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Item Os professores de ciências e matemática em Goiás (1991 a 2006): demandas e dilemas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-09) ALVES, Deuel Bernardes; BARRIO, Juan Bernardino Marques; dissertation is a documentary research diagnosis of character you want to enlarge the perception of the "alleged needs of the market" and teacher training courses in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in both the elementary school and in high school, and has some of the dilemmas related to science and mathematics teachers in the state of Goiás Begins with a discussion that relates education, demand and structure, then do a historical retrospective of the consolidation of Higher Education in Brazil trying to make in parallel, the process of building Law of Guidelines and Bases and the National Plan of Education, within the period f rom 1991 to 2006, which is marked by a major range of LDB/96 approval, which probably inf luenced the expansion of the number of IES in the country, but specif ically in Goiás, where was the focus of this dissertation, we tried to get data cataloged by INEP, IBGE, SEEGo, and others in an attempt to elucidate issues concerning the training of teachers of Science and Mathematics in the State. Finally, f rom the dif ferent elements worked until now, realized the necessity of explanation of some dilemmas that are presented, more clearly, depending on the characteristic look of this dissertation. Such dilemmas are: Rejection, Occupation, Training and Survival. The f irst dilemma is characterized by denial that society has shown how the demand for courses in Science. This refusal may be the original work (dilemma 2) that are available and that, consequently, have undergone a training (dilemma 3) very specif ic. This training has enabled the existence of people, through the survival (dilemma 4) occupation, have been shown in some cases almost exclusively, as a reference positive or negative for societyItem A visão de professores de ciências do ciclo II sobre o sistema de ciclos de formação e desenvolvimento humano da rede municipal de educação em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-05-04) AZEVEDO, Gislene Sousa de Sa; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; aim of this study was to investigate the II cycle science s teacher s point of view about Ciclos de Formação (Formation Cycles) in the Teaching Municipal s Web in Goiânia. Since the role of teachers is to achieve any pedagogical proposal, it is important to identify what the teachers think about Ciclos de Formação (Formation Cycle) once they signified a very important change in the Teaching Municipal s Web in Goiânia. The research embraced all the formation II cycle s science s teachers of the Teaching Municipal s Web. The methodology used were the semi-organized interviews which had the purpose to comprehend and evaluate based on pedagogical aspects and the role of science teaching in this organization- the teachers about the implementation process of cycles in the Teaching Municipal s Web. The results of this work indicates that after eleven years of the Formation Cycles s implementation in Teaching Municipal s Web, there are, in the science s teacher s point of view progresses, equivocal, lack of comprehensions and great difficulties in the pedagogical conduction that shows the necessity to enlarge the study and to systematized the reflection about this teaching organization policy, their implications in the student daily classes and about the science teaching s role in the formation of the pupil. In this way, it is concluded that there are the necessity of offering, in the initial formation of science teachers, studying spaces and discussion about the nature of the scientific knowledge and the pedagogical politic aspects.Item DISCUSSÃO CURRICULAR A PARTIR DO TEMA ENERGIA NUMA PERSPECTIVA DE INTERVENÇÃO NA FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-28) BENITE, Claudio Roberto Machado; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; main purpose of this work was the investigation of public high school s teachers participation in various disciplines, in meetings to discuss curriculum, based on the theme energy, located in the city of Goiânia. This is a project included in a partnership university / school, in the perspective of new ways of intervention in their own practice. Starting from these assumptions is essential to highlight the role of nuclear research as the Center for Research in Science Teaching - NUPEC of IQ / UFG in environments such as school aggregate; therefore, the asymmetric relationship between the components allows both the collective and the individual growth. Whereas the theoretical and practical knowledge build the professional knowledge, this research is configured as an innovative alternative in the Teaching of Science during the execution of the project entitled "Construction of a solar collector with alternative materials: an experience in clean energy at the high school , aiming the increase of students' interest in natural and the engineering sciences, and the intention to motivate of school s teachers to adopt more stimulating science education