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Item Gestão democrática e gerencialismo a percepção dos diretores das escolas estaduais da coordenação regional de Goiânia estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Alves, Elisane Silva; Moraes , Karine Nunes de;; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Silva, Luís Gustavo Alexandre da; Marques, Luciana RosaThe research entitled - Democratic Management and Managerialism the perception of directors of state schools of the Regional Coordination of Goiânia case study, aims to understand how management in schools starts to be conceived, from 2011, with the incorporation of the new managerialism present in the guidelines of Pact for Education in Goiás directing educational reform in the state network. The research analyzes how the principles of NGP, inserted in the state education network of Goiás, guided the management of schools with administrative and ideological values of private management based on performance, meritocracy and accountability, implying the work of the director and giving new meaning the mechanisms for implementing democratic management. It is important to understand how the principals, operational subjects of the school organization, perceived the set of changes underway and what the main effects are on management practice and the work collective. To this end, this research aims to: i) identify how the principles of NPM relate to education and school management; ii) examine how democratic management is conceived in schools; iii) analyze how the Goiana Education Pact restructured management in schools; and, iv) understand how the directors of state schools in the Regional Coordination of Goiânia perceived the insertion of managerialism in school management and its relationship with democratic management. This research has theoretical support from Andrade (2019); Andrade, Côrtes and Almeida (2021); Newman and Clarke (2012); Verger and Normand (2015); Oliveira (2015); Dasso Júnior (2014); Libâneo (2001; 2011; 2018); Paro (1987; 2010; 2012); Cury (2002; 2007); Ferreira (2004); Sanders (2009); Silva (2014); Silva (2005); Marques (2020); Silva and Teixeira (2019; 2022); Afonso (2013); Barroso (2005; 1998; 1998; 2011); Souza (2003; 2009); Lima (2014; 2018; 2019). To achieve the established objectives, the qualitative approach was used as a methodology from the perspective of Minayo (2001; 2012), Godoy (1995) and Duarte (2002), constructed by bibliographical research, referenced in Sousa, Oliveira and Alves (2021); documentary analysis Duarte (2002), content analysis described in Bardin (1977); Moraes (1999); and, a multiple case study in Ventura (2007); Pereira; Costa (2008) through semi-structured interviews, Frazer; Gondim (2004) with a purposive or intentional sample that is guided by pre-defined criteria when choosing the participant's profile. For this, the specificities between them were considered, in this case, directors of five schools in the state education network of Goiás with a focus on the Regional Coordination of Goiânia. The selection criteria for research subjects are: a) time and experience in school management; b) geographic location of the school; c) school standard; d) teaching modality. To analyze the interviews, a content analysis was developed with the intention of understanding how the incorporation of managerialism and the consequences of the actions of the Pact for Education since 2011 have interfered in the management of schools and the implementation of democratic management. The research indicated the alignment of educational policies implemented in the state education network of Goiás following the Guidelines of the Pact for Education with the principles of NGP and the deepening of the logic of management focused on results with external evaluations and the submission of the director/ to meritocratic, evaluative and accountability policies. The discourse on the principals' conception of management pointed to the perspective of democratic management, approaching the idea of participation and collective construction of actions at school. However, we note that conservative practices still persist, still centered on the figure of the director and democratic management of results.Item O trabalho do profissional de psicologia na atuação em cuidados paliativos: uma análise da morte e do morrer(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-25) Amaral, Jacqueline Andrade; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Costa Neto, Sebastião Benício daThe following study addresses the work of psychologists in Palliative Care, who experience, alongside both patients and relatives, moments of finitude in situations that have death as one of the possible outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted psychologists’ roles within multiprofessional teams which were based on a transdisciplinary approach. However, it is noted that the theories and competences which handle death and the process of dying are yet to be included in the national curricular directives of Psychology university programs, which leads to questioning whether Psychology professionals are actually well-prepared to work in the aforementioned field. This research focuses on the work of psychologists who handle death and the process of dying within Palliative Care teams. To reach the objective established, the experiences of psychologists in multiprofissional palliative care teams, when working with patients and relatives, were taken into account, emphasizing the competences and abilities required for interventions in situations which include death and the process of dying. The methodological course was of qualitative research, using narrative interviews as the method of choice. This allowed the apprehension of significant and subjective data regarding historical and sociocultural aspects, which provided a privileged space for speech and elaboration of life stories. In this study, three persons were interviewed, all three having worked in the Palliative Care field for at least two years. Results confirmed that psychologists’ knowledge regarding death and the process of dying is scarce, and that, to work in the palliative care field, Psychology professionals require theoretical knowledge. Considering said results, the present research indicates a need for inclusion of death and the process of dying in Psychology university programs, which might contribute to forming a holistic view of humanity.Item A implantação dos projetos integradores no Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates - estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-21) Ananias, Elivania Cristina de Assis; Moraes, Karine Nunes de;; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; Valdez, DianeThis research is linked to the State, Policies and History of