, and of civil society, the text retraces the ori- gins and structure of the AJA-Outreach Project, showing how it evolved to become a movement for popular education.Item Alguns efeitos do discurso da ciencia na atualidade(2010) Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Ribeiro, Pollyanna RosaThe aim of this article is to discuss one of the revelations of science, particularly techno-science. Here it is considered to be a milestone in contemporaneousness, which dictates the imperative of the technique and its grandeur as that which supposedly answers, fills and satisfies all. The academic milieu, rooted in the cultural context pierced through by techno-scientific logic, is not free of its effects, or of the consumer dynamic which tends to consider knowledge as a consumer good. On the contrary, both scho- ols and universities adhere to this logic and expel from their framework the possibility of subjectivation, that is, the manner proper to a subject of settling accounts differently, with the marks which constitute it.Item Alienação e identidade de classe dos trabalhadores docentes(José Paulo Pietrafesa, 2010-07) Borges, Kamylla PereiraThe aim of this article is to discuss the issue of teachers’ class identity in the present context of the professionalization of teaching, from the point of view of the concepts of alienation in work and the Marxist theory of social classes. So, the study started from the reality lived out and thought by these teachers, by collecting empirical data using a questionnaire with primary school teachers in Jaraguá, in the State of Goiás. Through this data an attempt was made to get to know their class identity and understand their thinking on concepts such as professional and worker. It could be inferred that educators do not want to be part of the working class because they consider themselves professionals. By denying their working identity teachers lose their potential for opposing capitalism and become simple perpetrators of the dominant ideology.Item Alternativa para o ensino da cinemática(José Paulo Pietrafesa, 2001-12) Napolitano, Hamilton Barbosa; Lariucci, CarlitoConsidering the conceptual importance for the description of the movement and the fact that its comprehension is necessary to the understanding of Mechanics, we present in this paper a brief description of the Ausubel’s educational psychology applied to an instructional resource aiming to facilitate the meaningful learning of Kinematics.Item Análise epistemológica da pesquisa em educação especial: a construção de um instrumental de análise(2011-08) Silva, Régis Henrique dos Reis; Gamboa, Silvio Ancisar SanchezEl estudio continuo de los balances críticos sobre la producción científica desarrollada por los profesionales de la área educacional orientada para las personas con necesidades especiales, en los programas de postgrado stricto sensu en Educación y Educación Física proporciona una mayor comprensión de la contribución de la investigación científica en el diagnóstico, análisis y encontrar soluciones a los problemas de estas áreas y sus vínculos con cuestiones sociales más amplias, del mismo modo, el "estudio sobre la epistemología de la investigación" puede ofrecer subvenciones para la formación de investigadores, llenar el vacío que la literatura muestra, además de contribuir con la comprensión de la producción de programas de postgrado, revelando sus condiciones, su historia, sus tendencias y puntos conflictivos. El desarrollo de un instrumental para el análisis de la producción científica (tesis y disertaciones) que integre las dimensiones lógicas y socio-históricos y que es denominada de "matriz epistemología" se convierte en una necesidad para garantizar el rigor de los estudios pretendidos. La relevancia del mismo instrumento corresponde a su contribución en el avance de la investigación, la crítica y la "vigilancia epistemológica" sobre los conocimientos producidos en el área de Educación Especial.Item Animal de muitos donos: cultura política e gestão escolar(2008-12) Pessoa, Jadir de Morais; Cruz, José Adelson daBased on the popular mobilizations of the years 1960 to 1980, this article aims to discuss the ideas of democracy and citizenship education in the present today, especially with regard to school management. The underlying support are the “theories of democratic transition” and the notions of public space, power and authority of Hannah Arendt. It is concluded that the school is done today has not followed the motivation of the social movements of that period. Instead, there is an absence of community in school, plus a corporate and induced participation of families, reinforcing the dispensation of the state to public school.Item Aprender e ensinar no cotidiano de assentados rurais em Goiás(1999-04) Pessoa, Jadir de MoraisItem A arte de envelhecer: um estudo exploratório sobre a história de vida e o envelhecimento(2011) Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Coelho, Vera Lúcia DecnopThe present study, based on the life cycle epigenetic model and lifespan psychology, was designed to (1) understand aspects of the aging process from eight elders’ life stories, (2) investigate the way selective optimization with compensation strategies and vital involvement aspects appear in old age as well as (3) the contributions of generativity and social participation to the aging process. The subjects participated in a semi-structured interview. A qualitative analysis of the data pointed out the influence of several factors on the construction of a successful aging such as generativity, social participation and relationship with their children and grandchildren. Factors such as stagnation and lack of social involvement seem to contribute to the development of psychopathology symptoms.Item Arte em Herbert Marcuse: formação e resistência à sociedade unidimensional(2014-04) Chaves, Juliana Castro; Ribeiro, Daviane RodriguesEste trabajo es el resultado de un estudio teórico que tuvo como objetivo examinar la contribución de Herbert Marcuse, autor de la teoría crítica de la sociedad, a pensar en la relación entre el arte, el sujeto y la formación para la sociedad de la resistencia-dimensional. Se estudiaron los siguientes textos escritos entre 1941 y 1977: Razón y Revolución (1941/1978), Eros y civilización (1955/1969), La ideología de la sociedad industrial: El hombre unidimensional (1964/1973), Ideas sobre una teoría crítica de la sociedad (1969/1981) y La dimensión estética (1977/1999). Para Marcuse, el arte es político, tiene la universalidad, la alteridad, la trascendencia, la forma estética y la confirmación y la negación de la realidad. El arte es la objetivación y el reconocimiento, no alienado del trabajo, cumple la sublimación y causa sensibilidad, la diferenciación de la mercancía y de la publicidad, que se apropian de la cultura, por lo que es vaciarse en su sentido pleno. Mediante el análisis de la arte en este modo, el autor ha contribuido a una psicología social crítica que revela el arte como mediación psicosocial para un sujeto inconformado con la racionalidad de la sociedad capitalista.Item Arte, infância e indústria cultural(Cristóvão Giovani Burgarelli, 2014-01-24) Souza, André Barcellos Carlos deArt problematized through concepts of childhood and cultural industry. Conditions of production and reception of artistic goods in a capitalist regime. Art as a commodity and as knowledge. The development of childhood as a simultaneous process to the advent and consolidation of capitalism and with it developed the notions of freedom and resignification of human needs. As the need to educate children under a given set of conditions and provide major formative possibilities, mediated by socialization processes with access to internalisable content and which contribute to autonomy and emancipation, art stands as a possibility.Item A atitude do professor ensina, seu gesto fala: a trama da dimensão ética no campo da docência universitária(2015-06) Magalhães, Solange Martins OliveiraIn a world marked by numerous challenges, including the challenge of instrumentaliza on of the lifeworld by technical ra onality/instrumental, academic training is in a crisis context paradigm, in which not only the idea of truth and the ideal educa onal experience a crisis. Reason itself loses its status as a self-suffi cient and shall be invited to put themselves in listening and understanding the “Other”, demanding the forma on process, par cularly for teacher training, a whole based ins tu on grounded in rela onships based on respect and “ethical care.” Understanding that the forma on of the ethical subject is only possible through the educa onal process that necessarily involves refl ec on exercises systema cally conducted for students to integrate the concerns and ethical a tude during its forma on, this essay refl ect on the ethical dimension of teaching as possible help bring out radical “ethical sensi vity” among teachers in their forma on process. A er all, if this media on training lacking in teacher training may not occur the development of ethical sensi vity among teachers, which also fail to act in their everyday life in schools.Item Atitude transdisciplinar no ensino de Psicologia(2011-06) Magalhães, Solange Martins OliveiraIn this article we seek to highlight the importance of stimulating the innovation in the context of teacher education. We emphasize the interdisciplinary proposal as a possibility for change in educational practices, by the process of self straight eco-training. We present a pedagogical practice whose central idea was to arrange among students an understanding of the existence of interconnections between subject and object of knowledge, by understanding the nature of emotional content can be elevated to the category of knowledge objects, giving them, so, cognitive existence for their lives, just like biology and mathematics are seen as objects of knowledge to be learned. This new attitude toward the practice trainer marks the search for the (trans)formation of subjects personally and collectively, through transdisciplinarity. The possibility of transforming the process of training (trans)formation, via the teaching of psychology, involves new epistemological, without however giving up the condition of critical analysis and reflective stance that helps us in the restructuring of the paths chosen.Item A atualidade do pensamento de Paulo Freire e as políticas de educação de jovens e adultos(2007-12) Machado, Maria MargaridaItem Autonomia e financiamento das IFES: desafios e ações(2008-11) Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe purpose of this study is to dicuss the autonomy and financing process of the Federal Higher Education Institutions (IFES) in recent years, especially in the period 1995-2006, which comprises Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s two governments and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s first government. It analyzes the origins of the IFES financing, the paths followed by the proposals to define the autonomy of the institutions, the limits imposed by social inequality on the expansion of the private sector, the financing sources of higher education, the existing challenges in this field, and the possible actions to be implemented in this important set of institutions that play a fundamental role in correcting Brazilian regional inequalities.Item A avaliação da educação superior no contexto das reformas e políticas educacionais(2013-04) Assis, Lúcia Maria de; Oliveira, João Ferreira deThis text analyses the policy for evaluation of higher education based on the triad: expansion, democratization and institutional evaluation. The aim of this work is to comprehend how the expansion process, intensified since the 1990’s, has transformed the concepts related to access democratization and the systemic evaluation processes of public and private Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. This work also examines how the functions of this level of education have been changed over the last two decades, in order to adjust to the demands of the economic system, considering the role and value of diplomas in the relations between the production system and the reproduction system.Item Avaliação da educação: por um sistema nacional(2013-06) Assis, Lúcia Maria de; Amaral, Nelson CardosoThe study analyzes the contradictions of assessment in Brazil and shows that large-scale tests have had side effects for the systems in terms of rankings, awards or punishments for school net- works, managers and teachers. The analysis proposes a National System of Education Assessment, based on the principles and guidelines of the National Forum on Education, the Reference Document for the 2014 National Conference on Education (CONAE).