practices. The data from this study, which has elements of a participatory research, are collected from the analysis of transcripts of six planning meetings recorded on VHS. The conclusion extracted from data analysis was that teachers find difficulties in getting engaged in activities other than those which constitute the everyday school life. At the same time we can see the potentiality that this type of approach - University / School - has in the perspective of developing new proposals of education and conclude that when supported by more experienced partners and backed up by school administration, teachers propose, discuss develop and carry out new pedagogical practices.Item Intervenção Pedagógica no Ciclo I em Goiânia: do proposto ao vivido(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-20) CANEDOS, ágda Alves de Asevedo; BARRETO, Maria de Fátima Teixeira; Ciclo es una forma de organización pedagógica que viene siendo desarrollada desde la década de ochenta en varios municipios de Brasil, entre ellos, Goiânia. Se trata de una práctica educativa direccionada para la formación integral del ser humano y de su inclusión social. Y en el contexto del ciclo que este trabajo investiga, en la intervención pedagógica en el ciclo I en Goiânia: de lo propuesto a lo vivido, con la finalidad de comprender lo que es la propuesta de intervención y cómo ella actúa en el aprendizaje de la Matemática. El proyecto sigue la postura fenomenológica de investigación. Los datos son poducidos por el análisis de los documentos de referencia de la Red Municipal de Educación y de las Escuelas estudiadas (Propuestas Político-pedagógicas), y de las descripciones de los sujetos involucrados en el proyecto (alumnos, profesores y padres). Y, a partir de estas descripciones, busqué los puntos de convergencia que posibilitaron evidenciar el fenómeno investigado, sin la preocupación de encontrar generalizaciones, con el fin de explicacar la comprensión sobre esta intervención, y el conocimiento matemático propuesto y vivido en este proceso, en la red municipal de Goiânia. Los resultados indican que en Goiânia hay aceptación del Ciclo por parte de los profesores, desde que con él, los alumnos puedan avanzar aprendiendo. El defasaje y el analfabetismo podrían ser amenizados si la intervención en la escuela fuera una práctica constante de reflexión colectiva de los profesores, en torno de problemas concretos del aprendizaje de los alumnos. Al retomar aspectos históricos de la educación municipal de Goiânia, se constata que, continuamente, las gestiones han intentado resolver los problemas educativos. Hay, sin duda, un enmarañado de proyectos y propuestas que fueron y todavía son elavorados y ejecutados por profesores. Entre tanto, es comprensible que los problemas de aprendizaje en la red municipal necesitan, no solo de intervención puntual o de un desplazamiento de alumnos y profesores por reagrupamientos, sino de la comprensión por parte de los gestores, coordinadores y profesores de lo que es la intervención, y de cómo operar colectiva y didácticamente las acciones. En fin, la perspectiva de este trabajo de investigación puede ser uno de los caminos para (re)pensar colectivamente la intervención, en las series iniciales del Ciclo I, con la participación de los profesores, padres y alumnos.Item Avaliação dos futuros professores em ciências biológicas sobre a polêmica criacionismo e evolucionismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-11-16) CARVALHO, Rodolfo; SOARES, Marlón Herbert Flora Barbosa; paper has as its main purpose to highlight what are the concepts of future Science and Biology teachers from UFG about the controversy caused by the debate between the ideas of creationism and biological evolution concerning the origin and diversity of life. The study subjects were licensed teachers from the initial and final grades of the Biological Sciences course UFG. This study is based on the questions of quantitative and qualitative research. It was used as a method, case study and, as the main instrument for data collection, the questionnaire comprising two parts: 1) Licensed teachers socio-cultural profile and 2) A dilemma simulating a debate situation on the controversy analyzed. Analyzing the data collected and the bibliographies referred to the topic under this study, as results, the following scores / categories were obtained: a) With respect to subjects perceptions about the controversy creationism x biological evolution, it was evident that this dilemma is related to students familiar/religious formation; b) For future Biology teachers all ideas on the origin and diversity of life should be discussed and taught in the classroom and c) The justification to deal with these ideas in the classroom has a connection with a respect towards creationists opinions. From these three categories, it was evidenced the presence of a mythical-religious ideology about the origin and diversity of life by promoting an epistemological and Bachelardean obstacle. Through this, it was built up another term which would explain the difficulty of working with this controversy which was called mythical-religious obstacle. From this obstacle, it is concluded that future Biology teachers