Education research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (PPGE/FE/UFG). This study is entitled The Implementation of Integrative Projects at Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates and aims to analyze the main implications of the adoption of integrative projects in secondary education in the state network in Goiânia. The integrative projects, inserted in the context of the reform of the New Secondary Education, address Transverse Contemporary Themes (TCTs) that affect society in a transversal and integrated way. This has as its theoretical reference Oliveira (2017), Veiga (1998, 2003), Pinto e Melo (2021), Libâneo (2004; 2013, 2016), Filipe (2021), Silva (1999), Costa (2020), which, based on a qualitative approach, employs a detailed case study to investigate the topic. To develop the case study, we chose the Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates, in Goiânia, Goiás. A comparative analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project at Colégio Goiany Prates was carried out, before and after the implementation of the integrative projects, and a semi-structured interview was carried out using the content analysis method. The results indicate that the implementation of integrative projects may be facing challenges: inadequate guidance appears to be a critical issue, leading to an implementation that is both haphazard and disconnected from existing disciplines. This suggests that teachers may be struggling to effectively integrate these projects into their teaching practices. The implications of these findings are significant, as we realize that the lack of adequate guidance not only affects the implementation of integrative projects, but can also compromise their effectiveness as interdisciplinary pedagogical tools. This raises important questions about the need for adequate professional training and institutional support to ensure that these projects are implemented effectively. Therefore, the implementation of integrative projects at Colégio Estadual Polivalente Professor Goiany Prates faces challenges due to the lack of adequate guidance, resulting in a random and disconnected adoption of subjects. This highlights the urgent need for continuing professional training and institutional support. It is suggested that future studies explore specific teacher training strategies for Integrating Projects and analyze effective institutional support models, in addition to investigating the impact of these projects on student learning in the long term.Item O laço contorna o vazio: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência subjetiva materna no contexto da pandemia da covid-19(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-29) Andrade, Débora Damacena de; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro deThe present study aimed to analyze, from a psychoanalytic perspective and through the narrative of the construction of her motherhood, the subjective experience of a woman who became a mother in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We know that the pandemic scenario has caused important psychosocial transformations around the world. In the specific context of motherhood, the pandemic experience brought unique challenges for women who gave birth during this period. Therefore, to achieve the proposed objective, we based the research on psychoanalytic theory. The bond between mother and baby is fundamental for the individual's psychological development, and the experience of motherhood is marked by unconscious conflicts and fantasies related to identification, narcissism, and sexuality. During the pandemic, the experience of motherhood was even more challenging, as mothers had to face a series of difficulties, including fear of contagion, difficulty accessing medical care, and lack of social and emotional support. To deepen the study of this experience, we used the case study as a research method and narrative interviews as a way of apprehending the maternal subjective experience. In the analyzed case, the interviewee shows the ambivalences of motherhood; however, she finds in her experience with her son, in the mother-baby bond, a contour for a void resulting from her life history and the pandemic context. With this study, we were able to conclude that the social and emotional effects of the Covid-19 pandemic involved the potentiation of conflicts and issues present in the participant's life history for her experience with motherhood. Therefore, we highlight the importance that psychological intervention had on the interviewee's experience, who mentioned several times how this process of confronting her insecurities and anxieties in a welcoming space was important to elaborate her conflicts.Item História da psicologia brasileira: saberes psicológicos no século XIX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-28) Araújo, Danielly Machado Alves; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Mata, Alba Cristhiane Santana daThe history of Brazilian psychology is a field of study with infinite possibilities, we have different time frames, theoretical and methodological perspectives that present us with an entire universe to be explored. This dissertation aims to explore one of these possibilities: the history of psychological knowledge based on travelers' reports published in the 19th century. Psychological knowledge is understood as that produced and disseminated in everyday life in the form of theories or practices, above all, that which, after the conception of psychology as a science, became its object. The sources researched are travel diaries of men who came to Brazil in the 19th century, whose missions were to record and detail information about the country and bring knowledge to the authorities about the various aspects of our territory, including geography, botany, economy, culture and population health, for example. This is a bibliographic study based on historicaldialectical materialism, whose works researched are authored by Auguste de Saint-Hillaire, George Gardner and Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl. The works researched consist of major contributions to the history of brazilian psychology, mainly to the history of psychology in Goiás, providing rich discussion about how our people understood the psyche, human behavior and society. Critical reading and analysis culminated the identification and mapping of the following categories: “Customs: popular culture and ways of living life in Brazil”, “Religious diversity: one land, many Brazils”, “Knowledge about behavior: learning, education and control”, “Affects and temperament: emotions, character and self-knowledge”. The discussion allowed the understanding that psychological knowledge precedes scientific psychology and is closely related to popular wisdom, philosophy, medicine and education.Item Neoliberalismo e a fetichização de diplomas de psicologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-30) Barbosa, Maria Clara da Silva; Santos, Lívia Gomes dos;; Santos, Lívia Gomes dos; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Tavares, Rosana CarneiroThe present study sought to investigate the impacts of the fetishization of Higher Education diplomas in the training of Psychology professionals. Our main hypothesis is that the increase in the emergence of Psychology courses in the city of Goiânia-Go occurred as a result of the fetishization of diplomas, mainly from the 2000s onwards, due to the advance of neoliberalism in the country. For this purpose, the National Registry of Higher Education Courses and Institutions, e-Mec and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) were used to collect data on the number of vacancies and courses offered per year. In fact, the increase in psychology courses in the city between 2000 and 2010 is significant, also showing a growing increase from 2020, due to factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the psychopathologization of life. For a better understanding of the theme addressed in the study, we will go through the history of universities in Brazil, the history of neoliberalism, the definition of merchandise and merchandise fetish and, finally, the fetishization of diplomas as the main consequence of the commodification of education, a remarkable phenomenon from the 1990’s. Finally, we point out that the relationship between the fetishization of Higher Education diplomas in Psychology, the growing number of courses in private universities and colleges and the rise of neoliberalism in Brazil from the 1990s onwards research and corroborates the initial hypothesis that the accelerated growth of the political and ideological system was directly related to the fetishization of psychology degrees.Item Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE) na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Aparecida de Goiânia-GO: uma política de financiamento suplementar no período de 2006-2022(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-29) Bernini, Luciane de Souza Miranda; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Moraes, Karine Nunes de; Mesquita, Maria Cristina das Graças DutraEsta disertación forma parte de la Línea de investigación Estado, Políticas e Historia de la Educación, del Programa de Postgrado de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Federal de Goiás. Presenta un análisis del movimiento del programa de Dinero Directo En la Escuela (PDDE), originado del fondo Nacional de desarrolho de la Educación(FNDE),em los años 2006 a 2022. Para ello, describíbimos el programa y lo analisamos en nível federal y como se configura en el contexto educativo de esta Rede Educativa. Nuestro problema surge de las preguntas: ¿Que hay detrás del PDDE? ¿Quién lo financia este programa h ¿Cumplido su propósito ¿Como se materializan estos processos em el cotidiano de las instituiciones educativas y del ao Departamento Municipal de educación de Aparecida de Goiânia. Consideramos ,como aporte metodológico, el análises documental y lá investigação bibliográfica .Encuanto al Marco teórico apesar del Neoliberalismo y sus consecuências para la Educación em Brasil,nos basamos em: Lava (2004) Freitas (2018), Morais(2018), Bresser Pereira(1998) y Miranda (2022); comprender Los fundamentos y princípios del PDDE: Adriaõ,( 2020), Peroni( 2020) y zaniratto Junior(2016);sobre temas relacionados com el financiamento de la Educación brasileña: Farenzena(2010), Oliveira (2023), Massafioli (2017) y Amaral( 2013). Lá investigación mostro que el salário de Educacion es la segunda mayor fuente de recursos destinados a la Educación básica pública brasileña y es el que financia el PDDE. Encuanto a los recursos, em el âmbito general de las transferências de la unión y La recepción por las instituciones Escolares lá cantidad más significativa de recursos enviados se produjo entre Los años 2011 al 2014, especialmente el año 2013, debido a la corrcción de los valores fijos y la factor de correccion destinado a aumentar el número de Estudiantes del un año para otro según lo publicado mediante educación básica -CD-FNDE número 10 de 18 de abril de 2013. En relación con la red de municipal de educación el PDDE es considerado un programa de descentralización por ser el único recurso uso con el que cuentan las las escuelas suyas y que llega directamente de Korma para subvencionar necesidades específicas en lo que respecta al mantenimiento de la educación en cuanto a la autonomía ,si reletiviza considerando que son las resoluciones las que determinan y regulan de manera jerárquica, los valores a poner a disposición se vinculan a la disposición presupuestaría de los involucrados los relacionados con las acciones de mantenimiento, los objetivos estabelecidos, no por parte de la Secretaría municipal, cuando limita el porcentaje de recursos destinados al mantenimiento: linfa infraestructura visión pedagógica así como determinar la forma en que los equipos escolares deben realizar sus cuentas II los elementos vinculados al financiamiento del mantenimiento y desarrollo de la educación en( MDE) han demostrado ser cada vez más desafiantes.Item O não-todo significante do feminino em Lacan(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-10) Braga, Leticia Ferreira; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira; Souza, Elizabeth Cristina Landi de Lima eThe present work aimed to investigate how the feminine position happens in relation to the significant Other (A), the phallic significant, in Lacan. For that, a cut of the Lacanian route was chosen, in which the focus is that the female position has the characteristic of being not-whole in front of the phallic meaning. A research consenting to the bias that the sexual position is not limited to genders, to body anatomies, on the contrary, it is about signifiers. Thus, initially this research revisits the freudian theory of the Oedipus Complex, through which the enigma of the feminine will be put into perspective, in a dialogue with authors who agree that the feminine position is related to the signifier of the phallic function, but that something escapes the significance that the Other has. Then, this work puts in view that the incompleteness that fundamentally characterizes the place of the Other (A) is announced in a lacanian way by understanding the signifier of the barred Other, S(Ⱥ), precisely what in freudian theory is left in suspense of that escaped the phallic law in the said girls, due to the fact that this incidence comes from the field of the mother's desire, the feminine, therefore, which, in turn, takes into account what also escaped the phallic law. It is, in this