do not know that the public school is secular as well as they lack of knowledge about the scientific demarcation and, that biological evolution is the epistemological paradigm of Biology. Such results show the need for an elaboration of issues related to the history and philosophy of science in graduate courses.Item Análise da elaboração conceitual nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem em aulas de química para jovens e adultos: Por uma formação integrada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-01-25) COSTA, Lorenna Silva Oliveira; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; paper analyses, by the socio-historical references, the discursive dynamic in the school context as well as the conceptual elaboration in the teaching-learning process during chemistry classes which is part of a technical high-school program for young and adult people (EJA). As a manner of trying to make a differential curriculum which can create a dialog between what is supposed to be studied and the everyday life, a proposal was elaborated. This proposal, named The food‟s chemistry , is based on Paulo Freire‟s studies and on a structure of thematically areas. Seventeen classes were given. The data was taken from the field trip‟s notes and filming that were transcript afterwards. Analyses were made based on all the classes, in general, but, to make it possible the systematization, analyses, and creation of categories, three of those classes were specially used to the elaboration of Activities‟ Maps and Teaching Episodes. Methodologically, this work may be characterized as an action-research, which was developed in more than one phase. Speech‟s Analyses was used with Bakhtin as the main reference. By the approach of generated themes , the young and adult people were able to participate in classes, during moments when everyday issues were discussed, using descriptions and some explanations but demonstrated difficulties in working with abstractions and generalizations. Therefore, after several discussion meetings, these students were finally able to use new words giving meaning to those words -, which belong to the abstract context. This approach made us face a constant dialectic tension: meanwhile we consciously give value to the every day analyses, we want more than that because it is fetish and alienating. This kind of approach needed from the teachers constant warning to not to maintain themselves only on what the students already know. This work has the ambitious to signalize contributions to the curriculum practices to the EJA, helping with a proposal with the objective towards the complete formation of these individuals.Item DESVENDANDO AS PRÁTICAS AVALIATIVAS DE PROFESSORES DE MATEMÁTICA EM TURMAS DO 1º ANO DO ENSINO MÉDIO DA CIDADE DE GOIÂNIA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-03) CUNHA, Maria Francisca da; FURTADO, Wagner Wilson; study aimed to examine how to develop assessment practices in mathematics classes in the first year of high school in seven Colleges of Goiânia. Authors such as Luckesi, Moretto, Buriasco, Valente, among others, formed the theoretical framework for analysis. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire to 183 students and 7 graduate teachers in mathematics and through semi-structured only to teachers. The main points, which was highlighted in the questionnaires and interviews, served as a contribution to define the analysis by categories. These categories helped us to understand how assessment practices were carried out by teachers and how they were viewed by their students. From the analysis undertaken it is clear that in all colleges, as expected, the essay question exam is the most used as a form of assessment. However, we emphasize that the student's participation is increasingly being considered in the evaluation in the following forms: observation of participation, group work, monitoring reports of overall performance, tests and exams in pairs with consultation. Another key note is that teachers who use most forms of monitoring of student performance are precisely those with a low weekly workload of conducting with exclusive hours to devote to these activities.Item Abordagem ambiental nos livros didáticos de química aprovados pelo pnlem/2007: princípios da carta de belgrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-05) DIAS, Karla Ferreira; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; research had as objectives to describe and analyze the environmental approach in chemistry textbooks approved by the National Program of Textbook for high school (PNLEM/2007). This investigation is about a content analysis performed with the aid of three categories created based on the fundamental principles of environmental education as expressed in the Belgrade Charter (1977). Before the proposed by the reference document, the research sought to identify some elements related to environmental education, such as: treatment of social, political, economic, cultural and scientific environmental issues. The results showed that all books reviewed presented the environmental theme through different approaches. The readings, together with data organization, have enabled the creation of a thematic map and a descriptive framework that listed the themes found in each Textbook, as well as its distribution in different chemical content. The analysis identified some aspects, constructed with elements of the Charter Belgrade, within the categories scientific knowledge, knowledge/awareness and participation. In the first category were identified and analyzed aspects concerning the relationship of the content with the environment, the limitation of science face to the environmental challenges, the importance given by Textbook to the scientific knowledge for environmental understanding, the importance of knowledge and technology in the service of human needs. In the second one, knowledge/awareness, the analysis identified social, behavioral, economic and political aspects of the environmental issues. In the Participation category, aspects about the development of sense of responsibility and evaluation capacity were identified, in addition to raising awareness. The survey concluded that some environmental issues are treated in a decontextualized way by shredding the dimension of environmental problems which can reduce the complexity of the relationships between humanity and nature. Although not all books embrace all the principles of Belgrade Charter and even though there is an overestimation of the value of scientific knowledge to the detriment of other determinants for current ecological condition, it is concluded in this survey that the chemistry textbooks can contribute to achieve environmental education in Brazilian schools emphasizing the need for studies about the relationship between the triad components "scientific contents, teacher training and textbook" as one of the relevant aspects to effective consolidation of environmental education in the formal education.Item O lúdico e a educação ambiental na formação de professores: diálogos possíveis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-04) EVANGELISTA, Larissa de Mello; SOARES, Marlón Herbert Flora Barbosa; work presents the results of research done with students of higher education in an attempt to join the playful to the theme of Environmental Education as a proposal to improve the teaching-learning process of future teachers of science and biology, as well as its responsiveness with respect to Environmental Education, thus enabling a new alternative for the teacher to work in their classes. Thus, we work with a class of Bachelor's course in Biological Sciences at a state university in the city of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil whose students are in their third year. The method used was action-researchparticipatory, since the research in the classroom in which the researcher is the teacher of the discipline, whose results will be worked on improving the teaching-learning process. To conduct this research the class consisting of 32 students was divided into two groups, and each one in 3 sub-groups, in which one of them would have To consider Resolution an environmental problem caused by the Sugar-Alcohol Plant in the city and the other to create an Environmental Consulting Company to resolve an Environmental problem in the city, with name, symbol, slogan, advertising, etc.. According to the survey were six criteria for analysis: Identification of the problem, interest / motivation, Competition, Creativity, and Problem Resolution and Personification. The results of this research show that recreational activities can be worked in environmental education issues and effective manner, because in addition to increasing the interest is a motivating activity, brings together students, requires freedom of action, increases the disciplinary aspect and finally, very helpful in improving the teaching-learning processItem A visão de ciência de professores de Física do Ensino Médio de Goiânia e sua relação com os livros didáticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-03) FARIA, Lucimar Moreira; BARRIO, Juan Bernardino Marques; present stud y has investigated the conception of science from a teacher s' group who actuates in the area of Physics (Secondary education) in public and particular schools in the Goiania city - GO and their relationship with text books. We tried to indentif y the conception of science of the investigated teachers and the origin of the science in some text books adopted by these teachers. Initially, we talked about the different paradigmatic conceptions of the sciences' nature and the y implications for the sci ence teaching. In this investigation, we adopted a qualitative approach composed by content analysis and, as instruments of investigation; we used a questionnaire and a semi- structured interview. We discover ed that teacher s speech is often contradictory what indicates they don't really have a science vision established, and at the same time, they corrobate the conceptions presents in the text books, with are predominantly empiricism- inductive based.Item Reorientação Curricular: Avaliação do Impacto na Prática do Professor de Matemática do Ensino Fundamental de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-15) FARIA, Marlene Aparecida da Silva; CHAVES, Sandramara Matias; estudio resultó de las preocupaciones que surgieron durante los debates y reflexiones con los profesores de matemáticas sobre el proceso de reorientación del Plan de Estudios de Goiás. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo entender como los profesores de matemáticas de la ciudad de Goiânia entienden y replantean sus prácticas educación a través de las directrices de la Reorientación Curricular (RC). La investigación realizada dio énfasis a la discusión sobre el currículo y las tendencias pedagógicas en la educación matemática desde el análisis histórico de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en los últimos años. El método escogido fue enfoque cualitativo a través de un estudio de caso en el cual se investigó once profesores de Matemáticas del 7 º año de la Subsecretaría Metropolitana de Educación del Estado de Goiás. Para la recopilación de datos, el análisis se utilizaron cuestionarios y entrevistas abiertas y focalizadas para los profesores de matemáticas de enseñanza fundamental y cuerpo técnico del Centro de Desarrollo Curricular de la Secretaría de Educación, haciendo una lectura cuidadosa de las cuestiones planteadas que permitió aclarar las cuestiones que llevaron a esta investigación. Se analizaron los documentos: PCNs de matemáticas de 3º y 4º ciclos y los cuadernos 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 de la RC, con un énfasis en el libro 5 por ser el cuaderno que contienen las matrices curriculares y, en particular, fueran analizadas las matrices de las matemáticas del séptimo año. El fundamento teórico, apoyado sobre todo por las ideas de Moreira, Fogaça, Miranda, Canen, Finanzas y Fioretini Pires, destaca, especialmente, el desarrollo del currículo, el multiculturalismo, interdisciplinaridad y formación del profesorado. El estudio reveló que los maestros no se ven a sí mismos como participantes en el proceso de la RC, aunque han participado en algunas reuniones de discusión y formación que se ocupa de cuestiones relacionadas con la RC o todavía que los profesores no han incorporado la orientación pedagógica de la RC en su trabajo de enseñanza y que su práctica es independiente de ella.Item COLMEIA: ONTEM E HOJE A construção de uma cultura escolar de formação continuada de professores de matemática no contexto da Universidade Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-11-19) FERNANDES, Regina Alves Costa; RIBEIRO, José Pedro Machado; research subject is about the continuing education proposals of Mathematics teachers of Colmeia and Revivenciando o Colmeia projects in Goiânia, State of Goiás. Such research, of historical nature, has as goals understanding the relation on both proposals, in order to identify the ruptures and continuities and the transformations in these continuing education projects, and whether they show the appearance of a school culture of Mathematics teachers continuous formation at the Federal University of Goias. For the research development, the studies of Michael and Miorim, Valente, and Chartier Certeau were used. Those authors discuss the historical making meaning as production. Theoretical frameworks of different areas were considered once they address issues concerning to the researched topic, as some concepts of Bourdieu, Geertz, Chervel, Frago, Julia and Freire. Based on Chen, Meihy, Nóvoa and Finger, Nóvoa and Fiorentini and Lorenzato reflections, we chose a planning using the biographical method. The data collecting, obtained through written and oral narratives, was done from the reading of various documents that make part of the collection of projects Colmeia and Revivenciando o Colmeia projects, of the meetings observations and an open questionnaire applied to Colmeia project coordinator and an interview with the Colmeia project coordinator. From this research it was possible to identify ruptures and what has remained on the Mathematic teachers continuing education proposals of the projects mentioned above. We noticed, based on what remained, the appearance of a school culture of Mathematics teachers continuous education at the Federal University of Goias.Item Visões de práticas dos formadores do curso de Ciências Biológicas da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-06) FERREIRA, Daniela Rodrigues Macedo; SHUVARTZ, Marilda; theme of this work is the university teaching and the main objective is to understand how some professors that are part of the teaching formation in biological sciences of Goias s Federal University (UFG) conceive their practices and what formative experiences they are able to offer to their future students. Since it is a study of a group of professors in a specific course, in a higher educational institution, this survey is characterized as a study case upon a qualitative approach, which seeks to identify the different points of view of practice opposing to the complexity of teacher formation. During the discussions many aspects which are related to the main theme of this work were addressed: a historical overview beginning with the creation of the Brazilian University and the teaching formation at university, and public policies that had been influenced this process directly, such as the guidelines for the undergraduate, in particular the degree in biological sciences. Among