sense, therefore, versed in the work that the Other is the field in which the subject gains consistency, since the subject is what a signifier represents to another signifier; however, jouissance being that which points to something that is of the order of an event of the body that is neither founded nor guaranteed in the relationship with the Other, the mode of jouissance in the feminine position is shown to be crossed by the symbolic, but there is something else in this enjoyment mode. The phallic signifier appears; however, it does not contain what the feminine represents. That is why its logic is that of being not-all phallic and, in the face of phallic jouissance, the mode of operation of its jouissance, which will be unique to each of the women, also announces another logic, supplementary and from which it is only semi-true says because it doesn't close.Item Formação docente para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental da educação de jovens e adultos: tendências e perspectivas da produção acadêmica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-05) Camargo, Sandra Almeida Ferreira; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta;; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta; Machado, Maria Margarida; Faria, Edite Maria da Silva de; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Silva, Fernanda Aparecida Oliveira RodriguesThe thesis presented here has as its theme teacher training for the Initial Years of Elementary Education in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The object of the research is the academic production on the subject. We start from the assumption that investigating the specific theme of teacher training for the Initial Years/First Segment can greatly contribute to the advancement of scientific and pedagogical knowledge about teacher training and will possibly impact pedagogical work, necessary bases for future teachers and teachers future teachers who will work in this modality, as well as for those who are already in the classroom. This is a bibliographic research, whose general objective was to identify and analyze trends, conceptions and propositions of teacher training for the Initial Years of Elementary Education of EJA in the Brazilian academic-scientific production, from 2011 to 2020. The bibliographic survey covers a total of 19 works, being 17 dissertations and two theses, collected in the Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and in the Theses and Dissertations Portal of the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CA-PES). As specific objectives, we seek to understand and critically reflect on the current context of educational policies for EJA in Brazil, which required us to consider the historical and political developments of Brazilian school education within a broader social and economic reality; another specific objective was to theoretically reflect on the relationships and contradictions between teacher training and pedagogical work in EJA. The research carried out reveals that the theoretical, political and pedagogical knowledge related to EJA are invisible or marginalized in the curricula of Pedagogy courses, in most of the courses investigated by the researches that constitute our bibliographic material, there are no specific disciplines with a workload destined to the EJA, which in our understanding compromises teacher training for the Early Years of Elementary School of the modality. It is also noted that EJA continues to occupy a marginal place in research projects, in study groups and in reflections on school teaching developed in the context of the subjects of the Pedagogy course. Also as a result of the investigation carried out, we understand that EJA as a modality of Basic Education still seems not to be inserted in the curricula of Pedagogy courses nor to be understood by the trainers of teachers of these courses, when it is approached by the training teachers it is discussed. as a theme and in a transdisciplinary way during the education process of the pedagogue/pedagogue. Therefore, EJA in Brazil remains invisible and marginalized as a teaching modality in the training of teachers in the Pedagogy course and as a field of knowledge in the academic environment.Item Qualidade da educação no periódico Cadernos de Pesquisa (2018-2022)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-14) Castro, Ana Luisa Rocha; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Mundim, Maria Augusta Peixoto; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea deThis work is part of the research line “Fundamentals of Educational Processes”, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação at the Faculty of Education of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). It adopts the guidelines of bibliographical research (Gil, 2002; Lima, Mioto, 2007; Severino, 2016) to understand how the theme of quality of education is conceived in articles published in the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa between the years 2018 to 2022. Part- from the study of Marx's work (2017) on work as a founding category of human sociability, (Gentili, 1995; Enguita, 1995; Freitas, 2018; Dourado, Oliveira, 2011) on the quality of education. In the first section, there is a resumption of what neoliberalism is and how it entered school education through the replacement, in discourses about education, of the defense of quality based on the democratization of access to public schools to the quality of education in increasingly more focused on market interests, towards understanding business logic and its consequences in discourses on the quality of education. The second section presents a brief reflection on how the idea of quality in education was developed in Brazil, followed by a discussion on the concept of quality from a business perspective. The third section presents the analysis of articles selected in the Cadernos de Pesquisa magazine that directly or indirectly mentioned the discussion on the quality of education in the period between 2018 and 2022. As a result, the quality of education appeared linked to themes related to educational inequality, performance and school, ethnic-racial issues, among others. Concern about evaluating the quality of early childhood education has shown to have intensified in recent publications, something that could already be observed in a milder way in previous years. Student assessment, very present in other stages of education, can now be seen as a concern in early childhood education as well. It is necessary that the concept of quality of education is not restricted only to results in tests and large-scale assessments that blame students, teachers and schools for their results without delving into the socio-historical and cultural conditions that permeate everyday school life.Item