the theoretical bibliographies that substantiate these discussions were both national and international contributions. National literature: Masetto (1998); Rosa (2004); Pimenta (1994); among others. International literature: Shulman (2005); Tardif (2007); Vázquez (2007). The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with the participation of ten UFG s biology s teachers, ahead of disciplines given to the common core core-specific curriculum. In interviews with teachers we sought to identify the conceptions of teaching and the teaching/learning process, the kind of teaching it is intended to give to the graduated, and the elements used as references to their disciplines and classes. From the analysis it may be concluded that, based on the perspective of teaching, most of the teachers do not articulate theoretical knowledge to the practical one so as to have a critical and conscious performance committed to professionalization and to the changes caused by this one in their social environment.Item O LÚDICO NO ENSINO DE FÍSICA: ELABORAÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM MINICONGRESSO COM TEMAS DE FÍSICA MODERNA NO ENSINO MÉDIO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-22) FILGUEIRA, Sérgio Silva; SOARES, Marlón Herbert Flora Barbosa; this work are showed results of research with students from third grade of a public school in de high school level, in the Goiânia city. Are presented the preparation and development of a minicongress with modern physics themes. The themes were worked: photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality, nuclear fission and fusion, universe s origin, relativity theory , x-rays and laser. The classrooms were divided into groups; each was responsible for one of the topics. The objective was to write a paper to minicongress a held at the school, following all the rites of an academic scientific congress. Among the submission of paper and presentation of posters, the teacher mediate in the groups, providing them various articles and texts that had relationship with themes. The aim was to investigate the feasibility of working with themes of modern physics and contemporary at this level of education through a play activity. It is discussed in this work to the playful connection with the inclusion of topics in modern physics and Contemporary in basic school. The results showed high involvement and interest of students by the activity. It was clear the enthusiasm that students demonstrated with the themes, especially in learning the concepts involved in physical technological applications that they already knew. The elaboration of minicongress made in the school's computer laboratory. This aspect contributed to making the activity more fun, because use of computers became more conceptual discussions pleasant. The work groups were sent by another tool for evaluating the learning of concepts worked. A comprehensive analysis of search results in shows that working with themes of modern physics and contemporary in high school using the tool as playful, is a viable alternative.Item Educação ambiental no Zoológico de Goiânia: contribuições para a formação do sujeito ecológico?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-26) FONSECA, Fabíola Simões Rodrigues da; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Gonçalves; critical Environmental Education is gaining space in the research area due to the fact that it makes it possible to do a better reading of the environmental crisis. In this critical slope, the environmental understanding goes beyond natural resources, and covers the complex relationships between nature and society. According to Carvalho (2008), the main objective of the Environmental Education is to develop the ecological being, who is characterized by an ideal type, with an identity that is under construction, one who is able to translate the ideals of the social relations that revolve around environmental issues. Considering that the legislation regarding the Environmental Education suggests that it should happen either in formal and in informal education, research has shown that most activities are offered by informal schools. We can say that throughout these last years, such informal spaces have changed in order to offer and adjust their activities to the visiting public. In this context, the objective of this research was to get in touch with the activities regarding Environmental Education that are carried on at Goiania‟s zoo, as well as meet the professionals involved in the execution and elaboration of such project. Besides that, the profile and conceptions regarding Environmental Education have been surveyed. In the end, the analysis and observation in order to understand how the activities carried on at Goiania‟s Zoo can contribute to develop the ecological being. This research can be categorized as a case study, since this method is used in order to understand the individual, group, social, organizational and political phenomena. Besides that, it is a study where issues such as how and why are proposed, combined with the fact that the researcher has little control over the contemporary phenomenon to be unveiled. At the end of this research we have concluded that the Goiânia‟s zoo staff have their conceptions based on the conservationist and naturalistic schools of thought, thus the activities done aim at rebuilding a relationship with nature and adopting conservative behavior towards it. Therefore, such activities carried on at the Goiânia‟s zoo do not give any contribution towards the development of the so-called ecological being.Item Portal do Professor: a organização das aulas de Biologia no Espaço da Aula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-12) FREITAS, Elisandra Carneiro de; SHUVARTZ, Marilda; study focuses on the attempt to understand how the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) proposes to organize as a class and biology classes published in Espaço da Aula (Space Lecture) serve this organization. The Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) was launched in June 2008 as a proposal of the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), linked to the Department of Distance Education (SEED), in order to support the processes training of Brazilian teachers and enrich their practice. In view of the proposed research, we realized the need for a qualitative approach that involved, satisfactorily, all the elements of our analysis that, in fact, be understood in its complexity. We chose the documentary analysis by the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin (2010), as a way of approaching reality investigated. We seek first to understand the guidelines and positions of the official documents governing the Education Teaching Biology in Secondary Schools (PCEM, PCN + and OC) as a basis for analyzing our object of study. In addition to these documents, constitutes the corpus of research document the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) and the classes of Biology public in Espaço da Aula (Space Lecture). To systematize the analysis by constructing a spreadsheet, with the key elements: the number of class, the amount of hits, the region of the author of the lesson, teaching strategies, objectives, resources to be used, the position of teacher and student evaluation, which were the categories of analysis. When looking at the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage), we identified that is loaded by the discourse of public policies of education in Brazil. However, we found that there are proposed by the distances between the portal and the classes of Professor of Biology analyzed. In general we can say that, when planning lessons, teachers do not have the perception that the elements of the planning teaching a unit, giving identity to the class. However, we stress the importance of the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) for the rescue plan for the teaching and guidance to teachers about new ways to learn and education.Item O Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens PROJOVEM: Uma Análise Entre o Proposto e o Vivido em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) FRIEDRICH, Marcia; BENITE, Anna Maria Canavarro; adult and youth education permeates the history of education, and this follows the rhythms of the history of society in its economic models, dictated by political and social power relations of groups ideologically dominant. Education and specifically in the EJA, significant issues arise in the pursuit of knowledge teachers need to be targeted this segment of education that follows the margin of history education. Once this work is the result of a search related to the Program for Master of Education in Science and Mathematics that aims to make reflections on the historical trajectory of the EJA in Brazil, the debate back to issues related to public policies, characterization of this group, contextualizing the proposals teaching directed to that. Some general considerations concerning the structure of scientific knowledge and the teaching of science and mathematics in the social context of the egress of the National Program for Inclusion of Youth: Education, Vocational Training and Community Action- PROJOVEM conclude our presentation of research resultsItem A Expressão da Compreensão de Alunos com Dificuldades de Aprendizagem em Matemática ao Trabalhar com o Material Cuisenaire(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-30) LEITE, Lusitonia da Silva; BARRETO, Maria de Fátima Teixeira; materials are part in the searching of learning methods that allow a better understanding in the learning of mathematics. In this work, I research how do students with difficulties in learning express Mathematics comprehension when they deal with the Cuisenaire Material in a learning situation, and what do they understand from it? The investigation basis was the Experiencing Mathematics in Elementary School project developed in CEPAE (Center of Teaching and Research Applied in the Education of UFG). The data collection happened in five meetings/classes performing activities on the basic arithmetic operations. The participants are twelve students from 5º e 6º grades who have a low learning performance, according to their mathematics teachers. In terms of procedure, we used the qualitative research on the perspective of the phenomenological approach. Once a contact was established