Concepções e práticas acerca de queixa escolar em artigos da revista da associação brasileira de psicologia escolar e educacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-14) Cavalcante, Wellita de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Lacerda Júnior, FernandoLinked to the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Goiás in the line of Historical, Theoretical and Political Bases of Psychology, the present research, of a bibliographical and historical nature, has as main objective to investigate the conceptions and practices about the school complaint in articles from the Journal of the Brazilian Association of School and Educational Psychology. This research is theoretically based on Historical-Cultural Psychology in a critical perspective of School and Educational Psychology. At first, it aimed to understand the process of emergence and development of the field of school and educational psychology in Brazil. Subsequently, he focused on the phenomenon of school complaints, trying to understand the concepts and practices about school complaints present in the articles. To carry out the research, 20 articles were selected from the descriptors 'school complaints' and 'school complaints'. After the exhaustive work of description, dialogues with authors in the area and analysis of published articles, three categories of analysis were arrived at: conceptions about school complaints, theoretical foundations about school complaints and action in face of the complaint. In the final analysis, it was possible to see that the predominant conception among the psychologists and educators who participated in the research remains linked to the medical and clinical model, which has as its characteristics the individualizing, reductionist, pathologizing and psychologizing look at school complaints. Regarding a more critical conception of school complaints, the analyzes showed that there are discourses that refer to this perspective and that the authors of the works read, for the most part, are based on HistoricalCultural Psychology and on dialectical historical materialism. The analyzes led us to the understanding that the conception that professionals have about school complaints will affect their performance in relation to it.Item Biografias de mulheres na história da educação: Benedicta Stahl Sodré, Branca Alves de Lima e Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (século XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-11) Dias, Ana Raquel Costa; Valdez, Diane;; ; Valdez, Diane; Panizzolo , Claudia; Rocha, Juliano Guerra; Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza; Nicolini, CristianoLes vies et les noms des femmes sont importants, et les histoires des enseignantes sont des thèmes fondamentaux pour problématiser l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne. À cet égard, cette thèse repousse les mécanismes de production et de reproduction qui ont historiquement tenté de réduire au silence les actions et les discours des femmes, en affrontant les dispositifs patriarcaux soutenus par une société représentée par des écrits historiques non pluriels. À cette fin, les noms et les vies de Benedicta Stahl Sodré (1900-1972), Branca Alves de Lima (1910-2001) et Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (1907-1982) ont été mis en évidence, en les biographiant historiquement au milieu de la proéminence des documents sur leurs écrits pédagogiques: Cartilha Sodré (1939/1940), Caminho Suave (1948) et A Casinha Feliz (1970). Il s'agit de femmes brésiliennes, blanches, de l'élite, enseignantes, normaliennes, femmes d'affaires et auteures de ces abécédaires et autres matériels pédagogiques. Des femmes, dont les histoires se rapprochent et s'éloignent, éminemment révélatrices d'émancipation, de confrontation et de résistance. La conscience féministe a soustendu cette thèse, nous permettant de comprendre l'importance de l'appartenance, de la prise de décision, des relations et des engagements qui entourent les vies biographiées. Le choix de la biographie historique comme méthode, compte tenu de son statut scientifique propre, repose sur un choix politique, privilégiant la construction d'une histoire diversifiée et articulée. L'objectif était de formuler, de comparer et d'analyser leurs biographies afin de comprendre les espaces qu'elles ont occupés et les époques dans lesquelles elles ont vécu. Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont devenues le sujet de cette thèse lorsque nous avons trouvé des silences sur leurs histoires de vie, surtout si l'on considère que les abécédaires qu'elles ont écrits ont été largement diffusés, annoncés, propagés, adoptés et vendus avec le soutien du monde complexe des maisons d'édition, de la presse, des actions du gouvernement, des avis publics et d'autres moyens. Ils ont également fait l'objet de recherches universitaires et sont considérés par l'historiographie de l'éducation comme les manuels les plus populaires, les plus vendus et les plus adoptés du XXe siècle. Nous réalisons donc que les stigmates liés au genre peuvent être les principaux responsables des tentatives d'invisibilité, tout en spéculant sur la manière dont d'autres questions ont pu soutenir l'effacement, y compris les attentes de la famille, les choix éditoriaux, les relations de pouvoir et d'autres facteurs. Nous comprenons également l'importance des forces coercitives en place, ainsi que des choix, impositions et décisions individuels. Les chemins que nous avons parcourus nous ont permis de réfléchir aux contextes éducatifs, aux intentions et aux exigences dans les contextes politiques et sociaux. Nous avons voulu explorer la relation singulière des auteurs avec les univers dans lesquels ils se trouvaient, en observant leurs processus d'origine et d'action, en tant qu'êtres sociaux qui donnaient forme à leurs expériences et donnaient sens aux situations et aux actions qui conditionnaient leur existence. En réfléchissant à leurs trois vies, nous nous sommes concentrés sur leur éducation, leurs relations familiales, leur militantisme, leur enseignement, leurs productions scolaires et d'autres aspects. Le processus méthodologique a montré qu'au cours des dernières décennies, les travaux académiques sur la vie des femmes ont connu une augmentation notable, révélant des données sur les trajectoires qui sont précieuses pour comprendre les places occupées par les femmes qui ont travaillé dans l'éducation et leurs exigences. À cette fin, des recherches bibliographiques, de la littérature, des lettres, des invitations, des lois sur l'éducation, des comptes de médias sociaux, des registres du cadastre, des annonces posthumes, des entretiens, du matériel pédagogique produit par les biographes, des recherches universitaires et des sources provenant de la presse périodique nationale ont été utilisés par mesure de précaution, compte tenu de la période qui s'est écoulée entre la naissance et le décès des trois auteurs. Le traitement des collections numériques et des dépôts d'archives s'est avéré essentiel, car ils offraient une variété d'indices. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur la base théorique des discussions sur l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne, l'histoire biographique et l'histoire des femmes, en donnant la priorité aux femmes auteurs de productions et de conceptions. Nous avons inscrit leurs noms et leurs vies dans l'histoire, sans délégitimer le prestige de leurs productions, mais en affirmant que Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont plus grandes qu'elles. Ce sont des protagonistes de l'éducation brésilienne, comme tant d'autres femmes qui méritent que leur histoire soit révélée. Crayon en main, elles ont brisé le patriarcat dans les groupes scolaires, les écoles normales, les organisations sociales et politiques et la famille. Nous concluons que les temps sombres qui entourent la vie et les noms de Benedicta, Branca, Iracema et d'innombrables autres éducatrices et écrivaines ne sont plus, parce que les femmes écrivent sur les femmes et les dévoilent dans l'histoire.Item Desigualdades educacionais, fracasso escolar e questão racial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-19) Freitas, Gabriel Rocha; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Bittar, MonaThis research, of a bibliographic and documentary nature, aims to comprehend the school failure in its relationship with the racial issue in articles published in the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa, in the period between 2018 and 2022 and in the analysis of the document Trajetórias do Sucesso Escolar published by Unicef based on data from the Brazilian School Census. It adopts dialectical-historical materialism as a theoretical reference, highlighting the contributions of Florestan Fernandes and Octavio Ianni to the discussion about racial issue in Brazil and the studies of Maria Helena Souza Patto to investigate the school failure instance. The selected material was examined using an analysis and documentation spreadsheet based on the guidelines for reading and analyzing academic texts (Gil, 2002; Lima and Mioto, 2007; Severino, 2016). The analysis of the selected studies of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa indicates the emphasis on anti-racist education as the main action to confront racism in school, articulated with two main points: the concern with the implementation of educational policies centered on critical racial approach curricula and the defense of educational practices with such approach, particularly in relation to teaching performance. Within the context of this documental analysis, it was possible to identify an emphasis on school success supposedly justified by the improvement of statistical indices related to grade retention, dropping out, and age-grade distortion. However, it is observed that such displacement obscures historical contradictions intrinsic to racism, which is an essential point to be deepened in further studies. The findings also point out that the Brazilian public school in the scope of Basic Education is more challenging for Black students, especially for male children.Item O campo, para mim, me define quem eu sou”: escolas famílias agrícolas e suas contribuições para a vida de jovens do campo no médio Jequitinhonha – MG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-09) Freitas, Gilmar Vieira; Pietrafesa, José Paulo;; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Alves, Amone Inácia; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Queiroz, João Batista Pereira de; Santos, Terciana Vidal Moura dosEsta tesis trata de las trayectorias de vida de los egresados de las Escuelas Familiares Agrarias (EFAs) de la región del Médio Jequitinhonha, en Minas Gerais. Buscó investigar y analizar las contribuciones de esas escuelas a la promoción de la vida de los egresados, destacando los desafíos y las posibilidades de esa práctica educativa, basada en la Pedagogía de la Alternancia. El estudio se basó en un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas, además de analizar Proyectos Político-Pedagógicos (PPPs). Los sujetos de investigación fueron graduados del Curso Técnico Agropecuario Integrado de Enseñanza Media, así como profesores, coordinadores, miembros de las asociaciones patrocinadoras y representantes de instituciones asociadas. El estudio también presentó reflexiones sobre el Vale do Jequitinhonha, basadas en la cuestión agraria; la juventud rural; y las interfaces entre la EFA y la Educación Rural. En la investigación, se destacan algunos resultados, tales como: a) Antes de ingresar en la EFA, los graduados habían vivido una escolaridad precaria. La EFA les proporcionó acceso, permanencia y conclusión de la educación básica. La incorporación significó una reducción de la deserción escolar; una alternativa a la migración estacional para los jóvenes; y una mayor adaptación para los indígenas. b) Durante su formación, los egresados mejoraron su rendimiento escolar. El proceso de formación a través de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia (PA) los llevó a conocer y fortalecer sus vínculos con el campo. c) La convivencia colectiva con sus pares les aportó experiencias y conocimientos como sujetos sociales y políticos. d) La elaboración de los Proyectos Profesionales Juveniles (PPJS) en las EFAs reveló retos en la experiencia estudiantil de los egresados. El alto índice de proyectos no realizados, la falta de autonomía material y la dificultad de acceso a las políticas públicas generan desaliento y descrédito en la relación con esa mediación didáctica. Los PPJS que se llevaron a cabo contaron con apoyo material externo (institucional/familiar); algunos proyectos se retomaron alrededor de una década después de su formación, tras cumplir condiciones mínimas de inversión. e) La mayoría de los egresados entrevistados trabaja profesionalmente en el campo, en la agricultura familiar o a través de otros servicios, considerando también el uso de actividades polivalentes. En general, fue un desafío para los jóvenes establecerse profesionalmente en el área en la que se formaron (agricultura) y en la región de Jequitinhonha, debido a la falta de oportunidades de trabajo y a las dificultades en la agricultura familiar. La mayoría de los egresados vivieron procesos de migración, alternando entre el campo y la ciudad; f) En cuanto a la continuidad de sus estudios, se destacó la falta de oferta de cursos en la región y la carencia de recursos para ello. La mayoría de ellos recurrió a la educación a distancia y a la formación alternativa para conciliar la educación superior y la actividad profesional; g) La mayor parte de la participación social de los graduados tiene lugar en asociaciones comunitarias locales, generalmente en sus comunidades de origen; h) Por último, es necesario estrechar la relación entre la EFA y los graduados para apoyar el proceso de integración social de los graduados, proporcionar formación continua y fomentar iniciativas de trabajo e ingresos solidarios. Los datos muestran lo fundamental que es el trabajo de las EFAs como espacio de formación de la juventud rural en el Vale do Jequitinhonha, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de la educación rural y de la agroecología por medio de la agricultura familiar campesina, sin dejar de lado los límites y desafíos.Item O ensino domiciliar na produção acadêmica (2013 - 2022)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-30) Gomes, Camila de Souza; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de;; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Carvalho, Diana Carvalho de; Toassa, GiseleThis work, linked to the Research Line Fundamentals of Educational Processes of PPGE/FE/UFG, investigates homeschooling with the objective of understanding how the connection between economic and political processes and the defense of homeschooling is effective in times of advancement of neoliberal and neoconservative propositions in Brazil. To capture the economic and political links in their reciprocal relations with school educational processes, the work is grounded in the studies of Marx (2004; 2010; 2023), Marx and Engels (1998), Hobsbawm (1982), Ianni (1988), Netto and Braz (2012), Saviani (2015), Miranda (2020), Lopes (1981), Ricci (2022), and Cury (2000; 2014; 2017; 2018; 2019). Through theoretical and bibliographic study (Lima; Mioto, 2007), legislation regarding the topic, as well as theses and dissertations deposited in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations from 2013 to 2022 were analyzed. The results indicate, within the scope of Congress, that the defense of homeschooling in the Brazilian legislature is tied to neoliberal and neoconservative agendas, with an attempt to dismantle what is mistakenly considered the State's monopoly on education. As a counterpoint, it proposes the transfer of responsibility and educational decisionmaking from the public to the private sphere. Regarding the analysis of theses and dissertations, the field of Education shows a greater number of research studies on the topic, followed by the field of Law. It was found that there is a higher prevalence of unfavorable works towards homeschooling in research originating from the educational area, emphasizing the social role of public schools; the studies from the field of Law, despite some reservations, are proactive, focusing on the regulation of homeschooling. The material and objective conditions that create tension and criticize the role of public schools indicate that there must be a sustained accurate reflection on the topic. Lastly, the analysis of the works reveals that schools are permeated by political, economic, and ideological issues and are spaces of dispute, demonstrating the need to continually renew the defense of the principles of public, secular, compulsory education committed to critically oriented formation.Item O financiamento do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar - PNAE no período de 2010-2022: o caso da rede municipal de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-01) Gomes, Fernanda Ferreira; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Mesquita, Maria Cristina das Graças Dutra; Oliveira, João Ferreira deThis is a study on the financing of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in the context of the public school system in the municipality of Goiânia, with a time frame of 2010 to 2022. The research correlates financial data with the number of students served and seeks to highlight the difficulties and challenges faced in implementing the program. A qualitative approach with a case study was used, as this is appropriate for examining the financing of the PNAE in the municipal context of Goiânia. It collected primary data through transparency platforms and formal requests to the municipality analyzed to obtain specific and up-to-date information. It correlates the financial data with the number of students enrolled in order to understand how the resources are being distributed and to analyze whether the amounts are compatible with the needs of the student population. A literature review was also used to understand the theoretical and historical context of the PNAE, as this is fundamental to the analysis and conclusions. Overall, this research addresses an important and complex area of educational policy and public funding, especially considering the dynamics of neoliberal policies. The results show that the PNAE plays a crucial role in promoting educational equity, ensuring that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic situation, have access to quality meals. However, the lack of adequate adjustments can hinder the program's implementation. In addition, the research highlights the lack of strategic planning in the financing of the program and the increasing dependence on states and municipalities to finance the PNAE.Item MAIS DO MESMO! a ressignificação do ensino rural: Projeto Goiás Tec nova modalidade de ensino na educação rural no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Gomes, Luciana Arminda Alves; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; http ://; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Duarte, Aldimar JacintoThe development of this study comes from the proposal of the research line “Education, Work and Social Movements” linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, comprising studies on rural education, especially in the state of Goiás, its history and its developments until the implementation of the “GoiásTec – secondary education within reach of all” program, which is a government program, implemented in 2020, in state public schools located in rural areas of Goiás municipalities. Based on preliminary analyzes regarding the characteristics of the program, the guiding problem of this research was raised: How to identify whether there were advances or setbacks between pedagogical ruralism and the GoiásTec proposal, to meet the demands identified by social movements, of the young population served by secondary education in rural areas? With the aim of identifying the similarities between pedagogical ruralism and the GoiásTec proposal, as well as setbacks in relation to rural education, aiming to understand whether the program meets the expectations and demands of the young peasant population. The methodology used was literary and documentary research, with the purpose of obtaining subsidies through written