among the students speech, my interpretations on their speeches and the theories used to support my interpretations, I think this material revealed itself significant and the students demonstrated comprehension on the basic arithmetic operations. Seeing, thinking, combining parts to the numbers, comparing them, putting them in order, compounding and decompounding them, replacing values, working over their own acts and thoughts, sharing ideas with classmates, and being attentive lead students to experience discoveries. Based in what was experienced in this research, I present some contributions to teachers who intend to use the Cuisenaire material to teach their students.Item O estágio supervisionado dos cursos de formação de professores de matemática da universidade estadual de Goiás: uma prática reflexiva?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-10-17) MAGALHÃES, Ana Paula de Almeida Saraiva; ROSA, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves; work consists of an investigation about the Supervised Training of the Graduation Courses in Mathematics of the State University of Goiás UEG. The aim is to investigate the practice developed in the Supervised Training of these courses in order to verify if and how this component of the curriculum has promoted a reflexive practice in the graduated students. Taking into consideration the object of this research, it was used the focus on the theoretical methodological and qualitative points. The subjects of this research were seven professors of the graduation course of Mathematics from the State University of Goiás, from the campi of Formosa, City of Goiás, Iporá, Jussara, Posse, Quirinópolis an UnUCET, who worked with the Supervised Training, in the years of 2008 and 2009. In order to study the problematic and aiming to search for information to answer the question of the investigation were used the documental analysis, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews in a reflexive way. This analysis was theoretically fundamented on the ideas of Schön (1997), Zeichner (1993), Nóvoa (1992), Gómez (1997), Sacristán (1999), Pimenta e Ghedin (2002) about reflexivity. The present study relates that the documents of the courses (PPC, PE and PC) of the Graduation in Mathematicas of the State University of Goiás UEG announces a formation which provides the development of a critical-reflexive professional, although, when an accurate vision was made, we verified that they evidence a formation directed to the second level of reflexion. The discourse of the major part of the professors, subjects of this investigation, in relation to their pedagogical practice also relates the level of reflexion with some characteristics of a critical reflexivity. The study also highlights that the actions for the development of a reflexive practice in the formation of the professors of Mathematics, in the investigated context has been elementary and isolated yet, emphasizing the importance of the comprehension of the concepts and fundaments of reflexion to subside the proposals of Supervised Training in this perspective.Item O uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação pelos professores de Matemática da Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique-Delegação de Nampula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-11-25) MOMADE, Saíde Issufo; BARRIO, Juan Bernardino Marques; dissertation aims to present a research undertook within the Master of Education in Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of Goiás. The research was based on the fact that currently social and cultural changes are witnessed as a result of the possibilities arising from Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly within the education system. Given the presence of this language among the students, if the teachers do not incorporate it into their practices they may be denying the dialogue with those who are the reasons for the existence of all educational systems. Therefore, authors such as Moran (1993), Moran, Masetto and Behrens (2000), Kenski (2003, 1996) and Toschi (2005), amongst others, reflect about changes experienced from both students and educators during the teaching and learning processes as a result of impacts of those means. Because the TICS establish strong relationship with the Mathematics, Mathematics teachers should build coherent practices involving the use of ICTs. Inspired by a qualitative approach, the survey was built on case study methodology, using a questionnaire and interview. The study subjects were Mathematics teachers, trainers of Mathematics teachers from Universidade Pedagogica-Mozambique, delegation of Nampula, and the aim was to assess how those actors use the ICTs during their classes. The survey found a lack of clarity of trainers in their conception of ICT, lack of use of software and / or programs that could assist in their professional activities, as well as the inability to exploit the potential that ICTs offer to them. However, participants of the survey believe that the use of technology in training courses can bring about changes in their training and teaching practices of future teachers. Moreover, they show interest in learning how to use ICT.