records, so that it is possible to compare the old pedagogical ruralism and the current GoiásTec. For specific analyzes of data related to students served by GoiásTec, a specific school in the municipality of Niquelândia was chosen, as it has particularities that contribute to the research perspective, considering that some of its villages come from quilombos, others of Settlement Projects (PA) originating from MST actions, in addition to places that were populated through the migratory process during the “March to the West” period, without links to specific movements fighting for ownership of land use. Thus, documents from a school unit will be analyzed, together with published articles, books, dissertations and theses, to understand how GoiásTec classes are being applied in the daily life of public education in Goiás, with regard to the education offered in the area rural.Item Por uma clínica Ética em Espinosa: Uma investigação do corpo e das forças(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-22) Gonçalves, Tarini Suzan Maciel; Muylaert, Marília Aparecida;; Hur, Domenico Uhng;; Hur , Domenico Uhng; Amorim, Ana Karenina de Melo Arraes; assoli , TiagoThe aim of this research is to map the concept of the body, the composition between bodies, and the role of ethics in Spinoza's philosophy to discuss how these concepts can function as tools for clinical practices. With the intention of questioning conventional approaches in psychology, which often adopt normative practices in the clinic, we turn to Spinoza's philosophy to oppose the Cartesian dualistic thinking. In our view, the latter contributes to the maintenance of normalization and categorization processes frequently employed in these practices. To achieve this goal, a theoretical study was initially conducted, primarily based on Deleuze's interpretations of Spinoza. Our intention is to replace conventional concepts with those we identify as more effective in promoting a healthy and active life. Based on these terms, we map the clinical practice through a field diary, seeking to elucidate how these concepts provide support in the relationship between the psychologist and the client during the clinical encounter. The method employed throughout the research process, encompassing both theoretical study and the field diary and clinical practice, is the cartography. Ethical clinical practice aims to enhance real desire and understand the dynamics of composition that shape our existence. The results obtained reveal the effectiveness of these Spinozist concepts in the dynamic between the psychologist and the client during the clinical encounter. The notion of the body provides a solid guide for understanding the individual, while the logic of composition between bodies expands the understanding of the interaction between nature and the world. This transformative understanding highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing our affective experiences as authentic guides towards understanding ourselves.Item Da formação humana à instrumentalização da literatura nos documentos que orientam os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-16) Jesus, Simone Aparecida de; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Vaz, Alexandre Fernandez; Silva, Pedro Fernando daLinked to the research line "Fundamentals of Educational Processes" at the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Goiás, this study aims to uncover the rationale behind Literature in the regulatory documents guiding education in Brazil and Goiás, specifically concerning the early years of Elementary Education. The central question addressed is: What is the rationale for Literature in the documents that guide education in the early years of Elementary Education? This is a bibliographic and documentary research study that considers as primary sources the guides "História e Histórias" (2001b) and the second volume of "PNBE na Escola: Literatura Fora da Caixa" (PNBE) (2014) from the National School Library Program (PNBE); the National Common Curricular Base (NCB) (2018); the Curricular Guidelines for Goiás (CGG) (2019); and the Reading, Writing, and Interpretation in Literacy (2021) books from the Alfamais Goiás Program. The theoretical references include, among others, Antônio Cândido, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, and Karl Marx. The study reveals that academic research investigating Literature highlights its relationship with Brazilian schools since their inception, often leaning toward an instrumentalized perspective, treating Literature as a model for language or a source of information. However, our analyses demonstrate two distinct perspectives in the current documents reviewed. Literature is approached both as a means of human development and as an instrumentalized tool. Notably, the document with the most intense instrumentalization is also the one closest to students, specifically the LEIA books, used by teachers and students in Goiás municipalities. Consequently, the study concludes that it is essential to reflect on how these documents address Literature, as a narrowing of focus becomes more pronounced in localized documents compared to national ones. It proposes the perspective of critical theory as an alternative, viewing Literature as an art form capable of fostering human development and considering it as an incompressive asset.Item Transexualidades: entre máquinas de opressão e possibilidades de resistência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-21) Lima, Ana Júlia Ramos de; Carvalho, Cintia de Sousa;; Hur, Domenico Uhng;; Hur, Domenico Uhng; Luiz, George Moraes de; Santos, Livia Gomes dosThe objective of the research is to investigate the place of psi disciplinary knowledge as a mechanism for the governmentality of trans bodies and possible practices of reinvention. As a method, we carried out a bibliographic cartography that is based on Michel Foucault's work on norms and governmentality, as well as on literature that discusses body, gender, sex and sexuality and on some concepts from Schizoanalysis. As a result, we found that psi sciences carry with them the possibilities of both reproducing the norm, categorizing and marginalizing trans bodies, as well as containing the possibility of promoting implicated discussions and being the cradle of the production of sensitive listening. Current literature already produces a set of statements by authors such as Preciado, Senna, Pelúcio, Jesus and others, who abandon a perspective based on medical-biological discourses and construct an epistemology of transsexualities. To produce new practices, we need to break with the silent pacts of whiteness and cisgenderness, name cisgenderness as a point of discussion and break with stereotypical conceptions that marginalize, rebinarize and normalize trans identities.